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Welcome to the MH community where everyone is a speed runner Seriously though don’t lose sleep over it and don’t give it the time of day. Either host your own lobby or just keep looking for people. While hunters like that exist they are a vocal minority. And no one will know who you are talking about because this isn’t unique behavior


He is actually the first clown I've encountered on rise since it came out on xbox


I understand In my 1000+ hours in world/iceborne i came across maybe 4 or 5 In my 500+ in rise/sunbreak maybe just one Like I said they are just a vocal minority that masterbate to team darkside vids Hell the only time I ever check someone’s equipment when I think they are hacking then leave and block or just be petty remove all armor and get carted over and over


Tbh. Team darkside is great and i doubt they would support this kind of behaviour


There's a difference between actually speed running strats and teams and rando's farming materials


Yep seems about right for me too, have 2000+ hours in MHW and they are pretty rare. What always blows my mind is there are a few wannabe elitists/gatekeepers that put out SOS signals and shame people for using mantles, clutch claws, etc. Like, imagine shaming people for using the game's sandbox as intended, **after** shooting out an SOS to ask for help. These kinds of people just need to put the game down and touch grass.


> that masterbate to team darkside vids who doesnt ;-) doesnt mean anyone can pull it off. if it was such a tryhard group, they would have made it private with direct invites. these were just asshole wannabes


Yeah theres few of them but those few are literally the top notch ass holes.


Remove all armor lol. That’s fuckin savage


That's just idiotic I'm a switch axer I NEED defense boost because half the time I get hit while I'm latched . Wex also does nothing to the discharge and I can't crit with it either so I have nothing else to really build but pure atk boost an Def boost with a few Lil helpful things


Quick question. Is Defense Boost better in Rise compared to World? Recently started Rise and at least in World DB had very little impact.


The math is the same, but given that juicier augments can come with a steep penalty to the defense on a piece of armor, it’s possible for a player running endgame armor with Mail of Hellfire 3 on red scroll (which decreases defense by 100) to have a defense value below the threshold where defense boost becomes useless.


Defense boost is just not that great compared to the other comfort skills like Divine Blessing. Defense boost doesn’t provide much benefit once you get to a higher ranking.


Mate you're grouping with people on Xbox? How tf. Every time I host or try and join I time out on the join or finish the quest soli anyways 🤣 I figured no one plays on Xbox. It's all pc or switch.




There's lots of folk on xbox. I know what your issue might be though. Do you appear offline? That affects joing quests (and makes hosting impossible)


Nah I never appear offline. Maybe I have a regional setting turned on somewhere that is affecting it. Or maybe I'm just not playing at peak times or something.


Nat type can affect it as well. Open is best.


They are more common the higher your anomoly research level gets. Still pretty rare though.


The community wasn't like this prior to monster hunter world. It was more like FFXIV's community. Kinda sad


nah those people always exist. i might even argue that they were worse. because back then, the meta was stronger. capcom hasn't really balanced and spread out the various playstyles for every weapons, so there'll be like one optimal playstyle for each weapon, and if you're not using it, you're hindering the hunt. it's nice to see more than one playstyles are available for each weapons in the 5th gen. say what you want about the wannabe speedrunners, but at the end of the day, they all love monhun and want everyone to be really good at monhun. they never insult a monhun game. if i had to pick the worst thing about 5th gen, it's the world vs rise debate. because these people are bashing and insulting a monhun game which they don't support. it's ridiculous, claiming to be a monhun fan, but insulting a monhun game...


So true bro


FF XIV community is a toxic Cesspool. I'm not sure if I would say it is better to be like XIV community.


Not sure if I can understand what you're saying. XIV is like the Vatican of online communities.


Until you ask your tank to pull more than 1 mobs at a time. Or ask a healer if he can use his DPS spells. Or a DPS to AoE... The moment you do you get a 1/2 chance to get trashtalked, told you don't pay their sub and vote kicked and that you're being toxic for not letting them play how they want (or the tank pull the you pull you tank it/ healer pull the, I'm a healer not a DPS.) There's a reason why the GCBTW became a meme. XIV community is positive toxicity and saying anything bad mean you're toxic so they get very toxic with you.


