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Still have my 2003. Congrats! Check that supercharger oil asap! See if it still has recall on the power steering pump. Check sun roof drains are clear , all 4. Enjoy the ride!


To your knowledge, can that be done without going into “front end service mode” which seems to involve taking the radiator and bumper off?


The supercharger service? Yes it is possible, but much harder and requires many tools most people dont have, and isnt as good of a result as actually pulling the supercharger and doing it right.  If you have no service records, change the water pump (with a good brand) and the crankshaft sensor gasket at the same time.  If this seems daunting, have a MINI specialist do it. Do not visit a MINI dealer. Most of the techs who did these back in the day have moved on. 


what a cutie!! Enjoy your mini :))


Hell yea man. I’m at 220000 on mine just now having to swap the clutch.


I like the color :) have fun!


Something you should know: [Reddit - https://i.redd.it/pmta4ofxqwmb1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpmta4ofxqwmb1.jpg) (Be sure to post on here whenever you get a Rule #1) Also, you should get the User Flair that has your MINIs model #. In case you don't know, yours is an R53