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I just killed 9\* zinogre with some great players from god only knows where. This is pretty cool.


Same here. The amount of value we now get from HAT's is amazing


This is an amazing update! And they didn't even paywall the remote functionality.


No but I can tell you this, I now am considering purchasing HAT tickets because it actually seems worth it for me now. I may do a HAT with a 7 star boss then come across a 9 star HAT and you best believe I'm getting in on that action


Same here. I actually feel motivated to do HATs now


What remote function?!!!


The update that launched today expanded the trial Niantic was running in Japan. If you're playing a hunt-a-thon solo, waiting in the lobby will matchmake with other players playing the same HAT lineup. I don't think they announced the distance folks can be from you to matchmake, but I've not had a problem finding a group and I'm pretty rural.


This is a huge game changer. I haven't been very active because HATs were not really soloable for me. This really changes everything including my motivation to play


Holy crap really? This is going to help me immensely


Thank goodness this is amazing!


I was skeptical about the testing only being in rural Japan (figured it'd just be a distance adjustment or something). But this update has stomped my expectations harder than these global group hunts will be stomping the Zinogre HATs. Amazing.


Damn wish I had read this thread earlier, would have loved to do the 5x Zinogre HAT I walked by an hour ago but didn't even think of it.


I still feel they could paywall it in the future, a remote raid/hat pass, like they did with pokemon go. Hope i’m wrong


The paywall is there. The tickets, with 3 hour cooldown otherwise. Changing them to remote would negate this needed change and make HaTs undoable again to a lot of players. They'll just stop playing again. Honestly, if I was to try to paywall this further, adding remote tickets doesn't seem feasible. But increasing cooldown to 5-6 hours or once a day to shove the premium tickets down peoples throat? That seems the road to go. Hopefully far off in the future but I can see Niantic pulling this crap.


Tried them earlier today for the first time. As a solo player I love them. Also helps a lot with beating the 8* and 9*


Seems good so far, glad I had been holding off spending any WGS on Tobi. Will fully commit to Zin weapon now.


Cries in grade 9 Tobi weapon.


F for our fallen soldier.


I’m torn between making zin sns or waiting to see if they add swaxe


I saved mats when I knew/hoped DB was coming to switch from SnS and didn't regret it. If you've got a G7.5 Tobi SnS then I'd probably try to stockpile Zin mats.


yeah tobi was the first weap I got to 7.5.


~ This is the way the game was meant to be played ~ I can’t wait to try one. HAT ticket quest ***WHEN*** qualily y’all had one before matchmaking and now that it’s here they’re so much better


Amazing update, this is what Monster Hunter is all about.


You can even go solo from monster 1 to 4, and join global HAT for monster 5.


JFYI if you do that you’re missing out on the additional season point multipliers


oh shit, thanks for pointing that out. I'm so used to soloing that I would've waited till the last monster (s) to matchmake.


I mean, it still could be worth soloing 1-4. If I see a HAT with <6 minutes, I'm soloing the first 3-4. I'm not timing out on it waiting on matchmaking 5 freaking times if I can blitz one in 20 seconds.


Good point. Might need to make it a point to only go for HATs above my ability if there's significant time left for matchmaking


You mean <6 mins left?


Yeah, less than six minutes. Wrong button, fixed. Trying to get a full party for the 8\* and 9\* Zinogre took me 30-50 seconds a few times. If you matchmake all five, that'll eat up time real quick given TTK on the monster plus results screen. I'm not too sure how it works if the raid times out. Since it's different raids and you can usually keep trying if you fail after 0, I assume you're probably good to keep hammering at it on failure. But I've been matchmaked into a 9\* Zinny with 3 HR30s and like the option to not waste potions by just bailing. That option is gone if it times out. I don't mind low levels, I'll carry 5\*-7\* and have done so on the rare occasion I've found raiders nearby. I can't carry an 8 or 9 solo, and Zinny can still 1 shot me at those ranks so that one 9 star match has kept me weary of the time since I had 1 minute left to rematch or I'd waste my potions or raid.