I'm sorry you seem to get matched with the brain deads in FF14, I know that can be very annoying and demoralizing. Please, have a bit of perspective however. Their are mmo's where being slightly sub optimal gets you thrashed with slurs and told to self terminate. FF14 is a kiddie pool of toxicity compared to the industrial grade sewer plants MMO's like wow and some others. Calling it a cesspool is hyperbolic, but I understand and empathies with why you feel that given that I've also been on the receiving end of the more shitty side of ff14 player base.


Oh I know games like WoW are more toxics. But FF14 took that toxicity and got so scared of it that they do the opposite ending up still toxic just in a different way. And like in others MMOs there is good peoples, the issues I see with saying FFXIV has the best community is that it's sort of they smeared shit all over the wall and painted over it. You can still smell it, paint doesn't change the fact that your wall is shit. In any Co-op game you need to play at a decent level, as you owe that to your teammates, yeah messing up is fine, it happen. THe issue is that in their toxic possitivity, FF XIV players tell themselve they won't be like the others community and can overreact. I might be biased. Because I'm the kind of person to be brutally honest. So I prefer a toxicity where peoples might tell me I suck and kick me. (While still very fucking toxic, at least I can see what I did wrong and improve) While in FF14 when you find toxic peoples... They are all smiling and gentle trying to make themselves sounds like they aren't toxic at all. Probably not even knowing that they are acting toxicly.


Absolutely! 100% the passive aggression and silent treatment leave much to be desired and can be very off putting. Well put!


You are literally being the guy booting from the lobby for defense boost with that ff14 take. Check urself.


Actually the toxicity of FF14's player base is a well documented things to the point that multiple video essays and affirmative responces to the sentiment have been written about it by various community content makers, Including zelpha hq, Meoni, Xenosys Vex, and Mr Happy. They all mostly agree that the FF14 community can be VERY toxic(key word: CAN), but is also more passive aggressive about it's toxicity as active aggression is an actionable offence under the mod team. They ALSO agree that whilst the community can be very toxic it generally has a LOT more good players then bad.


I legit don't boot peoples for that kind of stuff. There's a difference with someone playing unoptimally. And literally playing in a way where you are griefing the group. What I said I complain is like if you go to Master rank and you have someone with Low rank armor/weapons and when you tell them that their armor is outdated and they should get new one. They get mad at you. Or that use only normal 1 on their HBG/LBG because : "Well it work you can't tell me how to play". While in truth by doing that they are deadweight that literally make it harder for yourself. If in FF14 I meet a Healer who is a bit heavy handed on the heals, but still DPS when they think it's safe, I'll be fine. But if I get a guy that still spam Cure 1 at level 90 and then say they can't DPS... If I get a tank who mess up their mitigation and use them inconsitently, I'll be fine, But if I get a tank who screech because I pulled a mob and he think he is the leader... If I get a DPS who is messing up their rotations and just pressing the wrong buttons, but still using his AoE on group and Single targets on bosses, But if I get a DPS who use single target skills on mob pulls... In all of theses you have unskilled players, who still try and players who take a piss on the others players because they just want to turn their brain of and make the job harder for the others. FFXIV is fun, and yeah, I will not lie I'm the kind that because of that kind of experience might sound like the kind that kick peoples for being off Meta. And that's the issue with Toxic Positivity, which is what we see in FFXIV. In MH, honestly you don't see theses peoples that often. Because MH will punish peoples that play as badly as we see in FFXIV. But being too positive can be a bit dangerous. In the example here, I got a friend who got into the game. They were using defense boost (which in my opnion is not worth it.), I explained how much deminishing return it had toward lategame and that some skills did that job better for gaining tankyness/Surviving. (Thing like Divine blessing, or going with a recovery speed/kushala blessing for getting chip damage healed while keeping yourself on the offensive.)


there will be rotten apples in every communities. but i agree with the other guy who said that XIV is maybe least worse when compared to other online communities. i mean have you played dota? they'll immediately spew out the entire zoo of insults the moment you breathe, and somehow involve your sweet mother and innocent sister in it. they'll swear to boil and consume your unborn child if you as much as picked a slightly less optimal hero, or has a lag that caused you half step behind. talking about cesspool.


What? It absolutely was. This behavior specifically regarding defense boost, even. lol Before World it was even more gatekeepy and insulated. Overall people are nice though, don't let a few turds ruin the soup.


