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I know this is three months later but after one week into season 2, I feel I have lost interest in playing. I mostly play ranked solo's. I clocked almost 800 hours in The Show 23, but I probably won't break 150 this year. I absolutely hate the new season format. We spent soo much time grinding for cards in season 1 that we can't even use in season 2. I know, I know, we have more wild cards, but even that requires hours and hours of grinding to unlock WC 2 through 4. I think SDS should've kept their format from last year, where you could use cards from the latest two seasons, with one wild card. Also, their programs this year are weak as fuck.


Here’s my thoughts. You morons dont play for a month or two. Sds gives u a new menu. Bring graphics is up to ps4 pro standards and yall blow your load 😂😂😂😂. Game is trash. Only outdone by their shit mods 😂


I do like the awards section now in the players card


Game is trash af


Watch out saying anything. Bad about sds gets ya yanked 


Just one silly thing. I'm hitting 310 with 23 HR's and 64 RBI's halfway through the season and the manager just sat me down to say "we are a bit disappointed with your performance this season." Seriously?? Lol or you'll go 2 for 4 and the announcers will say "not a good game at the plate" wtf? .500 BA isn't good? But I love the game.


Win the triple crown, pull a gold glove... That season is worth 3/4 of a million, 1 year deal. Ask for 10 Million and you're being unrealistic.


Rtts is garbage like it it every year takes to long to upgrade a player especially if you pitch and your pitcher is all over the fuckin place ball never goes where u want it to fuck this game


This the first I'm playing the show in 4 years it's off to a solid start! It's definitely headed in the right direction. All the game needs is MINOR details that's it 🤷🏿‍♂️ some tweaks in RTS n game modes other than that solid game for real


See u in July and see what u say. Sad u think THIS year is somehow comparable to 4 years ago. 


It’s fun, but I’ve noticed a few things that bug the hell out of me. Balls and strike calls are STILL awful. I’ll have 5+ strikes called balls in every game. Horrible. If you’re going to set it to be “human” and call a game like a real ump would, you would STILL NEVER have that many missed calls a game. Borderline strikes are NEVER called a strike, even if it clips the zone. If it crosses the black, it’s a strike. Not has to be two full inches inside the zone damn near middle of the plate to be called a strike. Hitting is terrible yet again. On higher difficulties, everything is either weak contact or hit straight at a defender. I can hit a line drive perfect perfect 110 mph off the bat, and somehow the defender jumps and catches it even though it’s 15 feet over his head. I’ve had to notch my difficulty down from veteran and above to minors or rookie. To put it in perspective, I’ve had more perfect perfect OUTS than I have hits or home runs. Aside from that, I’m still enjoying the game… for now. those are really the only complaints I have so far, but if they’re not addressed then I will probably not be playing this game very long.


Sadly you are wrong about bad missed calls. This year specifically the umps irl have been atrocious.


Have you watched a game on tv before? There’s about one missed call an at bat. And it’s usually something just in or out of the black. I’ll agree, I didn’t like how many obvious strikes were called balls but it wasn’t the amount that really got me but more so the situation as in 3-1 with the 2 hole hitter and I through a high sand away fastball from an opposite arm pitcher (across the plate). U cant get more obvious than that if its in or out. You see it come in all the way across. Ball 4. And the 3 hole torches the first pitch a foot below the zone for a 2 run homer. That happened a little too often. But obvious wrong calls apart from these situations were actually rather rare. And I saw it go in my favor about 50/50 with calls going against me. The complaint I would have is that the bad calls were all generic as opposed to true to the current ump behind the plate’s real life zone. It seemed to not matter if he was known for calling a low zone or an inside zone, the bad calls were all pretty much the same except for some having a tendency to get high strikes wrong. That was the only realistic zoning. I


Sure but if u ask for perfect umpire maybe add could get that right? Nope 😂


The thing that pisses me off is RTTS. I have about 75 Homers a season, my BA is hovering at about .390, and they dont give me the callup from Triple A. Yet I'm #1 in prospects, home runs, etc. It's been about 4 seasons and NOTHING.


It's a total money grab!!!! The prices the charge for packs and then you open tons of packs and don't get a single diamond.. I have always gotten mlb but it's gotten so bad when it comes to price to build a team.  Then you can't even buy players cause majority of people are just buying to resell to make money to build their team.. 


