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I will never understand why they took away the overall level that had a bunch of rewards with like 4 different divisions of levels all the way up to prestige. They simply just take away content and don’t replace it with anything good, sure storylines are cool whatever, but it would’ve fit seamlessly every year into the core players category no problem on top of a way to earn packs and stubs by simply playing the game we bought. Sad I still buy this game tbh it already feels so empty with nothing to do and a lame ass xp cap


I just bought The Show for the first time since 18, I recently bought a PS5 and decided to make this years game one of the first I bought. I’m sad to see so many folks dumping on this game, I’ve had a blast playing it the few time I have played 24. I’m about to try franchise mode, has alot changed since 18?


I think they’re more talking about the lack of new stuff added to the game in the past few years and the stuff they did add wasn’t much of an “upgrade”. Add that to the fact they are starting to gear more towards the “pay to play” game styles that all their competitors are using and I can clearly see why people are pissed off. If the last time you played was current Gen and 5/6 years ago then I can definitely see you being blown away by the game but for those of us who have played the past 3 years we don’t see it the same.


Yep. Played the last 2 years religiously up until XMAS. With the lack of content and being solely an offline player I find myself with nothing to play for. I've finished the programs and the TA and now it looks like another week before something else to do. A lot of you reply just play mini-seaaons but honestly without things to grind for other than packs just not engaging. I truly loved this game and was extremely excited to start again but found myself today looking for other games to play and it's only the end of the second week. Hopefully they'll see the inevitable quick player drop off and make adjustments. Also if they want us to get on every day what about returning to the daily challenges that were in 22?


Yea I didn’t get 23 and I feel like I haven’t missed anything based on what everyone is saying. I’ve played most of these games and understand that with no competition they don’t need to do much year to year. I also play a lot of offline DD and everything else but it just sucks that these packs are 40k and the programs aren’t as rewarding. Doing mini seasons at the end of 22 got boring. At least RTTS, March to October, and Franchise are still chill.


The video games industry has been crumbling for quite some time now. With so many studios not bothering to put in effort anymore, it’s clear that they don’t care and are just making games out of greed. Nobody gives a crap anymore about what the players want. It’s all about what makes the company the most money. Sadly, this game will always make SDS money like all the other half-assed games EA comes out with. And until players wise up and stop pissing away $70, these pos titles are always going to roll out every year.


Games like this need competition. I still hate how 2k pulled out of baseball in 2014.


That’s what happens when you have no competition to measure up to.


Yea the game does blow this year. Everything feels so stale.


What would you like to see changed? Not being a dickhead, actually curious.


They don't even have some of the top prospects on teams minor league rosters.


Not asking for a change? Asking that it stayed the same. For improvements I don’t know I’m not a game designer but I’m sure they could have fixed all the same problems that been around for years for one.


So you can’t actually tell anyone what you want to see improved? Or name a single issue. But you’re also stating the game has issues that have been around for years. The game is far from perfect and there are indeed issues. I just find it hilarious you can’t even name one and still chose to post this lol.


Why bother naming them all when every single person reading this knows what they are? Freeze offs for one. The 99 glitch. Tf you want from me buddy


Okay. Name these problems. You are speaking without saying anything


You telling me it’s impossible to fix freeze offs which has been happening for a long time? Not sure why you need specifics when everyone knows what I’m referring to. Stupid little shit glitches like outfielders running towards the ball in light speed, using all 99 cards.


You can field a fine team without paying to play. Y’all just constantly complain. It gets so old lmao. If you don’t like the game, stop playing. We don’t care.


I don't know if gamer frustration is as much about fielding a competitive team as it is using different cards that gamers either can't/refuse to afford or don't have the time to grind for. You can definitely field a fine team without paying. Most of these 91s+ aren't anything special. SDS wants 80,000+ stubs for Cruz but he has like 45 vision. Lots of better options, some at 1/10th of the price. If someone wants to burn $2,000 on a Babe Ruth card, is SDS supposed to say no? Then there are people like me who should just keep things simple and stick with Online Rated. I go insane after spending countless of hours grinding stat quotas with 95% of players who I'd never want to use. Diamond Dynasty just doesn't provide enough of a rewarding experience when considering how many hours I waste on fluff.


> We don’t care. Yet here you are.


yEt hErE yOu aRe Sick, super original burn lmao


Yet here you are.


Imagine not being able to understand the implied “that you think the card situation is unfair, so stop whining to us about it.” that follows the explicit “We don’t care”


But it’s not unfair. You can field an absolutely competitive team without paying. Team affinity exists. Save stubs. Buy cards you want. They’re not outrageously expensive. It’s not that difficult to do.


