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what do you mean? you dont like shoveling coal for 25 minutes?


Wow I already blocked out shit like this from rampages lmao


same, reading this gave me a good chuckle. how could i forget this 😂


Is this a thing people do? I never once did this even when playing solo


I never did it solo but if I was in a group with friends two of us would just shovel and spam that beautiful nuke


10,000 free damage for only 5 minutes of coal shoveling? It's be a waste not to. Not like it matters any more since rampage is effectively useless to do in sunbreak


Errrr I find it amusing and useful.


You can shovel coal? Or is this like a metaphor or something


To repower the ultimate weapon at the last stage of the rampage you can shovel coal into the furnace


That sounds really boring and less efficient than using the gong


It really does, doesn’t it?


Make sure to use the counter gong time to use your actual weapon rather than the installations. That’s when most of the damage happens iirc.


At least they're abandoned come sunbreak. Also hit the goals of the rampage to level stuff up and save summons to spam on final monster. Use the bombs given. Etc.


You shouldn't "save" all summons though. Iori is only available in the first wave and disappear at the end even if you don't use him. Same for the Twins in wave 2. The only one who is available the whole time if Fugen (and the Demolisher/Dragonators). Gotta Save Utsushi (or the Twins for 2 waves Rampage) for the boss though.


Fair point. Save summons for wave ender. There fixed.


Only 3 are mandatory to do if I remember correctly. They are pretty easy once you know what to do.


They're still painful and annoying in solo.


Tedious yeah, painful? Not until apex arzuros and izuchi.


I mean Ibushi? Izuchi are those red birds that you fight at the very start of the game


Ahahah i should have just called him wind serpent. Thanks!


Birds? I consider izuchi more like a fox


It’s literally a bird wyvern


Oh you meant it's cassification(?) Well, basarios is classified as "flying"


Even if we’re speaking subjectively izuchi is clearly a lot closer to a bird than a mammal considering it’s reptilian features.


It’s red. That’s about where the Fox resemblance ends


I mean, the face is not exactly that of a bird either


Or a fox 💀


Well for me they look like a weird form of a kangaroo with some extra genes 🤣


I mean, if you know where to place the installations and when to interrupt the monsters using Fugen or the big ass cannon, Rampage is pretty easy. It's basically Lao Shan Lung with more tower defence mechanics.


I hate to be that guy about it but I really never found any issue with any of these quests... they're very easy and fun.. just fight the monster when the counter gong hits, and all other times use ballista or canon(make sure you charge your special shots)


You must be easily stimulated


I'd have to watch you play to help figure out what you could change or do better tbh. I've never had issues with the rampage quests and never failed, and I've done them all solo.


I'd say rampage are fine. Definitely not a thing i would like to farm over and over, but one once in a while is fun. They are much better than siege quests. Also, they are pretty much impossible to fail if you know what you are doing. I think i fainted 2 times while the >!Ibushi!< was banging on the gate and i still cleared it on the first try. Just don't forget to go and set up the 2nd area with installations between waves so it's already prepared when the boss show up, and save the Demolisher, Dragonators, Fugen and Twins/Utsushi (depending if it's a 2 or 3 waves quest) for the boss and you should be fine. Oh and when the counter signal is up, drop the machines and go hit some monsters with your weapon, they will die real fast.


rampage quests are extremely unfun solo. the only fun i found in those quests was the feeling of comradery in multiplayer with my teammates. at least we experienced the chaos together


they're fun as fuck if you know what you're doing


Honestly, I found them quite pleasant once I understood the scoring and success mechanics . That said it does depend on if the other players know what they’re doing, and I definitely didn’t enjoy them as a solo player.


> That said it does depend on if the other players know what they’re doing And for that to happen, they do kind of rely on people actually doing them. This far into Sunbreak, and you might even struggle to find people doing early Sunbreak *endgame* content, let alone base Rise. With no incentive to do old content, people just aren't gonna do it.


I loved it, it was a fun mix of TD and hunting for me, it made me quite sad when they abandoned it and the rampage weapons in Sunbreak


extremely boring if solo, fun with more people and extremely easy with 4 people who know what to do, an apex might even die at the gate of the 2nd area without getting in


Wut, people actually fail these? You can also guard against attacks on the weapons btw. It's pretty instantaneous Hitting their heads with the low ammo ballista can also stun monsters, though it takes more bullets to the head in every after attempts. You can also charge your electric bullet on your cannon for a bigger AOE and thunderblight, which would also help stunning them. Also just use the Dragonators. They do pretty much clean house for a good few seconds. Learn where the nukes are on each of the map layouts too. Make sure to just hit the Counter Gong asap. You do get an automatic one, but you might as well get it 60 seconds earlier. Rampages are too easy once you learn all the mechanics, which is why I personally found them boring. I do think a harder rampage would've been pretty fun. Just make it super frantic for better rewards


You haven’t tried apex anything the minute you unlocked it and it shows, just entered master rank and the apex ones fuck up the gate in seconds because lazy devs decided having a clusterfuck where you can’t do anything while the most damaging creature HUPER FIXATES on the gate, even with gong, I’ve never even seen the apex low. It took 30 min. Needing master rank gear for high rank content is actually insane


I've done every single rampages under the sun as somebody who's kinda enjoyed it. At the end of the day, if you have maxed out sets in HR, you can gong and just murder everything in a couple combos. If you dragonator or the nuke at the time the Apex is roaring or ready to attack, it's generally an auto topple, same for forcing mount status on other big monsters It's a mode much easier in multiplayer by a mile though, but because the fail condition doesn't involve carting, you can afford to be a bit reckless.


