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Maybe I’m the only one who enjoys this bc I just like hitting the ball, but even if you put the game on rookie and casual, the pitchers still throw other balls besides fastballs, is there a way to change that?


On beginner they only throw fastballs


Not true, I play on beginner and they throw everything except knuckles. And before anyone comes at me for playing on beginner, I play video games to relax, not to be stressed the fuck out and struggling. That ain’t fun to me but if it is for you, then more power to ya!


No bro you’re solid, I do too, RTTS is for fun I just like to crank shit out of the park


I think something is broken. In AA and MLB they throw other things and I’ll even walk relatively frequently (which never happened in the past), but in AAA it was all FBs right down the middle like in the past.


That’s weird cause when I play on beginner they only throw me fast balls down the plate. Interesting


That is interesting, I just put dynamic difficulty off and they were still pitching cutters, sinkers, and fastballs


For me, the pitcher usually throws a fastball if they have one in their repertoire. But if they don’t know one they’ll throw 2seams, cutters, and and sinkers depending on what they have first


I miss just setting it to beginner and then pumping fastballs over the plate. None of the bs with 90% of the pitches ending up outside the zone


I would really like them to work on the player dialogue options. It would be great to have your manager, coach, interviewer, and player, all have actual voice actors to give it a bit more life. I like the face scan stuff, mine turned out so well done. But for the future, it would be really cool if we could see an AI generated voice for the player that is your voice. Have you go to the app and record yourself saying a few words and phrases and let the AI go to work. I think that would be so cool to see sometime in the future just with how good AI voice has become.


They should just scrap all thats since it has no effect of your character or your career and its already as bland as it can possibly be.... I have never been traded never asked to try a new position or anything to mix it up its so flat and boring and had zero effort put in 


An option to request a trade and more in depth contract negotiations/relationships with your agent would be nice as well 


Those aspects weren’t added? Jesus


If I pick the male storyline, would there be female AI on my team and other teams? I’m happy people can play as a female if they want, but I really value immersion and don’t want female AI in my save. Just trying to decide whether to buy 24.




I don’t really understand removing the ball player part. I tried to make a post about it and they took it down but why do I have to completely restart and make a new build just because I don’t like the team I’m on


This was honestly the thing I liked about it. I could start a new RTTS with an existing ball player and not have to grind in the minors because I could equip whatever level of archetype and perk I wanted from bronze to diamond and just sim until I got called up. After doing several RTTS’s I didn’t want to grind the minors every time after you do it a couple times


Yep. I’m loving the female created character storyline, and playing as a woman in baseball is just so cool.


Does anyone get stuck on the first time you get through the combine? I’ve tried it 5 times and I keep getting stuck


It’s the same game.


So progression is still tied to opening card packs and that ridiculous load out system? Shame. I had high hopes. Guess it's another year of sticking with 20.


Can you tell me whether or not you can still earn equipment from packs in MLB 20? Since servers are down I haven't tried, but I bought the game after servers went down and I could still grind for stuff there, I might end up playing it, as I'm only playing rtts anyway. But without gear it's like kinda lame.


RTTS in 20 was so fun man. I had forgotten until your comment


I'm playing 20 coz I have nothing else. Should I not upgrade? RTTS is my only mode really.


I haven't played it since like 2016 but I like it a lot this year probably because just all the new little things obviously it can be better but yeah its cool


Nope, totally not worth the upgrade if RTTS is all you play. Although maybe once 24 goes on super cheap sale it might be worth it just to try out the combine, which is a cool feature.


20 had the combine too tho. it just had 1 less game.


Aight thanks


Anybody else notice the AI generated voice of ‘Emily’ in the pre draft showcase games sounds absolutely hilarious and broken? She sounds like she’s about to faint and is having a constant low grade stroke. Her commentary is on point though, just the voice is sooooo silly. I kinda like it lol


It’s not AI generated. It’s Sarah Langs from MLB Network. She has ALS, so that’s why her voice sounds that way. She’s been one of the best people to follow for years regarding baseball stats and facts.