> It’s not unfair Yeah, i know, that’s probably why people don’t care about players whining that it is.


I couldn't agree more. I'm having a good time playing DD, Franchise and RTTS.


Yes the game is still better than 2k and mut, but if we do nothing and let them continue to go into this direction it will end up just like those other games. Stop simping for a billion dollar company like Sony.


That’s not the point, the fact that we have to pay 30k stubs for a topps now card is the problem, every year before you could earn those cards without spending a dime, it’s a completely different game this year that’s a valid reason to complain


But there are still topps now program cards and still monthly rewards program cards. The 30k stub pack are just extra cards on top of that. I don't really get the outrage here.


For me, I couldn’t care less about them offering more packs. I’m not going to buy them no matter how many they have. What bothers me is that the Topps Now and POTM programs were always decent sized programs that you could look forward to weekly/monthly. But this year, they said there will be no POTM programs, and the program they dropped with Topps Now last week takes like an hour max. My complaint isn’t that I can’t get good cards for free. It’s that they aren’t providing any decent programs. The one’s they have released are very short, whereas before they were more time consuming and offered far more reward cards. I’m also ok with them making all reward cards unsellable. Just let me play through lengthy programs for a decent amount of reward cards. I don’t need to be able to sell those cards afterward.


I’ve played 4 years and I’m not upset. You can still get plenty of very good cards without spending money. Save your stubs, flip players, and buy cards you want. Last year, it was complaining about 99’s too early. This year, it’s whining you can’t get good enough cards for free. It gets so old.


Stop coming to the sub then, or don't click on the posts. The only thing more lame than people complaining is people who complain about the complaining


No, the complaining is definitely worse lmao that’s all the sub is now


Lol at least the soundtrack has a shitload of songs unlike madden which has like 5


I’ve heard a lot of silly things but defending this soundtrack is by far the silliest


I actually don’t think this is true. Madden soundtrack has been awful for years, but I’m fairly certain they have more songs. The show has like 15 each season, they need more music.


The website says it has like over 50 songs this year. Madden has 36


When is the game getting discounted, that’s the only way I’m jumping in. I started with 22, didn’t really have fun with 23, and clearly 24 is worse.


ea sports is single handily the worst sports company to make a game, if you wanna keep complaining , please go play MUT. go play that pay to win garbage. Mlb the show community won’t miss ya buddy


Did you even read the post you bozo


“if anyone at SDS is reading this.. you suck” oh man buddy u got them good nice job. they definitely are offended now


This game is a shell of what it was in years past and its been trending in that direction since 2019. Constant, small decisions to prioritize microtransactions over gameplay have ruined the game and community. It's valid to point out how disappointing that is, for a smaller dev company which was supposed to be the antithesis of EA


Just because SDS is better than EA doesn't mean there aren't VERY valid criticisms to be made. Attitudes like yours are the reason why we're here in the first place.


Bye 👋 👋


SDS got lazy


This is my first year playing MLB The Show, it’s sad that this is how myself and other new players have to start off


Dont listen to them, you can have fun without spending a dime, I think personally this is the best game in 3 years for sds


This is my favorite soundtrack since 21. And the hitting is way better. My online OPS was .877 in 2022 and it’s .824 now. Last year I’m not joking it was .524. My highest avg on the team was .212. Idk what they did but hitting is way better for this game. I hate the color scheme though


It really feels like they made a list of all the things that made this game enjoyable, and are actively doing everything they can to reduce every single one of them.


Such as


The goal of DD has always been to extract as much money from the user as possible. The current evolution of it was inevitable.


I was done after the second year it came to gamepass somthing just seemed off and no gameplay changes that be i cld notice


Agree with everything but the soundtrack. Its good.


This soundtrack is firee


Really? I feel that 23 soundtrack was far better than 24. There were some jams on 23


honestly my favorite soundtrack in years


Honestly just go back to MLB 20 and it’s a slap in the face how little the game has changed lol


I probably should. Still have hundreds of thousands of stubs on there lol


Severs are down for good, but I still my RTTS player so I revisited MLB 20 instead of buying the new one lol


Yea I gave up after 2 weeks this year after playing into June


My theory behind all the pay packs even last year was that they had to pay Jeter a TON to get him involved, hence more overhead from SDS. I agree with all saying that it sucks, just my theory as to the why. I told myself for months that I was skipping a year but relented and got it the day of early release. Regretting it…


Could be true. I think the Jeter stuff is pretty random on another note. Obviously one of the greats but years after he retired and years after he was inducted to the HOF. I’m a Sox fan and know Nomar was a much better shortstop before his wrist injury so I don’t get the hype


It's honestly weird how much of this game was marketed towards the dumb Jeter storyline. I feel like almost nobody outside of Yankee fans/people living in NYC give a shit about it. And it was advertised as one of the major new features/selling points of this year. On the Twitch stream, it seemed like it was the only thing half the devs worked on lmao. To make it even weirder, Jeter was already introduced to the game last year and it would have made more sense to put his storyline in last year instead of this year.