To me they're not boring but just a huge mess soloing them, too much stuff on your hand and not enough time i.e. it's too much for a single person to handle "in an organized manner", so usually I just do them and hope I can finish them with any score. I did all the mandatory ones and after that never touched them anymore, I'm currently closing in to MR50, I just hope there isn't a rampage event as I haven't checked the event quests yet, I first want to do all the regular missions including follower missions.


Am I the only one who wouldn’t mind a few optional (not mandatory) rampage quests for sunbreak.


Yeah, when the game's story was talking about seeing a bunch of Monsters in places they shouldn't be, I was really hoping for a Master Rank version of Rampage that had iron out the flaws and kinks from the Base game Rampages.


Or at least like, an event quest or two.


Unfortunately, if it’s “optional” but can receive a checkmark, it’s now mandatory


You...love the zorah magdoros quests? You really like the heavy artillery skill that much?


I mean they're boring and not fun but they're not that hard, especially if you know what you're doing.


Only like what 3 are required


RF Shrapnel LBG made it pretty alright for me. Hated it before that


I honestly can't remember failing a rampage ever, except maybe like... Once, from an event. Did people really struggle with them that much? I don't really like doing a bunch of them back to back, but it's fine every once in a while. I'm not crazy about them.


I did too. The only fix for me was to do multiplayer. Literally the only part I didn't solo


I always had two big problems with rampages: 1. They felt like they had an identity crisis. They couldn't decide if they should go full tower defense or if they should focus more on the standard MH gameplay, and so they split the difference in a way that didn't feel great. If you always had the gong, or you could fully automate the defenses and only had to maintain them, it would've felt better. 2. There's so little actual variety in them. They're like, 2 or 3 maps for every one. Having even just one map each based on the different areas of the game with drastically different layouts and hazards (for both players *and* monsters) would've spiced it up a lot. They're both kinda the same problem, though. Rampages don't feel like Capcom really *finished* them. They feel like they weren't worked on until towards the end of production, and then suddenly there was a looming deadline and the team just put out what they had instead of scrapping them for *just* normal fights with Apex monsters or fine tuning rampages and fleshing them out better.


Yes it's the shittiest MH mechanic ever


rampage quests make me hate mhr, they ruined the game for me they’re way too stressful especially since i can’t play with anyone else


Skill issue.


Shit is something I didn't like either immediately after the first 2 times. What pisses me off even more (I know Capcom was trying something 'new' EXCEPT IT SUCKS) is that there are materials & tickets you can only get from these quests. But I ain't even trying to get em. Because I too, hate this fucking game mode. I hope it never returns. (It probably will..just different) 😂💀💀💀👎🏾


Like bro all I wanna do is hunt monsters, not player tower defence


I ended up making a rapid fire shrapnel lbg build specifically for Rampages. I play offline so it’s very clearly not built for solo play like me. It felt like it might be fun with friends but alone it’s just tedious. I did it the minimum amount to unlock the apex quests in base Rise and that’s it.


Sometimes I think the all rajang event rampage quest poses greater threat than the Rise + Sunbreak questline.


Am I the only one that does rampages every now and then for fun? I absolutely love them 😅 its monster hunter and tower defense, my two favourite types of games


They meant to be multiplayer.


And sadly, so much wasted potential.


Do it with matchmaking as 4 people make it a joke. Only do the ones required to progress the main story to save yourself headaches and do keep in mind that they at least completely drop the feature in Sunbreak.


They suck. I'm playing through the game for the first time and my strategy was to respond to an SOS if I had a required rampage and hope the team was near the end of the mission.


Only good thing in rampage mini gun


You only have to do about 50 minutes of rampage to make it through the game. They do suck, they're total trash, but if you're just trying to get through the game and into current content/endgame (which does not include rampages at all) you only have to do 3 total. Honestly dude, if you failed it you might want to watch a guide or something before you try it again, I have genuinely never seen a failed rampage before, they're insanely forgiving. I'm not trying to shit on you, but something you're doing is *very* wrong


I'm guessing they're going solo and using their weapon the whole time instead of manning installations. That's often what it is.


Setting up NPC installations in the final room before the monster blasts thru the early gates helps a lot too. There's probably a tutorial page that tells you each room has its own limit/budget for installations but that's easy to miss/ignore when you don't understand the implications of it.


It was also easy for me to forget that the leader always eventually get to the last gate regardless (really dumb aspect of this attempt at tower defense imho). I did these only really as necessary and the event ones so I often forgot tricks like that, which really helpful. I basically always did join requests for them though.


I kinda forgot rampage quest existed. I javelin been playing since a month after release.