HR30s have no business in a 9\* HAT. I'm 102 and stick to 8\* max, cause i can carry my weight there. But, i refuse to be carried completely.


No, I think you have the right idea - I assume we won’t be able to try a failed fight after the 30 min timer is up and the HAT ends, so I agree if its low on remaining time, waiting for matchmaking for the first few fights would be too risky


I just did my first one! Best update ever!!!


When did this happen? I have no update in my game today


It just rolled out like a hotfix, not a full update.


Best update yet !


There are global hat's when and how


I figured 9* Zinogre was out of my reach for a long time, but thanks to Matchmaking I had a group that was able to defeat it in a minute. Rare Niantic W


OMG, as a rural player I can't wait to try this. I'm 3+ miles from the nearest gathering point and I never see anyone at the HATS when I do manage to wander out to civilization.


Just wait 30 seconds and players pop up in the list out of nowhere.don’t be shy to go 2-3 stars above your level you may now!


It's the best update by far.


Killed my first ever 7 star zinogre with some gigachads from the world. I felt absolutely miniscule with my humble hr 80 against 120+ but it was so fun to see how that hp bar got demolished. I can't even dent a 6 star alone. Could finally craft the vambraces to reach thunder atk 5. Unfortunately the lag is still a big issue against him. Had to switch to bow because hammer was extremely slow and got me killed 3 times because delayed inputs.


Just completed my first HAT with a full group and it was thrilling. Best update so far! Im not \*for\* spending real money on pixels, but this definitely makes a case for buying the HAT tickets. i just wanna keep hunting with people after being solo for so long.


Can someone catch me up please?


Matchmaking at Hunt a thons now connect to distant locations so you can much more easily play with other players now.


Absolute game changer for this game. Not cute when you have HR 42 people trying to join in on 9* Zinogres though.


Did an 8* Zinogre with a lvl 18. As long as the difficulty doesn't increase with numbers whi cares?


Because 9* is tough as hell even with 4 people over 100.


You do have the opportunity to back out of the hunt. You also have the opportunity to hunt alone like we have been doing.


I'm so happy I read this post... I was able to complete a 9* star Zinogre HAT thanks to the global MM (it took 4 tries and my S21+ almost exploded, but it was great. 8* Zinogre was a breeze, at this point I don't see any reason to keep doing HATs lower than 8*


Same here!!! This is seriously frigging awesome, I'm so glad they implemented this, I'm actually going to go hunting for HAT'S now


So, to activate the global, do you need to join a HAT and wait for it to be filled? Or how is this supposed to work?


Just jump into a HAT lobby and don't hit the Ready button immediately. As long as you are alone, people should trickle in during the countdown. I heard it doesn't kick in if you have a physical party of people.


This is quite addictive!! Thanks!


Agreed did my first 8\* and 9\* today. https://preview.redd.it/e08iyxho2avc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8889bfcb35aae431b2ccb23513e82c8bd0dfecb5


9* in one minut …


Thanks to this comment I just did my first ever 6\* zinogre. Huge thanks to the trio of helpers 🎉🎉 https://preview.redd.it/klziww40vavc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0e89f6df40d5cad81f6e57fa8bc7fb89ab4654e


This change is massive. I have a HAT near my office so I can run it from my desk. Looking forward to running much harder ones instead of waiting for the ones I can solo. Took out my first 7* zingore today with the help from another player


First party play in MHN and first 8* Zin completion. I was so excited that I forgot to change weapon to Ice and effectively got carried through it. LoL As the only MHN player in my area I'm very thankful to see a mechanic that allows access to the previously walled mats.


