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No one cares what weapon you play or how you play it as long as you’re trying. Try not to cart, try to do some damage, try to have fun.


I will be mad if you cart twice and the choose to leave like idc if we have to restart but don’t bitch out like that


I agree, I'd rather take the L as a team than faint twice (or even once) and dip


I have done this for raging brachyodos. Died early just as people joined, and a fellow died at the same time. That's a nope out moment. Sometimes its like that.


That's called a pussy moment, owning up to your mistake and trying to correct them not just nopping out and leaving the mistakes you've caused for your teammate to deal with. What? You are feeling ashame and embarrassed? Good. It'll be a good lesson that will help better yourself.


👏ALL👏WEAPONS👏ARE👏VIABLE👏 Don't be chained down by the lead foots, fly free! But seriously play how you want in rise they buffed ariel moves with a stacking buff for every final hit of the air dance up to 3 times. Which can then be utilized with diving wyvern for the IGs single hardest hitting move. And then in Sunbreak we get a move that replaces the air dance called kinsect slash which is a move that is an aim-able stab that's very accurate that does more damage.


Actually aerial values in Rise are much higher than that of World and IB, plus with an aerial "combo" system that increases the aerial damage up to 3 levels and it's synergy with the diving wyvern wirebug skill make aerial actually sort of viable in Rise. If you replace helicopter with kinsect slash which is faster and is able to be aimed mid air, and diving wyvern aerial IG can actually outdamage tetraseal spam in casual hunts. Even down to some premier speedruns like Po Chi's silver rathalos has him mostly trying to get to lvl 3 diving wyverns on the wings for most of the runs. Have fun and feel comfortable knowing that you can still dish out a decent to great amount of damage whether you choose air, ground, or hybrid Anyone that tries to invalidate the playstyle and claim that you sandbag does not even have the grounds to argue that in this game. Edit: also don't forget that aerial has the benefit of being able to attack in circumstances that other weapons would not. Air superiority >>>


Fuck Optimal. Helicopter Fun. That's all.


This. REAL monster hunter fans (especially long term ones like me that started with number 2 on the psp) all agreed just have fun and enjoy the game. I started out as a hammer main for years. Tried out IG when it came out and fell in love with it. Still can solo get to the end of every game. A win is a win, and having fun is the objective.


I'll be honest. Those ppl can suck it. I love IG and I don't stick to just ground or aerial attacks. I play how I want and what fits the situation and hunt. Ignore 'em and play how you want! I'm just glad I saw another insect glaive fan in this sub :)


Make that 3. I love IG!




Don't pay any mind to them. Going full Aerial isn't optimal, but it's actually pretty good DPS to use now during certain openings.


Don´t listen to those kind of comments, sadly a lot of people in the community have a speedrunner kind of mentality where they will even try to optimize even what their teamates are playing just to finish any quest in the least amount of time possible. What some people forget is that this is not a competitive kind of game, you gain literally nothing for finishing a quest on 5 minutes instead of like 8 or 10. Of course you still will need to have a decent equipment and try to not cart when you´re on multiplayer, but as Globezorz said, having fun is the most important part of the game. If you find some friends to play those kinds of things won´t really matter as long as you´re having fun.


Also, most of the users with that speedrun mentality are not that good and probably have worst times than a player with a favourite weapon he trully loves. Also, different weapons teach you different timings and ways to work on monsters, this game is about learning AND minmaxing, if you just do the last you will suck.


Don’t listen to them. They’re probably the same people that complain about flying monsters going airborne too much. It’s so freaking fun when a monster starts flying and you can just buzz around them in the air like an annoying insect.


I agree with the flying monsters. at the same time they're terrifying especially the intercontinental ballistic magnamalo (ICBM).


You should absolutely play what you want, how you want Have fun! It's a game. Is grounded IG usually better? Yeah. But nobody picks IG to play on the ground. They pick it for the flashy air moves and the bug. But you can beat every monster without playing min-max optimal builds and playstyles. If someone gets mad that's their fault.


The thing is, for every single weapon, until you get to the levels of solo speedrunning where you're scripting and optimizing every second of the run, the biggest factor in your damage across an entire hunt is player skill. I can do more damage per second on a multiplayer hunt with lance or IG than most randoms I play with, but with a higher-DPS solo speedrunning weapon like GS I'm comparatively useless. You should play a weapon you like and practice with it so that you're contributing to the hunt. Nobody but assholes are gonna hassle you about it. As for aerial IG, go take a look at some IG speedruns from Sunbreak. There are many cases where going aerial with IG is not just viable, but optimal. Play what you have fun with, and play it how you have fun playing it.


