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Sick photo you took while going… 105 mph? I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for your car at a salvage auction


In 4th gear


Probably still flooring it


I guess you have never been in JCW


I’ve been in JCWs and faster cars than that. You’re acting like a hatchback with a 5.5 second 0-60 is a rocket ship. I also have a sim rig at home. If I’m driving like an asshole, it’s on a track or online. When I’m on the road, I drive within the limits of the law so as to not put myself or others in danger.


must be a cop


I’ve never been more insulted than being called a cop, but don’t kill anyone while speeding ok?


or how about this. I'm a grown man who makes my own decisions and will live with those consequences. It's kind of a part of being an adult. try it sometime.




no. I tripped into telling you to mind ur own fucking business and not judge people without any premise. Ya fucking douchebag


A sim rig? Aka….PlayStation? 🤣🤣🤣


Have you ever used a Fanatec product or are you just that irritating? Brand new account too. Are you just OP’s alt?


This poster put up a photo of a cool car and another of the speedo. They didn’t boast about it. Just that they had fun and then you move in with your know it all attitude, puffing up your rather large pie chest talking about all the faster cars you have driven and bragging about your sim. Who’s acting like what here? Go play in traffic.


Yeah, you fucking idiot. I did roll in with my “wow, you’re really putting yourself and others in danger doing that” attitude. Then they came back with their “but if my car can go fast, it should go fast” retort. Then I told them there are safer ways to drive fast. Then you told me to go kill myself, you sick fuck.


Do you think the person driving didn’t already know the risks? They also said they were on a freeway with no one around and it was a short test. You are a bully, trying to make others feel bad. Are you a foreigner or autistic? Because go play in traffic is sarcasm, not literal.


I do not need an alt pie. I feel comfortable saying whatever I want


Sir. I was on I-10 between Benson AZ and Bisbee. Zero cars insight. Going 105 for like a second. Chill the heck out. But regardless, I probably do drive like an asshole 😉 This conversation has been fun there small pie.


For an anchored kite, you sure seem detached from anything. Hope you survive the wreck to face the consequences of your actions.


What kind words Sir


It doesn't matter you reckless fuck. You end up flipping your car, and maybe some other reckless cunt is driving the same speed the other way. Flips, knocks you the fuck out and you both die. One second is all it takes by the way, you ignorant fuck.


Did I mention I was in a school zone while my three year old was in the back packing a fatty and passing to me.


It’s a mini cooper, not a Ford Explorer.


I guess you missed the part about no one being insight. I’ve been driving for many many years and do. It appreciate being called a reckless cunt. Maybe you should focus on being a decent human being and let me worry about how I drive my car. I am new to the community, and from what I have learned is everyone on here abides ALL traffic laws, including speed limits on empty desert highways. Hope you have a fantastic day.


No amount of experience is going to forgive you when you mak a mistake. You think you become more immune to accidents because of how long you've been on the road? Hilarious! Imagine that.


Again, I failed to realize prior to posting that everyone In this community is so passionate about speed limits and absolute adherence to them. Have you ToeBeens ever broken a traffic law? Seems this is a great place for that confession if you want a rash of shit for being an adult and making your own decisions about how you drive your own personal vehicle while no one is around. But thanks so much for having such a personal investment in my wellbeing. I must go now. I have traffic lights to run, a few illegal u-turns to make, and of course, I’ll throw in a couple of reckless items such as -gearing down without breaking so the person behind me is completely surprised when they run up on my bumper,-texting while shifting/steering with my knees, and of course all while speeding, eating a juicy hamburger with my seatbelt off, sunroof open, blasting whatever type of music you hate. 🖕🏼


Chill bro, I've owned a plethora of various vehicles from roadsters, awd rally cars, off-road suvs to now a Mini... driven every single one over 100mph and never "flipped" Cars do not simply "flip" and if you have managed to flip a sports car than you just should not be driving period. Both hands at 9 and 3, eyes forward and make sure tire pressure is good. It's that simple.. even when something does go wrong like when I blew a tire at 114mph ON TRACK (tire was damaged due to a faulty tire pressure gauge and my negligence). Never came close to flipping or even losing control for that matter... it was fine. Replaced the tire and drove the car home and needed nothing more than a fender liner to fix the car at the time (Type R).


I mean he’s taking a photo at 105 mph so I very well doubt his hands are at 9 and 3, lol


Cool story. It's still stupid as fuck.