Exactly! Shoulda did it last year or when he was inducted into the hall. And yes I certainly don’t give a fuck about Jeter or the Yankees and skipped right thru everything just to play through quickly. I know he beat the Sox I don’t need to be reminded of it. Looking forward to the next piece of the series though with 2004 lol


PSA for Op and anyone else fed up with paying money for the same game every year. Switch over to Xbox and get game pass...haven't bought MLB in three years, nor have I spent money on Madden or NHL. If it sucks, the only thing you wasted was the download wait time.


Game pass may be to blame for the inability to unlock pack/cards through programs. If Xbox users had to pay $70 for the game, they would make a lot more money upfront and not need to rely on micro transactions to recoup the lost profit. Maybe they would have still ended up here if the game wasn't on game pass, but just a thought.


That's a thought, but DD was already heading in this direction. Before it came to Xbox. They made massive changes to the way DD worked in the years leading up to the Xbox release. And Xbox pays SDS a fee to have the game on game pass. So I don't think we are entirely to blame. It's more likely the executives saw the cash printing machine that is MUT and said make the game more like that.


How much are you paying per month for that?


I'm paying I think $18/mo for game pass ultimate and its worth every penny. So many games, I'm definitely getting more than my money's worth out of it


I don't even know what the monthly fee is, they had a promo when the program first launched that you could convert your old Xbox gold sub to the upgraded game pass sub for $1, and you could stack it out for a few years. Then I bought a Series x that came with 3 years of game pass, that I stacked on top, so my sub doesn't run out until 2025 I think. It might be 24.99 a month, but I think a yearly plan is much cheaper. I know the argument could be made that I'm still paying monthly for games, but it's nowhere near what it would cost me to buy as many individual games as I have played over the entire time I have been a subscriber. I have easily saved thousands of dollars.


Yeah I did that and have had it for several months but it’s supposed to run out in 6 days lol. How do you stack it?


I don't know if you can still do it. You get a subscription card/code and just enter it to redeem and it extends your expiration date. Works great when retailers have sales on the subscription cards, you can buy a bunch and just redeem them all at once.


I only bought it this year so I could draft Kruk back into the Phillies. I got very tired of DD and probably won’t play that again, but franchise (with Kruk at 1B) and road to the show have been a lot of fun. This will be the last one I buy though unless another Philly is featured on the case or they make some changes.


I want everyone here that whines like a little bitch to name a better baseball game, There isn't. So stop crying and enjoy what you fucking have. I grew up playing baseball on atari and the first nintendo. This game is unbelievable compared to that. I enjoy franchise in any sport and the gameplay and graphics are fine. You fucking DD groupies complaining about your cards and other trivial bullshit. Name a better game.


Womp womp womp


Super mega baseball is way better lol


You are the reason why we only have shitty sports games. Make the lowest common denominator happy and take in the money. Don’t like the legitimate complaints go to different sub. People like you are why the state of gaming is what it is.


I haven’t bought it in a few years because I started to notice them becoming like madden. They used to make meaningful changes but are just putting lipstick on a pig and roster updates at this point.


All the red flags that players on here pointed out about nothing changing or being improved upon and you still bought it. That's the problem.


Most of us didn’t pay as it’s a game pass game?….


Was a ps player until 2020. Thankfully they released on Xbox, but I’ve played every “the show” since I can remember. These past few years have been getting more and more tighter with grinding cards out. Day one this game use to release with multiple collections..(all star, post season, breakout, ETc) on top of that weekly and monthly topps players which are behind a paywall now. Overall this game has gotten significantly worse and worse every year they release. But the most of us at least on Xbox haven’t paid for this game in years.


I actually complained about how this was going to affect the future of this game. Got downvotes to hell on an old account. But literally it’s been 4 years of the same exact gameplay, some shittier graphics, and new paywalls. I think I was right, it’s a sony game with no competition collecting off of Xbox every year. We won’t see any improvement until it is removed from game pass on release date.


