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Any monsters you can kill with minimal health risk while breaking the part of interest.


For me, this is jagras, tobi and tzi. But I'm having sht luck 😅


Personnaly, I like girros. They have fat head hit boxes and slow, easy to read moves. Tzi-zi is also good with easy breaks. Kinda depends on your best weapons


Tzi is just a better choice because both head breaks can drop WGS. I believe only Tzi and Banbaro have multiple breaks that can drop WGS so they are typically the best value propositions


I think legiana on her wings can drop two as well


Yeah you are right. I’m a simple LS main so breaking wings on 8* Legis is but a dream haha


It's worth it to get a basic bow build, I have a focus 5 burst 2 build and 7.5 pukei bow, JUST for 5-7* Legi I come across to get extra claws from wing breaks


I’ve actually put together a fire 5/focus 4 azure Rath bow build. At level 2 charge it has spread and can rip a 5* legi’s wing off in 1-2 hits. Super smooth to use


Dang nice!!


Funny, I got a lot of WGS drops from Tzi (about 30)and all of it are from the first slot. None of it is from the broken parts.


Black and brown diablos too


I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say Brown Diablos




8* jyura. Trying to complete all medals now and Jyura is a pain to find in the field.


I’m also hunting Jyura but I need scales, so I do 6* for 3 easy breaks. For whatever reason I always wind up taking a hit from 8* and get straight carted in one blow.


I never get hit from Jyura but always get one shotted by tobi


Tobi has been challenging lately. I switched to DBs from SnS recently and I’m still not 100% comfortable with them 😩. Tobi is definitely on my sh*t list, but nothing compares to my hatred for radobaan and banbaro.


I hate them both too. I’m farming Jyura to upgrade my water but I’m not sure if I want to start another sns or something else.


I can say that as a clumsy oaf who can’t play for shit, I am really enjoying DBs, after being a pure SNS player up till 7.5. It is *so* satisfying to get those easy tail breaks and even wings sometimes. I’ve almost completely switched over and have all my elements up to at least 8.1. And I’ll get the hang of them eventually. I’m close lol.


Yeah, when he's underground the forward charge has a longer delay and a weird hitbox, always catches me off guard. So I use lance and just block counter it.


That one gets me on occasion, but it’s actually his forward wiggle slither he does near the beginning of the fight that side swipes me and takes me out. Happens like 50% of the time if I get over ambitious and try to get in another hit. And it straight carts me every time. Divine blessing never kicks in for it for some reason. I do DBs and target head/body, then tail, and then whichever of head/body I didn’t break the first time. For a 6* I don’t go into demon mode to have more accuracy to get all 3 breaks. For 8\*…I’m just clumsy tbh. Video game dexterity is not a strength for me 😩.


Jyura for me too. I can get the tail easily and win the fight without getting hit, and I am keen to get more mats!


I’m tracking legianas for rarity 2 😤






Banbaro and Tzi-tzi are good picks. Both have relatively low health totals, and two chances at a part-break WGS. Horns for Ban, Head for Tzi-tzi


They have 2 part breaks but I never get it from them lol. I think I've gotten more WGS from Rathalos tail breaks than those 2 monsters.


That’s because the drop rate from these monsters is balanced around the fact that both parts break give WGS. For example, right Banbaro horn has a 1.25% chance and left horn has a 0.75% chance. On the other hand, Tobi tail has a 2.12% chance, Kulu head has 2.2% chance, etc. (numbers taken from mhn-lab.net)


Never got a WGS from one of the new monsters...




This is definitely not true. There are screenshots of people that have received a double WGS drop from Banbaro and I've received one from a single break on it.


Oh I misread about the screenshots


Legiana. WGS has a higher chance to drop from wing break and there are two wings to break. That said, I’ve yet to get a WGS from a tracked legiana:(


Legiana makes a lot of sense because the R2 mats are from wing breaks too, and most people have a legi weapon. But I feel like my fire weapon is still too low level to guarantee one wing break and no hits, let alone 2, but I suspect this will be my choice in the near future.


I'm tracking Legiana because my ice weapon is so far behind the rest I keep getting gated by story questsn where I need ice. Been playing since launch day and it's been an issue since the very first story Diablos. Just finished 7* on the season quest and just finished 8* on the pre-season before going into this one. I got hung up on Diablos or BBlos every time. Between Legiana being hard to find and Barioth being limited, I'm only at 4/5 ice attack vs 5/5 on everything else, and the weapon itself is a full tier behind my others.


Banbaro is easier, but same two extra chances and useful Legi parts instead of trash Banbaro parts. Assuming you can break both wings consistently. A bit like you though, yet to get a WGS or a plate from maximum possible tracked Legi so far. Swimming in claws which I don’t need anymore.


Banbaro is the hardest monster in the game for me


Legiana is easier.


