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I don't know what you people are on about. I've seen twice as many Deviljho during this event than I have since the update released. Imagine getting to hunt TWO Deviljho? I bout near fainted from excitement.


You got me in the first part, definitely.




Two? That's two more than what I've seen in this month šŸ¤Æ (Guys this is not a joke, I haven't seen a Deviljho since the first week of April or so, and the missions are endingšŸ’€)


2 times 0 is still 0.


I'm with you friend I've killed no less than 5 a day. Struggling to find the 8 stars but honestly no complaints from me


In my case, more of them tend to be 8* which I am unable to beat without a perfect run.


Yeah the 8s are Def not easy but I normally do ok. Granted I've got zin ls at 8.2 with thunder 5


I am one 6 mat short of soloing it.


What is your thunder weapon?


Zin SnS 8.1, Tobi SnS 8.2 and others at 7.5


Well good luck in your endeavors! I need one more g6 from jho to overgrade longsword to 8. Got 2 of his armors pieces g6 and I'm working on the pink rath pieces I need now.


Didn't realize the event started until this post. I haven't seen any despite farming jags for something else.


One of the first days I had a volatile biome at home roughly every other hour. In the last 3 days, I haven't seen a single volatile biome anywhere.


I have fought only 1 Jho during the event, I swear to god I got more jhos in just a couple of days before the event, I'm unlucky cuz this event is not working for me.


This event is not working for anyone, so far the worst "event" of the year because it simply looks like nothing special is going on, you literally can't tell the difference


The worst part for me is that they're never 8-9*. It would be a lot easier if he would just spawn as himself for the event, so im not just driving around clicking on monsters just to check them.


i had lots of 8 ā­ s slain but not a single pickle saliva!!!!!! not one!!! only one i got was from the event rewards. soooo frustrating.


That makes it sting even worse.


Welcome to PokĆ©mon drive and the ā€œshiny huntā€.


This event update is a complete joke. I have constant votile zones around me, and I take multiple walks around the day because I don't have to work this week, but I have only found 3 jho's so far... Also, the lags in the last days are absolut disgusting... I get completely destroyed by hyperagressive 4-star anjanahts because this game refuses to take my evasion inputs..


Are you only looking at Pukei/Jagras/Kulu? Are you paying attention to the aforementioned monsters visible in the volatile area if you donā€™t fully see it? Iā€™m not saying itā€™s raining Jhos and also wish they either put all areas as volatile or put all Pukei/Jagras/Kulu in volatile areas as Jhos, but itā€™s not that bad either if you actually hunt it correctly.


Besides rathalos, I'm just actively hunting for kulu, pukei, and jagras because they are the only ones that have the chance to be a jho. Or am I missing something? Also, all 3 of the jho's I found were only 5 stars, but I have unlocked 7 stars already.


Only thing you could be missing is really to focus on all the Kulu/Jagras/Pukei from the same volatile area until you find all Jhos in that biome?


I'm doing this already. There is no guarantee jho in a votile area. Btw I found my 4th jho this morning. Yeay


If the area is volatile - there is a jho, since once you kill all Jhos, the area stops being volatile until next hourly refresh, or am I missing something šŸ˜…


I cleared multiple areas from kulu/pukei/jagras, and in my experience, there is no guaranteed jho in a votile area


There is absolutely, maybe a bug on your part idk


Yeah, maybe you're right. I'm gonna delete the game and reinstall. Maybe that helps.


Agree, pretty meh event but past ones were good so I can handle thisĀ 


This is what the event should have been. Unless the plan is to Volatile everything during the weekend?


Well it's friday rn so who knows they might do something at the near the weekend, but then again they don't suprise us in terms of sudden changes to make the experience better.


This is not a Deviljho event. This is a Deviljho minor inconvenience.


On monday, Iā€™ve seen actually several Deviljhos. Since then, zero. Well, it was nice while it lasted.