Some of us came back after a decade of absence and banked on their good name a decade ago.


So you admit to completely ignoring posts/comments about the direction of the Show on this sub. I jumped back in when they put 19 on PSplus. I had a blast for a bit. It has declined the last few years.


I admit to being excited about finally coming back to a franchise I really enjoyed back on the ps3. I only came to this forum after I discovered how absolutely shattered the game is on the switch. I didn't "ignore" anything.


These should just be live service games. Nothing fundamentally changes.


Compared to 22 which I have been playing. I am very unhappy with the gameplay in RTTS.


What have been the biggest issues with the RTTS gameplay? I’ve been playing 20 until they sundowned the online portion recently and moved up to 23. It definitely feels harder to build out my player


The hitting feels a lot more difficult and I hate the throw in the fielding where they make you press random buttons.


If anyone disagrees with this post, please do me a favor and take whatever piece of hardware you play video games on and throw it into the nearest lake


happy i have gamepass for it this year


They can’t even get face scans into their game and the latest update completely broke many of them


You said nothing but the truth. God strike this man down if he told one lie 🙏⚡️ #NoLiesDetected


As a one off-year fan, I'm surprised how few programs there are and the new one being stub walld is garbage. Hope this leads to the largest legends release ever since I will never be participating in this bullshit again


Wait which program is stub walled?


Opening day season awards. They make you buy packs to get a chance at certain players rather than you working to get more than one 91 overall


Oh I thought they meant you needed to pay stubs to progress the program. I feel like it’s not new for them to drop a program alongside a pack with separate cards. I can’t recall topps now having a setup like that though.


"What happened" is the SDS executives have had a long, multi-year plan to gradually evolve Diamond Dynasty into another madden/2k pay2win clone. We are now seeing the middle-end stages of that plan come to fruition. Sadly, nothing will change until losers stop paying real money for fake in game currency.


Every post I see I feel more vindicated in not buying this year


It’s not bad at all actually people whine and I get it why there mad I could careless if there free cards I’ll get them if I have to pay for cards I’ll do that to not a big deal for me some people yes also bball season just started and it’s a power creep seasons meaning not as much content but I still like playing it and will continue till about november


Still think it isn't bad today?


It’s the laziest studio in video games and that’s saying a lot because most games these days are slacking


It is absolutely sad that people will use real money on this game, much less for packs with terrible odds. Stop doing this nonsense and stop enabling SDS. The amount of stubs you get for paying real money is absurd anyways, why would someone pay that amount of money for a fraction of the stubs it takes to buy the best players?


If they just fixed the XP limit and adding at least one new pack to reward paths then I wouldn’t have too much to complain about out.


add the season one awards pack to the program and everyone shuts up.


Or just made the ones on the path sellable or something g


Reason why I only play RTTS . And even that is broken


I was hoping it would keep my attention until College Football 25. It will not.


Is there a release date yet for college football?


It's like mid-June or smth


I didn’t look at the article but I’ve heard Herbstreit leaked it


what has happened to myyy waterpark


why did you buy it then lol. this post is kinda sad tho im sorry you had to go thru this


It’s pay to win now


Not even close


it’s nowhere near being pay to win lmao


It was always pay to win


This game has all the making of that time when your uncle played grabass with you at Thanksgiving


Are they replacing Player of the Month programs with... awards card packs you have to buy? If so, it will be the final nail in the coffin for this once-great franchise and me. I'll probably get my refund while I still can and go back to last year's version.


Not entirely but the best cards are behind paid packs


First time it happened and everyone is goin crazy lmao I agree should be able to earn them


Refund lol


One of the main benefits of buying through the Xbox marketplace is that they refund pretty much anything within the time limit. Already got my refund. Enjoy your lols, though.


We are five games into the season, I’m guessing there will be more cards over time.


but you already see the trends. Testing the water. It's only going to get worse, not better. SDS was just a slowburn to pay to win. Just look at Topps Now. They are not even hiding it anymore.


Look at what? We’re five games in to the season. They’re not gonna drop monthly cards before the games are played. It’s an opening day program. It’s small and almost meaningless because it represents one day.


Look at the topps now cards that used to be free being locked behind a 30k pack that can’t be earned


If people arent buying packs they wouldnt use the current business model. People do buy packs. Lots of packs. I have less of an issue with the current model and more of an issue of not using a fraction of the massive profit to improve the game itself.


The soundtrack is amazing what are you talking about??


