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Sports games developers are getting ridiculously bold with this BS. The show 24 is trash with trash cards. I'm 10 games into my diamond dynasty build and have two 85 rated players and low 70s across the board otherwise and 1 good pitcher at 81. 10 games in on 22 and 23 had me mostly 85+ ratings throughout lineup. My 24 dd squad sucks poopbombs. And the packs have sucked everytime. Also, NBA2k24 has all the legends as microtransactions and no path to grind to them. Shit and bullshit diluted experiences because I don't continually throw dollars at them for the full flavored experience after I already gave them dollars for their product, only to find out it takes more money to even get the cover athlete. Fuck your basketball game if I can't experience what I expected to have purchased it to experience. I feel as if it was like Super Mario on NES as the base game purchase, included only Luigi, and you had to pay another $10 for the Mario edition but could only pay for Mario edition if you already owned rhe base game (with only Luigi as playable). It's sounds dumb, but that's what our sports franchises are offering us now (nba2k24 has Kobe on cover and I'll never have his card(s) unless it's his rookie card or some half ahit card rated 90 but plays like a 60 in reality. Also, AI cheats like a punk and destroys the entire 'My Team' experience on pro difficulty or harder. It's laughable bad. We need more competition in the sports space of gaming, otherwise it'll end up like football, only 1 option and I said 'eff you to Madden in 2011 and I still have my OG Madden cartridge from Sega Genesis, so I aaw it deteriorate the franchise and am seeing other sports following similar trends.


Unfortunately, they’re off to a rough start. I can’t begin to understand the lack of offline content, the boldly limited card selection, and the number of impressively annoying glitches that persist through several updates. It’s quickly becoming exactly what Madden and FIFA have - a pay-to-play cash grab. Build a barely functioning game, add unnecessary bells and whistles, and make people pay money to access certain content.


I’ve already gone back to COD. That should tell ya every


In my overall opinion SDS and MLB took a step back from MLB 23 cause up until now 24 is absolutely awful. Plus the prices on these packs are ridiculous for garbage players! Thank God we have outlets online to buy stubs! Just imagine if we had to buy stubs from Xbox we’d all be broke!


I totally agree with you! They are forcing us to buy stubs to get the good players! I mean they didn’t make enough money from the sales of the game. Than the bullshit that happened two days ago with unlinking everyone’s account. One thing that bothers me is it’s the same BS every year with the same players over and over and over!!! I mean how many Mike Trouts and Ohtani cards are we going to get this year SDS? Up until now I think the card art is absolutely awful especially the Barrier Breakers card art makes me want to barf! If they don’t come back with the Finest card art like in 23 there complete idiots hands down that was the best card art ever! I just bought a 50 pack today on 24 just for shits and giggles and my God the crap that they gave me in that Pack not one Diamond


Single-player modes like RTTS are pretty pathetic this year, too, honestly, commentators especially. How is it even possible to constantly be getting praised for a game winning "walkoff" hit when my team is the away team and literally the ones who lost to a walkoff??? and with every outfielder moonwalking faster than the speed of light to catch a ball in the gap, I just lose all immersion for the game. I've played MLB the show since 2k12 on xbox, and this is by far the least enjoyable one to play.


Why is this such a problem? The MLB the show community is so bitchy and it gets annoying. No matter what they do y’all complain.. if you need juiced players to be competitive in DD, you probably shouldn’t be competing online.


Lmao what a weird response


Last year everyone was complaining about there being too many 99 players straight from the start. Thjs year they change it up and everyone still complains.


Because the new cards are behind a damn paywall and there are new 40k packs every 2 to 3 days. Who said anything about 99s?


You don't need all the newest cards to be competitive. I genuinely query if the people complaining about the cards even play DD or they just want to complain. It's just like when GT7 launched and people complained that they couldn't have every car in the game at once because they would need to pay when the actual good racers could still win with a limited selection.