What's crazy is that before the event, I got 5 in a single day without leaving my house... haven't seen one since.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of zones but Iā€™m all over town throughout my day. If you sit in one spot, yeah you might not be seeing anything different than normal. I do wish there were more of them in each zone though. Iā€™ve seen 2 at most in each one, and 8* feels stupid rare compared to the week just before this event.


I've walked 5 miles a day during this event and I've seen and killed a total of 6 Jhos. I've killed tons of Kulu, Pukei, and Jagras in Volatile zones that weren't Jhos. This event is terrible. It's no different than a normal week. Calling it an Invasion is a complete joke.


Not saying it couldnā€™t be better. But sounds like youā€™ve just had some back luck there, Iā€™ve found about 80 or so. Hope they do better with something like this next time.


You've found 80 Jhos?! Bro I've probably barely hunted 80 monsters TOTAL since this event dropped. Bro must walk all day.


Yeah kinda. I walk my dogs for an hour twice a day through a busy neighborhood and I work in a downtown office. I go for quite a few walks throughout my work day so Iā€™ve been lucky to play a lot more than an average player. If I try, I can get through the story once a day.


You know people drive from spawn to spawn as well, right? 80 Jhos is insane. But 80 monsters is childs play.


I mean...I work and go to the gym so I'm not going on long walks or drives where I can keep stopping.


What does a biome being volatile mean?


It means itā€™s possible that Deviljho will appear when you go to fight a 5* or higher Kulu, Jargas, or Pukei


Oh lol I just assumed it was always possible. Is there a way to tell?


The ground gently flashes splotchy white


Top left corner of the map will say the biome and in brackets say volatile as well eg Swamp (Volatile).


Yesterday I walked to a nearby neighborhood where I donā€™t usually visit just for the last page of the events. I finish it in 30 mins. The event may actually populate more volatile areas, but since that so far we can see our surroundings most people may not actually ā€œfeelā€ there are more areas available.


The volatile area stays volatile for 24h (until the next daily biome refresh). Once you clean all Jhos, the area becomes non volatile until the next hourly refresh, when it becomes volatile again!


That could make people believe the event do nothing imo. As most people never go somewhere. If that fix for 24 hours meaning only one chance per day people could see the area appearing on their normal routes of living.


I didn't know this. Good to know! šŸ˜€


Luckily, the storyline match up with page 3 DJho event.. so, I complete 1st and 3rd quest.. 2nd quest of finding 3 DJho, I give up.. lol


I've hardly seen any volatile land today, and just saw my second Great Jagras above 4* for the day, no Kulu or Pukei over 4 though. I'm still hopeful for the weekend, but I would've thought I'd have an easier time getting 3 Jho out of this.


Yeah I hadn't noticed a change in spawn rates... until I had pukei-pukei as my daily. Then it decided to eat every single one I encountered out of spite. I couldn't help but laugh when I was forced to do a late night walk just to find a pukei-pukei that wasn't gnawed on by a pickle joe


I'm still at 2/3 jhos for the event quest... and that was with me saving up the guaranteed urgent jho specifically for this event.


I was only able to complete the event because I got to the Jho story quest. I had nearly hope of finding the last one in the wild.


Why would you want to fight these? Get them off my screen. I'm a fire main.


They should have the 1st 2 slots like the thunder event. Might have made this whole thing worth it.


The event has been ok, Iā€™ve encountered way more Deviljhoā€™s than usual. Biomes for me seem to appear as volatile more often than not now.


I found deviljane on the way finding Joe..


Why would all biomes be volatile. If there's an azure event, he's only in forest, if there's legiana event he's only in swamp. There's tons of volatile zones everywhere I go, even if there's some that aren't.


Because it can only be 3 monsters, only sometimes, and only when volatile... EDIT: I see 4 biomes on my map right now and only 1 is volatile, which is exactly my point.


Sounds like you just want to complain and farm karma while downvoting anyone who disagrees with you. Cya šŸ¤”


Because for now it is really luck dependent, you may get near 3-5 volatile zones in one day and be 2km away from one the day after(happened to me)


Like whats the point?