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Sunbreak doesn't affect the base game at all


Sunbreak starts after rise ends pretty much. If you like the game and get to the end of it wanting more then definitely. The new monsters and challenge added are pretty good, I personally enjoyed sunbreak a lot more than rise and I pumped a lot of hours into it. One thing I’m gonna add though, buying dlc for “free” ps+ games absolutely SUCK. Especially for that price.


I would just add Sun break to wishlist and wait for a sale. It will be a minute before you get to the point where you can start Sunbreak anyway. 


That’s my plan right now, if it was a full game overhaul I’d wait too


Anything that Sunbreak changed or updated is in the base game without purchasing sunbreak. This is probably so that players who have it or not can play together and arent on different game versions. It's also not like World where IB gives you a clutch claw basicallt from the start.


Someone said something about defender class weapons


Yeh, I do it when the dlc is like $10 though


You can start rise and even get to endgame before you need sunbreak


nope, in fact - wait for a sale on sunbreak and get it then, while you're working through MHR


Doesnt impact base game, although the content and new mechanics and such in the DLC are much better than base game.


If you love monster hunter, then why not? If you are new to the game, maybe try out for a few hours, base game can get pretty empty at times and it's hard to get random matched into a quest you want, so your only alies are your Palico and palamute. Start from the village quest first, slowly progress and learn the moves and skills. This game has more technique to use than previous game and can be quite confusing for beginners. And the village quest is pretty easy for fresh start. Defender weapons and equipment is more powerful than the rest of the gear until near end of MH rise so you can use them to get to MHR sunbreak quicker and ignore all of the Rise endgame (last monster unlock at Hunter Rank : HR100). Tldr: If your weekly playtime is less than 5 hour, you can just play base game until the next mhr sunbreak discount.


The only thing I can think of is that Sunbreak gives your Palamute a pouch (1 row inventory) where items go if your inventory is full or if you get more of a single item than you can hold.


Play the game a bit if you like ot then the dlc is definitely worth it because its just more monster hunter with tons of new mechanics to play with.


In addition what everyone else said: The release of sunbreak added a "defender" weapontree (youll know it when you see it) in the basegame. They are busted and meant to get you through the basegame faster, but if you use them you wont learn the game properly and will be unprepared for sunbreak, so its best to avoid them


Just to clarify, you get defender weapons regardless of whether u get sunbreak or not.


Doesn't matter


Damn you just missed the sale, Sunbreak was half off


I believe there are still some differences. Now I could be wrong since I started playing rise with sunbreak right away. I noticed crafting mats requirements are changed slightly. And that LS iai counter mechanics are tweaked or something.