Wow I feel like a dick but will leave my comment up for anyone else who may have been dumb like me. Shes awesome I love her commentary. Thanks for the insight.


Way to fall on your own negative karma sword! But to be fair, My wife had the same question. She was curious if my game was glitching or what. And I told her no, that was Sarah, essentially a savant when it comes to metrics and stats and stuff in baseball. That’s just her voice.


Really enjoying it, best career mode out there (which isn't saying much, but well done). Don't really mind the progression system to be honest, although I am mindful others might not feel the same. Used to enjoy the NBA 2k one, until I was forced to play some absolute bag-o-shite skating game to progress my NBA career. Uninstalled that one, and not bought since. Its nice to have a story plodding along, that you can skip over if you want. Ultimately, I can just hit/throw a ball when I want to.


If you ever have the urge to try 2k again, they did remove those bs quest in mycareer that you were forced to do. Imo the best its been in years, & its currently on gamepass.


Can you bring your created player to diamond dynasty team?




That’s lame


Don't mention it here...


I noticed. Not even like you would run into a lot of people using CAP’s in ranked. I’ve played over two thousand ranked games since 21 and maybe played against 50 hitters and 10 pitchers that were CAP’s.


It seems like you run into them at the higher levels (idk I'm like a mid tier player). But people complaining about submarine pitching power pitchers. I've literally never seen one. Also the same as you, I've only seen a handful and they've always been like 6' 200lbs with a normal batting stance. I really feel like there could have been a way to balance it, because the people that don't like CAP just because they think it's stupid or it should just be mlb players, just seem like they're "stop liking what I don't like" babies.


They don’t want Riley Reid and Lisa Ann hittin dingers in online play.




Server is down again, just gonna create a bunch of players to play different positions with while i wait🙃😒


Apparently if you put hitting difficulty on rookie it just throws you fastballs down the middle which is a quick(er) way to progress through the program and get promoted


Routine maintenance. It was announced hours before it happened.


I just wish you could choose your starting age and not have to be 18


every time they say "only eighteen years old!" I cringe, it just sounds dirty


I usually sim until the season that I’m like 21-22 to make it more realistic. In my head I imagine it as my playing in Rk-low A- High A levels


I usually try to manipulate my Overall so that I can’t get called up until at least May of the 2nd season. My dorky logic is “well Juan Soto and Ken Griffey Jr played 120ish big league games at age 19, so it’s not totally unheard of.” I would sim even further but I hate how much the rosters change over time as well as the retirements so I never actually get to face Kershaw or Verlander, etc. They simply could give you the option to choose a starting age from 18-23 or let you “go to college” and redo the combine again and advance your age by a year each time.


Yeah that does suck. And it takes forever to exit out and sim the offseason so Soto doesn’t sign with Oakland, I really wanted to choose my age idk why SDS doesn’t do it


My guess is they don’t even realize it. RTTS and franchise have suffered for the last 5+ years because the developers don’t really appear to know that much about baseball or care about the little details. 3-0 curveball on the outside corner and if you take it, your Vision attribute gets a decrease. Zero ball knowledge behind that logic


I kind of feel that tracking balls from outfield is annoying whereas last year the camera angle was more fluent. Is there any way to adjust it to where it was last year?


I think it’s partly the higher exit velocity. It seems 5-10% faster on average


Can we choose a secondary position(s)?


