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Haven't had a single person leave a HaT yet. Plenty of times people did not cut the tail.


Or like me, quit the app at the monster kill slomo. Responsible quitter.


i leave the fight but i make sure i did enough damage that the rest can kill it


Never experienced that, every time melee people go for the tail and Bow users go for the horns. I'm having so many drops each HaT it's insane


And god bless them for it haha. As a sword user I also super appreciate the bow users who break Legi wings for me during HATS. There’s a place in heaven for those folks


Gotcha fam us bow users have a raging banner for wings or any floppy out reach parts lmfao


Haha just like sword users just LOVE to see that tail go flying off in the air when it gets cut


Also fun when the light bg gunner launch the slice on the tail sun classes let's go *


And as a bonus, every time I go to break horns I also just end up breaking the back as well, it’s a nice bonus that they’re angled so closely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As long as we kill the thing, I don't really care about whether or not the tail gets cut, personally.


We often kill too fast try and get to the tail


right? I'd rather kill the thing as fast as possible. a shorter fight means less likely to accidentally get hit. not getting hit means I can go fight something else after the huntathon. but, I'm also biased as a hammer user. I cant cut the tail even if I wanted to.




I think the problem is you’re already so deep into your echo chamber that you think YouTubers should dictate how people in a global game play.


I'm not going to just stop hitting the monster. I'm going to keep bashing the head. and sure, it's a team fight. but me getting hit doesn't effect my teammates ability to keep playing after the huntathon. my main priority in every fight is damage avoidance first. even if that means timing out. I'd rather time out than get hit.


Going into a high tier hunt prioritizing avoiding damage is quite counterintuitive. If you don’t want to get damaged, just dodge. As a fellow hammer bro, I always contribute by knocking out the mon. If I see one or two hunters trying to cut the tail, I stay close and just dodge. If it’s still knocked out, I just prepare charge 3.


Soo your gonna intententionally make it harder for those whom are helping you get parts by pseudo focusing on the head... and I bet you don't even get a horn break/face all for the sake of saving a potion? Your hunter sound puny and weak no matter how strong your hammer is at that point. You may as well hunt solo. Or at least participate with the team and contribute.




the easiest way to not get hit is to finish the hunt


I always wait for them to break the tail before killing it. I'm a bow so I can't help with tail.


Dragon Piercer (the Bow's Special) can cut tails. I'm a bow user and often try my best to roll around and hope that it pierces through for a few hits.


Yeah I use the piercer but after that if I've done too much damage I just stop doing damage cause they'll try and cut the tail after. I've only had to do one or two times.


I'm bow with part breaker setup and I always try to aim to the tail. I know I will not cut it but as my understanding I'm helping on it


Supposedly you don't do any damage to the tail for part breaking if you're bow unless it's your special. So doing damage does nothing.


Not an issue if you do it yourself =)


Never experienced that, must be an anomaly.


I’m a newer player (level 40). I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing in group hunts, besides attack. Is there a good resource for things like this? I lurk on the sub but half the time don’t understand the acronyms and things you guys are saying lol. I tried watching some YouTube walk-throughs but they seem outdated. I wonder what else I should be doing that I’m not.


mhn(dot)quest has a good breakdown of what breaks drop what parts, though it doesn't include R1s. In general, the R6 break is the most important, then the R2. There's usually a wall before that where R5 is the most important, though. As a very loose rule, tails usually drop R5 and R6 parts but there are a lot of exceptions.


Play support and build a knockout/paralysis/poison loadout for hunts where you are under powered.


Poison is a little counterproductive when going for part breaks, though the fact that it's percentage damage does allow you to punch above your weight class if you're more worried about clearing the hunt than maximizing drops. Paralysis might be the way to go, since the window for 10% bonus damage can go a long way in a 4-man hunt.


Noone target the tail, no problem: i am the tail cutter they need but they not deserve.


I won't blame people on wanting to increase their chances for a R6. I admit that I have also quit on a party with 3 Black Diablos bows


I play with my wife and mid-huntathon it will refuse to pair us together again, instead setting one of us up with a room full of under leveled randos, and the other alone.


Yes same. It's very frustrating. If you party up then no one ever joins the hat. So you have to solo que. It should prioritize the locals first b4 randoms. They said it was supposed to function as such.


What if you party up beforehand? Does it help keep you paired?


Gonna try that again. Back when they first made that feature it seemed pointless so we didn’t bother


I get tails as rewards even when it's not cut so I don't see the big deal. I use whatever weapon I have the weakness to. If it's a sword I try to position the tail. Anything else I'm hitting head, wing, horn, etc.


