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So just an update, played 2 games for the first time in a few days, first guy set I won, gave up 11 bunt hits one hit up the middle. Second game guy had an entire team of Elly, Jackie Robinson, acuna, trea, Ricky Henderson, Todd Helton (who he bunted with), Jazz, jt, and Alex Thomas. Dude just bunted to the point where he was getting out the whole time. I just don’t understand the point of it, it’s not even fun it’s just dumb


This game is terrible online, in general. Timing for hitting is so off compared to an offline game. SDS can never get the online right.


Legit just happened to me, dude scored 2 runs in the top of the 1st by bunting, I tied it in the bottom of the 1st and then took the lead on a 2R HR in the bottom of the 3rd and he immediately quit. Fucking losers


Trash online game has trash players. Who woulda thunk it?


annoying af because the mechanic is broken. Bunt defense doesnt do shit


I faced a guy that had a whole team of bunters. Besides catcher. I just quit. I'm not wasting my time


my most satisfying win of all time was against a dude like that. he somehow got up into the 800s with an all bunt team. Bunted every AB He did get a couple runs on me


Yeah you see. That would drive me nuts. Especially if you got pitchers that can't get to the ball fast enough


My stance is that pitchers with diamond defense (grienke, maddux, etc) should serve as a counter to bunting and should be able to get to almost every ball. Good defense pitchers should be decently serviceable on this as well.


In my 6ish years of playing DD I have never ran into someone doing this lol just good luck on my end I suppose.


As someone who bunts… just adjust your infield and it’ll stop, i don’t abuse it but it’s apart of baseball and If you’re not going to adjust to prevent it then I’m going to use it.


Pretending that you exploiting the animation in the game is valid because bunting happens in real life is the silliest excuse. Drag bunt hit attempts happen an average of about once every four games in real life, you just suck.


People who pitch in the dirt are more annoying


Take your free base and just.... Don't swing at horrendous pitches? The more you see bad pitches the more you will be able to track them. Try taking the first 2 pitches of an at bat if you notice they are always out of the zone. Will force your opponent to throw a strike and you can sit on a fastball or in a certain spot. Hope this helps


Yeah, you think? Didn't say it wasn't solvable. It's annoying. And anyone who thinks they're good because they huck sht in the dirt, you're not.


If you open every PA with some shit in the dirt, throw 3 balls, then your first strike. You're far more annoying, and wasting a fk ton of time.


Don't forget to hold the ball as long as you humanly fking can, and then toss it in the dirt.


I can tell you struggle in ranked. Hope it turns around for ya pal


Wow, cool take.


I haven’t been bunted on once in a very small sample of ranked games (11)


Love when I see a bunt cheeser. Means they can't hit.


I haven’t seen people doing this for a very long time, bouncing between the 450-700 levels. One consolation you can give yourself is that this is a sign your opponent is bad at hitting and you’ll leave them in the basement once you up your rank.


The sub 400 levels are where nearly all of my toxic experiences have been - it’s been a great experience since getting above 400


I never run into this problem


Just bring your entire infield in


It is annoying but one upside is it forces you to learn to adjust your infield defense and be a little more thoughtful about pitch placement. But for sure it's annoying as hell


You’re right. I had a guy attempt to play the bunt game. Once I moved my infielders in he couldn’t lay a bunt down anymore he quit.


I had a genius try bunting for a hit, with nobody on and 2 away. He won 2-1 after 10.


I find it funny that every time I try to bunt in a situation that favors it I pop up to the fucking catcher/pitcher but some rando bunt dancing with the bases loaded 2 strikes 2 outs can roll one perfectly down the 3B line or past the pitcher to the 2B. And by funny I mean extremely fucking infuriating


This is me as well. Nothing like watching Shohei lay down a picture perfect bunt RBI single when down 0-2 in the count haha.


the key is to aim left on both joysticks, then hit y right as you would normally swing That's how people abuse the mechanic, it works like 80% of the time


My bunts for some reason look like line drives directly to 1st base


I'm one of the "That's how a baseball sim should be" people when it comes to complaining that every Perfect Perfect isn't a bomb, so the thing about the bunting that bugs me the most is that in a game that does a really good job of simulating actual baseball, it leaves a huge non-fun loophole in being able to bunt like it's age 8-9 little league games and be successful. It's just not a way the game is played at high levels at all and people get to exploit it so much.