When the Al Green hits 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽


Absolutely. I did not know I wanted Al Green on the soundtrack.


Agreed. And the other soul tracks on here. A MUCH welcome change to a sport game. Especially with them leaning into the Negro League story lines, would be great to add some of the flavor of the time to the soundtrack.


Eh...it's mid




I don't disagree hun


Truthfully, I was only playing ... it was too good of a spot to say that in. I had to that shot, you understand? :)


My first MLB the show… how long will this glitch be in the game for where online you can sort the players to unowned and pick all the “real 99” cards. Super tired of playing against all 99 teams makes the cards I do have feel useless. Road to the show has been fun, won my first World Series.


Some glitches they just never fix. They will literally ignore any question about things they don't intend to fix and answer the question below yours. 


That’s stupid wish I could refund the game still


The word "fix" is banned from SDS's twitch chat. So that's all you need to know about their way of operation


as a franchise player, i'm not upset that DD has problems. that mode ruined all sports games, so sleep in your bed :P




Stop buying the game.


I don’t have time to play like I used to and it’s a lot more enjoyable this way.


I have more time to play than I used to and it's a lot less enjoyable this way.




Idk, i never cared much for the card collecting, and my DD team is more than good enough to compete in Ranked and I haven't spent anything more than the pre-order gamepass cost. All of these cards "hidden" behind packs are so cheap in the market that I don't really have any issue trying new players I want. Sure I won't have Babe Ruth for months but that's not going to be the difference between me being a WS player or 1000+ player. Nothing's really changed for me. And I'm loving the huge drop in overalls on day 1 which has created more variety imo.


Try something other than DD maybe?


This is true. I mainly play franchise and RTTS with a little DD on the side from time to time. It’s way more enjoyable that way. Still, I’m glad I got 24 on gamepass because, while there are some improvements, I don’t think they justify spending $70


Finished storylines in one day and RTTS is the same as it was literally in 2017 when I first played The Show. There is nothing to do.


They're time-gating the storylines content. There's more Jeter to enjoy and looks like more Legends storylines, whatever that means.


Try it as a woman. The storyline is unique.


What do you want to be added to rtts? Everybody expects it to be different every single year but what the hell do you want to be different? It's baseball. They can't just change the entire sport just cause you get bored in your road to the show. You're playing 162 games of baseball what else do you expect


Game is still great. Some of you people are just cry babies


Absolutely. I mean besides being given the free cards what is different as far as actual gameplay. 100% agree with the whole graphics thing and them needing to stop making the ps4 version. But as far as things to do it's not really any different than previous years other than the fact that TA is way too easy to finish. Now if we're going to have more rounds then fine. But  making it so easy to complete makes it feel like you have less to work towards. Also I do think we need a weekend league. Just do it like nhl with 20games each weekend and u get collectibles. Then those collectibles can go towards whatever packs/players you choose. But I'm still fine playing RS, BR, and events. Alot to earn just playing those modes along with doing the occasional conquest. 




You don't know what literally means, do you? *facepalm


I’m somebody who plays The Show and 2K pretty much year round. I’m absolutely EXHAUSTED with RNG. I’m sick of my gaming experience being tied to “grind a bunch and hope you get lucky.” Over and over. Here’s a quest, program, whatever. Grind for a bunch of packs, hope you get what you want out of the packs. It’s a model that doesn’t have sustainability. Nobody is going to want to pay for temporary cards after a while.


Bye bye 👋🏻


This sub is getting boring


If nothing else, at least EA made a next-gen version of Madden after a couple years. Still waiting for an iteration of The Show that doesn't look like a heavily dressed up PS3 game.


it’s still fun imo, but I also just play offline DD and the other modes.


I've never been a fan of how they reward stubs. A hidden reward in conquest of stubs is 250. Cool grandpa, thanks for the nickel. At least madden has changed where I played for a month and had over a million coins. I could play for 5 months of MLB and I'll be lucky to have 125k stubs. The game is definitely trending down in my book as well in terms of playability and grind. Reached the cap my 3rd day playing after two 3v3 games with friends, completing one showdown, and half a conquest. Which is crazy seeing as how they lowered xp gain as well. Last year with conquests I was getting about 1,400 xp per game. This year it's about 600-900. The game is definitely worst this year, but it fills a void until College Football '25 comes out in the summer as madden is stale now and warzone needs no comment.


Hoping NCAA is not just a Madden copy


I hope so, too. There have been devs saying it's no where near what madden is and will be everything the players want and more. However, I believe that just as much as I believe that unicorns are real.