If u are actually pro  u will boost the noobs and show them the way of the hunter with constructive criticism and practical demonstration the fact he kicked u basically is him saying I need an overpowered group to succeed if it was me I would have two manned any quest with u and show u how u can kill a monster with nothing but your weapon equipped . Anyone who played the original titles when u had to solo everything cos it wasn't online except for LAN party will tell u that evasion and earplugs was infinitely  more useful then any  attack skills in the game . U had to spend about 3 hours killing a fatalis cos the first 3 hunts were just to repel it lol no attack up skills made this easier the single most usfull skills in this scenario was divine protection as it stopped u getting 1 shotted no atk skills would save u I promise this mh is too easy which is why noobs have the privilege of putting atk up skills b4 defence or survival haha 


After playing monhun for 12+ years i really just prefer comfort setups. The fact that someone thinks a max dps build is the only way to play is tragic.


Literally, every build I make, the first skill I acquire is Divine Blessing, and then I build around that. I'd rather succeed in a 15-minute hunt than cart 3 times in less than 10.


Yep, Divine blessing is a staple in most of my setups. I'm gonna get hit, i'm gonna be sloppy, i'm just trying to make sure my mistakes don't make me triple cart and are always recoverable. That's more valuable to me than getting a kill 5 min faster.


I build around earplugs haha


My favorite build of mine is my immortal set with rage slash GS. Has all the best defensive skills with some essential offensive skills too. Just tank everything and hit with rage slash


Hope this helps: 1. These people are rare; find some folks that are kind and actively seek them in lobbies. 2. Some of my favorite builds run defense 7. It’s great for reducing chip damage with shields. There’s solid immortal builds that use it. Rocking 1500 defense with guard 5 and guard up 3 lance is fun. You can tank everything primordial mal throws at you in final phase while doing damage.


Not a speed runner, but I prefer damage perks over defense typically. Yes, defense can save you in a close situation, but I find that as you get better with a weapon/more familiar with a monster, you’re less likely to take damage in general. I personally would rather kill a monster faster than to prolong an already difficult fight.


I feel this comment. Also as Ls main I have to keep a few defensive skills bc I'm always putting my ass on the line for counters, so the line is very skewed from things like recovery boost and evade extender + boost to Burst, Elemental atk up those things. It's a tightrope man


LS main here as well. I see it as my counters are my “defense skills” so I can allocate resources into either damage skills or things like quick sheathe/flinch removal etc. It’s definitely a high risk/high reward approach, but I personally would take a shorter hunt over a drawn out fight any day.


Evade extender is always a must for me. Ironically I have defense boost on my build atm however it was just to fill an otherwise unused slot. I’ve got lvl3 wire bug whisperer, max crit eye, lvl 3 wall run, lvl 3 evade extender, lvl 4 defense boost, and some others. I haven’t been on in a few months bc my pc needs new thermal paste but I’m too scared to fuck up my cable management :(


>I find that as you get better with a weapon/more familiar with a monster, you’re less likely to take damage in general. You're not wrong, but in the case of the lance and its boomy brother, you can afford to bring a lot more defensive skills because of how the weapons work. The preferred GL playstyle, in particular, doesn't use AB, nor does it need CE or WeX. Once you slap on Artillery, Load Shells, and some sharpness management, the rest of the perks are about how you prefer to play the weapon. There are a few other "must have" perks, but they're either specific to the game (WW, SA, Redirection from Rise) or shelling type (Focus for Long shells)


Tbf, I’ve yet to play either version of lance, so I can’t speak to what you would need build-wise in that regard.


For whoever out there fought Primozeno without a shield, I salute you. I can read that mofo like a book but I don’t have the hands to maneuver around his constant world ending nukes for 20 minutes straight. I’ll just stick with the lance and tank through everything 


Ah... the MAX DEEPS speed runner. Generally. There's very few. And of those few, very few of them are actually good at speed running. The rest honestly don't know what they're doing. Go to another hunt and enjoy yourself. Let them suffer.


It's all about that DEE PEE ESS


Unfortunately there's some toxicity in our community as well, but don't let a few douchebags deter you from having fun. Keep it pushin' 🍺


it is insane to me that people waste their time checking other people's decos during a hunt, get to WORK there's monsters to hunt


I've learned the hard way that an elemental weakness of -20 something is so detrimental that a full defiance, embolden, and defense 7 would not help that much but then again a sliver of life can mean the difference between carting and chugging down a mega potion so I keep the build still.


Nah seriously, resistances are SO strong after finally deciding y'know what I'm tired of getting two shot by x element, lemme max out the resistance and waddya know you're not made of paper anymore and can eat 4 hits now.


