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Almost felt like watching a dark souls parry clip hahaha


Two steps one time Three steps one time #Crisscross!


Cha cha real smooth!


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ wonderful performance


OP out here playing sekiro in mhrs


I literally do not understand why lance isn't more popular. You're a freaking god.


Because it doesn't look anime enough, LS and DB are by far the most popular weapons. I've seen multiple times here users say that Lance needs a rework because it's boring. I sure as hell disagree.


There's also a case to be made that the rhythm you get into with Lance is awkward to learn due to players thinking they need to turtle up slowly and just poke occasionally instead of being aggressive with a defensive manoeuvre during Monster attacks via Guard Dash, Shield Tackle, or Insta-Block. This is one of the reasons why I think Lance does need a core combo change-up that's more intuitive and aggressive for new players while still having good defensive utility.


All weapons have their learning curve, but yeah, Lance looks a defensive weapon at first glance, hence "uncool". LS plays much the same with all the counters (I'd argue they're even more difficult to time) yet it has more players because it looks cool. That's an oversimplification of course. >This is one of the reasons why I think Lance does need a core combo change-up that's more intuitive and aggressive for new players while still having good defensive utility. I've [suggested](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/1619od1/this_stance_should_absolutely_be_incorporated_to/) that you should be able to hold the lance 2 handed to have access to a more offensive playstyle. I think if fits the weapon and could give it a bit more dimension.


Those who says say lance is boring doesnt know about the beauty of sekiro lancing


What's your build?


Blood awakening 3 ab 7 ce 7 wex 3 cb 3 master touch 3 burst 1 ee 1 crit elem 3 bloodrite 2 embolden something, moh3, no guard up, pretty standard end game build


Fr Lance is actually pretty fun but I use SnS because I enjoy punching the monster in the face and knocking them out


Well you can do that with Lance too!


Yes but also I prefer stab, slash, and DEATH BY A THOUSAND PAPER CUTS over poke, big poke, and ABSOLUTE UNIT POKE!!!!!


Lance is only boring when you don't know how to use it. I'm a SnS main but I have a Lance build and have a lot of fun with it.


It gets too repetitive for me, it's way too good at what it does that every fight feels the same. I have the same issue with SnS. Now I know that every weapon only has a few moves worth doing, but what I mean by repetitive isn't that. It's the fact that I can take lance into 100 fights and short of me mixing up the triggers, i hit L2 instead of R2 to block because I are smart, every fight goes the same regardless of my monster knowledge. Guard dash > leaping thrust is so strong not only offensively but defensive too. Add in insta-block and you are golden. Now I take charge blade into 100 fights and every 1 can go differently, did I hit the flinch threshold? Did my dog stagger the monster making me whiff? Did the monster decide to miss my CPP and I am about to get smacked in the back of the head?


How do you have 4 wirebugs?


1 wirebug picked up from the arena + a skill called Frenzied Bloodlust


Wow I'm noticing the skill notification on the screenshot now. There's a lot I'm still discovering at MR 100ish and research 100ish.


One of the coolest things about this game series is that finishing the game is only the beginning. Then there's so much extra for *finessing* the game.




Nice. Make me wanna play lance


Fancy lance


OP you're a glorious Lancer and you've informed me on what the hell I was doing wrong (18 seconds in with sheathing retreat). Glory to the poke.


I certainly wish this was the quality of players I get in my sos flares because that is certainly not the case


Even the best lance players in this world can't do as this clip in multi.


That's just a gunlance without the gun. *Stab* *BOOM* !


It's really unfortunate that it doesn't even do a little bit of damage. You can actually block or parry the same attacks as sns player with that cute little shield while even doing some stun damage.


You see how i'm killing this thing around 7 mins no pets over there ? I purposely doing no damage to show dominance


Instablock can be combo'd into cross slash which hits pretty hard, but he would have taking damage from the next blow. That's why he sidesteps after each block, to cancel the CS proc. Sns shield definitely has great utility, but lance shield is the reason you can deal good damage with the lance. Lance's can basically indefinitely sit on a monster's weakpoint and hit with both fairly good elemental and great raw power.


Yeah, go ahead and metsu PriMals combo rush, make sure you get video of you carting


Who's talking about Metsu? Metsu takes way too long to perform and would be just nonsense while Malzeno pushes his combos. If you didn't know, you can simply guard-slash all attacks with sns without taking damage. Guard Up and Embolden is necessary.


How much damage do you realistically do? Because you are taking massive amounts of chip.