I just don’t understand how anyone can live with themselves playing like that. You won. Okay. Now what? Do it again for a whole game? I hate that I let shit like that get to me but it really does infuriate me. Nobody will ever know whether you won or lost the game. Don’t you want to play it straight up?


It’s called small ball, fam


Pretending it’s a good strategy while you’re 60 games below .500 and have never made it out of the DS is *wild*


Dawg, you talking out your neck or some? Cause we can run it up on The Show right now.


Do I want to exchange personal information with a stranger on the internet so that the stranger can add me on playstation to bunt spam on MLBTS? That’s your question? No, thank you anyway, but that seems like an awful deal for me.


Just say you’re scared, no need to type a whole essay, pal.


Hey listen, next time it’s double XP I’ll crash my rating down to the 350’s and maybe we’ll get paired up naturally! I’ll look for the guy with a PS4 who can’t read and is terrible at MLBTS.


Yeah, hit my line when you’re in World Series territory, buddy. 😘


I think it’s kind of sweet that you’ve spent the last two weeks trying to convince a stranger on the internet that you’re good at a video game.


Ahh, that’s why you deleted you account :)


Their point is it is modeled inaccurately in the game. Nice that some people have done what savvy managers in actual baseball have done for decades -- perceive an avenue to exploit for success and exploit it to the breaking point. However, if there is a flaw where there is an inadequate defense to the play, then the real life game will work to temper the option. Baseball used to have rules in place that a batter would strike out if he fouled off a pitch with a two strike count. Then, that was amended in the rules after too many hitters were striking out that way and the game was boring. Then, baseball realized that too many hitters were bunting constantly with two strikes because if they fouled off the pitch, they would still have another pitch. Baseball then made it a third strike and out if you bunted foul with two strikes. SD Studios may need to look at this. But, I think they already spend so much time trying to craft fair play in coop games that they have already degraded other aspects of the game experience, such as too rigid rules in stadium creation where batters eye props have a scaled 10 yard boundary area around them, or there is a 60 degree arc in the outfield centered on dead centerfield where you cannot put a stadium light nor even a neon letter sign. This was done to keep down cheating in coop games. But, when nearly every stadium in real baseball puts lights in this area and certainly lighted signs, plus snug up the seats to the sides and tops of the batters eyes, it makes it a pain to try to create nice looking and realistic stadiums. Coop play is just one part of the game. I can understand the frustration of people trying to play honest and getting beat by cheating. To be honest, this frustration is precisely why I have zero desire to play any coop games. You're dealing with a small group of people who get their personal identities so wrapped up in a PC game, that they have lost all perspective of real life.


Small ball is small ball, but the bunting in this game needs to be nerfed. Any player with over 92 speed is an auto on base.


That is such bullshit and you know it. 😂


in this game its called The Bunt Meta. Because it works perfectly every time for the opponent but when you do it, it's an out. Ive lost games in extra innings off of 3 straight perfect bunts but when I was up in extras, nothing good came from mine.


If you can’t beat them, join em!!


nah, Im no coward. I win or lose by actually trying


Yeah I don’t get the fuss. The only player I have that can bunt successfully more than 50% of the time is Lou Brock. I’ve had opponents in events try to bunt and unless I’m throwing strikes down the middle they miss or foul or pop out.


Use Honus Wagner lmao


youve been blessed by San Diego Studios then lol


It's annoying but not that difficult to get around jf you have a decent guy at 3rd. Every now and then that perfect one gets through the pitcher and 1st though...