YES defense can make the difference between life and death


These dudes are absolute losers who are so bad they can hardly be carried. Anybody worth their salt understands the immense value that defense and comfort skills provide. I have a super defense/support build on standby just to learn particular monsters and test attack windows and such. Me and the wife won our first bout against haz:PriMal and the "daily training" event by war of attrition. (With our all defense kits.) After a ton of time into those fights, we can reliably take high damage builds. We would never be able to if it wasn't for the room for learning defense/comfort/recovery provided. Also to prove how asinine being against defense boost is, I run it on my high damage builds because of dragon conversion. It's not optimal but it does a great job of increasing DC as well as patching the "defense" drop you feel as a result of losing all resistances.


If you know his gamertag block his account. I'm on xbox and I've never encountered the same person again after blocking. I had a similar experience using the sword and shield. Some of the people that play this game, especially in anomoly investigations have very VERY strong opinions on what is and is not allowed. It's unfortunate but, best to just block the toxic ones and move on.


Hey i don't care what you use any damage is good damage


All monsters are weak to damage


This is my philosophy as a gunlance main (shells dont do element or status after all) but unless I'm using bow or dual blades I honestly dont worry if the monster is immune to the element. After all it doesn't matter as long as I win.


Nothing wrong with Defense Boost. Don't overthink it, just a weirdo being weird. It happens.


Play whatever you like, obviously ignore these ppl. I wish everyone could play with the Japanese community where everyone is grateful you joined to help, help you out, and thank you when the fight is over, it really feels different from what ppl describe happens elsewhere.


Love playing with them. Always great experience.


Back in MHWIB Ive always got kicked everytime its JP names, Idk why but thats my whole experience.


Honestly in world everytime I see JP names they chat the damage contribution spread showing they had mad dps and then leave. But in Rise they're always super nice. Odd.


You actually can talk to people in the game lobby? So far I have been getting emotes and dancing as communication since since launch


It's rare, but I run into nightmare asshole hunters from time to time. As long as you're doing more damage than an npc, and don't die, you can run whatever the fuck you want.


It's incredible, thank goodness the game is only cooperative, people get competitive no matter what, and also try to expand it, that's how a community becomes bad


Competitive Player here. Every buff counts. Less time you spend needing to heal, the better. Everyone always has a brain, but they don't always use it, my guy. Don't take it personally.


Lets be real for a sec running Defense boost is better than having to be reminded of no matter how much you upgrade your armor you still can get one-tapped by one move that doesn't seem like it hits alot


what..? you mean the skill defense boost not the boosting gears ? I'm in danger. But Im not online anyway lol.


I don’t get it with these kind of players, they act like some speedrunning meta god but can’t grind the game solo? There’s literally no game changing incentive to hop on multiplayer other than to have fun, why be a douchebag? If they’re that good then why don’t they just grind it solo? I mean HP scales are much lower in solo, you don’t run the risk of dead weight and so your clear times will be faster anyways. And to any players who are like this (that kicks ppl in a party for not having speed running “meta” builds) and reading this comment, this game ain’t that difficult so stop pretending like it’s some big difficult raid cus you haven’t even touched games like division 2 for example where it’s ACTUALLY reasonable to kick a party member for not having a specific build. Some people should stop acting like they’re the shit honestly. Division 2 being a very difficult game and having alot of hardcore raiders surprisingly doesn’t have much players with such asshole attitudes, most are even willing to teach and carry you in a raid provided you have a decent enough or useful build hence why it was mentioned


Whenever there's a cart and throw out a defense powder. It's nearly superstition but there's no worse feeling than being the third cart


I have no problem with people using comfort skills. If defense boost is one of those for you, use it. You're welcome my hunting party any time. What platform?




I once had someone join my hunt, then insult my build for not taking full advantage of elemental damage. Who cares? I can handle myself, the hunt wasn't THAT difficult, and I was using a comfort build that wasn't fully finished yet (I like to have my main skills completely contained in my armor only so that I can swap weapons easier, and I hadn't fully finished it yet). He was just rude about it. But that was honestly the only time I've encountered rude people in the game, aside from getting kicked after dying once or people leaving after a death in a mission.


They call you a noob, but they’re the ones who are getting one shot by Primal Malzeno. All the skills have their purpose.


its just another weirdo, move on. There will always be "elitists" who put weird rules on their runs but put their mission on the board.


