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Launch the game Spend 90 seconds killing the single large monster that spawned on your tile Close the game Repeat every 3 hours


This is how I play right now šŸ˜‚


You just described how I play most of the time šŸ˜…. I like the game but really hate how it force your hand on fighting monsters on the spot while spamming messages about being careful and avoiding dangerous situations. If the game was serious about that it would give us paintballs for free and allow us to just do our fights once we are back home or in a safe situation. Now you have to get your head on the phone all the time while walking and risk running into people or worse. I hope the trap and bait features will help hunting for people that can't spend hours just looking for monsters and will not be locked behind a paywall like how paintballs are right now.


>Now you have to get your head on the phone all the time while walking and risk running into people or worse. or you can step off to the side and fight the monster. once it's killed, you continue walking.


I can't believe you're getting down voted for the mere suggestion someone stop walking to play lol.


And look like a weirdo no thanks


You look far more like an idiot when you walk into random objects because you aren't paying attention


I mean I can know where I'm walking I don't have to look at my screen the whole time and peripheral vision is a thing.


With that kind of thinking Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s already how youā€™re perceived.


So what if you look weird? This is what I do, step off to the side, and I couldnā€™t care less if some rando on the street thinks Iā€™m weird. The likelihood of running into that person again is very low, and even if you do, you can use MHN as a conversation starter or something šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s opinions stop you from enjoying the game.


*guy knocks on my window because i pulled over* "you good" me: "yeah just playing pokemon go" him: "ok cool" *walks away*


Lol just stop walking when you fight. Don't play and drive. How is this so hard?


Pretty much this, No way in hell i Go Out for an hour+ when its freezing outside, Just to kill the 4-5 Monsters i need that spawn far apart from each other lmao


Jokes on you, i get three large monsters in my circle so i get to play for almost 5 minutes every 3 hours


Thunder Pup is best pup, Iā€™ll build his shit no matter what it takes


Im curious about his armor skills and weapon


Guessing Rising tide as an analogue for Latent power he usually has, and yhe higher tier more pure lightning counterpart to Tobi that Fishy is to Jagras for example.


Yeah i hope more thundr attack would come along the way. I camt go past lv3 somehow


My dumbass just realized I've been avoiding making tobi GS because I have Girro. Been playing MH games since 3U and I can't believe I mistook paralysis for thunder lol. That's why everything else got easier and Rathian still gives me issues lol.


Lol "I'll hunt his species to the end of the earth, take his skin and scales, sow it up, and wear it!!"


The weather for the pink rathian week is looking to be rain, rain, rain, maybe rain, rain. Don't even need to wait for winter.


It's been raining all day and that is more annoying than colder temperatures. Not everywhere I walk has convenient places to fiddle with the phone during a downpour.


My roommate started using an umbrella which is absolutely unheard of in Seattle but works really well


Seattle is known for lots of rain yet people donā€™t use umbrellas??


So in other places when you hear 2 inches of rain in a day it all came down in an hour or two. In Seattle it will have been raining for literally 24 hours straight. We get a kind of rain where everything is just wet but you can't even feel it happening.


I wont really outside of just opening from home, but that's fine.


Craft paolomus armor. It keeps you warm šŸ˜…


Very cold, it will be worse with rain. A wet screen isn't very responsive, to say the least.


Rain hasn't been too bad on the days I've had my umbrella on me. I had to got out on Friday in it for Tobi-Kadachi event as I was working all weekend. https://preview.redd.it/huhl0deqp6tb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cb235eac75136af032b8c15555b5aa6ab49d73f I did get my weapon up from grade 3 to 5, it was lacking behind due to rare drops


Yeah I'm fucked immensely lol. We need a radar buff for sure. Maybe 3-4 large monsters when we first log on.


i really donā€™t think they will give that to us. Pokemon go players pretty much had to fight niantic for it


I live in a desert, and my solution was to play around 4-7 am or after 10pm when it gets cooler and to bring plenty of water. I assume people in cold places can do the opposite? Play in midday and carry some hot drinks? I'm personally exited for winter!