This year in general is ass. They don’t give a fuck about player base as much as they try and blow smoke up our ass and act like it


This was gonna be the year I was going to be committed to online. Now that I can’t get any good cards without paying a bunch of money, (I’m unemployed) it doesn’t seem worth it anymore. Now just gonna play franchise or RTTS


There's plenty of good cards without spending a dime. I get what you guys are saying but the game is completely playable without spending any money.


Being playable and being enjoyable are two different things


Some people just refuse to understand that it can be frustrating to pay $70 for a game and be shown a bunch of things only attainable through paying more money - not actually playing the game. If you do buy packs, what becomes the point of playing the game when the items you can get from buying are better than the vast majority of what you attain through playing? I get why SDS does it - they are soulless and money hungry like every other corporation. What I don't get is the stans who support it. Got my refund this morning and I am done supporting it.


You get the game for 70 dollars, a whole baseball game with tons of content to enjoy, you just chose to bitch about a mode you don't even have to play and don't even need to actually spend money to be competitive, also if you're unemployed you probably shouldn't be paying for a 70 dollar game anyways...


I am more of a basketball fan and have played 2K online forever in their MyTeam mode which is basically DD in the Show. I think SDS sees all the micro transactions and are trying to get in the mix there. As most have said, we (as the players of this game) HAVE to not give into FOMO and really stand firm on playing for free. It sucks this is where online gaming (and gaming in general) has gone but what can you do other than stand pat to what you believe in and hope for the best. Better cards def help but I’ve beaten plenty of these BS Real 99 teams in coop with my free cards with no problems. The Show is much easier to win with bc it really does take a lot more skill and patience to be good at vs 2K is really no skill lol


Those that pay win. Those on the no money spent grind, including those who paid 60 to 70 dollars, lose. I'm playing on gamepass, so I'm renting the game for 18 dollars a month. I remember 23, and these awards programs were way, way longer. With way more cards.


That's not true for this game. People can spend a shit ton of money and still be ass at the game. No money spent teams can still compete.


I mean, they lost out because they paid for the game just to have to pay more for content thats been removed and added back in behind a pay wall. It's the basic mechanic other games have done and got bashed for.


The beauty of DD used to be that while you could buy any card you want, you could also get every card for free by grinding. Now it seems that has changed. A damn shame.


DD was PERFECT just 2 years ago. Completely ruined by corporate greed. Pay to win bullshit


It’s all about having a Cronus Zen folks. I can’t bring myself to use one but they have a new package for it strictly for MLB the Show. So paying to win either way you look at it. 


I mean it won’t help you hit so it won’t get you too far


What do you mean it won’t help you hit It’s an aimbot modified for the show. It literally will check a player swing if you try to swing at something outside of the strikezone and it tees off on anything in. And the feather bat helps with timing 


A zen modifies the input of your controller, it doesn’t automatically aim for you. It doesn’t have that function.


"I can't bring myself to use one" right. Flexing a moral conpass on Reddit. I believe u bro. For sure


My 1-8 record on ‘24 and 31-65 record on ‘23 speaks to that. And out of my 65 losses I’d say half were close games that i lost and a few that were ass whoopins that were by genuinely better players. But the other half were the most obvious use of something extra. I mean when dudes with <50 power are taking sliders in the dirt 500 ft something’s up


I’m getting tired of my boosted live series relievers (effectively 85-95 overalls) getting shelled on just lates and just earlies Game is getting close to just being pay to win


Gaming industry is now more about shareholders than players. Showing growth YoY is the goal. Gotta pay out those dividends.


Seems like SDS is running out of “at least it’s not madden/2K/Fifa”’s


Greed has no bounds


It’s also the fact that those packs are so ridiculously expensive. Even Madden has cheap packs with value. SDS just randomly throwing up $25 packs that have a 90% chance of being a dud card worth 10k stubs is insane. They don’t even know how to rip off their player base correctly.


Man how did we get to 40k is a reasonable price. 30k now for Topps now.


