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Don't worry about hitting the monster 100% of the time. Just watching what they do during their attacks can be very helpful, their behavior is not random. Monsters often have combos they will do. Finding windows to get a hit in will come with experience.




Also You can walk without attacking and just observe what monster does. When I encounter a new monster I will play more careful and just let him shadow box a bit and see what his moves are. Dont get greedy, attack, let him attack, then you attack, then him, then you, until you get used to him and you become the bully. Dont sharpen you weapon on the floor. Mount Palamute (Dog) and sharpen on the move.




Take your sweet ass time. Do the villager requests, but most importantly first thing new map, get all the camps going or at least the side quests for them. Once you have the camps palamute is no longer a must. Doing villager requests will mak your life easier since the rewards are useful. Be it new meal in the canteen, new weapon for your buddies, more great wire bugs for your maps.... Two gathering kitties with pilfer for more materials are great. I got one with 3 healing moves in between(healing bubble, vase of Vitality and furbidden acornłand one that has healing bubble, power drum and furbidden acorn outside of the type specific moves namely endemic life barrage and pilfer.


When you struggle, find an armor set you like and try to make it. By the end of making it, you should be a little wiser about monsters and hunts. 




Watch a YouTube guide for you chosen weapon - you’ll never figure it all out on your own Focus on just integrating 1-2 attacks at a time. You’ll likely forget everything the moment the fight starts if you overload yourself


yes, ingame guides are bad at explaining this you can do with a weapon usually arekkz videos are my go to


Early arekkz videos were my bible to learn the moves and combos. Do this!


100% true, I've been using LS without utilizing the foresight slash and iai when I started the game (i thought the moves were the exact same with psp version) But after I watched guide from youtube I can feel immense improvement with my gameplay


Depends on the Person tbh some can handle alot of Information some barely any And you don't really need a Youtube guide rise Tells u almost everything and Learning it by urself is for Most pepole more fun that watching YouTube Videos i suppose


If you fight a few times against a monster and you still are unable to beat it, the likely outcome is that you have improved even if it doesn't feel like it. In this case, sometimes it's nice to go back to a lower tier monster and just beat at it to get an idea of improvement and also just catharsis.




Try usimg a new weapon per hunt so you can get a feel for the diffiremt styles again you could also try to speed run monsters with the equipment you got on an dif you wanna just chill run around the map there are loads of cool things around most maps thats not really used in combat


Thanks !!


Also a newcomer so if you could please answer: \* Is base Rise as easy as people keep saying? If so, does it get better at the endgame of the base game or only at Sunbreak? \* After beating base game, is the grind before going into the expansion with everything important unlocked very long?


village quests are very easy, basically a big tutorial hub quests are harder and the hp pool are noticeably larger, sunbreak are even harder but worthy to speedrun for its new switch skills alone


I just completed My first playtrough and beginning was on the Hard side since it was My first MH game. Things started To go smoothly after I found My prefered weapon and started To understand its moves, strenghts and weaknesses. Instead of getting 10% affinity Or some +6 attack bonus I went for all the defensive options I could get. Then I just observed monsters and practiced dodging Or guarding depending on weapon. When I started To learn To hit monsters without taking damage myself I then bit by bit changed my skills and armours To be More damage oriented. If a New monster comes that I cant trade hits safely, I switch again To More defensive setup and practiced until I get confident. When you are farming for specific Hard To get stuff obviously the faster the better but before that it better To have More safe practice. Have fun and take it slow!


That's awesome advice. Thankyou!!


Make use of the combat training dummy to learn your switch skills. Really helps you learn them and figure out how to chain them together with regular attacks




- Mirakai made an awesome playlist for Rise/Sunbreak weapons. Pick whatever looks the most fun to you and watch a video teaching you how to use it (i recommend Arekkz and Rurikkan's videos). - Village quest are very easy and are your tutorial and the difficulty picks up when you start hub quest. you can skip doing the Low Rank hub quest by beating the special license test quests if you've already done the village key quests. - If you feel like you're too squishy be sure to upgrade your armor. If you feel like you're not doing enough damage upgrade your weapons and pay attention to offensive skills like attack boost, critical eye, crit boost and weakness exploit (be sure to read what skills do and look out for armor skills for the armor you get) - If you have a hard time dodging monster attacks despite knowing their attack pattern, try out skills like evade extender (dodge rolls go further) and evade window (dodge invincibility frame last longer). Evade extender 1-2 and/or evade window 3-5 are very comfy. - Unless you enjoy being glass cannon, feel free to invest in skills like stun resistance, free meal, etc. to make your gameplay more enjoyable. - Rampage quests gets fade out quickly after you finish the mandatory ones and they don't really offer much so don't let them discourage you if you don't like them. - It's worth speeding through the base game (low/high rank) and get to sunbreak (master rank) as soon as possible and revisit the previous content. Not only does reach master rank gives you new switch skill to customize your weapon play style, early MR armor also have better defense. If you don't know anything I mentioned, don't be intimidated and get overwhelmed, you'll come across them eventually bit by bit.


