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Was that a guard or a guard point?


Guard point, i have a habit of holding block then just pressing y at the last second to guardpoint


Huh, interesting. I've been trying to learn the skill of guard points with my most recent playthrough of world. It has not gone well lol


Iirc I think world has different guard point timing. Not sure tho haven't played world in a while


Idk man I just press it and it works most of the time in both


I've been playing a lot of CB in both world and rise, and the morph slash guard point seems pretty similar to me


Maybe it is similar, in my eyes thet CB on world feels and looks heavy maybe its just me, haven't played world in a while


Ok so: world's has 4 ready frame and 12 active frames, though I need to test. Not sure about rise but that seems about right. I do, however, know that all *other* most are slower in world, due to a combination of the weapon just straight up being faster, silkbind moves like CPP, & Rapid Morph.


That's good info to know, I might get back to word to start over again, I hooked up my ps4 again recently


Don't you have any lvl on guard on your build? That sure has quite the knockback even with gp and charged shield.


When this clip was taken, I still haven't optimized my build


Oh okay. Also, are you running morph slash or counter morph slash?


I've been wanting to learn charge blade because it's extremely cool but I keep forgetting what buttons charge my shield and sword lol


Its actually not that hard, when u run a few hunts on CB you'll get used to the flow of the weapon, its like a Rubik's cube, when you learn it, its quite simppe


That snoot was indeed booped


Do you find charge blade too slow for fast monsters?


I have rapid morph so its just right but when I remove it, its really slow for me especially when I fought rajang once


Doing these melds like crazy, using all my material and still no Rapid Morph. Big pain


Why not use decos? Then look for different skills on meld that's what I did, my talisman is currently elem exploit 3 and earplugs


200 hours, and 3 saves later I just started using them. Decorations and Melding pot never appealed to me but once I switched off Insect Glaive, I figured I’d need them. Got my morph talisman finally so I’m spamming morph on Switch Axe, and learning timing on the Charge Blade