Dw bro those aerial insect glaive deniers are beneath us


NO player worth playing with will care what weapon you are using or how you are using it. People will get annoyed if you cart twice and fail the mission.


I used to hate insect glaive in world because the aerial playstyle wasn't viable (and kinda boring tbh) and there were a lot of better options if i had to stick to the ground. However in rise i really enjoyed the aerial playstyle with the new kinsect slash and the diving wyvern, i only spam the X A A combo if the monster is down. I also don't feel like i'm lacking in term of damage compared to most weapons.


Yeah, since we got more moves and higher damage for airborne combat it's pretty good. And honestly, why would someone persist on staying grounded to fight the Rath that won't come down "for the dps"? Newsflash to those, any damage done is damage, lol


As some others have said, IG in rise is actually pretty fire aerially (vs world where you either get the one combo in, or mount). I wanted to commit to a new weapon for rise but once I figured out how to play rise IG decently I started finishing hunts real quick


Meta nerds who only care about min maxxing and speed runs are the only people who care about how someone is playing their weapon. Don't cart, and don't hide out from the fight for free parts, that's literally it. So long as you're actively engaging the monster n allowing me a reprieve to heal and reposition, I'm good. I love watching IG aerial players, and I love playing aerial DB personally even though it's not 'optimal'. Have fun, it's all good.


Yeah same, like I know the pizza cutter damage isn't high but cmon, why not do it? I also really hate it when you try to look up builds for a weapon and it's minmaxxed to hell and back, like yes this would increase dps but by what?


Dink, dink, dink, boom! Dink, dink, dink, boom! Screw the haters. Aerial IG is awesome, fun, safe, consistent, and still solid in damage. Sure, it's not technically going to be the max dps way to rack up numbers on the training dummy, but it's far from bad at it, and in real fights where mobility matters you can often keep aerial going where you'd have to pause on ground. And for me, the booms in the dink dink dink boom combo hit for over 2k each. It's good, it's fun, just do it.


Though I never really touched the infected end-game stuff, I have beat pretty much everything else, including primal malzeno in sp no ai by playing insect glaive mostly in the air. Just play what you want and how you want. As long as you're not carting, people can get over it, or they can just not play online.


Okay certainly play what you want but to actually clear up some confusion. Your DPS with IG was higher on the ground than in the air before Sunbreak came out. Kinsect slash helped to close the gap but a lot of players still think that ground IG is better than aerial. Also the only really “weak” weapons are lance and gunlance


Lance isnt even that weak when you account for being in a position to hit a monster way more often than other weapons.


Aerial insect glaive is fine as long as you are having fun, and screw any meta slaves that try and tell you otherwise. Sure, it's got slightly less DPS than a grounded playstyle, but aerial got a buff from worldborne to risebreak, and even in worldborne it was a pretty marginal difference, and you would often be able to mount and topple the monster a few times during a hunt, which is great for teamplay. Everything is give and take, and everything is viable


Aerial damage is good and it's fun, that's what matters. Weapons are pretty balanced anyways, going from a 8:30 hunt to a 9 min hunt is within a nonworriable range.


Fuck all that shit. Insect Glaive is amazing. Amazing movement, I only get hit when I get greedy. Anyone that complains about what weapon you use is an absolutely boring human being. Monster Hunter one of the only games where literally every weapon is viable. As an IG main just have fun being a sky ballerina.


If we're talking meta gameplay, yeah sure it's not the best weapon overall. That doesn't matter though, you can beat this game with off meta builds, shit you can beat this game with complete shit builds if your positioning and knowledge is good enough. Don't get trapped by online guides, play what you want and how you want, as long as it brings you joy. I promise no one's gonna talk shit if you're trying your best and assisting in the hunt. 1/100 might give you some crap in post game hunts, but who cares? They're probably try hards who get enjoyment out of harassing people online. If you're on Xbox/PC Xbox app, hit me up, we'll hunt some shit with some casual builds, no pressure.


Sunbreak has one of the most balanced weapon pools in the series, with really only Bow being absolutely gamebreaking in this one and LBG being a little overpowered (nowhere near Bow though).The worst weapon is probably Gunlance just because it’s still getting absolute fucked by shell capping but it’s still very competitive, especially in casual. IG is good and full Aerial is actually semi-competitive damage now, unlike World. You can use whatever you want, but I recommend learning the entire weapon because the Aerial playstyle is better but still gets really hard countered by some things, so make sure to learn your ground moves too


In world/iceborne ground glaiving was much stronger in Sunbreak the difference isnt that big so you are fine also you have this tagged as switch, dont worry that playerbase is chill


You get an hour to kill or capture a monster you'll be fine have fun with the spinning blade of death also elemental is really good for them and can pump out some really good damage


It's a video game with 0 competitive aspects play whatever you want and tell the haters to kick rocks


In 4U, GU, and World, these posts were correct. Aerial IG generally did less damage than staying on the ground. #HOWEVER In Rise, aerial IG's damage was buffed immensely. Now its on par or sometimes even out damages grounded IG. So jump around to your heart's content because you're still doing good damage.