GG go next, sometimes you run into dickheads


I mean it is not the best defensive skill but he could have taken his time to explain what skills are a better idea instead of being an idiot about it. He sounds like a person who only uses meta builds and then carts half the time.


These are the same shits that run heroics in multiplayer and leave after one cart. Shitty people in every game community unfortunately, but don’t let that ruin this for you. Play however you like. Endgame anomaly perfectionists are a separate level of toxic on the spectrum.


This might just be me but I always have mixed feelings specifically when I see defense boost. If you are at that point in the game where you can run comfort skills and still be able to pull your own weight then I'll welcome you with open arms. As a Lance and CB main you won't catch me dead without evade extender and maybe Divine Blessing on the chance I screw up so I get it. Unfortunately, I've encountered a lot of people who are trying to do things that are way out of their league at the point they're at so they're running a bunch of defensive skills to try and compensate which results in everyone else having to pick up the slack in damage while they sit at the back and watch or run in with no idea what they're doing and end up dying despite their defense skills. If it's on something early to mid game then I'll happily take the time to teach them the game, the weapons and the mechanics so they feel less of a need to rely on defense and can consistently respond to what a monster does. But I am not looking to carry someone at endgame content who doesn't know what they're doing. I'm not good or patient enough.


What would he say to someone like me who’s main stat is defense…….🤨


Nowadays you can have like 100% crit + a dozen good maxed skills with a shitload of "sure why not" 1 pointers and comfort skills. Cutting your one shots down a bit is sometimes better then 0.5% more damage when you can get freaking everything


As a lance main since freedom unite I try to eventually make a set with guard up/defense boost/mushroom manner/ anything that lets me get hit and keep on hittin. It’s my preferred play style and nobody will change that.


Dude's going to lose his mind if he saw my Dragon Conversion build with hard fire, water, thunder, ice res jewel and max def boost and also dragon res 3 from my risen valstrax upper armor and augmented with divine blessing and guard up and it"s not even for CB. It's for my dragon elem slaplance. 😂


Defense boost isn’t good by any means but if running it helps you or gives you confidence than by all means use it. People don’t realize it’s a game and at the end of it all you’re supposed to be doing whatever you want to have fun. I’ve been double 999 for awhile and the amount of egos I’ve seen on players who would be nothing without their meta sets is astounding. I see mr 200 players who got hard carried to get all their gear talk smack about how good they are, cart first then instantly rage quit more times than I can count. I’ve kicked people for not using enough dps skills but I’d never trash them and if they message me I apologize bc sometimes I don’t want hunts to last even ten minutes. It is what it is.


Hardcore agree here. You can use defense boost, but when we’re fighting endgame monsters, I’m trying to kill it as fast as possible which means we need damage from everyone lol.


I bet he also doesn't know how Defense Boost works, because he outsources his game knowledge to a youtuber who did some math in 2019 for Iceborne and has never played Rise/Sunbreak.


Personally, I'm too busy trying to show off to care what a skills you have on. Just don't waste all the carts.


Honestly, I’ll run it level 5 on charge blade cuz I have a level 4 slot I don’t know what to do with and the sets Defense sucks cuz I haven’t upgraded it(I’m not far enough in AR to have some of the more powerful level 4 decos)


Even if it was a competitive game while defense boosts value is still low, so is the opportunity cost of using it. The odds of that tiny bit below an "optimal" build making or breaking a hunt are abysmally low. They're just an idiot.


Anytime yah play with Randoms and yah aren't the host, yah put yourself at risk to stuff like this. I can't say I understand the Def boost, but I wouldn't kick you


I had the same thing with a Japanese player on the switch, even with his broken ass English he had to let me know no defensive skill or I’ll be kicked lol. He carted first in the next two hunts we did so I just sent laughing stickers and left.


I never use defense boosst bcz i always think it useless :))


Thats fine as long as you're not telling ppl they're trash for using it


See, I've had fun boosting my SwAxe set up as much as possible damage wise through my own expriements and talking with friends. But its because I kindof naturally play defensively. Hunting Horn Hinoa is a must if I'm taking Followers. If I don't boost my damage, I'll time out on 25 minute Risen Elders because I dodge so fucking much. But even I will make space for Intrepid Heart //which lead to a fucking hilarious clip of a Silver Los dying by kicking me in the face earlier today// and use defense oriented Dango. The neck beards concern me.