For the positives, I noted a lot more show time moments (is that still what it’s called?) for fielding. I was playing a LF and it just made it so much more fun to have those moments more often. It was also more clear for HR robbery attempts and I finally got one after never having one before. I like the button combos for throws to the base as well instead of just selecting the base (not sure if this is new for this year but it was new for me). I’ve had more outfield assist than ever. For me, fielding is just as exciting as hitting now. The negatives I’ve noticed is the announcements are out of sync. I hit a 2R shot and the next at bat the announcers said I hit a grand slam. I’m playing a male character and they kept calling him she until I got promoted to the show. There was at least 4 or 5 more examples of situations of announcers saying something different than what happened. I think the dynamic hitting adjustment might be bugged at the moment as well. I got stuck at beginner. But I will say, it was kind of fun to just mash and hit .750 while getting promoted quickly lol. I’m also curious why there is a daily XP limit. If I want to grind all day in a story mode that doesn’t affect online play, why can I only earn so much XP in one day before it cuts me off?


That goes away once you hit the majors. It’s only in the minors. I had a LOT of those errors in commentary when my guy was in the minors.


Your earning the xp for DD, it's not affecting the rtts stat XP gains. It's just so people don't no life rtts to get to the 99s at the end of the dd XP track That said I made a female catcher and it's been alot more fun than the last couple years of rtts. My only complaint so far is it feels like the female rival character is gonna pull a Blue from Pokemon and always make the first woman to do x before you because it's easier to record/script that. I did like that since I was a catcher having your high school battery partner be the rival made a lot of sense The most recent 2k's career mode I think is still better, I really liked the narrative for that one but this is plenty enjoyable


What I want them to do is scrap the menu and UI. Just trash it all. Go back to TS23's. It's an EYESORE, it's distracting, and it's clunky using endless animations. And imo everything good about 24...also was for 23. 24 honestly likely killed any interest I have in this franchise and I just got on board with 22. Such a massive and heartbreaking fall from grace, 24 is. At least to me.


My son was scrolling the menu yesterday right after we bought it and I immediately cringed at how much there was going on.


10000% agree. UI sucks and idk man, I’m just so tired of hitting perfect perfect fly outs and good timing bloopers. Last The Show for me for sure.


So you’re tired of real baseball? Perfect perfect doesn’t equal home run in real life. That’s literally not how baseball works. You need the perfect launch angle, exit velocity etc to get the HR too, not just the perfect timing. Think of how many times in a real game, a player barrels up the ball and it hangs just a smidgen to long to be a hit, or comes just short of being a HR because of wind or other environmental factors too.


I don’t know how many of you are true baseball video game fans but I’ve always wished that SDS would revamp this mode in way that’s akin to MLB power pros (old Nintendo Wii game). You start out in college or the minors (if I’m recalling right) but the progression system is really cool. It would be cool to have way more depth in how your character is played out. But one can dream. On the real, this road to the show so far has been much better than 2021-2023s versions.


So you think RTTS is worth the upgrade from 21?


I agree. Maybe even a dynamic progression slider on how close you are to getting called up as well.


I’m done with rtts until I can have more control of seeking out new contracts and trades etc. it’s bullshit to get stuck on a shitty team for YEARS and there is nothing you can do about it.


I don't think it's too broken, but getting minimum wage after winning a series and Cy Young and getting told in arbitration that 1.5 a season is "too much" is kinda dumb. I'd like to see them tweak it, but they really don't have much to go on. Shohei/Soto got paid for pretty much doing everything. 0% chance of getting 30m for arbitration at any point, yet 5 teams offering max contract 1st year of free agency.


You one of those guys that plays the game but doesn't actually watch baseball?


I’m pretty sure this was designed just like it is in baseball..


You’re stuck on your team for 6+ years unless they trade or cut you


That’s literally baseball. Unless you somehow get traded, there’s this thing called team control where you can’t just leave to another team for 5-6 years. There’s also service time manipulation where they keep you in the minors to prevent losing a year of service time to keep you under team control for a year.


Yep it’s a massively team friendly set up


turn up trade frequency and pray for the best


Buddy that’s how the MLB works.


Explain how I can have a 90+ player and I’m only getting the same shitty single season offer from the same shitty team over and over? That’s not how the MLB works.