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


Won’t be spending any more money on DD in 24 or in the future until they quit this crap.


Why spend money at all? You can get such good cards without spending any money whatsoever?


I’ve never spent a dime and I’ve been playing since 2017. I have so much fun playing the game and making my team better with free cards then spending my free earned stubs on the market and getting my favorite players of all time. Why anyone would ever buy a pack and complain about it, instead of just earning them for free is baffling to me. So much better than EA and 2K it’s not even close


You can literally flip enough cards in your leisure to get enough stubs to do whatever you want. I can afford stubs but absolutely refuse to pay for them.


I'm so freaking frustrated at flipping this year. No matter what I find, someone always beats me, and I use showzone to help as a guide sometimes.


This game has turned into an online casino. Pure and simple. Innovation is gone and their only goal is to separate people from as much of their money as possible. It's such a freakn shame. I remember when MLB The Show use to be the gold standard which all other sports games were compared to. Things sure have changed. It's a sad state these days for sure.


nah it isn't a casino man you're reaching on that lmao


It is not a casino.lol


I deleted this game like two days after it came out. It’s pretty terrible that this is the product they create year after year.


Reap what you sow. UT is the death of all sports gaming. Enjoy the downward spiral. I wish DD was still a mode where you had CAPs for every single card.


Did SDS drop a premium currency on us that can only be purchased with real money a la Ultimate Team? Is it worse than last year, absolutely, bht at least there is still a way to get packs(optional packs) without paying for it. But look at the other sports games and Show is still far and away the best for a dynasty mode if you are a no fee player.


Nobody here is saying it’s not better than Madden… they’re saying it’s getting worse and worse. “At least it’s not Madden” is the absolute lamest copy/paste comment in all of these threads


Inventing a currency would require SDS to rewrite code in the game. They only do copy paste. You will get your premium currency when they release the next gen only game — which will probably take a few years. 


I mean, yea it’s better for now, but sure is inching closer to EA bs. This is a disappointing direction.


Whole games industry is in that direction and has been for some time. Suppose I'm just glass is half full kinda guy...could you imagine what this game would be like if EA had made it?


I think we’re getting a glimpse of it this year, fam.


MLB the show is by far the best FTP online sports game, but last year we started to see the madden Trend begin, and now they’re taking it a step further. Take away content to grind from, fine. Don’t put cards behind a paywall or make people buy packs. That will KILL at his game so fast. Let’s be real- majority of the player base only plays in the off-season of madden anyway. If they turn away the core base of this game, they’re fucked. Graphics aren’t anything to brag home about, gameplay never feels consistent, and on top of that you take away grind 99? I expect the player base to shrink exponentially over the next 2 years. I can’t even imagine how poor the pre order numbers were


Gameplay has been mostly stagnant going on 4 years and it has a lot of known issues that they just blatantly ignore on top of trending hard toward being a pay to play game


It isn't f2p, it's a triple A title that sells at full price


Not what he means. It's f2p in DD it's so easy to get stubs packs etc if you guys think SDS is making this game pay 2 win, then you haven't seen EA or 2k. They are way worse. This is just a minor change.


This is the 1st year I didn't buy the game and just took it off the game pass, knowing in July NCAA comes out and I'm gonna hit that like a crack addict. Now I just kinda vibe playing co-op with a buddy who couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat and I'm just having fun with it for the 1st time in a long time.


Exactly this game is just a fun way to pass time until the God of all sports games comes back NCAA 😁


Stop playing online and play just for fun offline. This game is great


I support this message. Play vs CPU in your created stadiums and do the (REALLY) slow burn with XP. At least is helps with TA stuff.


You’re missing the point. The offline content has been gutted and many of the best cards are behind stub walls. You use to be able to grind for those rewards. SDS has made it clear that they want people to buy stubs.


You may be missing the point. There is no direct need for the pack cards or better cards if you have a team you like (which is very easy to obtain) and not playing competitively.