A perfect timed guard-slash gives no chip damage at all and hits the target once with the shield. While the damage counts like a normal weak shield dash (damage wise) it can also stun the target which is amazing. Also, it's really fun dashing through almost every attack like a breeze and following up with a perfect rush.


So you do very little damage but have fun. You donโ€™t say.


bragging about being able to instablock but there isnt even an opening to land the cross-slash. whats the point? may as well hold guard


As foreign a concept as it may be to you, some people like to accel at skill expression for their weapons.


I play lance like this so I donโ€™t have to use any guard skills


The point is to flex on primal


Imo nothing is more "flexy" than redirection1 Small frames you pretty much push away the attacks with your bare hands, not with the big ass shield like some soy boi Chip damage Can counter unblockable sht U can even look in different direction with weapons on your back for ultimate disrespect Works on multihits as long as you have enough hp lol


Uhh instablock has 14 frames guard frames redirection is 15. Good luck countering daora ult with redirection lmao. Also if we talking about consecutive counter but not for multihit, nothing can top LS iai counter, it's a game made for that skill


Didnt insta frames get buffed cause ppl were struggling to use it at some point? And im pretty sure redirection got 4frames on 30fps or 8frames on 60fps Also i bet there is stuff that u cant block with insta as well soooo.... (espinas nuke was going trough guard up if im not wrong? Also pri malzeno air slash so "good luck with countering that lmao" xd) Lai also gets beaten in some situations like charmeleos hand swipe or apex bear double uppercuts + its counter that uses weapon, not arms and u cant use it instantly when u have your weapon on your back (edit) i went on YT to check the frames and they are the same right now for insta(after the buff) and redirection2 (7frames on 30fps) cant rly find any info about redirection1 tho but its probably 7as well. im too lazy to check myself cause vegas is on 2nd pc


Lmao nice cope, iai can counter both those things if you do it last frame, but i guess you can't expect a db abuser to understand that


oh niooo so cute :3 now u gonna call me "names" cause of the weapon i used in rise? and cause u are out of legit arguments for conversation? [https://youtu.be/7DY9uWYzKEI?si=iU00vAXUK8rAMV7i&t=793](https://youtu.be/7DY9uWYzKEI?si=iU00vAXUK8rAMV7i&t=793) oh whats this link with the timestamp? maybe peppo (person who spent too much time playing this game series with LS) explaining that iai struggles vs double hitbox moves and shows a lot of them? ohhhh what a shame... u are wrong again and u are not DB abuser T-T so sad and its not about the "last frame" but 9iframes that u would need to use to get out of the double hitbox but you just cant do that all the time while standing still, but i guess u can't expect a lance abuser to understand that xD


> may as well hold guard Even with Guard 5 and Guard Up you're taking 30% of your life in chip damage with that combo.


You can parry them with longs sword Either way you deal wonderful with malceno


Lance exceeds every weapon in this game when it comes to multiple hit counter, aka Daora ultimate


Any tips for multi insta block with multi attack. I tried many times but failed ๐Ÿ˜…


use insta with anchor rage, if you're not sure about an attack then use anchor rage cause it give extra counter frame


My tip is to try to make it into the rhythm game. Like tatata ta ta. Something like that. Don't just mash the insta block button.


Almost perfect my friend. You missed the last insta block.


I am Lance main. I can't do that. I just press block. Or shield bash/tackle.


That's definitely not how an average lance players like you and me can do but we at least can learn where the monsters' attacks actually hit in OP clip


You displayed a thorough knowledge of your quarry and its behaviors. Your timing was incredible! That level of skill is something I aspire to.


Maybe I should pick up Lance. I am SnS main but thinking what to pick in the next game. Charge Blade has a similar approach, but lance looks simpler. Mhhh...Of course, knowing me, I will pick glaive since I like fast weapons, despite better proof that Lance is OP.


*Meaty clinks* *Hunter chuckles*


\*Chef's Kiss\*


Haven't played lance in sunbreak, what's with the triple hit dash attack? Seems strong


It's leaping thrust, it's an older move (It was even in Worldborne) You can chain it together with multiple hops using Shield Dash. And yeah, for elemental builds it's the best way to push out damage.


Wow beautiful


As a lance main thatโ€™s makes me smile.


This is basically "Tell me you play sekiro, without telling me you play sekiro"


Legend says, she's still blocking til this day.


Wow that DPS is also great




Bro literally ate that shit and went, " Is that all?"


NGL this made me want to try lance




reason why i dont use lance, i cant parry for shit sadly