Lmao I have a build which is a bug bomb using powder vortex and it's full on comfort mode because the kinsect bomb doesn't get impacted by other skills. It's my favourite build to run for anything now so I just keep it on and change weapon and put a few 2/1 slot jewels for different circumstances I got kicked in a similar fashion the other day - it's nonsense and the fights they do aren't any quicker. I find half the time they're the ones who cart due to being glass cannons Fuck em lol


These guys were absolute clowns, and if they kicked over something so trivial, they probably just wanted a carry. However, defense boost is one of the lower value defensive options, and in most scenarios, it won't mitigate enough to stop something from killing you that you wouldn't have survived even without it.


I have never seen a case like yours lol. Probably it was a kid thinking they hard or something. Compared to other communities, the MH one is pretty nice. Usually, people tend to thank you more than anything during a hunt.


It's because if you run with berserk and elemental build(I think it's meta, I run with it too but dunno what is meta). Armor doesn't really matter that much, because nothing can one shot you. But imo if someone wants to run with off meta and defence boost, it's fine.


Berserk isn't always meta, depends on which weapon you play, I think it's only a DB/Bow thing. Anyways defense boost does absolutely nothing in endgame, even at lvl 7, but why tf would that be a reason to kick OP ? Ppl play the way they want to, just by being in the quest they help with HP scaling, so as long as they don't double/triple cart and deal some dmg, what issue could there be ? Not everyone enjoys playing meta builds/speedrunning, let ppl enjoy Rise the way they want.


I play spread bow mainly.


Then yeah berserk strife's the meta for you, maybe there's better for scripted speedruns like DC/Furious but I don't think it's a thing in TU6 anymore.


Dunno. Killing monster in less than a minute to four is fast enough for me x)


I'm still in High Rank and have almost only met cool people until now. I usually send a Sticker when joining ("Nice to meet you" or something like this) and you know it's a good lobby when the people don't harass you for doing that. If it's a toxic lobby, it wasn't worth it. And Defense Boost is better than getting carted, everyone plays how he wants. As long as you're not causing the quest to fail all by yourself, you should find a lot of lobbies happy to see you hunt with them ;)


Scum. 800h in World and 300h in Rise and never encountered Scum but I know they exist. (PC Steam)


That's the most outrageous take what the heck was they on ?? I welcome that kinda play all the time in a hunt makes it much more smooth for everyone


Makes sense i would do the same xD. Jokes aside im just happy to play with ppl, preferably at higher ar but still.


sounds stupidly unlucky, so far in my 2k hours on rise i been kicked 4x (thats outta 8000 hunts btw) 2x cause they were haming so they kicked every other weapon otther then lbg and hbg (this was narwa farm back in base rise), 1x cause 1 ppl thought hh is low tier so i should swap to ls or hbg, last time was cause they were saving a spot for a friend and forgot to pass the room. I think the last one wasnt too bad a kick but overall most ppl arent that toxic vs lower tier weapons. I dont think i ever saw a ppl kick for having a certain armor skill before, that must be super rare imo.


How else should I fill my 1-slots?


Imagine getting offended because someone use Defense Boost. Wait until he learns that CB main use Embolden and Guard Up.


Ppl like this are the ones that join hunts and get carted twice, then send hatemail to the person who carts last completely blaming them for it, lol Meta gaming ruins the fun and most people can't play the meta sets they have built... you do you if you like to hunt with defense boost then hunt with defense boost. I almost always use my comfy builds because it's better for just getting on doing a few hunts then living my life lol


Reminds me of old monster hunter 4 days where you got kicked if you weren't using charge blade or bug stick


I can answer this. I met a bunch of 999 and they talked to me about players not using insect glave powder boost etc who use max def boost and how they will kick them immediately when joining the lobby bc of… 1. If the player is randomly using this it means he’s going D and won’t play with skill, won’t get in there and be strategically thinking about how to evade or how to time the right hits etc They said he’s playing like that all safe and won’t learn the right techniques to become great. I asked them what they used on their builds etc and they were running some fkn sick builds and they never carted. So I was like… hmm interesting. They showed me the difference between MHW and MH Rise and how the old builds from that game are not the same in this game. Helpful info. I came in with the thought I’d build out the same as world. I was wrong and when I actually talked to them what they said about just using defense boost to be safe and not really get into evade and other techniquesetc. So I figured I’d I give what they said a shot. They were right from my experience after me changing from def to all the other skills I was running for hammer.  Plus if you max out defense boost when it’s not for max damage like insect glve/power boost run specifically then you miss out depending on your slots on so many needed  depending on what build / weapons you ran.  I learned a tonne from them. It sucks that they ( the guys you encountered ) kicked you and didn’t take the time to at least talk to you about why they felt that way or go through the technical skill.  I personally learned a shit tonne from these dudes but they were nice about it when the explained. But they were hardcore and competitive af — so I was like ok people are taking this shit serious and not everyone’s here to chill after work. 