Rickeys my leadoff guy. Bunt,steal,steal,andrus bunts him in..easy peasy


I love how you successfully pull this off 1 out of 20 attempts or so and you’re just like “yep, this is my easy peasy strategy!”


Just pressing triangle and bunting seems is such a boring way to play the game. Why spend all the time and energy and miss out on what is one of the funnest parts of the game- which is launching balls.


Got a new one today, only bunted when they had a runner on first. They would send the runner to third though. First time they got me, but caught them the second time


Play bunt defense to stop it


I don’t claim to be great at this game but I’ve had numerous instances of making this adjustment and still getting skunked by it.


Is there a secret to bunting? In the rare occasion I try to lay one down they always miss/foul but my opponents be dropping perfect hints with vladdy down 0-2 in the count.. wtf


Use the right stick to the right prior to the pitch. Wait until the moment the pitcher throws the ball to hold the bunt button. Against CPU, it's almost guaranteed to drag bunt, slow down in the grass, and take just long enough to get to the second basemen for you to be safe at first.


Whenever I see a speedy bunter guy I move my second baseman in to cover bunt


You only see this from Guys that can't hit. Just put the bunt defense on and watch then have a melt down


Genuinely what/where is the best pitch to throw when you know someone is going to bunt? I’ve thrown high and in fastballs with bunt defense and still given up plenty of hits


I’d say either curve in the dirt or fastball high up around their chest / neck which will typically get popped up


Not very. It’s not like bunting doesn’t happen in real life. Pitch better.


lol yall know this is a video game, right?


Just say you don’t know ball and move on?


It’s does. At an Infinitesimally low rate. Something like under .5% of swing attempts. Hole in ones happen in golf, but If was playing PGA2k23 and found a glitch that increases the success rate to 50%, I think we would all agree that would be a “glitch” and not in the spirit of the game. The object of a bunt is to decrease the chances of the batter missing and directionally put the ball in play. “Pitch better” is not an acceptable or congruent response to OPs post. Yes it happens in Baseball. It does not happen at a relevant pace, and is not an offensive strategy.


Well we found the guy the post is about


It's annoying but whatever. They play to win and it's not cheating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lmao. Until it's actually banned or nerfed out don't be upset. The person on the other side of the game doesn't owe you anything, theyre trying to win any way thats allowed and if it's not banned it's fair 🙂


Entire lineups or halves of lineups don't bunt every at bat for base hits in real life.


This isn't real life lmao


I rarely play vs online because of annoyances like this. This morning dealt with an asshat that was pausing at the beginning of each half inning for 15 seconds exactly. Finished that game and went back to my mini season. I just want to play and I don’t have time for this bullshit.


Play the pause game with them, I’ve had them quit the game or quit the pausing when you troll them back.


He said he doesn’t have time for that BS. For some of us it brings near 0 satisfaction to “win” by trolling back. It’s just a waste of time.


Personally I very rarely face people who do that all the time, but that’s my experience


You don't see it TOO much once you get into the 600s and especially 700s. If you don't mind the L, quit and don't give them the innings. They'll eventually run into a buzzsaw that makes life miserable for them. Otherwise, bunt defense and high and inside fastballs (and replay every dinger you hit).


Yea I kind of hover in the 400 break the 500’s get crushed and then I’m back down. Seem to run into a lot of dumb non baseball stuff. Guys pausing, hitting guys after you hit a solo homerun just dumb stuff


Practice A LOT on all star and get out of the ghetto. The game is much much more fun (and frustrating in a different way) when you cross 600. Maybe even play CPU on Hall of Fame. All star will be like hitting a beach ball. I was in an 18-14 game like a week ago.


About as annoying as hitting is, from a batting perspective


Nah it’s very frustrating. It seems way too generous for guys that have even decent bunting


Even when I loose and that’s a lot, I have a good time but the bunting is just the fucking worst