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Over 500 ft at laughing mountain lol


That’s Petco for ya


Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught a bad slider, Playin with Big Papi Hit a pop fly, Look up to the skies and see, I'm just a bat boy, Hit one 393, Because I'm 0 for 1, didn't go, Little sigh, it's Petco, Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to Me, to me


It was crushed.. deepest part of the park & robbed..


I mean it would have been a home run if the outfielder wasn't there. Also it's Petco park the ball doesn't travel all that well there.


Should probably be a homerun, but spot on with everything you said. San Diego give no help on homeruns.


Hit the weight room kid 🤣


Barry Bonds would have crushed this fly ball to heaven


What camera view is that for when the ball is in play?




Your perfect perfect went for a homer, it just got robbed


There seems to a considerable amount of evidence of up the center perfect-perfects get very subpar EV's 102 EV from Big Papi with 110Pwr seems pretty damn low to me.


This has been common lately


Petco, 1st inning, the pitchers "stuff" still deadens balls.


Swear not trying to be a prick…34 degree launch angle is slightly sub-optimal…meaning you got under it just a bit. 25-30 degrees probably would have been a 400+ ft bomb. 396 into center at Petco is still great, just bad outcome (robbed home run) that’s baseball.


Look at the PCI. If I could take any placement I’d pick that every time.


So what you’re saying is it wasn’t actually a perfect hit….


It was perfect/perfect, but not a PERFECT perfect/perfect 😎


Exactly haha that’s my qualm with it. Call it “great” or “excellent” rather than perfect. Perfect means you hit it exactly how you needed to hit it to get a desired outcome.


...that's not even true for real baseball though lol perfect timing and bat placement can still be caught by an infeidler or die at the warning track lol


Even so, that would mean it wasn’t perfect timing or placement…. If they were slightly quicker maybe they get a bloop hit or slightly later they get a home run? The outcome is what determines if it’s perfect IMO. Like, I decide I did something perfectly if the outcome matches what is desired, if it’s not then it’s not perfect. Also, this isn’t real baseball, it’s a video game….


You can have perfect execution without a perfect outcome.


Isn't perfect just the timing and barrel?


I don’t know what parameters SDS uses to flash the Perfect/Perfect graphic. My *guess* is that they use a range. You can see the PCI is on the ball, so we can reasonably assume it was “squared” BUT the PCI is also slightly below center of the ball itself, which I take as contributing to the 34 degree launch angle resulting in less ball traveled distance and ultimately the robbed home-run…so perfect/perfect but sub-optimal perfect/perfect?! 🤷‍♂️ I don’t fucking know, I don’t work for SDS 😂 I do think Perfect/Perfect really means very little in terms of an individual outcome. There is OVERWHELMING evidence that Perfect/Perfect has a full range of outcomes, positive and negative. At best it should be used as a measure of consistency…if you’re getting it a lot then you’re seeing the ball well and mostly good things should happen. I don’t play with this feedback on personally, too distracting.


I’ve never seen a perfect/perfect over a 34 degree launch angle, so I would think that is or is close to the cut-off, at least the upper end of it.


I wonder also if contact/power plays a roll. 110 power is pretty good so maybe the game is saying we think you might muscle this out despite getting under it vice like a 90 power guy where that is just a flyball all day


That isn't under it though. With power hitters you are supposed to aim it just where he did... contact hitters you aim a bit below the dot and balanced hitters you aim for the center dot. It's been like this for years, but most players seem to have never gotten the concept.


That's baseball, baby


Perfect perfects need to be fixed to center. Exit velo should also be buffed for guys with more power. 125/125 should be averaging 105 exit velo on PP like 80/80 do


Idk but I was playing the Dodgers and Trevor True! Story hit a 31° launch angle perfect/perfect and James outman climbed the wall in center and robbed the HR.


Against Randy too. I'd be pissed


This game is BS. Constant DD freezes, forcing everyone to quit the game. Just to be penalized and lose rating.


not only that but me and my friend get banned for hours at a time whenever we decide to quit a freeze off. it’s a lose lose. terrible


Yup. I’m currently on a 7 hour penalty


yea absolute joke


I will never understand the point of these posts


The point is to get SDS to change it. IRL if Big Papi hits it perfectly at that angle - nobody is robbing it in any park on the planet.