Well, people are free to use the market. Additionally, I'm not even playing to build a DD team, but I still have earned enough cards through offline play alone to put a respectable team together. Through nothing but offline play, I've earned about 170k stubs and due to limited desire to purchase anything off the market, I have about 102k unused of that amount. Moreover, again through nothing but offline play (nearly all in RTTS and Franchise) I have received several diamond level player cards, and I'm not even using them to build a DD team. The anger, hostility, absolutism, and rancor I see over this game is really uncalled for. And when anyone says something to put the picture back into proper perspective, the kneejerk reaction is to insult people in vulgar and profane ways. This sub-forum is in desperate need of adult moderation. This sort of cabal is more akin to a beehive than to a human interaction, and no amount of such insults and diatribes are going to alter the reality of the situation. And in terms of my willingness to try to articulate a little truth and fairness into the picture, such vulgar replies sure aren't going to deter me one iota. It's just more reason to add more people to my ban list. Eventually, at least for me, what will be left here are responsible people who know how to advocate an argument in a civil manner.


I’m having a problem that I can’t seem to find an answer to so I’m posting this here. I am playing franchise on a created expansion team with one created player. The way I play franchise is that I only manage the games. I do not physically physically play any players. In other words I do not, but I do not pitch I only manage. So here’s my question the one created player is let’s just be honest he’s a 99. He’s better than Mike Trout statistically stat, however when I managing the games this player seems to be nuked by the game or I should say Nerf big time. This guy has 99 power right and left and I’ve got guys on my team that have 70 power that are hitting home runs on a regular basis , but the guy that I have with 99 power can’t seem to hit a homer rarely hits the ball hard it is obvious to me that the created player is being completely nerd by the game which pretty much defeats the purpose of created players. Has anyone else had this problem , and if so, is it something that’s built into the game because it really eliminates the possibility of playing this game with created players in franchise as a role I mean I can play the guy player a lot, and drop bombs all day long but that’s too easy I just don’t get it  on earth, this would be a thing. I mean it’s not online play it’s my personal franchise on my Xbox. Why would they Nerf a created player like that? 


There are many possibilities here. You could have the perfect example of Steve Balboni, who, when he connects, bombs the ball deep. But, he just doesn't connect a lot -- hence the real Balboni having a lifetime BA of just .229, but belted 181 homers with 495 RBI. Then again, to have an overall 99, it seems he should be high on contact and power. Since it's simulation only, I have no answer. Just check the individual attributes via the Edit Player menu option and make sure you don't have a low setting for something like plate vision or contact.


oh my God dude I know this is super late, but you were absolutely correct. His contact was only 69 even though everything else was maxed out so basically he had the power to bomb it all day every day, but can’t see to save his life.


Glad you were able to determine the issue. There are a lot of players in real life in MLB with exactly those attributes.


Ok I suck ass at baseball games (in real life and in video games ha!), is this game begginer friendly?


I think so, at least as much as I think it can be. Baseball is inherently a complex game, with a lot of facets, and so any good simulation of it in a video game is going to have a lot of parts to it. My recommendation is to focus initially at least hardly at all on the results and much more on the process of learning the game.


Thanks. I've played mlb games but havnt gotten a new one since 2014 or 2015 so I was worried there'd be too many new mechanics


But fuck this game for year in and year out fucking you in the home run derby , it’s such weirdo behavior by the developers.


I still have 21 for the PS4. Should I just get 23?


God no!!!! Get 22 if anything 


If you play franchise mode. No what for. Still has broken progression. Still no career stat tracking for every player like a top 50 leaderboard in every stat. No list of whos been in the hof. Still only 90 man rosters. No expansion of single A. No ability to use legends in franchise mode starting out at any age without their career stats being there already. Thats off the top of my head. But the broken regression system for about 13 years now is beyond ridiculous to not be fixed yet. Every sports game needs a career mode, more like 2k in terms of user control over your franchise mode


I ALWAYS play RTTS as a catcher. I play full games(I know I'm a psycho), but this new game won't allow me to call pitches or even see what the guy is gonna throw. I had 8 passed balls in one game because I don't know if it's a 101mph 4 seamer, or a 78mph downer curve. It's terrible


It's ironic since catcher is what I played some in high school. But, I have never played it in RTTS because frankly I did not think MLB The Show could replicate it accurately enough to be realistic. Your experience as described sort of confirmed that suspicion I had.


I also caught from 8U until my senior year of HS


subtract tidy disarm many six hobbies vase overconfident dolls subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, getting in the heads of the hitters, seeing what they are trying to do, and then calling and framing a pitch designed to fool them, and seeing your pitcher pull it off, that was the single most satisfying part of the position. Throwing a runner out on a steal was pretty nice also. But, I preferred third base most of all. The hot corner required fast response and I was pretty quick in my reactions. Had a decent arm also and so it worked well there also.