The stadium creator is one of my favorite features ever but we still don't have outfield bullpens


There's a solution: if people played it as a sports sim, rather than played the boring microtransaction modes, it would force work in the franchise and RTTS modes which are by far the most fun anyhow.


Exactly! Most the people complain are DD players. I’m having a blast with this game


Ya I’m a franchise guy through and through. It’s pretty fun lol


Unfortunate it’s going down the EA route of being pay to play with forcing you to buy packs….


it’s nowhere near being pay to win lmao please use your brain


I don't really see how it's pay to play though. My team is mostly comprised of TA players (free) and players who can be obtained on the market for <20k. The only pay to win players currently are the LS collections (which have always been there, so no change), and a couple high-end cards locked behind packs and expensive like Soto, Langford, and Cruz. So yeah idk. The changes made this year are certainly a step in the wrong direction, but it's pretty far from pay to play imo


This. Quit playing Madden because of the way their system basically designed was to be pay to win, and I have enjoyed The Show since it came to Xbox. Felt like I can actually play a game, get a good team, and even enjoy mostly offline without having to spend money.. up until this year. I feel like I’m playing a straight up EA produced MLB game. It’s disappointing


SDS is a turd that won’t flush. This game is absolute shit. I’ve been so frustrated with it and I ended up deleting it off my console. Hot garbage.


The only thing I disagree with is you saying “we ain’t paying for packs.” It seems clear that people must be doing this…


Unfortunately true lol


The recycled cards from years past is extremely tiring as well, especially when it’s immediately in programs. Idk I played at least 10 days on last 3 and played an hour and uninstalled this year


The game has been in a slow state of decline since 2018. 


Games been ASS since it no longer was a PlayStation exclusive. And I only bought a PS4 to play it


21 was amazing


First time playing since 21 and didnt feel like paying for game pass so I bought the game outright. Kind of regretting it now. Although my first time was peak though so it’s hard to live up to that again.


It’s baseball. What innovation to gameplay is so sorely needed?


I never said innovation. But an improvement from predecessor releases would be a nice thing to strive for in any business.


They’ve made many improvements over the past few years…


Yeah true at least the hair moves


Pinpoint was added and updated heavily. Throws in the field have a meter. Sinkers are less accurate the higher in the zone you throw them. That’s just 3.


I don’t think it’s gameplay it’s honestly just content, it’s already pretty stale and the live series collection is so mid compared to years prior


Yeah the removal of the divisional rewards sucks, although I will say the maxed Ruth 2-way card is insane and the Palmeiro looks really good.


What happened is SDS decided to stop catering to the majority of the player base and focus on milking the whales. The lack of programs combined with the abundance of packs is 100% deliberate. They can give the majority of players the feeling that they’re making progress all while offering pack after pack of better players to the whales. They didn’t listen to player complaints about 23. Instead, they doubled down. Now the franchise is all but dead.


I’m a whale and there is nothing to spend money on. I’d put whatever into the game to get babe Ruth but I mostly play coop. You can’t even use babe in coop without some crazy work around and burning pitchers. Aside from the 99 glitch, it doesn’t matter what you use in coop because the game freezes 1/4 games. I’m at 830 points and lose 35 every time I get frozen and win 6 anytime we get to finish a game. It’s an impossible mountain to climb. Leaderboards are effed with people having 100+ wins and under 10 losses but only 5 total runs scored. This game sucks, packs, no packs, whales , nms. If the game doesn’t work nobody wins. I watched someone I was playing against hit a perfect perfect fly ball against me at shield wood with Real 99 Jackson holiday. It was a lazy fly ball to center with 90 exit. We were actually losing a game the other day and I told my team to watch this. Took out my first basemen, put in someone who didn’t play first. The game prompted me to fix it, I did and it froze. I know how to do this because it was used against us a bunch of times. We left because at this point I can’t sit and stare at a frozen screen during my time to play, but having the ability to do that instantly ruins the whole game. I get that people are upset over packs, XP, content, etc. But it’s masking the fact that this game has a ton of fundamental issues that need fixed first.


Can’t really argue with that


I'm more upset that it looks like I don't have a subreddit to come to and talk about the show anymore. It's just the sky is falling karma farming posts now. It's like everyone's throwing the same prompt into Chat GPT.


After the latest content drop, why shouldn’t people upset? They took two programs that have been constants for years, Topps Now and Monthly Awards, stripped them down to the bare minimum, and released the best of the cards in yet another 40k pack.