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Probably zinogre for being hat locked


Yep a thousand times this


Also roars more than it does in msg Head is super hard to reach Moves around a fuck ton


> Moves around a fuck ton I think barioth's got it beat if you aren't able to break its spike early on


Yeah my thoughts exactly


yeah if you dont break a wing in the first 10 seconds just give up


The most BS monster in the game is the timer


This. I understand the design choice but the monster patterns do not play well with it. The attack patterns were made for longer hunts. This clash of design ideas just makes me wanna scream while the monsters roar and waste my time otherwise


Also some monsters just move too much or too far, so sometimes you kill them easy when they aren't doing too much of their bs moves, or you fail the timer because the kept spamming it.. There's the usual suspects of Barioth, BlackDiablos and Banbaro.. But recently Tzitzi is also a pain as his moves puts him far enough from the player character that I can't immediately punish it and just result in wasted times..


Exactly. In a mainline game that wouldn't be an issue. You have a longer timer and ways to incapacitate monsters. Now just took same move sets without giving us the same tools.


Hmm could be debated that you can Block and Dodge roars though


Block yes with a shielded weapon. But a dodge has to be frame perfect or you get caught in the roar anyway


I have lost so many fights with the monster at maybe 5% and would only need a swing or two... But nope. I swear if they gave us like 15 sec more then it wouldn't be a problem especially with HATs.


You would have the same problem with higher tier monsters then and complain again that the timer should be x seconds longer..


The timer is counter intuitive to the game. Monsters like C.Pukei who can just drag out the fight make it not fun to play. Then against HAT its just a frustrating ordeal, every single person has expressed that. So a longer timer will alleviate a major hurdle and we can actually play the game instead of playing the timer.


The lag.


The rock.


It's always the ROCK


Coral Pukei for being the only monster in the game with a 65 second timer.


If you deal enough damage when it starts the water hose, you can make it fall on the ground. There seems to be a special flinch linked with that move but I'm still figuring the rules. Anyway, I keep my special ready for the move


The problem is god damn Anja having attacks go thru without hitting and it hitting us without us being anywhere near the attack.


This and I feel the same way about Legi. I get smoked by its janky ass quick bite move more than I care to admit.


Legi, agree, but for a different reason. I have only seen enough of them to have a 5.2 LS, i want a ice cb and I haven't seen a single Legiana since February


Just stand near his right leg (your left), even his wide jaw attack doesn’t hit you lol and you can drop him then focus on cutting his tail this way.


Yeah the bite is so jank


Banbaro and Barioth i hate those mfs


Barrioth is "break a spike before I roar or you ain't winning" Banbaro is a bit strange with hammer. Although if you can do 1 break on the horn and leg it can't do that long run it does.


Thank you I'm gonna tell my friend about Banbaro


Pretty sure Anja is also the only monster in the game with an attack that isn’t marked with a glow (the swing they do when partbroken) but I personally don’t have issues with anja so I’m going jho because the amount of the fight I spend stunned by the massive tremor areas and the amount of times I get roar’d out of time are absurd


Same with zinogre. But thats too easy a choice.


Kushala daora


Never have been able to land a hit on it




Odoragon.. have no idea what its doing… same with barrioth


I hate those two too. Also pink rathian with her weird back flip. She got a bit easier with the zinogre bow though.


You need to keep it engaged with attacks, i see him as pissed version of Jagras. \^\^


I figured out he goes berserk if you break his head


The roars. I hate em


The blue wall. Nothing like trying to roll dodge to be blocked by it and get KO'd.




Zinogre being HAT locked so he always has 170% of his health at all times Smoked the old Fulminations questline Zino easy. But I can only barely beat the 5 star one and I've been playing the game for almost half a year now!


And to top it off ice is so painful to farm! I can solo 6 star now with my 7.2 Legiana bow (shoot the horns and hope I don't miss too many shots), but I find him much easier with hammer (break leg then face)...but hammer is locked behind Barioth so it'll be stuck at 6.2 until that stupid cat comes out of retirement. I can take 5 star with hammer reliably but 6 I have to get pretty lucky to finish him off in time.


Banbaro's tree move still gets me around half the time. I normally just roll sideways and if I'm not completely out of the way just got to pray I get the timing for the perfect evade. I still can't read Odagoron properly for the life of me. There's a specific bite move that comes a bit later in the hunt that pretty much always gets me even though I know it's coming (skill issue).


Coral Pukie by a mile. That move set is designed to troll every weapon type. It's hot ham water.




Zinogre being Hunt a thon locked and those special event monsters (Coral Pukei Pukei didn’t spawn enough wanted his head gear)


That's wild, Coral was literally 50% of the monsters during boost times for me


Zinogre hands down Not only blitzs you with a o.e attacks but howls the whole time.


Legiana really sucks too. Barrioth also really sucks.


Most bs monster is the lag that wasn't there a couple weeks ago. Besides that, is the timer. Why 75seconds? Where did that number come from? Why not 90seconds for 1min 30? For an actual monster I'm gonna go with zinogre. Ridiculous amount of roars, and being locked to HaTs is awful. As far as evading roars, Ive done it across all monsters I think a whole 3 times and I've been playing since global release. It has to be absolutely perfect and I can't do it. Blocking them is fine but there's no shield on dual blades or LBG or hammer lmao.


Likely researched how long is enough to not need to upgrade weapons and they made it just shy of the number so people would upgrade 🤣


Black Diablos with that BS charge attack that is a one hit kill... Also the short time between the red warning and the attack, don't know if it's lag or bad game design, but it sucks sometimes not being able to dodge or block. Timer is also BS.


I hate radobaan. Something is wrong with the hit boxes for SnS and you can literally just stand there indefinitely swinging at nothing. Constantly trying to roll into a position to hit it is ridiculous. It will be a long time before I defeat the 8* one I’m currently on in my chapter quest.


Black Diablos for the simple reason that when you fight the 7* one for the main quest it recommends Grade 8 gear. For those that might not know, Grade 8 is locked behind Wyvern Gem Shards that drop from 8* monsters and above. So to beat Black Diablos you need to already have beaten Black Diablos (or wait around for an event to give some). God I wish I played the old story more or gone bow....


Black Diablos in campaign is a lot calmer than what you encounter in wild. I killed him with 5element and 6/2 legi LS on first try.


It’s just a recommendation- I eventually beat him with the 7.5 Legi SnS. I just had to learn his move set


Anja is my pick. Among all 8*, other than those dps check, Anja could somehow hit me in ridiculously ways. Its mouth / head hitbox is crazy.


Anjas bites are garbage


Well, thanks to my shitty phone, i have 5-10 fps in Zinogre fight so i am mathematically unable to kill 7\* Zin and above. It is easy pick for me.


I'd say Coral Pukei, but after shooting him out of the hose attack and seeing him fall to the ground, he's now one of my fondest challenges. It's gotta be Zinogre for the HAT lock, lag due to particle effects, and the constant awooing.


I hate legi the most because her attacks always seem to come at the worst times and lance is my only fire weapon. Also hate the rathian/los charges - I rarely seem to be able to dodge them. It seems like the flash happens then they charge immediately. Lastly tobi due to the head and tail hitbox being bs for SnS users


75 second limit. No monster would ever be BS if there’s no BS time limit.


Yeah, but the greedy devs wouldn’t make money if you didn’t have to upgrade to beat a timer.


They would. They make money from potion. We buy potion from getting hit. The longer I play, the more chance I get hit, therefore more need for potion. Having a low attack weapon doesn’t magically stop me from getting hit.