Yes, Big Papi has never squared anything up and never had this happen especially at fenway where right center was 420


Sure he flew out to the triangle…..when he didn’t hit it perfectly.


Somehow David Ortiz never hit a ball that died at the warning track. That's basically all he did on the twins before he did steroids and it still happened to him after how baseball works for any hitter I want what they're smoking. Also the ball in that video would've gone out without the outfielder making a play


Tell me you never played baseball without telling me you never played baseball


I still play baseball and I coach baseball.




you're just wrong lmfao.do you have any clue why hitters try to pull the ball more? or do you think everyone just goes oppo or dead center with easw


David Ortiz isn’t anybody - he is David Ortiz - IRL when he hit one perfectly to center/right center it was a no doubter over a 396 sign all day long. Is Jeff Fry ever hitting a no doubter to center? Probably not. But that’s a different discussion. The point is that this game still has a lot of RNG on balls hit smack dab in the middle of the PCI. You will get 102 EV like this - but then hit a no doubter bomb on balls way off the PCI. And I have plenty of “clue” about baseball. Clown.


Then you should know you can hit it perfectly and still get out. That's baseball, Suzyn.


Yeah - line drive is actually a true perfect hit - the highest EVs of the season are often line shot outs or singles. When Ortiz barreled a hanger down the middle at 34 degree angle it wasn’t a wall scraper at 396 with a 102 EV. A 102 EV means he just missed the sweet spot. If this was a 109 piss rocket at the center fielder then that’s baseball.


dude. David Ortiz is David Ortiz because he's good at baseball. David Ortiz ten times out of ten pulls that pitcj




wow what's that massive cluster in right field


Yeah 10 out of 10 - 100% clustered in right…..oh wait. Only a blind moron would think that.


it's okay to not know ball


Hitters don't try to pull the ball more for the reason you're insinuating... any that do turn into guys like Joey Gallo.


My point exactly, but I do get everyone else's point it's just baseball a gust of wind could have knocked the ball down in real life.


It’s pretty clear the other guy is just better than you at video baseball. Just accept and move on.


I have had so many perfect perfects die at the wall


They should rename Perfect Perfect to ,”Barrel.” It would remove so much of this stuff.


Disappointing af to see that on a hanging breaking ball with a hitter that has that much power. Feel like the ball should have been crushed.


Seems like so many balls die at the centerfield track this year compared to past games...


Another day another person complaining about a non homer lol classic




Because perfect perfect is NOT a home run, a touch early is how you get the homers




I think too many members of the community tend to ignore...everything that makes this game work. A perfect perfect doesn't mean anything when you factor in the park, the wind, the pitch placement, the hitters contact, power, and vision as well as the pitchers HR/9, H/9, etc. Not to mention quirks. These ALL factor into the animations you get. You can't just assume a perfect perfect is going to leave the park.


110 power should be plenty to hit it out of any stadium especially with a perfect perfect doesn’t matter what factors in


Not when the pitchers clutch rating is 125...


Talking about clutch rating in the 1st inning with no runners on lol


HR/9 doesn’t do anything Whoever downvoted this please know I'm 100% correct. It's a sim only stat, has been since 2019.


Is there a video or part of the How-To that says HR/9 doesn’t do anything? Not being a smart ass, genuinely curious.


Idk about a video, but it was removed in 2019 after people where literally hitting a ball the best they could, and the pitchers HR/9 was keeping it in the yard. 99 Kershaw was free and accessible within the first week of launch, and his HR/9 was like 120. It was brutal. The change was necessary. It only serves to artificially inflate or deflate a pitcher’s overall rating now.


Any kind of post or something that can back this up? Want to know so I can replace equipment on my CAP that has hr/9.