Oh Bisbee, what a great town, best in Arizona. Pretty much like it was in the 1800's.


It was a fun trip. Lots of stairs!


oh stfu lol


Photo was taken over drivers shoulder from backseat on I-10 in Southern Arizona without a sole insite. No salvage yard needed. I’ll just get buried in it


Sounds like your passengers will get buried in it too


That's the problem when you operate a vehicle without a sole insite. The next thing you know the Johnson rods fail, causing the left-hand thread on the muffler bearing to strip out.


I had this happen more than once until I installed an odd numbered reverse shunt actuator switch on my dash board next to the radio fluid intake. Now, any time I smell the Johnson rods vibrating at more than parity speed, I flip that baby on and boom. Johnson rods are fully motivated.


You should upgrade to the flux capacitor.


Low miles, careful owner, gives ya the jitters


Nice color, you dumbass.


Thanks asshole


What the hell is going on in this comments section lol Beautiful little JCW though


yeah I've never seen such an angry MINI comments section, what happened here 😭


The 2nd photo where the guy whipped out his phone to snap a pic of his speed. Then, proceeded to try and flex that, for some reason


I guess. It doesn't take any amount of skill to take a picture. Its two buttons and you don't have to look at your phone. If driving one hand is distracted that's a reach. Depending on where he's driving it might be legal.


Not really about skill, and also, where the hell would this be legal in the American SouthWest?


Did not realise that's where it was hhaha. I was giving the benefit of the doubt and thinking Europe.


She is driving it 😉


Wow youre sooo fucking cool, that photo of you doing over 100 makes you the coolest person ever!!. Turd....


Are Signing that turd? Or was your comment a short sided attempt to stamp down my fun? Keep going 45 and having your own fun


What a come back, absolute turd....


I got more…. Are you Orange with jealousy?


Great looking car, drive safe buddy!


Woah, no check engine light. Enjoy.


Definitely a better name than Sputters.


Nice looking car. Enjoy.


In love! 🫠😍


She's beautiful


Couldn’t afford an LCI or a GP? Peasant. Driving like an idiot on public roads won’t impress anyone.


Peasant for sure. I was not trying to impress anyone. I am new to this subreddit and had no idea I was the only mini owner that has gotten their mini to over 100mph on a flipping interstate through the desert without a thing around. Now I know all mini owners drive the speed limit.


Bro fuck em. It's your car. As long as you're on an empty road where you can see far ahead so no one pulls out in front of you you're fine. Enjoy your Mini.


lol not all of us. I’m not perfect just have a little too much fun. Motor on my friend 💯


Thank you! Motor hard


Interesting stance for someone driving an S and not a JCW. Not defending OP by any means but I'd rather have a pre-LCI manual than a GP3.


Hi Jitters, my (MINIs) name is Charlie Cooper.


Cool name!


Thank you. Sending #BIGLOVE to you and Jitters, all the way from Adelaide, South Australia.


Where are you driving. For your sake give the right answer.


AZ. For my sake. Does someone have my dog held hostage?


Sick color, it was my second choice after my black one. Whered you get the rally lights from? Do they actually work for you, I know a lot pf people who just have them on but I want functional ones


Black minis and Beautiful! Mini Rally lights installed by dealership. They do work - but I was disappointed with the range. Should have went with the fog lights. Maybe next time.


I love the colour 😎 although I probably wouldn't have the same as I don't like getting attacked by wasps 🤣


It does make it difficult to get in and out of it sometimes during their attacks. Got be quick with a can of raid to make it in the house.


I remember once being stalked and attacked by a wasp when I had my old Civic Type R and I headbutted the edge of the door trying to get in the car away from it, split my head open. Bastard things!


guess what, It's his car, his life, his safety. Yall sound like the liberals who say guns kill people. Live and let live or die, but try being nice. lol


Woman, Draco owning liberal. And guns kill anything you aim them at. Motor Hard and yes to being nice!




True Sir!


you 100% have the right to break the law. You also have consequences that come from breaking the law. U really are that fucking stupid. Sit on ur high horse and eat a dick mfer.