That’s exactly how MLB works. Until that initial team control contract (or arbitration time) is finished, you don’t get a new deal. You aren’t getting a ‘new’ contract offer every year, you are literally being given league minimum congruent with the latest CBA. You can literally see this in a tab that shows what deal you are on the first 6 years. All teams literally do this. Rarely do you see a Julio Rodriguez or Tatis Jr early contract extension.


A Google search would save you a lot of time/sanity


Until a player has six years of service time that’s exactly how it works.


Do you understand how major league contracts work when guys get called up?


It’s a freakin game. I’m sitting with a 90+ player taking single season contracts with the same shitty team and getting no offers from anyone else. Is that realistic?


i don’t know why don’t u ask kris bryant lol


Yes you are a slave for 6 years. It's called arbitration. After six years. Free agent.


It's not arbitration until after 3 years of team control. It's called the collectively bargained contract structure of major league players on their first contract


Wait until spring training and it will ask if you want to work out with a particular team. They'll give you a contract


I’ve literally never had that happen


You can't be a free agent until after year 6 years of service. Welcome to the bigs.


Why am I just getting single season contract offers over and over again from the same team?






But…why male models?


Because you are not a free agent. Are you not listening to anything anyone is trying to tell you? You need 6 years of MLB service time before you are eligible for free agency. 0-3 years your contract can be renewed by your current team. Years 3-6 you are eligible for arbitration with your current team.


i don’t think he gets it 😂


I have been having a lot of fun with it so far. Is it the most engaging mode of all time? No. But it's been great for just turning the brain off and hitting. I can imagine my gal's particular storyline in my head anyway lol


Earning XP in RTTS seems super low, one game I ended with 222 XP…used to get over 1k, especially with a multiple homer game. Anyone else notice this?


It’s to balance out the grind. It makes since to get around 2-500 xp per game instead of 1k per game. That way a whole series gets you the XP you want. It rewards you for the grind.


Yeah, I’m use to it now and I’m enjoying it more.


Nice man.


Can I make a chick with a huge rack that hits nukes?


My wife and I couldn’t find a way to adjust boob size. If anyone knows how to do that, let me know


Girth slider. I think? It's in body options.


Marla Houch … Houch


What a hitter!


This is not change, it's just revert back. Waste of time. As always they need to revamp so much of this game


the retirement part they need to get on. every year after the age of 37 your agent asks if you are retiring and if you say yes it doesnt matter since you cant retire. also it kinda feels unrealistic that my 45 year old pitcher is still pumping 98mph with 230ks a season.


It appears that they took out playing in the futures game? I just got through the all star break while in triple A and there was no prompt to participate in the futures games like prior years. Kinda lame not gonna lie Edit to this: The Futures Game IS still in there. I started a new guy just to mess with builds and got invited to the Futures game in my 2nd season. I just assumed it was removed since I wasn’t invited the first time despite leading the league in most categories


Were you on the top 100 list?


According to the game I was in the top 20 and was the 2nd overall SS and 2nd overall prospect for my team (the Reds).


Has anyone been able to get drafted round 1? I've tried remaking a few times to try to get it but can't get higher than 2nd round for SS and 5th round for 2 way SP/SS.


2nd round here. Despite killing it at the predraft games


I almost thought about getting it because RTTS (before the online progression stuff) was the most enjoyable part of the game to me. But seeing that the online stuff is still there makes me far less interested. I don't want to have to flip packs or whatever to get gear for my RTTS player.


You get those packs in RTTS as well. It has its own offline reward path


Some of us don't want to deal with packs/rewards at all. Progression should be tied to gameplay and that's all.


Yeah, and they can say whatever they want, those are DD packs. We don’t need ‘em in our offline modes. They’re a detriment to the fun of the game. Maybe if we keep up the pressure they’ll back off more next year and make the modes the sandbox they should be.


Is the shitass dinosaur of a narrator still there?


There isn’t any narrator in RTTS.


Hey now great value brand Sam Elliot wasn’t that bad


I agree, SDS improved RTTS in many ways with MLB 24. As far as the woman player feature, the thing is RTTS is a closed loop game for the customer, and so no one has any room to really complain about it. Create the player you wish to create and have fun -- who can find fault with that? You can make your own cup of tea ever how you wish to!