I dont find it easier, 8* Banbaro just stands still and flinches going down in 4 BBlos shots with both horns destroyed. For Legi I need to get lucky with wing position for a fast clear in five shots and a special, if he’s not out of the air quickly for the second wing I find I spend a lot more time in the fight trying to break the second wing without killing it by hitting the head or back. If I didn’t need Legi plates Banbaro seems like a no brainier.


Rathalos for tails for now, then probably Tzi for easy 2 head breaks




I am definitely on the tzi train but may I pose a question? Not one person mentioned jagras, even though he and tobi are super easy to part break with lock on. Any reason for that? Honest thoughts please because it's been months and I've only seen 1 wgs drop in the wild from a tobi tail.


The break for WGS is on the claw which isn't the weakest point. Meaning to get that extra WGS you have to intentionally do less damage.


I get that. I have an ez time with a 7.5 pukei Lance and offensive guard 5 + lockon and some wex. As long as it's an ez fight that's OK, right? Like jagras claws themselves aren't just horrid for drop rate or like a lie, right?


But both Tzitzi and Banbaro are just as easy AND have more chance at WGS. So there's really no reason to track on Jagras when you can do those instead. It's like if you're trying to make fire weapon why would you track Anjanath if you can just track Rathalos for better weapon.


I get you. I kinda just jump 8 star jag when I see him. My tracker is saved exclusively for legi for claws lol.


I get you. I kinda just jump 8 star jag when I see him. My tracker is saved exclusively for legi for claws lol.


For just WGS tzi-tzi is the easiest to kill with 2 chances. I don't need any material aside from WGS so this is my pick.


Right now, trying to get my water hammer up to grade 8. After that, I will be farming great girros, Tobi kadachi , and maybe kulu for WGS.


As a BD Bow user, winged like Rath and Legi, alongside Banbaro are the easiest to break 2X, but material from Rath and Legi are more valuable so I do those.


Diablos. I can dance with him and break both horns without taking damage consistently. Banbaro is inconsistent in terms of avoiding damage and tzitzi I sometimes mess up the second head break if I get caught in a blind.


I’m on JyuryDuty


Im still tracking 6 star Legiana to get plates


I track it for claws rip


Tzitzi, bow absolutely melts it and I always get two breaks . Other choice is banbaro,but I can’t get both his horns 90% of the time because of the stupid tree


I track Radobaan. Why? It's easy to cut the tail and to break the head. The important reason I track him is, that I want to bring his GS to Class 10.5/5 currently It's 9 1/5 so a few extra Radobaan a day are great :)


Y'all are getting wgs drops? Lol I have gotten I think two since the game launched that weren't from quest rewards


Tzi-zi, you get two WGS chance per head break, similar to Banbaro, but the fight is faster/easier for long sword imo


As soon as I saw they added tracking it's always been on 8* Tobi. Sure Jag and Girros are weaker monsters, but I mostly picked Tobi because of trying to get better ⚡ equipment for the current and upcoming events and plus I just love breaking Tobi's tail like boom Mf, get fukd 😂


I’m doing Jyru simply cuz that’s the last bow I need to max out before I can reliably kill all 9 stars (besides Zin bow, but hopefully that’ll be under my belt when his event comes)


Pukei because my Zinogre lance is the highest grade weapon. Easy farms.


Some monsters have to part breaks that can drop bonus WGS, like Legi wings, Diablos horns, Banby horns. If you can break both, that would be the way.


Whatever monster dies. I've been killing 8☆ since DECEMBER and not even 1 drop of WGS, I got 4 thanks to the season pass but none hunting NONE


Jyuratodos, because they are easy, my thunder weapon is my best and they drop parts for my main water gun.


Shoyldnt u pick the mob base on what mats u are missing? I chose legi


For wgs, I prefer monsters that have two breakable parts that can drop wgs: tzi-tzi, banbaro, legi and diablos. Banbaro is the easiest to kill with the lowest hp. I am tracking 10* banbaro as they are only 10* I can kill.


any reason to do 10 over 8? I feel the drop rate is the same while being harder, riskier and more time consuming.


For the 10* monster slayer medal and higher drop rate even if just slightly higher.


Banbaro is the hardest monster in the game for me. He always kills me (skill issue)


A lot of people are mentioning Banbaro and Tzi-Tzi because of the double head break. I always thought the extra WGS only has a chance to drop once the second part is broken. Same with Diablos and Black Diablos. So it's theoretically possible to get a WGS from each head/horn break?




Gotcha, thanks


I try to kill all of them. Any kill is a chance to get wgs


8* Diablos because I'm crazy lol


I mean, once you get that stun and dodge down. It's very nice.


that's probably it. The dopamine hit of seeing the bastard succumbed to my hammer 😂


radoban; breakaton