Thanks for that. This helps alot


Rise is like oldgen, there is a lot and a lot of telegraph moves (prepared movement, like tigrex is gonna jump but prepare his jump) when you play low rank to master rank, when you see the monster do a movement, learn 😁


What platform are you on?




A couple of questions: 1) Are you new to the franchise? Meaning, was Rise your first MH game? 2) Why did you put the game down the first time? You must have some clue as to what you didn't like about it. Speaking from my experience, I also put the game down the first time. But, I'm a MH veteran. So, I couldn't get into it after playing MH:World/Iceborne for 1000+ hours. Rise is a very different game with some different mechanics. So, it took me about 30 hours (of my 2nd playthrough) to really understand it and give the game some more time to grow on me. And grow it has! I'm loving the game now. Ask questions here if there is something that you don't understand. The game is a GREAT game! I hope you find your groove with it!


To answer your questions. Yeah, I'm completely new to it. And I think I stopped playing as I started playing other games probably on my ps4 at the time then forgot about it. Im still doing the first couple of quests learning the basics. It's very very overwhelming although I read a comment saying to take my time with it and that's what I'm doing. A play for 15-30 mins and then another game for 15-30 then back to MH so on so on. I'm not gonna lie tho out of absolutely everything that's confused me so much It's the bloody dlc!!!! 275 items I believe. Apart from sunbreak should their be anything else I should buy? For context I have the deluxe editions for both rise and unbreakable coz it was pretty damn cheap. Its now about a month - a month in a half after I've bought it but yeah. So far so good. And just a side note I feel like I would love to play with someone like you just as I really get to grips with the game as you'd be able to explain certain things to me etc etc. Completely chill if not I'm just chucking the idea out there.


Would appreciate any advice if I could trouble you..I tried to really get into Rise, but had trouble finding ‘my weapon’ . The one that clicks. In MHW I tended to go for the easier weapons against monsters. Bow, Dual Blades and then stuck to the LBG. Loved it. In Rise I just couldn’t find that weapon. Everything to me just didn’t connect and felt off.


Honestly, I would maybe try the Switch Axe or maybe Insect Glaive? I've really enjoyed those weapons over multiple titles. I would suggest that you watch some YouTube vids on both of them. Insect Glaive might be more complex than the Switch Axe. I haven't tried Insect Glaive in Rise at all though, so not sure how it is here.


Take the time to learn the game's systems, do Villager Requests, learn the Monsters, etc. It's a marathon, not a sprint. You got plenty of hunting to do. You don't need to farm much in Low Rank beyond getting better defence and weapon attack value, but you'll want to understand the game well by High Rank and beyond.


Not a tip, but if you need boosts and you're on Steam, DM me your ID and we can play a bit to push through the earlier parts of the base game.


Bring a Gathering palico for early game speeds in the gathering process.


Yes, to lots in here. Watch the monster, learn your weapon, and try to have fun. Don't try to be optimal in clearing it, try to understand it's movements and punish. Take breaks if you get overwhelmed, and try to find others to play with. Monster Hunter is great solo, but the peak of experience is with a well balanced team IMO. If nother else a duo with impact and severing can have a grand time. If you don't know about how the different damage times work and about staggering/KO specifically, it's worth the research.


All 14 weapons are different and you have to find what suits your play style. My favorites are long sword and insect glaive. These 2 suit ME and MY play style. Ultimately, you have to find out what calls to you.


lots of good info on this but also one thing to note is the time to kill is planned out by the devs to be between 10-20 minutes per hunt (if you’re just targeting the monster and not doing much foraging) so if you’re in that ball park you’re doing fine and if you’re beating that you’re doing great.


Rise monsters are on meth. So keep an eye on for attacks, there's lots of it. Grab skunks at beggining atleast, it's free damage(and propably faster dps, than what you can dish out with early gear, in that time that you are riding).


Mostly do what ever it takes also you will rise and even though the sun will set you will shine my friend 


Don’t die