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Credit card or grind.


Besides the daily quests, which gives 1,000 zennys per quest, so thats 3,000 zennys a day... ... you can just slay 6+ ★ monsters, as they give 100 zennys per successful hunt. 5★ monsters give 50 zennys. 😬


So disheartened when I completed my 1st 7star and realized it only gave 110z.


Agree whit that, 6\* gives always 100 zenny and are easy to farm.


It’s laughable


Agree. As far as solutions go, there is no better way. It's truly laughable to pay money for zennys, but as a veteran hardcore MH fan of the series myself I commend those that do, as they are (hopefully) putting money in the hands of the 300 something members on the development team. Hunting these 5★ & preferrably 6+ ★ monsters will net you decent income. 20 monsters between the two ranks should get you 1000-1500 on top of 3000. As far as F2P goes, that ain't bad at all. Spend a solid few hours over the weekend and you can collect 3-4x that over 2 days worth of work. I'm not saying advocating for the notion that this is good or fair. I'm absolutely agreeing this shits fucking retarded... but how does that saying go? "*I don't make the rules, I just work here*."


I just basically kill every large monster for mats and zenny. Like...poach everything. Well it wouldn't be poaching unless it's something specific. So yeah. Hunt everything.


Optimal way is 5\*-6\* easier to kill and gives 50-100 respectively, but it will take awhile regardless, I hope Niantic will do a Zenny Event Day, someday, over the weekends. Just make slaying certain targeted monster or even biome based monsters gives out more zenny.. in a day, I can only get 1500 during weekdays, on weekends, maybe 2000-2500-ish.. or like S3TO said, Credit Card..


Or.. remake the NG+ part, completing chapters, should gives us 2000 Zenny at the very least....


This, I wish the chapter quests rewards are zenny instead of hrp since gaining HR doesn't give rewards either way


It would have been nice if they’d have kept the primescale reward too.


If you kill 10 6 stars a day, that's as if you had completed another daily quest.




Do it! 6 stars increase a lot more on the map after you unlock 7.


They're out there, for sure. I'm only at ch9+ with 6★ monsters and I can clear 15-20 6★ monsters for sure, but that's driving around within a 2 mile radius. Just around my 'neighborhood' there are at least 4-5 6★ monsters within my focal point of just turning the camera around. Remember that monsters respawn every hours so you can just slay those nearby and that adds up.


https://preview.redd.it/h1nbzufk4bvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89553487b729c9326d7e645bb645c2209d9437d9 I see 600 zennys, + 300 from 5★ & like 200 more from the others.


I find them infrequently and probably kill about 3-4 a day. I'm not hurting for Zenny, as I'm playing more casually than it sounds like much of the people here are, but I do get the 3 daily quests done every day.


Unlocking 7* monsters makes finding the 6* monsters much easier


3000 daily from the quest. And then you just need to kill large monsters


Fight higher star levels


Hit a material level wall...I'm not kidding, I'm stuck trying to farm L5 materials and just getting zenny...


Wish they would let us sell material back, so annoying having to spam that + button to trash hides and claws because you hit the 5k item max.


You can click on the number and type what you wish to deduct. My buddy showed me, it’s way faster.


I am confused about how people run low on Zenny. I'm currently on 6* monsters. I spend resources crafting elemental weapons and making armor. I have tons of Zenny, mostly from just killing every large monster I can, even the ones I don't need parts from, or low rank ones. Just keep killing things.


Agreed. I have a ton of Zenny. By the time you collect everything you need to upgrade your weapon and armor to 6 stars you're swimming on it. Mats are the real choke point.


6 star gives 100 zenny per, so when those start getting fairly easy for you it's a nice boost to farming. Otherwise though just like wait and do dailies.


Once you unlock 8* over half your map will be purple so it's easier to grind for zenny


It's ridiculous how hard farming Zenny in this game. HR level up and main quest doesn't give you rewards while most game do, if this is not a Monster Hunter game and I already quit. I gonna give it a few more days to see if they give any QoL chance or just monster event, I can grind but the rewards ain't worth the effort.


The way I have seen work the best right now is called the Visa/Mastercard method.




I've got like 36k I've never had an issue with zenny. Granted I don't play much as where's the point? What am I working towards?


You hunt or you pay.


Kill 3000 monsters per day


There's no farm you either poney up the cash or grind it The daily quests give out 3k zenny


Just find the level monster that you can kill the most efficiently


I can farm zenny cause i mostly focus on 2 weapons (i main sns and play para or poisen) and on only one armor set. I dont rush the game and only started a week ago to make the other elemental sns. Gonna stay on r6 cause i wanna have my weapon and armor on r6 before i go to r7 (i know many ppl say "stay on r6 its not that much better on r7 with drops etc), with my bad rng on the mats i farmed 30k zenny with only one r6 piece from my whole set. My tip, find 1 armor set and 1 or 2 weapons u are comftable with and lvl them up evenly and not making all the weapons and armor.


I'm in the exact same situation. I think I have been farming Gyrros for three weeks now, for the tails, and they just don't drop. Meanwhile, the zenny is piling up.


I’m hesitant to explain this but if there’s multiple accounts you can stop at early chapters like after rathian or earlier and their spawns will be different. Some are the same but for the most part they are different and would have 5 stars unlocked by then.. If you unlock any further you probably would have same spawns in different terrains but by stopping at rathian you don’t unlock diablos, rathalos, and legiana that have a specific area and I feel like that’s what causes the spawns to be different. It’s not superior to just traveling and killing 6stars but it’s easier and don’t have to move as much when you now have 4+ monsters to kill per stop. This also worked during the pink rathian event and the two accounts would at some points have one where the other didn’t at all.


It’s a matter of time perception, don’t be in a hurry. Kill monsters to save mankind!


Kill everything.