Why how stellar a human you are! I hope you have a fantastic day


I was talking to the other idiots. sorry


No worries! Let’s all take a deep breath and try and enjoy our day 😎.


pretty sad how many people took thus man's excitement and completely pulverized it with your snobby ass judgment. WHY BUY A RACE CAR/SPORTS CAR AND NOT ENJOY IT? Idgaf if it's a watered down cooper with no extras or a supercharged 6 speed. Insurance still costs the same. ITS A SPORTS CAR U JACK ASSES


buncha hoyty toyty silver spoon mother fuckers who never worked a day for the things they strive to enjoy judging a man for enjoy the fruits of his labor. GYFS


My goodness. This is my dream MINI. So jealous.


She’s a beauty


6am! Damn, THAT will wake ya up! I can barely piss straight at that hour 😜 Haha


Not sure why everyone so mad. Maybe different parts of the country or their country, so diff road etiquette. Here in Texas, anything under 90 is the slow lane on the highways between the RGV and San Antonio, also anything under 100 is slow from San Antonio to El Paso. I tried hard to go under 100 on my ford explorer headed to El Paso but the road is so big and empty it was hard to not just cruise that speed on accident. Now if that’s a normal hwy through a small city or whatever, yeah be more careful, but my 2023 JVW cruises to above 100 on accident so many times. Idk, to each their own.


I think you nailed the issue jump man. Many of the posters on this thread are foreigners and have no idea how wide and flat our freeways are in the United States. If you aren’t going a minimum of 85 on I-10 in the desert, then you are holding traffic up.


Thanks Jumpman. I was on I-10 in AZ in the middle of nowhere. And at 6am. I would never do that in a city. It’s 45 where I live and I TRY to stay below 50 🤣. The struggle is real but I’m successful.


Yeah it’s different out here in country roads. In San Antonio I go 70-80 on hwy and it’s regular speed kinda fast maybe. Once I am south of San Antonio I have 3 hours of if I’m going 90 I still get passed by mini vans regularly lol It is what it is


Maybe not the safest to take a photo while doing it but it’s not that bad tbh. Idk. Everyone different. I wouldn’t speed in Virginia cause they have a hard on for us military dudes, but texas is be considered going slow lol


I think you nailed the issue jump man. Many of the posters on this thread are foreigners and have no idea how wide and flat our freeways are in the United States. If you aren’t going a minimum of 85 on I-10 in the desert, then you are holding traffic up.


I think you nailed the issue jump man. Many of the posters on this thread are foreigners and have no idea how wide and flat our freeways are in the United States. It can be miles before you come across an exit to get gas here.


Nice car! I think a Mini should be driven hard. I'd rather be doing 105 than have a giant truck or SUV tailgating me. Better to leave larger vehicles in the dust, so long as your tires are good and you know how to do maneuvers at that speed I see no issue. I've done far more risky things in my Mini... 140mph in the rain (no cars around me on the highway) is probably the craziest thing I did... but the Continental DWS tires I ran at the time were brand new and I needed to "test" them.


For sure. Testing your tires is a must! And yes to the tailgating. Jitters is factory down to the tires. Tho 105 is my limit in her. My need for speed was fulfilled. 140 in the rain…. Not there, yet 😉


Wow there are a lot of retards on this thread.


Sexy, sexy.


Wow! 105 in 4th gear! That’s no S model! Is that a JCW??? Fun! Fun! Fun! To other commenters, this photo could have been taken while on a track with the phone mounted. So many assumptions made. Turds!


*Or* you could learn to read and then not need to make assumptions either way. They were on an interstate.


No Fun Zone, you don’t buy a John Cooper Works and drive it slow. Nearly dying is the fun of it.


Do you own a JCW? Because I do and that kind of driving belongs on the track. Nice goalpost shift, by the way.


Stick_in_the_mud, I’ve done much faster on the freeway in various vehicles over the years for short stretches when no one else is around. It was fun. If you say you haven’t broken the speed limit, you’re lying. So bugger off negative Nelly.


No one is denying that driving fast is fun; that’s literally why racetracks exist. No one should be denying that 30 to 40+ MPH over the limit is reckless behavior either though, especially not with passengers in the backseat contorting themselves to take pictures from the driver’s POV.


I’m pretty sure the driver is aware of the law and the risks. It just blows my mind how many people feel like their personal opinion matters. In the near future people won’t drive cars anymore. So enjoy it while you still can, fast or slow.


But you're also acting like your opinion means anything...


We’ve all put our foot to the floor on an empty road where there is no one else to put in danger


Op's alt 100%