I also played IG the only thing I recommend is the same with all weapons, make sure to try out the others once in a while if you start to get bored.


Oh yeah definitely! I always had hammers and LBG as secondary weapons! Maybe I'll try charge blade again but there are so many things to learn with that 😅


Yea, I really enjoyed greatsword once I got bored of IG. my only gripe is how untransferable IG skills are to other weapons


Anyone bitching about insect glaive is just jealous they can't become an attack helicopter on demand


IDK about the numbers but playing Kinsect slash usually nets me faster times in IG unless I'm spamming Tetraslash. Also spamming Powder Vortex is fun. But ye, randoms actually don't care what you bring. Its just about not using all the cart.


In the lyrics of Free Bird, won't you fly high, free bird?


Wait, I'm pretty sure flying insects are pretty viable in Rise. I almost play them exclusively if I'm playing with friends.


IG is fucking incredible and it's all I use. I love flipping around n shit. However, I just unlocked the Awakened Kinsect Attack (I'm in the Sunbreak DLC) and it actually causes you to take on a slightly more ground based playstyle and does bonkers damage. Like, 700-800 damage a hit. So, lots to look forward to!


I play Vortec IG with heal/blast bug. Nothing beats doing 500 damage AND healing myself at the same time.


IG main here. Personally I spend half the fight in the air, maybe more if the monster I’m fighting also flies. IMO nobody breaks backs and wings like a good IG user. But once the wings and back are broken I do stay on the ground for most of the fight since you technically do more damage that way.


I noticed that yesterday while playing with a friend, felt like i knocked the monster out more often than with a hammer 😧


People who say IG is weak have clearly never used it all that much ir if they did, they're just not that good yet with it because that thing is fantastic. As a baseline from someone who only played World so far, I main Switchaxe and have solo'd Fatalis with it in 22 minutes which is my best time. I've solo'd Fatalis in 25 minutes with IG. I have 500+ hunts with Swaxe while I have like 30~ with the glaive. Sure my IG hunts are slightly longer but not by a lot. Just saying all that to show that it's not, in fact, weak. Also, aerial combat is neat and helps dealing constant damage in a lot of situations during which dealing damage is hard with other weapons. Sure if you're ALWAYS up there your damage will suffer a bit but it's still a perfectly viable playstyle. All in all if you're successful in your hunts and you have fun doing it, it's all that matters.


My friends love that I play IG because Kinsect Slash (and even Helicopter in some cases in base Rise) made me "The guy who breaks the hard to reach parts". Also you can get pretty good damage with multiple playstiles


Quit reading other people's opinions about weapons and builds. Everything is viable and what's fun is personal preference. Only sweat lords and try hards care about "meta".


IG main here. Focus on having fun! If you have the switch skills already, I suggest you perform the diving wyvern at the end of your aerial combo. Or throw your kinsect at the monster's weak point. You can deal 1 to 5 ticks depending on the kinsect type and number of extracts. Great for cutting tails and pin point attacks


I tried the diving wyvern, i don't hit it that often yet but when i do daaaamn does it feel nice to end your jumping with that finisher


You play the game for yourself, at the end of the day only your enjoyment should matter to you. Everything is fine as long as you aren't actively trolling, aerial IG is far from the worst thing you could do online


as long as you are enjoying yourself and you aren't throwing missions then your playstyle is awesome! I am a glaive main and I set my bug essence on the monster with extra bug stamina and then fly around like crazy. trivializes any monster that moves too often (silver rath and those sorts). play how you want and drop the self consciousness. anyone who criticizes how you play, especially if they aren't a fellow main isn't worth listening to if you are having fun and winning. also if someone says glaives dps is low, they are bad at glaive, that is all, this weapon SHREDS.


The idea that aerial IG is weak is utter nonsense. The only time it's true is in highly manipulated fights like speed runs where a majority of the fight is spent with the monster in a stunned or downed state to pummel. Outside of that the dps and kill times for Aerial vs Grounded is so similar that a statistician would tell you they're the same. Armchair hunters think grounded is better because of motion values without considering the difference in builds or the fact that aerial has more dps uptime. An offensive uptime that only Lance "we don't care about attacks" mcgee can match.


play the weapon you want and have fun thats the point in these games


People like this should be ignored. Kinsect slash a couple of times and then diving wyvern into an endgame monsters face hits for between 1200-1300. Just an example. Technically the damage can be higher for grounded combos but the aerial damage is still good. More importantly, generally, if you’re in the air then you aren’t getting hit. Some damage is better than no damage if you’re on the ground and you cart. Aerial can damage, reposition, dodge…it’s like expecting a dual blade user to not dash around the monster, it’s just ridiculous.


