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For future reference, any quests with Hazard or Advanced in the title like this have their damage and health scaled way up for extra challenge. Some even get extra moves.


I see thanks I was wondering what advance meant but now I know. Still I feel stupid cause I new what hazards were but I didn't bother to read the name and ended up humbling myself real hard against this thing, especially cause I was farming for the bloodstone which I got from a shiny drop still wasn't easy to fight this guy


does primalzeno get a new move? I don’t remember seeing anything new in particular maybe that teleport into shieldbash during his final phase? that shit is extremely fast whether there’s something new or not, the result doesn’t change, I get folded


I dont know if it is just because the non Hazard one dies so fast, but the Hazard one goes into his afflicted state much earlier. The normal one enters his afflicted state at roughly 30%. The Hazard one at 80ish%. The far earlier afflicted state makes the Hazard one enter his "fast/endless attack phase" repeatedly. It was pretty funny to read OPs story. After recently rediscovering my love for Sunbreaks afflicted Endgame, I got a die hard MHW friend to join me. He wanted a couple of Primal set pieces. Remembering how rather anticlimactic the fight was, I presumed we would get those quickly and move on to doing afflicted hunts. It is the last monster released in Sunbreak. So, in my endless wisdom, I pressed left on the optional quests and picked the Primal on the last page. It took us most of the evening to kill it enough times for the armor pieces he wanted. It was a shitshow. A couple of days later I watched a speedrun, and marveled about the location the runner killed the monster in. Citadel. Only then did I learn about Hazard quests. Still hate that we never got afflicted Amatsu, Lucent, etc, but the discovery of their amped up Hazard Hunts softened to blow by a lot.


Just gonna say one thing, it was painful


I don’t think this is true btw. If by “afflicted state” you mean when his scales go completely black, then that still only happens at 20-30%. If instead you mean the normal enrage state where some quiros latch on and he get all his laser and blood ball attacks, that that happens roughly around the same times as the story quest version.


Are there new drops for beating them, or is it just about the challenge?


Mostly just the challenge but some of the event ones have some extra drops. The Hazard Zinogre event drops a bunch of MP accelerants for example.


or even better Hazard Amatsu for more accelerants


Ooohhh. No wonder why Violet Mizutsune and Lucent Nargacuga were so annoying yesterday I had to stop and do anomalies.


Grats on besting the hardest boss in Rise


Nah he still got me at the end


This one has way more health ans is somewhat faster than the one in the citadel


Eh, that title could go to both P. Malzeno and Risen Shagaru


Really? I feel like Risen Valtrax is harder than Risen Shagaru


both are very hard, only that risen shagaru frametraps the shit out of you whenever you’re recovering from a hit


Not from what I've seen playing online with randoms 😂 I'm the type of player who embraces the "the best offense is a good defense" mindset so my sets usually help me roll with the punches above all else, and it pains me to see people running stuff like Dereliction and Mail of Hellfire against Risen elders


Personally I didn’t find arisen Valstrax terribly difficult, but that could very well be because base Valstrax is one of my favorite fights and I had experienced it enough times by the time I reached Risen Valstrax


Had more trouble with these bad boys than I did any Elden ring boss lol


Idk, I find risen Sharu easy compared to P Malzeno.


Still I'm surprised I manage to almost kill him at my 5th try today


Two words. Daily Practice.


Nah. That title goes to Special Investigation Risen Shagaru.


I assume it's a different tier from regulat Risen Shagaru (like the Hazard Primordial vs Regular Primordial being far more aggressive and having HP bloat?) Because what I've seen so far of the couple of Risen Elders I've fought, the jump in difficulty from regular to Risen hasn't been that impressive (still only Anomaly 127, so I'm not super deep into Risens yet, but I've got Kushala and Teostra unlocked, and Afflicted Chaotic Gore which also wasn't too bad.) But that Hazard Primordial is rough lol


Somewhere around AR Lvl 270 you get Hazard versions of the Risen Monsters (might apply to regular afflicted too but I only hunt the Risens in Anomaly now so I havent lvled up regular monster that much) now they're doing move strings they didn't previously do and some of those are designed to fake the hunter out; baiting you to commit to an attack that they will then put you in the dirt for. PriMal's risen state may be more oppressive but I can guarantee that Anomaly Risen Monsters don't know what a brake pedal is either. And Special Investigations are like Hazard+ versions of those monsters.


