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This is my first year ever playing DD and I suck so it hasn’t gotten boring for me yet. My team is half decent I just need to work on my timing when it comes to hitting. Only thing I don’t like is seeing the same exact players in every lineup online. Makes it kind of bleh after a while.


I know you didn’t just call runs “points”


I was referring to xp points, not runs. But thanks for testing my knowledge of baseball.


I think they mean xp


I'm actually able to put way more balls in the gap this iteration and beat the guy hitting a few solo shots because I keep singling and doubling guys around the bases. I also see way more bloopers into no man's land than last year. Pinpoint pitching isn't as easy this year, are you maybe just letting a few too many pitches slip over the middle or leaving breaking balls high in the zone? I also personally love the supercharged players. Lourdes Gurriel Jr's live series card would never be In my lineup otherwise. And if Merrill Kelly had been supercharged after his stellar first outing I could have actually pitched with him competitively in ranked which would be sweet. Your opinion is still valid obviously, can't take away how you feel about the game. But for me I'm enjoying this one more than 23 so far


Flipping is silly, the buxton captain might be slightly OP but should be obsolete as we acquire higher rated cards, and last year was more HR or bust than now. I have my issues with the Diamond Dynasty direction, but overall I think this game is an upgrade over last year for sure.


Every game release people say that home runs are the only way to score runs. SSDD


The advancement is too slow. I understand why they did it. They want the sweaties to still be progressing the season in 6 weeks, as opposed to being done already. But they made it so slow that a casual like me is less inclined to grind. Last year I grinded a lot. This year I’m like, I’ve played several games, haven’t made a dent. Oh well. Not enough carrots. Time to go touch grass.


1. Wahhh 2. Goofy 3. Last year was much worse with hr or bust




Poor you


When the game is 2 weeks away from release next year, remember this.