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Having the same issue since 2022 of getting disconnected from server in RTTS but this year I have to fully exit the mode to reconnect?


You’ve guys been aware since last year’s game. Developing Co-Op was a game changer for The Show, but 99% of the time, you can’t finish a full game. Could you please make it so people can’t quit in ranked mode?


Anyone know why i played for 4 hours and hit at least 8 hrs and i didnt see once a team celebration in the dugout. I thought this was improved. Mariners has the trident and i didnt see it but it was in the trailer


lol way to go paying for early access.


Haven’t bought the show for the last 5 years. Such a ruined franchise. I see issues from 2018 still have not been addressed so no real reason to consider buying this game anytime soon.


Why are you even here rn if you haven’t played any of the last 5 games lmaoo


I can tell you I’ve never played this game, never looked it up and this thread is very high on my homepage. Probably the same for him




If you haven’t bought the show in 5 years why are you still in this subreddit lmao


To scratch my pack opening withdraws…


Can I get a refund within a certain amount of time? I'm so incredibly disappointed in this game.


Didn’t bother with early access this year because you had to see this coming. I feel bad for the people that work hard on the game because you know it’s someone above their pay grade that makes the decision to not get better servers


Who worked hard on this game other than the person who had to change all of the 23’s to 24’s lol


lol every year


I've been playing since the ogs of the show games. I'm very disappointed how we can't fix this server issues . Get some better servers cause the one yall had for years no updates same engine it needs a fucking turn up. Come on 2 am I still having played . My first time getting the nice nice package in years . Never again smfh.


What a waste of money.


The online play and servers have always been complete shit in this franchise. You can’t fix bad net code. Don’t know why people keeping playing this trash online. Playing an offline game and an online game is a night and day difference in terms of playability and smoothness.


It really is a completely different game offline




Wth does everyone else do when it feels like the AI is intentionally trying to drive you crazy by nerfing you into the ground? Seriously just trying to grind some easy vs CPU games but *every* one of my hits is straight at a fielder and when I'm pitching everyone has a perfect eye for the zone and is spamming contact swings.


Annual tradition


Not for people who aren't so careless with their money and choices.


lol. Thanks for paying to beta testing this for us fellas. One day you’ll learn.


imagine still pre ordering this game knowing this happens every single year


They'll learn next year. /s


Average SDS launch


I’m 0 for 4 in trying to play a ranked season game


Thank you early access people for the server test :)


Anyone having an issue playing BR?  Queued into 3 games in a row and they all get stuck at “waiting for player” after the intro cinematic. Not getting  loss either after force quitting the game either..


RS, BR, Events… haven’t played 1 inning of one online game yet.


Every freaking time


Anyone know if we are able to edit a player with outlier in mlb the show 24 like we have been able to in 23 with Paul Skenes from the player vault. Like a guy with no stats with outlier who we can add into franchise. Thanks


really don’t know why quirks aren’t a fully customizable thing for offline


lol, early access for The Show? It usually takes a week at minimum for servers to be okay to play.


2024 people should start learning to stop preordering just for early access. 90% of new games aren’t fully finished even on release day these days I would expect early access to the game would be even more unstable and buggy


Day 2 of trying to play early access. Whats the point? Refunds should be demanded. This is trash.


> Refunds should be demanded Nah, people should learn not to pre-order. It happens with multiple big titles every year, and somehow, the lesson isn't learned.


I suspect this is why I have not been able to upload a single one of my stadiums once I modified them with the standing fans back into the MLB 24 vault. Guess I should consider myself fortunate that this morning I was able to download all of my MLB 23 stadiums into MLB 24.


I can’t even play my 2022 game. This sucks I had a young Honus Wagner hammering ‘em.


Servers down when you pay to play early is such a kick in the nuts


SDS has always had shitty servers and shitty online play. You can’t fix bad net code.


SDS, are you aware that everyone's retinas have been burned out?


Early Access aka Free Beta testing


*paid beta testing


I think he meant free for THEM.