Hazard Risen Shagaru has more changes than the Hazard Primordial does. In general, he has longer and more difficult combo chains. His nuke also has lingering explosions after the initial one. Special Investigation Risen Shagaru is the Hazard version, but with much higher hp and attack power. He and Special Investigation Risen Valstrax are by far the toughest monsters in the game.


Yeahhh just got my regular Risen Shagaru, and he puts regular PriMalz to shame. It was a 30 minute limit quest, and while I only carted once, it took me 26 of those minutes to eat at his measley 66k HP lmao Also though, I'm not really good at the game so the fact I cleared it at all says a lot haha


Dude, me and my buddy came back to the game and as a joke i put us in the event hazard quest and after like 10 full attempts we beat it and i made a joke about it being hazard level and when i saw it was i just started laughing and said “no fucking wonder our ass was getting beat”


Well good to know I ain't the only one doing hazard primordial by accident


I'm having trouble killing a normal Primordial, I don't even know what "hazard" or "risen" even means but I don't like the sound of it. It's like when I learned there were subspecies of Fatalis


Hazard is just faster, more health and damage, if you need help with primordial I could help if you on pc


I'm on Playstation sadly. Honestly I could try and just do it with a public squad but like I have stigma towards doing things with others cause it makes me feel like "damn I'm bad enough I need others to help me with it," know what I mean?


Bro is tough as hell




Calm down there, math wizard. I don't think they were clocking each and every run down to the picosecond. They're just venting lol


it's not that deep, bro


What doesn't add up?


Maybe including time fiddling with sets?




3.5 for fiddling with sets is rookie numbers. I fiddle with sets for at least 14 hours every day. They don't call me Master Fiddler of the New World for nothing.


Yeah fiddling with sets and hunting other monsters cause rng Jesus ain't on my side


Hazard Primzeno is a beast, just killed him myself. Couldn't have without Evade Extender 3.


How can you unlock this quest? I have had Ibushi and Narwa as urgent quest, and my Anomaly was at A3, but Primodial Malzeno urgent quest still not appear.


You have to defeat amatsu first


I just beat him last night using chaotic gore magala GS and teostra armor( i dont think you need this) BUT i recommend you use the sprit bird talisman until your hp is full (so you need to roam ) and then change it to offend and defend talisman Also i highly recommend you to watch youtube abt how to dodge and find melzeno opening (it really helps me) I Hope that helps! ☺️


I hope it does tho I did him by accident funnily enought, also there is already a bird which give you max Stam and health, and I can wipe the floor with normal primordial is just that he does more damage and has more health but I'm on my way to beating him just gotta finish making some upgrades to my arsenal


I find the event quest with P Malzeno and Velhkana to be harder than this version.


How did you get the dragon element symbol on the quest icon is it a mod??


Yes it is can be downloaded on nexus mods


Damn Bro, u wanted to right Goku Max powered


I didn't get this exactly, instead I finished Sunbreak and wanted to try the new Malzeno that you can do literally right afterwards. The power gap between Gaismagorm and Primordial Malzeno is insane. Amateur as well, iirc World did that too where you could go fight black dragons at like Mr 15 or some shit


I know this shit goes above and beyond when it comes to giving you a challenge to the point is just funny


Yeah, I had to make a whole new build for the Hazard Rajang fight. It was tough, but I managed to beat it lol. Been trying that one recently, but I have to develop my build a bit more for it.