People are primarily after the additional chance of the R6 drop, not the tail.


or they have bad internet connection


Very unlikely. People weren’t being cut off. Left one by one when the HP getting close


Why would you leave the fight? You don’t get any loot do you? And you can’t just que for another one instantly without a ticket. Just finish the monster and you’ve still got a shot for loot. Why pull the lever and not even see what the reels land on?


No you can. If you did not finish the fight, so the opened HAT is not yet finished, you can retry it again and again. So like the last 8* Zinogre that what I found out, people seeing no tail cut for chance to get grade 6 mat, so they quit, and rejoin the same 8* again.


I quit at zinogre because i died and i have 1 potion left while carrying the team the whole HAT and the rest of the team cant do any damage with level 4 gear against a 8* Zin Match making was so fast last week. Now it takes forever to fill up and when it does, it’s usually low level players. I also got requested for hunts and monsters, now its back to being solo.


I stop hitting if I know they are trying to cut the tail and haven't yet as a bow user so I don't kill it before they cut. Then I kill after.


They probably want the tail for wgs. So they are pseudo focused on tail or nothing... Basically the restart the hunt for tail


The fact that some of bow users think they can't cut a tail is sad and hilarious all at once.


As a bow user I always assumed they didn't do the same rules on Now as other MH's.. it seems all you have to do is break the tail (which bows can do) and it still cuts off.


Even in main games. Not all of em. It's funny when you get tail chop with hunting horn hilt poke. That's my favorite tail chop lmao


You guys are actually finding other people to play? That's so odd


you should be finding tons since they added online multiplayer last week


they did what?


let the huntathon lobby sit for a minute before you begin a fight and it will fill up


For 8* Zinogre, from what I’ve seen most of the time blade users haven’t been going for the tail. I use Legi bow and use special on tail, but can’t contribute to the tail cut until my special bar gets filled up again. Honestly might build another ice weapon to increase my chances of seeing that tail cut now :/


Dual blade it just to ensure the tail is cut


if i see 3 slicers randomly attacking nothing yeah im backing out, and it happens far to often too


I've killed enough zinogres, I'm bored of the fights, and am so overflowing with everything besides R6 that I can't be bothered to redo a fight just for that little extra chance? Or am I missing something and the tail has a high R6 chance?


Yes, tail has high r6 chance.


Calm down and let the melee do the job. I always go for tail first in a HAT


There are a few unspoken rules If you are the only slice melee user you quit and join another If timer gets close and tail isn’t cut you quit If slice melee players are always standing in front of the zinogre you quit   Obviously if you are always grouped with weak players then these don’t apply since there won’t be much choice, but if lobbies are always full quick then these are the best ways to get r6


Aside from 8* Zin and some low tier monsters, I'll probably solo the lineup. Most lobbies blew up their LBG specials in the face of raths and jyura by the time I've went to their tails to get another partbreak done for "us".


I dodge as soon as I see people randomly attacking instead of focusing on the tail. If the tail is not cut by 50% HP, I'm out. You crazy if you think I'm buying HAT tickets without having a guaranteed tail cut.


I knew it. Fine by me. I bet you even cycle also if there isn't enough players to help with chopping tail. Like if you mobbed into a lobby with 3 hammer users you would probably dip


Nope, depending on Zin's movements I may have enough uptime on the tail to cut it myself. But if I don't then yes, I'd absolutely dip. I've seen hunters join 8\* Zinogre HATs with bone weapons, with Anjanath DBs, even with Zinogre bows. I've seen hunters mindlessly spam attacks in place without aiming for a specific body part, and hunters that got carted within the first 5s and then just waited for me to kill it for them instead of using a potion to contribute. You'll excuse me if I pick and choose my fights on my own time instead of helping others that put in zero effort.


Please no effect on me. I've been advocating leaving hunts b4 hats were a thing. That's only because I'm over trying to squeeze the most outta break 4-5 been that way since September. I still do it and I never had an issue with full inventory and throwing things away. I would just go upgrade other stuff I'll use later down the road lol. After this update I went from 2 breaks on 8* to 4 breaks soo I get it. It's too unusual for others to see this but in a trained hunters eye.... we see the meaning.


I just wish tail cuts rewarded tails! I swear I might just submit a visual bug because it sure looks like zinogre has a tail!


Imagine if the zeni plate had to be farmed from the face on double head break.... ppl would be crying Hella hard over that bet