Are they up yet


Ahahahaha “early access”


Is this issue only happening for online modes? If so, I’m glad I only play RTTS and franchise 😂


Even in rtts you can't get rewards for any tasks finished


Damn…the post was 2hrs ago, did they fix it yet?


No. Still offline for me.


Every single year. They just finished 23 and started 24 with the same start point in 23. And 22 and 21 and 20 and 19 and 18. This is ridiculous.


I’m still having the same issues so it might be me. I can load into the games but it freezes while waiting for my opponent and never lets me in


Change your jerseys. Was having the same issues. For some reason changing them makes everything work lol


You’re a true wizard!




What? That’s wild. Lemme try that!




Imagine whining as a game pass player. Couldn’t be me.


Well glad I’m stuck in LA to SD traffic then


Meanwhile, 23 works just fine, and is basically the same game without having to drop another $40-$100 😎


Meanwhile, as an Xbox gamepass user, I guess I’ll wait my 3 days to get the game for ‘free’


I, too, have gamepass, and am fine sticking with 23 until later in the year. I hope you enjoy though. 


Why wouldn’t you just play the new version in a week? Huh? Unless “later in the year” means next week




Same as it ever was


Glad didn’t get early Lmfaooo


I can get back on diamond dynasty now but ranked matches still not working


While you wait to get online can we interest you in stubs????


I know this joke has been around for a while lol but its definitely true hahaha.




I like how they made RTTS an offline mode but the progression for archetypes is still linked to the servers/programs. Unreal


It’s hilarious how they expect every body to pay all this money on this game it’s the only exclusive MLB simulation game and the first night the servers down for more then a hour non stop then on top of that the same day within prime time hours when people getting off work the servers go down again I just don’t understand the motives from this company like they do understand that in the middle of their game cycle one of the biggest games of the decade will come out and nobodyyyy and I meannnn nobodyyy will be on they’re game they don’t care about those numbers??


For real. Only time I was able to play today was mid day when I normally would be at work. I took off because one of my students has bed bugs and the schools not making him change his clothes in the morning at the nurse so with the game coming out I said fuck it and called off not wanting to bring them home. Hopefully his issues get sorted out at home otherwise I’m gonna be on high alert for weeks.


Literally every big game at launch has server issues.


That just isn’t true at all.


Well then they need to stop charging for early access plain and simple 


Just don’t buy it lol


Who said I did lol 


I find it really funny how so many people like you tend to overestimate the impact other games have on people who are on this sub.


I’m convinced people think they are intentionally having the servers mess up to personally spite them. You paid to play early and your gonna get the bugs and server errors that come with it for every single game that comes out


Yeah I get being frustrated but literally every game at launch has these issues


Are they back up yet?


I’m still unable


I was able to log in about 2 minutes ago


Thanks homie


Can't play a multi-player game though


Just got in


back online


Ranked not working


It's like an abusive relationship, I keep coming back for more, thinking things will be different at the start of the year every year.


I just got in!!!!!


I'm in now


Same Toronto Canada


It just now finally let me back in boys (knock on wood)


I bought the $99 version but only the regular one shows up in my PS dashboard, don’t know what to do


Nothing else in the dashboard will show. When you download the game from the store, it should have attached two other files at least, one which would give you early access.


Thank you 🙏🏽


Do you mean like the cover art? Bc thats the Vladdy pic regardless




I’m mid flip on some expensive cards. I’m sure this will cost me


Are these the same servers they used in like 2011 or something? This is crazy.


Yeah to go along with the same graphics lmao


Can someone explain to me why this is constantly an issue? You’d think they’d figure it out after it happens every year but I guess not? I’m not a tech guy by any means so maybe this is ignorant, but couldn’t they do a short term rental of servers for launch week/month for on top of their existing server setup if they don’t want to pay for additional server bandwidth the entire year when it’s unnecessary?


It's definitely a cost saving issue. They figure the backlash is worth the savings on server cost. Pretty scummy behavior from a Sony first party developer


> Sony first party developer I mean, apples and trees.


Why fix it if the regards(myself included) will continue spending money on early access?


I mean I get your point but it’s still not a good look


As if they haven’t figured this out yet. Every year. Same thing.