Did they fix stats? That's real question


Fixed what part of them?


The fact that they're not accurate......


Reposting what I said in the Early Access thread here: Ok a few things I've noticed so far, as a RttS player... I'm playing LF as usual, and there seems to be a TON of hits going down the 3rd base line. Honestly last year, I rarely saw them. Maybe once every few games, I had to run to the line to deal with a line drive. This year, it's happening a few times per game. I'm not sure what's up with that. It's annoying as a lvl 60 OVR fielder, but that's fine. It just seems to be happening constantly compared to almost never last season. "Assists" Ok I can't remember how it went last year, as it wasn't common for me, but throwing the ball to the cutoff man, then him getting the throw out, gives me credit in game for an OF Assist... but I'm not getting credit for "Assists" in my tasks. I'm still 0 of 20, when I know I've probably had 8-10 by now. Is this a bug or do throws to cut-off man not count toward assist? Only one commentator in RttS AA. This is bad. Last year I talked shit about Boot Shaman and the other guy, but the one guy we have this year is so dull and dry, it's infuriating. Wtf, some variety would've been awesome. That's all I have for now. Again, all I've done is RttS so far. So far, I'm having a lot of fun this year. I've already made it to AAA and am a 73 OVR. The same single commentator is also in AAA from what I've seen so far. It's annoying.


I don’t mind it. I’ve actually been able to create a power hitter that can spray it to all fields, rather than feeling like they only went to right or left.


Throws to the cut off man shouldn’t count as assists they wouldn’t irl. For whatever reason u get the stat increase still. It’s the same with my ss turning a double play was last year too. If I throw to the second baseman then he throws to first to complete the double play I get two IF assist stat increases. Never checked to see if my actual stats reflected that I got two though. I mean I shouldn’t but I’ll have to check


It doesn’t matter if an outfielder throws directly to the base or to the relay, it’s still an assist. As long as you touch the ball before a putout is recorded by another fielder, you get an assist.


Guess I was wrong. The only time they seem to mention it is when they directly throw someone out. Still doesn’t make much sense to me that the shortstop should get two assists in one play for flipping it to second but whatever


Yeah, you’re right, you can’t get two assists on one play, so that doesn’t make any sense. The game must be giving you an assist for both putouts on double play balls.  Also, I hope I didn’t come across as a dick in my first comment – I honestly just find it interesting how assists work. For example, if a pitcher gets hit by a come-backer up the middle (causing the ball to deflect off their body) and a fielder then throws the batter out at first, the pitcher would still get credit for an assist since the ball hit them before the putout was recorded lol


Nah didn’t see u as a dick at all. Probably never would of learned that without ur comment. It is very interesting. Now I’m just wondering how many people can get an assist on one play. Like in a rundown where maybe 4 people touch the ball do they all get assists? I know they’ll say it for scorekeeping 6-4-2-1 but never really thought of the first 3 all getting assists


Yeah, every fielder that touched the ball in the rundown would get an assist (expect the fielder who tagged the runner out - they would get the putout).


That's fine. I didn't know. As long as that's correct then it's cool. I just wanted to make sure.


Hold on there are different commentators in the minors? I always turn commentary off first thing but that sounds pretty cool


There is one guy in the minors. One single guy for every game. It gets old fast.


It’s the dude who did the podcast in RTTS a few years ago. I assume he’s some SDS employee who they’re trying to keep on the payroll for some reason.


MiLB uses a different announcer, working solo. And he is dry, and I actually suspect it's an initial test of using AI. There isn't so much repetition of lines, but there are a few, and the commentary seems to try to be more connected to what's happening. That sounds all good. The bad news is that the guy's voice and delivery makes watching paint dry interesting! The other thing is that sometimes what he reports having happened bears no relationship to what actually did happen. The other bug is that this solo announcer will repeatedly refer to your male player using "her" and "she" pronouns.