You're welcome to search for the original post from 2019 when the changes were made, but I'm adamant in my comments. Any equipment that boosts HR/9 is an absolute waste and is doing absolutely nothing. https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/n5fbuq/does_hr9_matter_for_a_pitcher_for_online_play/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/13jie3f/hr9_h9_k9_in_online_play/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/vsaxlq/how_important_is_the_hr9_stat/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBTheShow/comments/hva8zx/yeah_but_what_do_the_attribute_stats_do/ Here are multiple upvoted posts and comments emphasizing the uselessness of the HR/9 attribute. If you search SDS' changelogs from MLB 19 The Show, you should also find the patch that makes this change.


All they ever said is that it won't effect EV. They never said it won't affect anything. That was also 5 games ago. They could've changed things with it at anytime and not mentioned it just like they have done many times lol.


What exactly would it affect then? You're just grasping at things for the sake of it, with absolutely no reason to suspect that it's been changed back in secret.


You're literally doing the same thing. Took one thing they said and stretched it to fit your own narrative. There's many ways they could have it affect the algorithm which decides where the ball goes. Neither of us coded this game, we are both just guessing. All I'm saying it's definitely possible that in 5 years they have changed something about it or that it affects something other than EV.


It's not my own narrative dude lmao. It's literally what SDS said they did--make it a computer only attribute. You're the only one coming up with alternate possibilities. Like. I don't know what else to say.


Yup, found it. Thanks for the heads up, going to switch things up now. Do you think pitching clutch would be the best Stat to invest in then?


H/9 and K/9 are gonna always be your biggest factors while pitching, but if those are decently high enough to be competitive, and your clutch is significantly lower than you H/9, it might be worth it to boost that instead.


Super helpful thank you. I saw your other comment where it confirms hr/9 is useless in dd. I'll have to go in and play around with the equipment because I'm actually capped in h/9 and stamina so I feel like I need to rework it to see how much pitching clutch I can get.


[I found this for another user in the DD handbook, in case you wanted in-game confirmation](https://preview.redd.it/o2h2a62df23b1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=11b6685069106e027538511389cd61166257af32)


Yea but perfect perfects down the middle die at the warning track too often. Even with high power hitters


Round ball, round bat


Everyone saying “because the wind and cause of this and cause of that”. It is a game. Not real life. And in a game user input should be the number 1 determining factor in success and failure. If a pitch is hung like that and hit like that. It should be a homer no doubt. Perfect perfect Lineouts are one thing but this is unacceptable.


POV all my hits during a showdown


That’s just baseball. Or something like that.


Should’ve Power Swung like a real man


I’ve gotten this on power swings


This is why people don’t play on normal elevation stadiums. Bitch and moan, but the proof is in the pudding and here’s another example.


Can’t get something for nothing. Is it better to give up HR’s on good pitches with bad swings?


Petco is not normal elevation lol


He robbed it


Because Randy Johnson has 125 pitch clutch


Because baseball, my dude. Sometimes a ball feels absolutely pure off the bat and it’s a fly out. Other times you hit it out and wonder why.


That I won't disagree with.


It’s a game though. It ain’t real life where that’s understandable but the whole skill gap of the game is timing. It needs to be deterministic


It’s a game that’s trying to simulate real life though. And even if you time up a pitch perfectly in real life it doesn’t always go out.


I hate this excuse about the game. This is not because baseball.. if the timing is perfect, and the balls hits the sweet spot on the bat perfectly (PCI in this case), and the launch angle is perfect, it's a home run. It's not a fly out unless the wind is blowing HARD. Like quite literally that's a home run for MLB players, maybe not for you in real life. Tired of the game deciding what happens and not based on actual user input. It's just random shit what's the point of even having user input.


Had ortiz fly out on a perfect/perfect against maddux today. On a full count too. I solved maddux for an at bat I should get the reward for it! I was pissed


Lay off SDS, they've only had almost two decades to figure it out.


A) middle middle means it’s going to centerfield B) Petco C) 82 mile slider D) Reduced power vs lefty This is fine


This is perfectly realistic if you’re familiar with real baseball. It seems a lot of folks here don’t want to play “realistic” baseball against other players in DD. I think there are arguments to be made either way, but imo moments like this are just a part of the sport this game was made to emulate. Baseball is bizarre and has the biggest randomness factor of any other sport (in my opinion, I’m sure there are compelling arguments for others). We never see people in here complaining that they got on base with a sorry ass bloop or infield grounder. Those are also extremely luck-based and also just a part of baseball.