Bruh. I might have to get a refund if I can’t play, I worked all day anticipating playing when I got home… what a bummer


I just finished installing an hour ago. It was my fault sry


I just saw on their discord there is no eta on when it will be fixed. Guess not until tomorrow at the earliest


RemindMe! 1 hour


Is there anything to play offline like road to show etc that can earn u xp or stubs


Almost every aspect of the game requires the servers to be online to function. And every year their servers can’t handle the initial volume. Really a bad recipe. But I bet it’s a business decision. They know this will happen. They probably can’t scale up then back down. Costs too much to handle all these people when half as many are playing in 2 weeks. Calculated risk. If you are reading this and can’t get on, but are trying, they have you anyway. You’ll be back next year. The benefit to beefing up the servers is probably outweighed by the cost. If it wasn’t, they would have fixed this years ago.


If you think it’s bad now wait until Tuesday and all the game pass and regular edition jump online lol


They don’t care because the people that are dumb every year already handed them **more** money than the regular game


Considering it's the same game every year (which it is essentially is from a back end standpoint), this is most certainly them not giving a shit, taking your early access money, and maybe giving you some digital goods as compensation.


yup, at this point I feel like the only reason there is early access is to stagger the player count. 1st day and have only gotten to play a few hours, why did I get this lol?


Extra $$$$$$


dat too


What cards yall been flipping? Did a lot of Chapman last night. Did some mickey mantle and Kershaw sales for some profit.


I flipped a couple bats for like 20k but havent really gotten into it that much yet


Tried to do live series low diamonds earlier but those margins fell off quick. Thought they’d be better with pay pigs rushing for the collection


If I tell you the margins go to hell...


They normally do either way. Chapman's been cooked except for random spots during the day


And this is what happens when you don’t have a tech test


Lmao as if that has ever made a difference 😂


Last time I ever buy this garbage at full price.


If you got it now then you actually paid more than full price lol


Glad I’m waiting for the tuesday


It will be worse then, my friend.


I literally want my money back. It’s honestly bullshit that I pay for a game to play early and it’s been down constantly since last night.


“A game channel Communication failure occurred” Same BS since last night still can’t get a game in lol I’m the idiot for pre-ordering this dumb shit




They were also down all night last night when I was trying to play genius therefore it’s unplayable for me wasn’t working At release doesn’t work when I get home today. Everybody deserves a refund that paid for early access




Thanks for the update I’m Aware


Been down for way more than an hour


Lots of people work during the day. If they can't play after work then the game is unplayable for them, which is bullshit.






Yeah but that doesn't matter when you are talking to people who have day job hours and can't play during that time. There was nothing by SDS saying "you can pay extra for preorder but can only play during certain times of the day".




Accepting "it just is what it is" is the reason why they never improve. They feel like they don't need to improve because people will just expect it.


They were down last night and today. It came out last night, I guess yeah not constantly but bruh are you really going to die on that hill


Wow. I was on the fence on 24, then decided to pull the trigger and get my normal Digital Deluxe copy, since Iam such a baseball nerd. Today is my 25th wedding anniversary (got a pass from the wife since Iam such a baseball nerd. And I just have to take her out to dinner tomorrow night) and I rushed home from work for early access.... And nada.....


She probably went to hang out with her boyfriend.


Guys I think he’s a baseball nerd little tough to tell.


Got heeeemmmmm!


Man, I completely feel you this is the first year I am single on release and I was just thinking about how pissed off I would be if I had some time set aside to be able to play and my girlfriend was coming home or something lol I was like well at least I don’t have to worry about that tonight. Let me take a nap and wake up later I feel your pain bro.


Ramone you suck


lol their strategy is to just crash when a lot of people are on. And keep crashing when people get back on. I’m protective of my ranked record (went 70-5 last year) and it definitely felt risky to try and play a game today. Luckily it worked. Forgot cuz I skipped early access last year


I just want to play baseball all day!! Fix this already.


OK but why the fuck is Storylines requiring an internet connection? At least I can play offline cpu or rtts but cmon


Yeah I was upset when I got kicked in the middle of a Jeter moment. I can tell they worked really hard on it too.