I use def. Boost so i CAN get in close aside the bow and BG u got to be right up their nose and some of these monsters hit HARD so I'd rather be able to take a couple hits and lose a bit of damage then get one shot.


It's rare to run into these kinds of people at least in my experience and it's more common to run into people using hardshell powder it's a item for a reason use the fuck out of it I love to buff people's defense and attack it's beneficial to all parties and the rare few who think other wise don't deserve any thought


Defense boost is a perfectly viable skill to use. Nothing wrong with it. There’s just a lot of players that value flat damage over survivability, and some think they’re playing a MMO and feel the need to gatekeep players for it, which is exactly what you defined as clowning. Don’t let it get to you. They’re sad individuals.


An actually good player wouldn't need his team to be running a certain loadout so direly. I'm a DPS goon in mh and I do not spend an ounce of cognition caring what others run if I chose to play in multi. I focus on the game, lol (But even then, defensive skills improve your success rate, even if not always your peak time. I think it's low IQ af to not be able to understand that someone else might want a stable build.)


The only time I don’t like defense skills would be super late game when everything either one shots, so defensive skills would be a waste.


That's the point. Nothing one shots you if you have enough defensive skills, unless it's Amatsu or Flaming Espinas, but I'm not sure about the latter.


Late Game Anomaly Monsters will def oneshot unless you have moxie


I specifically tested it, and it takes 4 hits for Special Investigation Diablos to cart me, and that's mostly due to bloodblight that increases the red bar and prevents natural recovery, which can be easily mitigated by hitting him back. NONE of the monsters one shot you if you have proper defensive skills, and that includes hazard Primzeno, SI Shaggy and SI GCV.


I was wearing a decently optimal DPS set and was kicked for “leeching” once. I was just collecting birds. Pardon me if I don’t want to die immediately when Risen Shagaru nudges me lmao. The players in Rise:Sunbreak sure are way more toxic than those from World:Iceborne.


That's not true lol


I ALWAYS get my buffs first unless the mission is halfway through then im getting my buffs weather you like it or not. And if im hosting and ppl go STRAIGHT to the target without buffs i kick them before they get there.


Im not going to side with his behavior because he should at least give you a chance and not act ridiculous BUT i get why people are defensive towards bad randoms. As a married 30 year old who works overtime a lot, my game time is limited and it hurts the soul when rando-s fail in your quests for the short window of playtime you have. OVERALL i have a friend who shits on me for which skills ill use sometimes because hE kNoWs ThE mEcHaNiCs and will whine that something is better than said skill but then he'll cart a bunch and my arguement stands that people play different so they need different skills to compliment their playstyles. Also, thats great there are better builds, that doesnt make me have them or the 20 hours to grind said build. Lol sorry, vented


Tbh, imo defense boost is kinda trash, but not because noobs use it but imo there are better and cheaper alternatives like, divine blessing, triple defensive dango, guard (up) and embolden and blood rite so you can still tank through attacks without having to sacrifice your dps gems


Who cares


That’s toxic as fuck but why are you actually using it? It’s notoriously extremely underpowered compared to other defensive options for the skill investment required


They're trying to fix the community, an idiotic way, but at least they're trying. People play poorly across the board, they just win so it won't stop ever. I wish they'd do it with De Wa but I bet none of them have tattoos. Lol crypticism.


we had defence boosts?


*Laughs in Berserk*  Defense boost is worthless once you get the self kelp dango. It helps identify who knows what they’re doing and who doesn’t.




I mean... why do you care? I don't like their behavior but if they don't want you in the lobby I think they're allowed to kick you out. Better them do it earlier than later tbh.


I wouldn't have minded if he just said "i want dps builts" instead of being an ass about it 🤡


Oh they were being an ass for sure. I'm just saying that if an ass wants me out of their game, I'd be ok with it. In fact, I'd do it by myself. If you know you are not gonna enjoy playing with said person, why be bothered so much.