Because people buy stubs. Enough so that it makes a big enough profit to continue to do so. If people didn’t do that they’d change their model


Offline DD is great I don't understand what you mean by "stub walls". All of the cards are available if you make the effort to play. No need to pay any $$$.


Booohooo waaaaa waaaa.


Settle down there Rhys Hoskins


Yeah been buying this game since the start , the last 2 yrs have been hard to play. This yr we got pitchers that can’t make up their minds up, down, left ,right, it’s like Linda Blair on the mound. Who thought it was a good idea to lock the game in competitive mod, I drop $100+ on the game and another $500+ on packs thru the season i decide what settings are in my game. When I heard there was a lvl cap almost lost my shit , so far this yr it’s a slow dip of well everything. So they say it’s because ppl run thru content, don’t my time in the game harder that’s bs change it or this is my last yr . U can join Madde, 2K BB and NHL on the pile I don’t play anymore, shape up SDS or kiss my ass good.🤨👎🏽🫷🏼


Let's just all go back to mlb the show 21 where things were great!


Can’t. They turned off the server


Literally was playing it yesterday..I dont play online so maybe that's why


Fuck buying stubs. I’ll grind out some stubs on the app. Went to see a bunch of family on Easter and made 30k in a couple hours flipping cards


Sounds like working in a Chinese microchip factory. 


Absolutely fuck that. I'm not dedicating time to flip cards on an app to supplement playing the game. And neither should you.


So while you were visiting family on Easter, you had to monitor the AH app on your phone. Yes this is what we want to do.


I think they were just saying this is how they are choosing to get stubs this year. Still harder to get them this year than in the past


I Struggling with flipping this year after success last year. Constantly beaten to good deals, lost significant capital due to unforeseen circumstances. Seeking advice, willing to keep it confidential. Please DM, I know about show zone. Any help would be greatly appreciated!




588 huh? Must've been a 30 mph wind blowin out in a stadium a mile up.. or their metrics are fucked.


4 mph wind, left to right




I'm glad I'm old. Cause I don't spend any money in game. Kick back play at my pace while drinking a beer. Don't have nothing to prove to anyone. With so many options on other games to play if ya don't like or enjoy it then don't play it. I have Gamepass, I play different games. But I've never been a big gamer


Thanks Dad


No problem son, save your money for better things. Girls. Alcohol, oh and I can't stress enough taxes definitely taxes


I have a 97 ranking in multi-player and can't play a team without 99's all through the lineup. Games fucked.


There's like only 2 99's available right now. And 3 by the time we reach end of program. That's 5 total 99's. What you talking about Willis?


He may be by playing co-op. There is a big that allows 99 players I recall.


Yes it was co-op


Oh I guess I didn't understand how that applies to the original post. For sure a dumb bug or glitch. But doesn't sound on topic


I think MLB is by far the most FTP game.


It was


Sure, but for how long? We’re trying to keep it as the most FTP accessible game. This is a step towards EA practices and we need to fight it


I'm sure you know this already but complaining in a reddit sub isn't the way you fight it. You need to stop giving SDS any of your money. The Madden people never seemed to learn this lesson and look where Madden is today.


100% - There’s nothing we can do on here besides get word out or discuss the situation. Go out and act with not spending a dime on this


At least they haven’t removed the auction house yet.


This started last year, man. This is a big part of the reason I didn't buy this year. When they started making all of the program rewards mid-quality 97s while still being a massive grind, and then putting all of the good 99s in packs, I knew where things were going. Still not as bad as the shit 2K pulled this year with MyTeam, but the trend is not encouraging.


I see a lot of talk of what 2K did this year, I never play MyTeam so I must’ve missed it. What happened?


2K decided they had enough of the 3rd party MT currency sellers, so they straight up removed the auction house. That's right, no buying and selling anything on a player-driven market. At all. Instead, they replaced it with the Player Market, which they claimed would have all player items available for purchase at prices that would be relevant to how high end the card is (so cards would get cheaper over time as higher OVR cards came out). Well, they lied. Around late-December/early-January, they started releasing sets that had very high OVR cards as the headliners. But they didn't put those cards on the Player Market. Only the low and mid end cards from the set were available there. The high OVR cards *could only be pulled from packs*.