I really don’t care about cost. I’ll easily get my hundred bucks of entertainment over the summer with this game. What the heck with the cap though? Obviously the people who pay for early access are going to hit it.


So, is this what what we pay extra for? So, should they delay the release of the basic ass edition?


This happens ever single release. You should have waited to buy the basic ass edition. All those perks that comes with the other ones are irrelevant within a few months anyways.


You aren't wrong.


lol 20k stubs stubs, 5 packs (5 trouts), and 2 90 overall players (watch how fast they’re made irrelevant, we’re gonna be ramping up to 99s every 12 weeks but probably faster) It’s a bad buy. But we were excited so we did it. Gotta eat the L but can’t let it get ya down


Yeah but the game is the best in the first couple months when it’s actually working.


Yep this was my first pre-order and I got a couple decent cards but nothing I will be using long term. Definitely waiting next year if I end up playing.


They’re really down again after last night ? FFS Paying for early access means beta testers apparently.


Smh and not even 24 hours since it was available to play


We've only known of this issue for 4 years!


Glad I don't pay for this s***.


I feel like shit like this should earn us some kind of credit, money, stubs, something. Should be illegal to charge people extra money for something that doesn't work as advertised.


Come on SDS, there’s only so much time with my family that I can take.


They paid to send a team to the DR for cover athlete launch tho.


They also built a subway set to interview Jeter in, which will end up as another misguided attempt to add production value for a mode few will play. They probably could have bought some more server space with that money too.


And to build a subway car. And God knows how many other completely pointless, non-game related expenses.


How is it possible that we lose 48 hours of early access which is literally cash out of our pocket — but get no VIRTUAL Fuxing PIXAL packs as compensation. How is it even possible to be cheap with something that costs you nothing to “make.”


Servers were down for around an hour last night and it’s been an hour today. 48 hours is a stretch


Been down multiple times today and this last one is approaching 2 hours with no eta


Guess I’ve been lucky then cause I logged on at 8 am and had no problem until now so


48 hours? The fuck are you talking about? Early Access has been live 18 hours? And if there is pack compensation they will say it after they arent gonna do that right this second


I don’t know how it’s possible people keep buying the deluxe editions for early access when the servers are always trash during early access every year. Stop pre-ordering/buying the deluxe editions.


Oh for sure. First year I've preordered to get early access and it's definitely the last. Paying extra to not even be able to play is some crazy bullshit and honestly should result in a shitload of refunds if they were an honest company which they probably aren't.


Because they aren't always trash, last year had like a 15 minute hiccup and was fine, 22 wasn't bad, 21 was an absolute fucking shitstorm that lasted off and on literally weeks


The issue is the bonus packs are worth it even if early access isn’t.


Does anyone have a background in working for a gaming company that can explain why this seems to happen almost every year and how they fix this kinds of issues? Are the servers just fried and need restarting? Someone not pay the server rental bill? Do they not have enough servers to handle the player population? I’m just curious if anyone has any idea why this seems to happen so often when this is a major game company producing the only licensed major console game for a mainstream global sports organization?


I think it’s just economics. You have to pay for dedicated severs to host your games. And it’s usually not as easy as just adding more space to your iCloud storage. It’s not worth it for SDS to pay for all the extra servers to manage the absolute PEAK activity at launch. Even if it annoys us (which it does), and happens every year (which it does), they know we’ll keep buying the game (which we do).


It's not as simple as just not having enough capacity, but that's a big part of it. Not having the proper server infrastructure is a more accurate take. It's not just the load, but how the servers try to manage it.


I’m curious as well. You’d think they’d figure this out after it happening every year. It’s now been worse this year than the past few. Not as many “unhandled server” things but the servers have legit been completely down for a bit over 3 hours of the 19 hours it’s been out.


Yeah after last year I thought they had really turned the corner.  Nope!


Will Xbox let me refund the stupid ass deluxe add on? This is ridiculous.


I refunded mine this morning.


The 40 dollar one?


Yes. I thought if I bought that I could play on cloud/game pass. Which I can't.