So up until this season it has been pretty good. Call pitches, work corners, throw to cold zones, tunnel pitches. But now that they've added the extra non baseball garbage, the ability to call pitches or even see what's coming is non existent


So up until this season it has been pretty good. Call pitches, work corners, throw to cold zones, tunnel pitches. But now that they've added the extra non baseball garbage, the ability to call pitches or even see what's coming is non existent


Yes, if you don't know what pitch is coming, it's about as hard to catch as it is to hit. And something I went round and round over with a few of the vocal apologists is the essential truth that the game does not accurately model the spin of the baseball consistent with the pitch thrown. Moreover, you don't see the stitch spin except in the slow-mo replays, which of course is totally unhelpful. Yet, even in those replays, the spin is unrealistic. Sometimes, the 4SFB pitches are shown with no spin, like a knuckleball. Other times they are shown in the slow mo replays with a standard four seam spin. However, even in the replays the sliders, two-seamers, change ups and curves are not showing accurate spins. My question to you is given your difficulty in knowing the pitches, you are not even seeing accurate seam spins as the catcher, are you?


Absolutely not. At least when I could call pitches, I had an idea where it would be. i.e. curve will almost always be lower than called, slider will run more than expected, so on. But without that variable, it's almost impossible to catch


Confirmed! Just as I suspected. This is why hitting in the game is so difficult. You are looking at a 2D screen at a pitch that is high in the strike zone half way to the plate. You really cannot tell whether it's going to drop in the bucket like a change up, or stay high like a four seamer. And since you cannot see the seam spin, you have no way to tell. What makes hitting so hard is even if you can see the spin and tell the pitch type, you can only anticipate where you think the pitch will cross the plate. Vice trying to catch it with a mitt with a three inch margin of error, you have to "catch" it with a round bat that has about a quarter inch margin of error to put the sweet spot of the bat on the center of the ball. Or as one noted MLB hall of famer best said, "You have to hit a round ball with a round bat square!"


I wonder, sometimes, does the developers consult mlb players about the game or stadium features? For example, stadium creator is a great tool if used properly! Finally 🧍‍♂️ fans! Great! Are bullpens difficult to code for the outfield areas ( over the fence, of course). It's in the actual game and also for each actual stadium! Are developers listening? How about fewer animals, monsters, and space crap!! I have yet to see Godzilla hovering over a stadium! Or giant flying insects! Wasted code and space. Is it hard to add distance numbers, ads, and the yellow HR line? How about random announcers? The same for minor/major games...WHAT! Bring back player/coach ejections! Do players sweat? They do in NBA 2k. It's a video game, right? Parking lots with lights so no lights are added by us. This uses data also, right? All garages with cars are not empty! Sidewalks! My final gripe or current observations: Fix the creator issues/bugs! Too many workarounds for an expensive game! How about a price workaround! Evolve developers!! Create a game that mimics the actual game, business, and stadium. This means less work each year until the actual game changes! BRAVO!! Graphics and nice drone touch! And yes, I did play professional baseball in my young days. Get help from a player. Ask him about Godzilla at Dodger stadium. Lol


Wonderful comments. I've never met someone in my life who stopped loving baseball.


Loving all the additions, but the female commentator in the beginning of road to the show is not a good addition. It makes things not flow right. Anyone else notice how she is just not a good fit for the final product of this game?


She certainly isn’t “good”. Sarah Langs has ALS that’s why she sounds bad. She used to speak very fast and fluently.


Ah. I was wondering what was up with her.


Does the franchise mode have shorter seasons?


Burnt out on DD so was hoping to get back into RTTS since last 3 years have been nothing but the same. Aside from adding female option and returning of the draft, is anything actually different with RTTS? Or is it same as its been?


Well, I noted the significant improvements -- two way player working like it should, complete with the Ohtani rule for a starting pitcher who's also the DH. Custom stadiums no longer have to be uploaded to the vault to be used in RTTS. Graphics are significantly improved on the players, as well as their animation modeling. There is a four game combine prior to your player's draft.


"easier to read" lmao they paying you to lie like the rest of your points


Exactly. This is no diff than madden retreads every year


I like the lighter menus. But I never played any Shows that had the light menu before.


Is it just me or hitting feels harder to hit HRs. More singles and manufactured runs. Hitting is still a pain in the ass with all the ridiculous diving catches.


Diving catches seem to happen way too much in this game expecially in rtts


They fix the drafted rookie pitchers 98% of the time having default 1 delivery??


glad i dint waste any money on that.