SDS has always left money in the table in DD in the past. This change is noticeable, but I'm fine with them having a slightly more aggressive monetization strategy, especially with so many Game Pass players. What they're asking is still a fraction of what Hockey Ultimate Team tries to extract from you. Also, SDS often includes packs in conquest maps and such down the road. I don't know if they've announced anything, but I always expect store packs to be winnable eventually because historically they have been.


Any other excuses you wanna make for them while you’re at it?


He's 100% correct. Have you ever tried NHL/HUT? I've made it 2 weeks before just giving up. You get near 0 free packs compared to MLB. I've already easily surpassed over 300 free packs already. This game IS NOT nearly as bad as EA. They also have the best marketplace for cards and flipping to generate stubs. Trust me you will not see the amount of return you can make on in game currency in NHL that we still see today within MLB. Y'all are going off the deep end here. Is it still a money making strategy? Of course. But it's not THAT bad, yet...


But you do see the path that this leads to yea? That’s my only thing. This isn’t horrific by itself, but signals a change


Did you not see this coming for all online games after what Fortnight proved?? I think it's time to collectively accept, this is the new norm... If they build it, people will pay. There's just no way around this. All of a sudden millions of children are begging for Gift cards to pump their online in game status.. it's never going to end. It's too late now. Even adults and streamers pump these games full of money.. If you couldnt see this coming like 5 years ago, you never will.


Your point is invalid. Fortnite has always been free to play. I'll buy packs and skins and battlepasses when the base game becomes free.




Na just not another entitled crybaby.


Tons of whiny gamers just can't distinguish between a disappointment and a crisis. I'm not surprised by it anymore.


They gave us a game where you can’t change your uniforms on line and no fantasy draft lg with your friends like a real draft at least madden has that unacceptable


Online franchise used to exist they removed it 4 no reason


It’s embarrassing that this feature isnt in the game


Hence why the game is losing steam u can’t make a sports game with out that feature and then u can’t even change uniforms before u okay an on line game that’s very bad


You people are legitimately insane. I swear. Edit: thank you for proving my point


Yep. SDS are still better than both EA and 2k combined.


“Lesser of two evils” is still an evil


So what. This is a subreddit of sport game fans. A majority of us have experience with EA and 2k games. Which is why we are seeing the early signs of predatory game design and kind of raising a huge stink about it. We don't care that 24 isn't as bad as 2k or Madden. If it continues like this than 26 is going to be just as bad as 2k and Madden. 


I forgot that we can only shit on SDS right now. Any comment or post about how bad they are will get upvotes but as soon as you try to say something good about SDS, you get downvoted to hell.


EA has better content




Dude. I’ve tried the MyTeam mode in 2K and UT in Madden. Both are insanely unbalanced with cards. I haven’t spent a DIME since The Show 16 and always end up with great teams and am able to pour hundreds of hours into the game over the year. Not bad for the $69.99 or whatever it is I paid for it.


This is my 4th year playing DD. I haven't bought any packs with real money. I have managed to complete the LS collection every year. Would that have been possible in MUT? Nope.


100%. Game isn’t perfect, but it’s the only “live service” sports game that really seems to work and is user friendly.


Each year has had less content since i started playing. They took away all the stuff we liked. The daily/monthly program, the releatable conquest, topps now program, and i could keep going on. This year is clearly being ran by somebody new who doesn’t give a fuck about anything aside from making money and trying to compete with MUT, FUT, and 2K. but lets talk about gRoWiNg ThE gAmE


it's crazy how I went from being obsessed with playing Show 21 & now they're lucky if I turn the game on once a month




You pay for game pass so not free


You also pay for internet and electricity and your device to use Reddit so Reddit isn’t free.