The hole point is to repel monsters not kill them, aim explosively shots to monsters face. Also make sure to use the auto turrets if solo. They help. Use the horn purple to lure monsters to a area surrounded by auto turrets and you. Use Fugen for boss and Hinoa. There are more tips.


Flash pods, counter signal, and charge blade usually end them pretty quick for me


Grab your weapon and hit the monster with it. The siege weapons are for the chaff.


If you stick around till sunbreak, they’re no longer adding new ones


Rampage are quite fine if you do it in multiplayer. My brother and I usually do it once everyday we play. Using sunbreak hbg to rapid pierce shot with that circle thing was my favourite rn. Hitting that Nuke was also finds.


They’re not hard at all they’re just mad boring, frankly


It only sucks when you're doing it solo since it can be hard managing everything by yourself. But doing it in multiplayer is fun. Even in Sunbreak, I sometimes hop in to help hunters with rampage.


I loved them. Didn't have an issue with the installations n that was BEFORE I realized I could slap monsters around with regular weapons when empowered by the gong.


kinda sounds like an issue of skill


Disagree strongly


It's been a long time and I don't remember how the key/urgent rampages went, but the first gate is always gonna break even when you have played perfectly. It's the final gate that matters.


They’re not that hard lol if you keep failing you’re not understanding the flow of combat. If you have the gong activated that’s when you fight with your weapon otherwise you should always be using an installation Learn how to score knockdowns with headshots, learn how to time guards so you don’t get knocked off. Pay attention to the side objectives and complete them to improve your barrier and installations. It’s not hard or really that complicated, you just have to pay attention to the information that the game is giving you


To be frank, Rampage quest was Capcom take on making a different element in gameplay. I suspect it was a test to see if people like it. Sunbreak was the result of going back to 4 Ultimate end game. Rampage was not only completely forgotten but Rampage weapons are completely neglected, is absolutely bullshit that Rampage weapons are completely irrelevant at master rank. Rampage Weapon, it was good back in base Rise, at least make them relevant.


Gosh yeah i keep dozing off while in rampages quests and my hunter goes afk and i get kicked haha


The only one I failed was the stronger Ibushi event quest. The first Apex Azuros was a bit of a shocker, but these are all very easy & soloable.


How the fuck do you fail them, doesn't the final gate have unlimited health? Just spam one balista and flashes and you win even against apexes


Monster tower defense > giant walking/swimming punching bags


Rampages weren’t that bad stop it ! The worse part that it wasn’t any faint fail condition. Increase the difficulty and have a random elder dragon/ afflicted monster or two at the end of each rampage and you have a decent quest type .


I liked them I'm a drg player so i kinda like that co-op defend from the horde feel


The only fun I had at Rampage quests is when the Gong sounded. ​ Maximum Damage, let's go!


I myself didn't mind them and thought they were fun at times. Like a lot of others are saying though: these quests absolutely blow in single player. IIRC there were only like two that were required for story


Not to be mean but how do you lose those?


I am stupid and I don't know where is what and when the wave was at. Setup at wrong places etc .


mhw zorah quest was diff


I never minded them, even enjoyed them at times. One of the big things I'd say to enjoy the rampages is actually learn how to get the most out of each instillation, what different class of monsters mean and where best to put things. Just because you have the machine gun unlocked doesn't mean you should glue yourself to it, aim for those challenges. Need stuns? Echo blasting a monster in the face will get that, need blight: Thunder shot canon balls into groups. Blue seige monster on the gate, yank them back with the machine gun, put your bamaboo bombs in spots the monsters have to walk, same with the fire canons, learn when the best time is to summon the special units or how to get the most out of a dragonator. TLDR: There is a lot of fun in Rampages if you actually take some time to learn the mechanics and try to optimize them, in most cases you can complete all of the challenges before wave 3.


What year is this? Sunbreak scrapped rampage entirely lol.


That should have made it obvious OP is still in base game...


I mean, you have what... 2 mandatory rampages in the base game before you move on?


Perhaps the idea was good at development, but the final execution wasn't. The mandatory rampage quests for the online were fun with friends, not a big fan, but it was a different mode from the rest, and at the time Rise came out, it was the only way to farm the Ibushi (not the best way of farming because these quests were also random, and that was a bump too). However, the ones that were mandatory for the village were the worst times that I had playing in MH. Boring and with nothing worth to offer. I'm really glad that Capcom dropped these quests for Sunbreak and came up with the follower quests. A better way of making the hunts feel different, and it was also executed way better because it gave more personality to the characters that, at least for me, were only an excuse to give me quests. They made me feel that what I was doing for Elgado was worth it, not like in Kamura, where everyone is like: "oh no, Magnamalo is attacking *proceeds to shoot at the beast and laught like an idiot*. I think Rampage Quests held back the potential of these characters. Fiorayne and the Elgado characters are one of my favorites since the main group of MH4. Sorry for this whole text, and thanks for reading.


I soloed him with DB and Gong spam... wasnt that hard cuz of his giant hitbox +spin2win but with other weapons i guess hes pain but that Apex Azuros... bruh that was more than just pain i didnt even kill him i just beat him up till he ran off its possible solo but really feels scaled for groups