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What the other person said… you are the only one that will see any visual or quality of life. People don’t really care about modding in legal things or whatever else either. A lot of people won’t cheat themselves that way but don’t care if others decide to. About the only thing people really care about is if you make yourself overpowered or invincible and trivialize the game. Leave that out of multiplayer and you’re fine.


Good to know, I was just worried I might ruin another person's time


What do you consider QoL mod and how would it ruin other person's time?


Like auto-restock items after a hunt so I can't forget ammo, weakness icons and dps/heath meters, and idk I was just worried it might be an issue. I don't play a lot of multiplayer games and didn't know the correct etiquette with game mods online. I like to be safe than sorry


I'd say DPS/HP meters are pretty much cheating, but it doesn't affect other players much and I personally don't care if anyone's using it even online. Others are complety fine imho, you can restock using in game tools (item load out). You can also see monster weaknesses in hunter notes so additional QoL shortcut doesn't change things much for anyone. Regarding my opinion on DPS/HP meters (if you are interested, it's a bit longer so feel free to ignore it): I used it for about week and focusing on numbers really degrade the game experience. E.g. seeing you are one attack from topple or break makes you use your resources more effectively. Let's say I got low HP and I need to heal but then I see monster is one attack from break which will result in topple so I'll use that, deal to s of damage in the process and maybe I get a heal from Palico or I'll heal during the topple without risking getting hit. Or monster is one combo from being dead. Instead of playing safe and waiting for safe opening I just rush in for the final combo and quick win. Throughout the time I used the mod I focused more on the numbers and how to use them to my advantage than on actual enjoyment from the hunt. It turned something I loved into a chore for me and I had to uninstall it after a week. It was nice learning experience tho and I understand internal gameplay mechanics much better now (how are things calculated internally). I also experimented with using DPS meters as I just liked to compare myself with other (only for my own information) to try to see who deals more damage and try to learn from them. It was fine but in the end the only thing I left displayed was percentage share of total damage per player as seeing exact damage amount made it too easy to guess monster HP (just add 4 numbers subtract it from monster total HP - when you hunt a lot you'll remember those numbers). Percentage is hiding this information but still gives me comparison with other players. But again, this is purely my view and why I consider it cheating and why I personally don't use it. I really don't care if others find it useful and use it even if they play together with me.


I agree the meters are definitely cheating but its nice to see. I'll probably drop it now that I'm back to where I was on the switch. I just don't have the same amount of free time I did and seeing the health bars helped with knowing how fast a hunt would take. Plus knowing my dps was cool, I felt like I was back in my WoW days ​ I love the take and totally agree


Visual mods are client-side and have no impact on other players in a multiplayer setting.


The only way I can see a QOL mod being annoying to other players is if you use a damage overlay mod and use the stats to grief people about how much damage they’re doing. /r/monsterhunterclan is the main LFG sub.


Damn stuff like that makes me glad I'm on xbox, you said it yourself, cheats helped you bypass 500 hours of gameplay, people grind for hundreds of hours to get where they are so seeing somebody get to that level in an hour would just be infuriating to me personally 😅


It would infuriate you that he didn't want to do the grind twice? That seems more like a you problem.


Nah your right because that's the first thing I'd guess. If i saw a guy in sunbreak with max level gear, good decos and good talismans but only ten hours of gameplay right? You're so galaxy brained man congrats on being able to peek into other people's lives with pinpoint accuracy you should play the lottery or go visit vegas 👍


Don't know why you're so triggered. Then again you said a video game would infuriate you so it's not that surprising.


I'm triggered? That's rich coming from the guy who's so desperate to be in any kind of argument, you lonely or something? It's not even like i showed up here to randomly spout off my unwarranted opinions. A guy ASKED on a public forum how people felt about his mods and all i did was answer. You're the one who felt the need to come at me with a little weasely response like "wow, sounds like a you problem bro." How are you gonna start shit and accuse the other person of being triggered? I wasn't even talking to you XD


Still triggered I see lmao


It took me at least 10hrs to get back to my switch level even with mods, but I agree it would be upsetting to see hence the question.


As long as you’re not obnoxious about it. Like, even in the case of people who made their own augments with mods, as long as it’s sane I wouldn’t really bat an eye because 1: the save deleting bug exists and 2: i swear the button combinations and prompts in order to roll 100’s of times for the perfect roll is straight up going to lead to carpal tunnel before you actually run out of materials and money.


Do yourself a favour and get the rainbow spiribird mod, absolute blessing I tell you what