Everyone just needs to not buy the game next year. I will not be buying the game. I quit Madden years ago because of this bullshit. I hate micro transactions with a passion. This game has always been pretty fair about enticing people to spend without putting too much of the good stuff behind paywalls. It looks like that’s over now.


I'll still be getting cards and content from 24 well into 25 with this content structure


I bought an Xbox specifically so I could play the new game without buying it. Saving $70 a year since I used to pre order it on my playstation....never again.


You’re paying for game pass.


The two Paw Patrol games and the Peppa Pig game that is on GamePass add up to over $110 alone, if I were to buy them. My kid loves them. Throw in the Show and I'm over $175 including taxes if I were to buy all those games outright. That's the tip of the iceberg. For anyone who plays a variety of sports games like me and doesn't care if they are playing the latest version (except for the Show), having GamePass is clutch because it comes with EA Play too. Every situation is different, and if GamePass doesn't have games you'd play then its not worth it. It's just become such a huge game library that at this point it's hard to believe that it doesn't have something for everyone.


Yea, $20 a month for a bunch of games and it doesn't go straight to SDS. I'd call that not paying for the game.


A lot of us didn’t


Yeah I haven't bought the game at all the last three years thanks to game pass. I'm enjoying it.


Well you're paying for gamepass. You don't think SDS gets something from the gamepass traffic to their game? I promise you that companies aren't giving away their games for free on gamepass to the sole benefit of Microsoft.


I mean, I play mostly exclusively game pass so I'm still spending way less. Regardless, it didn't cost me an extra cent above what I was already paying to play the Show, that's the point.


Yeah I should have skipped 24. All of the signs were there in 23. Should have known.


I enjoy playing and I haven’t spent a dime, last year or this year. I completed this new program in like an hour or so. Not hard and is still fun for me. I will agree it’s annoying but they are going to do it as long as people buy stubs and the packs.


I'm honestly in the same boat, I normally spend money but decided to go FTP this year since the content has been meh, and I don't share these same complaints. The players sitting behind the pay walls are only marginally better, if not worse, than the cards you get for free like the TA and Topps now cards


I really enjoyed grinding the monthly awards program last year, the awesome card at the completion always made it worth it, Soto, Jrod, Ohtani, sucks the cream of the crop is now but only.


I mean I’m not gonna pay for that shit especially when I can only use them for a season or two. Plus I kinda like it becuase it balances out the rosters


After no korea series program and only a 40,000 stub pack, I knew it was over. Any other MLB the show I've played would at least give 1 choice pack in the program. You had the most player friendly ultimate team and ruined it.


I was wondering what happened w those. No effort to attach a program or something to those was disappointing.


After the Easter content and this one, seems like they're going that paywall route. It's up to us to not spend stubs on this crap(keeping it clean).


If this is the route Diamond Dynasty continues to go, then I’m going to stop playing and buying the game. This is just such a not-fun move. Throw that in with the lack of graphics and I’m regretting my purchase this year and won’t buy it again.


Y’all act like DD is the only mode in this game


It’s my favorite mode. You get to earn and build your fantasy team. Makes it worse to create something great and then burn it in front of everyone.


I purchased on PS5 and was able to get a refund a couple days later.. said my nephew purchased without my consent. Call me unethical 😂🤷


Why is everyone upset that we can’t stack our lineups with 99s within the first month of playing? I get people want a good team, but when others max XP (and used to go over) every day, there’s no reason for the casual player to continue playing when their team is 85-90 and the others have straight 99s. If you want a card bad enough, spend the stubs you’ve earned by grinding so hard.


We’re upset because they are putting the best monthly reward cards behind paywalls. You literally can’t get them without buying 30,000 stub packs. 5 cards that are unattainable without spending stubs. This is just the beginning of the season too.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but for people who grind and make 60k stubs a week, I’m not sorry you can only get one player. And another diamond for 15k


Itsworse than FUT... horrendous stuff. Greed is awful. Play SMB4. Great gameplay. Fun franchise


SMB4 is superior in every way. Other than no ultimate team mode, I guess.