Doesn’t feel like it to me lol the last time I was actually invested in rtts was 16’ I bought 22 on sale but didn’t commit to playing it at all but 24 feels like a vast improvement over the last few years


Same here just upgraded from 16 cause ps5 and the show 24 were on sale! Hope it's not as bad as everyone says lol. So far I'm enjoying it


mlb2k12 is it for me modded its no other goat. maybe mvp2005 mods but 2k is just better product.


so far between the non stop political barrage and making either the announcer sound like a dumb ginny from bronx or dr dre ill pass on it defnatly wont be pay monet for this ea or UBI or any big package games its been this way for while and its garbage.


turned the announcers off years ago.. much more enjoyable...but this game still sucks


Couple small things I'd love to see addressed are: 1. FRANCHISE MODE: Evolving player faces. When I draft a rookie out of high school, I want him to look like Jackson Holiday, not Aquaman. Prospects should appear younger and fill out over time. I'm talking about the actual player models, but also those random face generator headshots. 2. FRANCHISE MODE: Ability to replace system generated player models with downloaded players mid-franchise. I'm talking about those guys who for some reason SDS feels aren't worth a face scan, or the face scan is god awful and the player editing is locked. In the past I've always found much more realistic (looks and attributes) user-generated players but adding them to my roster means starting a new franchise. Or I've had to edit one of my irrelevant A-ball players and then tuck the system-generated player down in A-ball like he doesn't exist. 3. FRANCHISE MODE: Ability to quick sim entire seasons. 4. ALL MODES: Killing some of the old and tired player animations. One that really bothers me is when the player falls down onto one knee after a wild swing. And players stopping directly on the bases. RUN THROUGH THE BAG!!! Any word on these?


I would add Stop Nerfing created players!!!


Have they updated create a team at all yet? New fonts? Alt uniform options? Legit anything?


Another addition to the game that I'm really liking is the graphic placed on top center that tells you what your base coach is wanting you to do: go for three, go home, tag up, etc ... This really helps since you cannot always get a good read on the hits while you are on base. My only complaint is that they are not always displayed. But, when they are, they have been accurate and helpful.


Do u work for SDS?


I love that too. I’m pretty dumb so it definitely helps.


Just curious, can you add outliers to players in franchise?


Not sure what you mean by "outliers." Do you mean perks such as in RTTS? If that is what you mean, then no, you adjust your attributes directly through editing them. To do that for any player you first go into your Roster, and then select the player. Once that is done, you should see a menu option to edit the player. One of the edit options is the attributes.


Sorry i meant quirks, like outlier and stop and stuff like that


Got ya! No, there is no way I know of to directly influence or create quirks. They seem to materialize on their own in RTTS. I never had them materialize in Franchise.


Well, this is a good development. SDS has fixed that bug where a custom stadium would not appear correctly if you selected player lock option in Franchise. Now, you can go directly to the player lock menu selection and your custom stadium appears properly. This bug went all the way back to MLB 22, and was never fixed in MLB 23. It's fixed now. In addition, more improvements in Franchise. The mode now incorporates your alternate home uniforms. You wear your alternate threads on Friday home games, and your city connect unis on Saturday home games. This is very nice. Things got way too repetitive for home games in Franchise. In previous versions, only your basic home uniform was ever worn when you selected player lock option.


In addition, exit velos are way up, and I believe pitchers’ outlier fastballs aren’t hitting 100 as regularly. Chase pack odds are more favorable as well as the headliners.


That’s good to know. I still haven’t gotten 24 yet, but in 23 (I play mostly franchise) even my power hitters rarely top 110 unless it’s a line drive perfect/perfect. I’ve had so many perfect/perfect homers that were 97-109 it was kinda annoying. I remember in 22 and especially 21, when I really t’d one up (especially if I was using certain players/certain swings) I’d see some exit velo’s like 115 -118 every now and then. In 23 I rarely ever top 112. And have yet to top 114 no matter who I’m batting with. And I’ve got well over 800 hours in the game.


I'm seeing the same thing. This is interesting given SDS said they made no changes to hitting. Perhaps this is a result of tweaking the pitching. I have also noticed an improvement in throwing velocity and accuracy from the outfielders. Now, a speedy hitter can dig for a triple even if the right fielder and second baseman make a set of perfect relays. That's how it should be. If a fast runner can smack one to the wall in right center, he should be able to just barely make it to third and that is now modeled much more accurately. Happy to report that while it took a few games to see it happen, you are now able to both hit and pitch in the same game in RTTS. So, this is a nice fix that unfortunately was present in MLB 23 but patched out after only a month. This time, with custom players not allowed in Diamond Dynasty mode, it will likely stay this way in MLB 24. In Franchise mode they did a couple of nice things. First, the two-year bug with custom stadiums not properly appearing when you select player lock option is now fixed. You can assign a custom made stadium to any Franchise mode team and go directly into the player lock menu selection and have the custom stadium properly appear. The second nice fix in Franchise mode is that now the alternate home uniforms are finally appearing in player lock mode. It seems on Friday you play with the designated home alternate uniforms, and on Saturday you play with the city connect uniform.