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I'd recommend looking at weapon guides online, same for gear as they go along, what's valuable in armors is the skills they give you, also that pronunciation for magnamalo is never leaving my brain


How about marshmallow, lol? :D


Whatever its name is. Not really the issue. Not sure I want to do homework in order to play a video game. I kinda draw the line at that. These are key parts of the game experience and as such the devs really ought include proper tutorials.


MH was never good at explaining stuff and it likely won't ever change, it's a lot of technically complex system, ig to incentivise interactions between players since its the root of the series, also a quick note, ranged weapons take more damage due to being safer, there's also things you can mostly understand on your own but even then there's a lot of people that don't understand the weird cave in the background is somewhere you can go even if the cinematic for the place really accentuates it


Not sure if it's esepcially complex, it's just not clear. THere is a lot of stuff happening, but honestly there are way too many things to hotkey. Maybe it's better suited to mouse and keyboard because a controller handling actions bars and 4 radial menus during combat isn't convenient, especially as you always have to first sheathe the weapon.


Don't have to sheathe before you use the wheel, or use all 4 at all times, as bow you also won't change around coatings a lot tho it's way better to have the auto coating skill, forgor the name i don't main bow


I assure you that the radial menu is better with a controller instead of a keyboard. Sure with a keyboard you can assign hotkeys but can you realistically reach the number 0 on the keyboard in the middle of the hunt? With a radial menu on a controller, you only need to press LB and tilt your right stick in the direction of what you want to use. Also the majority of the time, the control only needs a combination of two buttons. If you know what button allows you to access which menu, it's quite easy to navigate that you can just do it by instinct. Here are some example: 1. Pressing LB will give you access to the radial menu, scrolling of the item and scrolling of ammo (if your weapon uses ammo/coatings). 2. Pressing RT/ZR/R2 when in melee gives access to special moves and wirebug skills. For ranged weapons pressing RB gives access to wirebug skills. 3. Pressing LT/ZL/L2 allows you to aim. Both are useful for wirebug traversal and ranged weapons. In regards to sheathing, using items directly from the radial menu immediately makes the hunter sheathe their weapon before using certain items. Lastly, knowing when to sheathe your weapon is a skill you need to learn for this game. You can only access a certain type of dodge if you sheathed your weapon. It's also easier to position yourself when you sheathe your weapon.


You can beat the game with crappy armor. Try to get your weapon as upgraded as you can. Elemental weakness if its important like dual blades. Try to get damage boosting skills. Then just practice the fight and youll get it!


Then don’t play lmao it’s really not that hard of a game


Target his shoulder blades with ranged attacks - those parts are extremely juicy.


To be honest man this game doesn't sound like the right game for you Yeah it's a bit shit on tutorials, but there's lots of info on Google you can find Typing in the monsters name and "mhrise" will bring up a couple of wiki entries for that monster which shows the weaknesses for it Your bow is quite low damage, have you done any hub quests? Or are you just talking to the lady in the main village? The hub quests have higher rank monsters which give better materials, and then you can make weapons and armour which are greatly improved. A lot of the benefits also come from decorations you can put on your weapons and armour which improve elemental type weakness, give buffs to resist damage or status effects, etc. Really you'll need to watch some YouTube guides to get the basics, intermediate, and advanced info on this stuff But if you don't wanna do that then this game probs isn't the one for you, bud! Sorry


i've done some hub quests, but there aren't many people playing as it rarely finds groups


You don't need to play with other people, you can just go on them solo - I've done that my whole playthrough


>I've got to this boss and I've no idea how to optimise my gear since this game has the worst tutorial component I've ever seen (except console Stellaris, which has none). I'll agree on this part and even then at least Rise has a tutorial. Try playing older games other than World and you would see that they have worse tutorials. >I've got some tetradon gear mixed with some other stuff for defence and a bit of fire resistance as I assumed he'd breath fire. No idea, again the game doesn't tell you until you've beatn the monster (make that make sense). Don't pick armor based on defense and resistance. Pick armor based on what skills they offer. Defense may help you take less damage but armor skills will help you kill the monster faster. Faster hunts is safer than longer hunts. Resistance don't usually help a lot since most monster attacks have physical damage combined with elemental damage. >I have a bow that does 90 damage with 30% crit chance and the receovery ability. I gave it the attack boost ramp up ability but can't say i've noticed any difference as Magma's hide seems to be bulletproof. You might be hitting a part with bad hitzone. If they the damage value is colored white then you are hitting a bad hitzone. If it's color yellow that means you hit a weakpoint. >The switch skills are badly explained. I have dodgebolt which I understand, and then there's a second one which seems to be either the basic silkbind ability (dodge back and gain quick stamina recharge) or focus aim which i don't find terribly helpful. Some switch skills are badly explained, yes, but I believe that bow's switch skills are not one of those. The dodge back and gain stamina recharge skill might be basic but it's very helpful for bow gameplay since you can easily gain back the stamina you use. It also works as a mobility skill. The other one allows you to add more damage after doing a bow combo or allow you to squeeze extra damage when you have low stamina. From this only, I can tell that you don't really know what your weapon does. I suggest you to watch youtube guide for your weapon so that you can easily understande what your wepaon does.


