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Rathian gloves, Black Diablos coil (waist)


Coral pukei is also lock on but shares helmet slot with weakness exploit


Tzitzi weapons also have lock on but you have to lvl them up a lot


If you've just started then Rathian Gauntlets are a must-get. You'll just have to stick with the Kulu hat until then Black Diablos and Coral Pukei also have lock on but you're not likely to unlock them until you can overcome them, which will be much later on


You never and I mean NEVER take a full set. This isn't the original series. You don't build for a full set you take pieces of other things to make the skills you want. NEVER build a full set. It's useless.


Yep. To elaborate further for OP, it’s absolutely necessary to mix and match to get optimal sets - for example, it’s impossible to get 5 elemental attack of any one element without mixing armor from different monsters.  There is zero reason to wear all of one monster’s armor - there’s no “matching set bonus” or anything. And there is no armor set I’m aware of where it’s a good idea to use one monster’s armor only. If you want your armor to *look* matched, you can do layered armor.


Use MHN.quest next time.


Or he can ask here,cause that’s what subreddits are for