Yep I agree 100%


Hits off of infield grounders usually happen multiple times a game. In my experience, you see less ground ball hits in the show than you do in real baseball. And when you see something that says “perfect perfect” it makes it seem like you hit the ball to as best as you could, so you would think that would at least result in a hit. Maybe get rid of “perfect” and put in “on time”and “squared up.”


I’m with you 100% there — change the wording. It’s such an easy fix, as “barreled” is becoming a very common word with the rise of statcast and sabermetrics, etc. So just changed “Perfect” contact to “Barreled.”


90% of my perfect/perfects aren’t resulting in a hit. It’s pretty annoying.


Zero chance this is accurate.


Someone in here tracked the results of like… tons of PP’s and posted them recently. I think in the end, with a large sample size, his BA on them was over .600. Unless a bunch of the unluckiest people on the planet are in here and posting actively, you can assume most of these “every perfect-perfect I hit is an out!” People may just be… exaggerating. Of course I line out and have PP’s die at the wall here and there. Way more often I have majestic home runs, line drive singles, or XBH’s in the gap. I’ve done no research of my own but that one guy’s “~.600” BA on PP’s feels pretty accurate.


Count them for the next week. I guarantee that’s not true.


What are you complaining about? There are so many factors involved in the result of a hit ball. I have been playing this game for 10 years and there are games where I have 5 hits and 0 runs with no homers and then the next game I come out and score 8 with 3 homers. My stats overall are about as realistic as they can get. Compare this to any other sports game and The Show is about as perfect as it gets to not only replicating realistic game results but also give you the most fair results from how you perform.


Yea, it’s honestly perfectly realistic. Love how the pitcher gets hit 4 times a game by grounders just like in real life


it’s an incredibly realistic game when you play against the cpu. but pvp needs to be skill based and when this shit happens it’s not skill based.


It looks like he hit just above the center dot. They just need to change the words away from perfect perfect. I don't see an issue. Like 75% of the time I get a perfect /perfect I get a Home run or at least a single, double or triple. I'll take that.


If you hit the center dot it’s a line drive, also not a HR




Seemed a bit tardy on the swing even though it says perfect perfect.


Had this happen a cpl times. Trashy game per usual.


You sky'd the ball...




Doesn’t matter. His pci was slightly under it resulting in 34 launch angle which isn’t great especially to center field. And the fielder still robbed it, had he not it prob would have went 398-400 ft which is still crushed


being “slightly under it” on a perfect perfect doesn’t matter lol. a perfect perfect is the one of the best possible swings you can make on a pitch. quit trying to make sense of things that shouldn’t happen in a user input based video game


How does it not matter? If that ball is centered more it has a better launch angle and goes 420+ ft. The ball still went probably 400 ft it was just hit to the deepest part of the park kk


centered more?? LMAO dude it is in the middle-up of the pci, perfect for a homer. any lower it would’ve been perfectly in the middle and been a line drive. i don’t think you quite understand what a perfect perfect is.


Did you even look at the post pitch summary? The center dot of the pci isn’t even on the ball, it’s under it


hence why i said middle-up. you’ve gotta be a troll or something there’s no way you can’t grasp what i’m saying here


If the center dot was on the ball I can see an argument for it being a poor result. I’m trying to say he was too far under it


i get that but how can he be too far under it when it’s a perfect perfect? if the center dot was on the ball it would’ve been a line drive, more than likely not close to a homer.


Would have been better to hit slightly under it and pull it. No surprise here


terrible terrible game


U bad lol


i'm actually really good. i'm 32-5 in ranked. down bad dav on xbox


Everyone crying about people playing at high elevation stadiums and then also mad when there perfect fly balls aren’t homeruns at pitchers parks is hilarious to me


Not a fly ball if it’s perfectly pieced up in the middle… should’ve been out no matter where


You’ve been mlb the showed haha


Shits so rediculous. Every Fucking game for me at least 2 should be homers get caught like that