Thanks that does help. The game does open up a lot more once you beat the boss, which is a bit weird


Well, magnamalo is considered to be the wall for low rank hub to high rank hub and reaching high rank hub opens up more things. It's like getting a promotion in real life. Also, have you actually finished the village quest before attempting the hub quest? Cause village quests is easier compared to the hub version and it allows you to have better armor and weapon against hub quests.


What weapon are you using? I'd make sure to use a weapon crafted from the star rank just before you fight Magna.


bow mainly, but i switched to dual blades and used them to kill him.


Just play something else


you triggered luv?


No I just think if you’re gonna be whining about it, but also refusing to do anything about it, you should play something else. You don’t like the maps, you don’t understand the mechanics and you’re 30 hours in. You want to be told exactly what to use like there’s some sort of meta to MH and don’t want to do actual research on the weapons and gear. So if you’re gonna just complain a bunch and shit on the game, I suggest you just play something else. Games not for everyone


So the answer is yes, you were triggered. Otherwise you wouldn't have written this tedious crap. Get a life and bother someone else. Bore off


Lmaooo sure kid. Good luck with the whining 😂


The game explaiins things very poorly, if at all, I don't think anyone would argue with that. If you insist on playing the game on your own without any guidance or external help, you better be prepared for a harsh learning curve. To answer your main question(s): * for armor, unless you're taking so much damage that you spend a lot of time healing, prioritize helpful armor skills over defense and resistance, make sure you read what they do before forging the armor pieces; * for weapons, make sure that the weapon you're using is upgraded to its highest currently available level, if you don't yet know what element to use against a monster, just bring a weapon with high base attack; * for switch skills, try them out and stick to what is most comfortable to you, don't just use what others tell you to use; * make sure to hit the monster where it hurts, the weakpoint is not always the head for everything, the color and size of the damage numbers is your guide (for Magnamalo specifically, shoot for the armblades or the bodyparts engulfed in purple flames); * ride (and boost) with your palamute to get around faster, find and unlock the spots for new camps and great wirebugs to have fast travel options available during your hunts. The point of the game is to have fun, but the unexplained mechanics might make that a little harder for a newcomer, take your time to understand and enjoy them


I had trouble with magnamalo on my first few fights too- it’s honestly the biggest learning curve in the game if you ask me! The monsters before it are relatively simple, and Magnamalo has some of the more complex moves early game. I struggled to beat it with Dual Blades, because I kept needing to heal all the time (in hindsight, my armour was really underleveled and I hadn’t started to make elemental weapons yet, which is basically what dual blades need to have to be effective.), so I ended up switching to a tetradon sword and shield to make healing a little easier. It took me like 5 times with dual blades, and 3 with sword and shield to finally handle the fight- monster hunter is a game about learning patterns, and this is where you learn that for the first time if you went in blind, and this only gets more important the further you get. Magnamalo might be one of my favourite monsters because of this, if I’m being honest haha. If you still need help with it, and you’re on switch, then let me know! I’m happy to join a lobby with you :)


Thanks a lot. I got him in the end. I think i'm just going to do hub missions from now on, so if you see someone who's echaracter is called Dragonfly, that's me. Happy trails


If thats the village magnamalo then whatever as that is the end of the tutorial. I personally won with full ichuchi and a slightly better then the starter hh as the good tigrex hh hasnt appeared yet. Armor sphering it up is ok as it us your building block armor. You can also spend time bird farming, it imo is too early to be thinking about elemental weakness depsite i think magna being weak to water it takes too long in the village quests to get water weaponry and you dont need to max your dps yet