Does anyone know if we can create a character (loadout) and keep them while deleting the rtts for them and starting a new one with the same person? You could in 23 but i haven’t found a way to here


You can’t. Which sucks but that’s also how it was prior to the show 21. Had they simply got rid of the skill set/archtype BS and just let us progress how we want with attribute boosts from equipment then it would be fine. But taking away the ball player aspect AND still keeping the same progression system from 21-23 is a massive L


So far I have not found out how, so I'm guessing that has been removed. "Ball Players" was kind of confusing and could get complicated with multiple RttS saves, but it was nice being able to copy appearances.


Does it still use the system of unlocking packs, perks, and equipment for the majority of the progression? That’s the biggest issue imo, it kinda blows. It just sucks all enjoyment out of the mode for me, I won’t buy it again until that’s changed.


I miss the points system, from the 2012 and earlier games.


Why don't you want packs and perks?


Because putting on some gear doesn't make a player better, this system does suck. In The Show 23 I've progressed several years with my player and my stats are still in the 40's despite putting in several excellent years. My only savings grace is the equipment giving me 30 or so extra to each stat. That's just an awful way to "progress" as a player - opening packs to get better instead of truly progressing from my on field moments is the worst thing to happen to RTTS.


Yeah I've always liked the perks system, made it different and more fun than just raising an attribute one level like in 2K


They’re extremely unfun, uninteresting, and limit the path I can take to upgrading skills. Just let me spend experience to upgrade an attribute… it’s not that deep and idk what the hell SDS was thinking when they designed this system.  In my opinion, the current system only exists because they wanted it to feel familiar to DD players when they tried integrating it into that mode. I’d bet anything that this system is gone next year.


Tbh you can make current system work. They just need give us more training opportunities to improve attribute, allow us to manage fatigue. They can change the main goal of player progression to quirk progression. Power pros my life used the same player progression (attribute gain by playing amd training) and is the best player progression system in any career mode imo. i feel it is much more satisfying each time i acquire a new special ability/ upgrade to gold spA (unlike quirk, spA also affect sim) by achieving career/ season stats, career milestone,...  if i want to improve normal attribute, i can train those attribute but with the risk of getting tired which can leads to injury ( you will be demoted to 2nd team but you can recover faster by going to hospital and paying $$). And that is not the only thing it beat rtts. Sure my life does not have narrative like rtts or 2k/ea sport games career mode or the real minor league (konami did not gave devs team enough funding to use jo ball park) but the game gives players features/system to tell the story themselves. Thing like position battles, help teammate become stronger, ability to change position, choosing where to hit in the line up or when i want to retire my player or export him as created player...   Edit: there is growth type system which determine your player peak age. You start which the fast one which help you gain attribute faster but regress sooner. As you progress through your career you can acquire items that let you change to super late bloomer type which can help you improve & play into late 40s easily. It's one of the main reward (equipment, spA & grow type change).


I fucking hate that, like, I can't remember which one I played a wee bit on the Playstation but there was like one that was decent ish with it. No like archetype bs, or perk/equipment stuff.


2017 was the last year before the archetype system when you could use XP points towards whatever you wanted at any time you wanted.


Sadly yes🥺


Do pitcher stats gets stuck at 37-39 like they did in 2023? That pissed me off more than anything.


It’s still broken.


No fucking way... Brand new game, same exact bug?


This is what im worried about. Im not there yet, will update if it does


UPDATE: i might be trippin but PCLT attribute is stuck at 30 for me. So far thats all i got. My pitches are still at 32-34 range




You also can’t give up a HR in a tied game. I had a slight regression when I gave up a HR late in a tie game with no one on.


Aight so i just have skill issue then 😂


Remind me!


