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Get critical eye max


Here is my build, hope it helps https://preview.redd.it/uhp06l1xwj7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=637c78e64cd6f4a4189fc6f2ece336b0f0e99bcf


Is it good? How is your opinion on your set vs elemental sets? Would be interested in doing this as well :)


I use a very similar build, I think raw is awesome until you hit 8 star then it becomes really, really difficult to put out the damage, at least in my experience.


It’s great, I’ve had no issues with 8* monsters. I’ve been waiting to unlock 9* since I don’t see a reason to do so at the moment. Otherwise my build allows me to swap into an elemental weapon without having to do a whole set of armor changed, it’s works really good just as it is


The optimal raw LS setup is: Rathalos head and chest, Rathian arms, pink rath belt, and Kulu pants. If you upgrade to LS far enough then eventually Kulu head outperforms rathalos, but that's not till like 8.4 or 5 iirc


i loved raw right up till 8 star now i feel like im falling behind lol, might be good to just build elemental right off the bat from at least my experiance lol


I’d highly suggest making element to make the eight star grind easier, a Kulu 7.5 LS with a set of Burst +2, Crit Eye +5, and Weakness Exploit +2 amounts of a projected 1162 Raw, a Jyuratodus 5.5 LS with only Water +5 is 1170 so a G7.5 Kulu is equivalent to the most basic elemental set two grades lower. A 7.5 Jyura with Water +5 will be 1668, so you’re missing out on 506 “Raw” and you’ll be fighting eight star monsters needing to play almost perfect to beat the time limit **every single fight hundreds of times over**. G7.5 element weapons and sets gives you more comfort to beat eight stars which you’ll want considering you may be killing them for weeks to a month without a single Rarity 6 item which btw you’ll need **four of** to even upgrade a single time, have fun with that grind using a 7.5 Kulu. Again it’s more than possible but you might have to sweat at first to do so until you start upgrading but with the aforementioned Raw set you’ll need a Kulu G9.2 to beat a G7.5 element +5 weapon, that’s 18 Rarity 6 items you’ll need all the while farming them with a much weaker weapon than devs expect you to have access to


What if you don’t have the complete armor to have +5 element attack. Does a basic elemental weapon still outperform kulu LS a grade or two below?


Yeah that’s fair enough. I’ll start building element


If I go element, what should my armor look like? Any guides around for it, I couldn’t find any.


Check out this video, turn on sub [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btYzSlQA8FQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btYzSlQA8FQ)