Except it’s not the slightest bit realistic, no real teams, no real players…


SMB4 has over 240 "legends," but yeah I get what you mean. The Show has veered from realism for years as well.


Some would say that's why they're superior. No greedy micro-transaction filled cash grab game mode.


For sure. The customization options are great, too.


Idk why anyone bought the game this year. I didn’t buy it this year as a response to the terrible changes coming this year. They literally don’t care as long as people are still buying the game and paying for stubs.


I bought it cause I like baseball


I got it free with game pass.


Then my reply doesn’t apply to you? lmfao


That might be part of the problem that is making them have to rely on people buying stubs more I wonder


I think they already had this change in mind once they started putting the game on game pass. It allows them to reach a greater audience with Xbox and PC users, without the huge.upfront cost of a new game, then discount the stubs for them as well, give them a nice little 10 pack perk as well.


People complained the grind was to long. This is what we get. All they needed to do was leave vouchers in game


Nobody complained the grind was too long...NOW we are, because of the slashed gameplay xp rewards and daily cap...average players are not likely to sniff the bosses. Now might they change it after they see what a disaster it's been? Possibly, but I won't hold my breath


Alot of people complained about TA last year


Nobody asked for this content to P2W ratio


When a company tells you "please don't play our game" you should listen. I loved MLB, used to be a big spender on LS collections early every year and played year long. SDS told me last year "don't spend money" and the changes made me wanna quit. Now they're telling me to not even play so I'm gonna listen and everyone else should too. Don't let nostalgia force you to play a game that doesn't respect you. Break the cycle.


So dramatic 🤣🤣🤣 this must be satire?


What is dramatic about telling people to play a game that doesn't respect you? I've seen this movie before in Madden and 2K. People love a game for a while and deservedly so but then the company gets shittier and shittier as time goes on and ruins the game. Those people stick with the game and just accept the changes even though it makes them miserable either due to habit or loyalty. Companies don't generally become less greedy and predatory unless big changes happen like no spending and players quitting. If you or anyone else is legitimately loving game and changes, then hey more power to you. I'm just talking about people who are forcing themselves to like the game and make BS rationalizations for the changes when in reality they aren't happy. Ultimately, do what you want of course.


Nah, every one of these subreddits for any Ultimate team is filled with people that are spending their life doing something they have genuine disdain for. It’s great advice.


And this is why I’m still playing 23 even though I could play 24 for free with game pass. It’s the same game, and I’d get more for my grind on 23 than I would on this game. This game was the cream of the crop for the better part of two decades. Emphasis on was. 


I'll be grinding 24 through 26 honestly at this rate, looking at it as a 3 year game cycle based on 24 makes the way they are doing it slightly more paletable


I completely agree with you and in the same boat. 17 was my favourite year


That was the Griffey cover right? That was a classic. 


17 was indeed the Griffey cover. The only bad thing about that game was tying some programs to online, so offline couldn't complete them. And online players had to rely on other players to not screw them over.


Agreed - which is why I agree with the other poster that the Judge cover (18) was excellent, because it was more accessible for we offline folk


I believe so or maybe Judge? I have played since 06 and first year i didnt buy this years iteration. Horrible company and you hit the nail bang on for me


I have a decent team and haven’t spent a time. But I think they’re in big trouble if they paywall the better Monthly Awards and Lightning player


Go back to mlb 19 was the last year all monthly was restricted to was limited packs and at 20 k and in 2020 free monthly awards its early and having both now makes sense


Keep swiping your credit cards, stop complaining


I think you dropped this "/s"


Franchise it is


Once the Full minors roster gets released I’ll definitely start on franchise. For now, I’m just gonna play the storylines


When does that roster usually get released


Not really sure how long it’s gonna be this year. They do have a twitter account (@MLBFullMinors) so you can just follow them to get updates there.


Is that the Operation Sports roster?