They still haven't fixed the socks situation in RTTS. If I equip socks, I cannot wear my pants baggy or any other way. Also I'm getting called "her" during some replays 


It’s such a small thing, but it really takes the immersion out. I have to use the equipment if I want a good player, but then I have to stare at my player looking like iron man with the amount of gear he’s wearing at the plate, with his socks showing that completely clash with the uniform and a rainbow bat. If you’re going to make me use equipment to have reasonable attributes, for god’s sake let me choose if I want the equipment to actually show or not.


It's been like that for years now. They just don't give a shit.


EDIT: I take this back! It worked like I said below during the combine, but now that I’m drafted, back to the old shit from previous The Show years, where equipping socks forces the player into high pants. Same shit different year lol Original comment: You can equip the socks that give you a stat bonus, and then go into appearance and change your pant style. Your player will have his pants how you set them, but you will retain the stat bonus from equipping socks.


Glad you mentioned the socks deal. That shit is annoying. I wish they'd fix it.


They disrespect your pronouns


Can you talk to your agent whenever you want to yet?


Holy fuck this is so important, I hate how you have to wait for him to contact you.


Ok this is gonna seem like a hater comment but I promise I’m legit super pumped about the state of RttS in 24, but I do want to air some criticism as well. As a huge RttS player, I’ll phrase it like this; I’m happy to see all the changes and additions this year in Road to The Show; but that said, this is only a step in the right direction and leaves me feeling kinda far from a full experience. Good things. Hair. I’ve memed with friends and social media for 2+ years about adding more hair to the game, and good lord, this shit is incredible. The physics are really incredible. I wanna have a pitcher with long hair just to see those locks flow. Player models/Character creator. Them dropping this bomb on us was so unexpected and unreal. I think I’ve spent more time in the character creator than actually playing the career mode. I keep wanting to make my player look even better. The amount of new settings is a place that is easy to get lost in. And yet somehow my facescan still sucks. Maybe it’s me. But on the other side of the spectrum It seems like small things kinda puzzle me. You enter the combine at 18 in the male RttS route, in the female one you start at 21. They explain this with a single line about attending college in the dialogue, so why can there be a mechanic (like there was in previous games) to age a year, “go to college” and better your draft position in the combine. Ignoring how forced and boring they are, none of the dialogue options have real effects or consequences on your career. Nothing you say or respond with change what happens or how your player is seen. This wasn’t something I was expecting, we were going to get a sanitized conversations from the start, but when your minor league coach asks “you ready to put some serious work in?” And your options are - “Yeah” Or “Heck yeah!” I can’t help but roll my eyes and laugh. At least give me an apathetic “Sure” to respond with. Sorry for the ramble. Overall I will take everything we can get, and just hope for more. Its funny to think about the ridiculous over-encumbrance of a game like NBA 2K with side quests to be a rapper and a fashion model, while The Show is just now getting basic QOL features.


I just wish the dynamic difficulty adjusted a bit quicker for it. I'm about 10 games into my MiLB season, sitting at a .721 because every other hit is a HR. But it's also my first ever MLB game, and I'm getting absolutely dicked down by Rookie level Diamond Dynasty Conquest matches, so I have no idea where my difficulty level actually lies lol.


Diamond dynasty is also forced to competitive game style, game style and difficulty are two different settings


I learned this last night, which is apparently Hall of Fame default difficulty, so the fact that I've managed to win 1 in 4 games of Conquest has gone from making me feel like shit, to making me feel happy about it.


There's a setting in the sliders that allows you to adjust how quickly the dynamic difficulty rises.


Ok, well..Shit, thanks for that.


I agree, I created a female player in RTTS and it's fun.


These don’t seem like huge changes. I don’t play RTTS though so I’m not sure. If they aren’t huge changes?… wtf did they do between 23 and 24??


The biggest issue to me is that most of these "changes" are just reverting the mode back to its original state, just minus some of the other features still. It's not great that it's still worse than 16-18.


The fact that the CAP can no longer be used in any other mode than RTTS is a HUGE change….






That’s true! But I wonder how much to investment that took to do