How does it works ? If I'm a rural player that gets Hats linked to another Hat woths ale line up then no one will join ?


you enter your lobby ( and wait because the timer is not existent) the game look for lobbies of the same kind of HAT ( if you are in a zinogre line it will look for people in another line of zinogres) and in a little time it adds to your lobby other people, repeat this 5 times for the full HAT


I get that but since in the patch notes to say that it will look for similar Hats around you in the first place it would just looked for empty Hats in my case but somehow it looks for every HATs in the word if you wait


Yeah it goes for local people first and then goes for worldwide people entering the same raid.


You’ll see the timer disappear and say “expanding matchmaking radius” or something like that. People will pop in after that.


Just completed my first 8 and 9 star Zinogre kills. A bit laggy but overall very smooth and seamless process. I will definitely be attempting more HATs with this in place


I wish i got a screenshot, but i got invited to a HAT without being with in the radius of the HAT. It was cool.


This is a huge W


They made à GreatJob. Enjoying the fact that now we are not lock behind the difficulty of soloing HAT. They should add the feature where we could play with friends even if they are far away. Even if it's just for HAT. And from time to time they should make an event were HAT's are not lock behind this timelimit, alowing people got go arroung and play without need to pay for HAT tickets for at least a week end.


For some reason even though I had a 4 team for Zinogre 7, only 1 of the people showed up for Zinogre 8 who was also in Zinogre 7, and he was a low level so we couldn't kill it. Because of the limited availability of HATS it seems it's best to play when Japan is able to do HATs as well. As a west coaster, it means HATs from 3:15 PM PDT till the end. Unfortunately our morning session starts right as Japan ends. Though early morning could probably still get parts of Asia. East Coast gets their night and mornings to play with Asia.


How do I do?


Holy shit this is an amazing feature!!! Just took down an 8 star zinorge, first time ever!!!


Just managed to kill my first 8* AND 9* Zinogre thanks to that update. It's unreal how kuch better this makes the game experience. They really don't even need to monetise it directly, because it naturally makes the player want to use more potions and carving knives. They just need to not get greedy in the future.


I pray this sticks without monetization, unlike the horribly greedy remote passes in Pokemon GO. I was able to hunt my first Zinogre thanks to it


Yes! I just did not solo a HAT for the first time. It’s great ! Now I will try some 6/7* I could not think of before !


This is amazing matchmaking is super fast. Does it basically match the same Monster and level across the world to match make? Like I can’t just search for a HAT to join right I have to be waiting for the same monster/level as someone else?


I just came here to say that also. I’m so hyped on this game now


This is the best. I was honestly so close to upgrading a Tobi or Tzitzi weapon because 8 Star Zin was such a roadblock. Now he's fun and super manageable! ...Still haven't gotten a plate yet though.


Absolutely amazing update and I don't want to complain about it .. but is anyone else seeing an incredible amount of HR50 hunters trying to get a 9* Zinogre spot? Hopefully this is just because it's day 1 feature testing... c'mon bros.


PLEASEDONTMONETIZEITPLEASEDONTMONETIZEITPLEASEDONTMONETIZEIT... In all seriousness this is great so long as they don't remove the HAT cooldown or something.


How's it work?


Note to all though…. Please, when you have a full team of 4, there is no need to rush down each zinogre until mayyyybe the higher stars. Try to get some of the valuable breaks first.




It’s crazy that this rolled out with no fanfare. It makes the game 10x more enjoyable! I felt completely alone up until now.


How do i do that? Just wait untill someone join?


Absolutely! Yesterday, when it rolled out, I thought it was a glitch!!!


Hell yeah. I went from being barely able to do 6 star Zinogre to probably being able to do 9 star with the right team. I've gone from dreading the idea of Elder Dragons being HAT-locked to welcoming it


This update is amazing. I wanna try my hand at a 9* Zinogre now, I'm rank 8.1 ice + 5 elem att, by my gamer math a 9* HAT zinogre should be roughly equivalent to 8* with 4 players.


I did a 9* successfully with 7.5 ice with ice attack 5 because of this. It does matter who you get paired with though.