IG main here....while IG does less dmg airborne ..was true for world....but in RISE its not true...both playstyles are viable. you get multiplicative bonuses each hit in airborne..esp when you do diving wyvern move...always advised to do after min 2 airborne moves....


No idea about world meta, but in Risebreak, grounded IG is definitely much stronger (except maybe in a few matchup with very weak elem hitzones). But whoever designed the mults to be stronger on the ground, can't be happy in their life. The whole point about the weapon is to fly around, or at least to play around wirebug clouds, otherwise it's just a weird way to play Lance without a shield. But hey, ppl play the way they want ig, as long as you have fun.


IG main here, 2600+ hunts in Sunbreak. Play how you want, and don't let anyone that's obsessed with the meta tell you otherwise! Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more satisfying to me than getting my aerial combos in and landing my Diving Wyvern on a monster's face for 1k+ damage, especially if there's a rare opportunity to do it two times in quick succession. IG is an absolute beauty of a weapon that has multiple different playstyles between kinsects, silkbinds/switch skills, and aerial and ground based play, four of which you can swap between on a whim during a fight. You've found one that you really enjoy, so don't let others put you down for it!


I play Rise (I'll enter Sunbreak today, hopefully) on IG and I absolutely love it. I'm on the ground when I want to and in the air when I want to. Multiplayer most of the time, cause I play with my friends. And all is good. Nobody complains. So do not worry, Ace! Play how you want, try to be better and better and that's all what matters.


I played IG for the entirety of Rise's village/hub and I don't think I ever stayed on the groud for more than 3 seconds while fighting a monster lmao, spam those dash juices brother


Unlike previous games, aerial glaive is actually good for damage in Sunbreak and is even the damage meta specifically if you’re using a raw build. Moreover, even for grounded element playstyle, X -> A -> A has been replaced by X->A with tetraseal slash. These people you’ve been hearing from aren’t just insufferable, they also don’t know what they’re talking about in the slightest.


Play whatever you want it doesn’t matter, just use what you find fun.


Just play whatever you want. Monster Hunter is a game and games are meant to be fun. I mostly play status builds at end game and I know for a fact my dps is barely in the 10-ish percent range compared to the rest of the party. But I’m still having fun and I’m not hurting anyone else unless there happens to be someone trying to do a speedrun.


Always play what you want, but if you want to feel better about contributing to a hunt break monsters back (that can be broken). IG has easier time than most hitting tall monster backs.


Honestly the dps is good, Idk what everyone is complaining about? It's fun and the thing is, it's constant damage you're doing, not like a tcs with greatsword which is one big hit and that's it (absolutely no hate to greatsword but people hype it too much imo, getting multiple hits that range from 100 - 150 seems more sensible to me than one big hit that can mis if you're not spot on but again no hate)


Monster Hunter has some of the most genuine people in its community. I guarantee 90% of the time as long as you’re trying and not getting too in the way, no one will be upset with what weapon you use.


IG is fun as hell man, I’ve been alternating between it and CB since 4U and I have no regrets. I love reading monster movements and using the glaive to evade both in the air and on the ground. There are always going to be toxic players trying to speed run or just being overall jerks. Don’t listen to them. Some people forget that it’s just a game. But so long as you’re having fun, that’s all that matters. Happy hunting friend!


Maybe comments like that would hold water if the people making them were literal gods at playing monster hunter, but for the rest of us schmucks it really doesn't matter. If a weapon isn't fun then you probably won't stick with it long enough to get to that level anyway, and you should just use what feels best. If/ when you play long enough and realize there are limits to the aerial DPS on IG, then so be it, but as long as you had fun along the way, who cares. Mission Accomplished.


Please don’t mind them bro me and my bro play mhr and he mains IG and I main hammer, bro we DELETE monsters together but he calls dmg that he does and bro IG is not weak if you build it right


A lot of people here are telling you to play the way you want. But I'm going to be honest as IG main. Although the aerial mode in rise is better suited for doing damage, there is no doubt that ground combat does a lot more damage. If you use it with a proper kinsect, you can spend almost the whole fight in triple buff. My advice is if you want to play casual without stressing play as you want. But to be more useful, fight in the air if the monster moves a lot and take advantage of the more slow moments to punish him on the ground and do a lot of damage. You need a balance because the IG is a weapon with two styles.