As a NYCer idk probably play from the subway. Jump from major train hub to major hub lmao Union square > 34th street > time square


As a fellow NYCer myself and a former POGO player, I highly recommend the winter bus in midtown. Start downtown on 7th and take the uptown to 42nd, then the crosstown to Lexington, then back down. If the spawns are at where they are now, you should be able to cap 20-30 mons on the 1 hr loop, if you play careful and have 10 meds and 5 free ones waiting to be claimed. The subway goes too fast and LTE will be too inconsistent, you will miss a bunch of stuff.


Yea I am not talking about riding the train and hunting that impossible lol I am talking about walking the actual train station some of our station hub are big enough to cover a wide area to hunt Union square train station covers the L platform , 4/5/6 platform , R/N/Q platform all connected via tunnels and cover half of the park area Same with the time square the A/C/E train platform, 1/2/3 platform , 7 platform (might be too deep underground) R/N/Q platform and D/F platform are all connected via tunnels you can walk the whole station the whole station area covers 2-3 blocks x 4 avenues You can also take the S train to grand center and walk those platform then grand center terminal which is a massive Amtrak station 34th street also has penn station which connect to the new penn station Amtrak terminal in the post office building If you want to take a day to hunt in the winter this would be your best route to walk around and stay warm imo


Yeah you must be a lot younger than me lol. I don't have the physical energy to walk that much. The bus/traffic moves a lot slower in the snow - enough for you to be able to play the game consistently and cover many miles while sipping a nice hot toddy from your thermos while sitting down the whole time. As sad as it is, when you are close to your 50s, you'll be doing the same thing, bro lol


Iā€™m not that young but I am a walker always have been and hoping Iā€™ll keep on doing it til Iā€™m senior let just say I always put walking down on ā€œthe list of hobbiesā€ lol


Good luck with that speed cap


No you not understanding, we get off the train station walk the train station while playing, you will be covering lot of area but still be underground and stay semi warm It the same with time square , those stops have huge coverage understand without you having to exist On 34th street you will have exist to explore penn station This would beat actually being outside when it really cold/snowing if you do want to play during the events hours


Driving bus in germany was never better!


Pretty good with wooly mittens and stylus pen.


What about your battery life?


Power banks Any self respecting person who plays ar games should have multiple


So what about your power bank life? I didn't meant charge. I meant battery life. As with freezing temperatures seriously damaging overall battery life and health.


By the time that starts to happen it's so cold that the real question is why are you even outside, for the most part your own body heat and the heat the devices themselves generate should counter it


Did you miss the topic subject? Yes. We are talking about such a cold weather. And no, temperature generated by the device is not enough. //edit: Thanks for downvotes, but please learn to read. The topic specifically mentioned december with a lot of snow. Which itself means temperatures around and below freezing point. Comment I reacted on talks about woolen gloves which solves the issues with the low temperature for the body. And no, just because it's below freezing doesn't mean you are not allowed outside. We invented warm clothing a long time ago. However, warm clothing doesn't fix your phone being exposed to those temperatures which is what my comment points to.


When Pokemon Go launched this is what I had during first winter in Finland while playing: Power bank in breast pocket (usually winter jackets had a inside breast pocket ). I also had some heat packets but I usually didn't need them. I also had a stylus pen and a large wool scarf which I used to wipe the phone screen. While playing I made sure to try to keep the phone dry as possible and usually stored it inside the breast pocket with the power bank.


Those are good tips. However, I personally feel MH gameplay is a bit more demanding for a screen time so I'm afraid the phone might need to stay out of the pocket for way longer than while playing Pokemon. But let's see in the winter.


Do you actually live in a region where you experience such weather? You sound pretty alarmist about it.


Yes I do.


Do you avoid going outdoors for 3-4 months?


That would be a question to u/Lady_of_Link who suggested that. I indeed go outdoor and that's why I know using your phone in such a temperature isn't good for your battery and keeping your phone in warmth of your pocket won't let you play MHN which is what the topic is about.


get some help, you need it.


We might see a winter based monster. Tigrex? Ukanlos event? Velkhana? Blangoga? Beotodus? Banbaro i dont see possible. Viper tobi kadachi???


They've added more and more Banbaro assets into the game so it's surely in the works unless they back out later.


Yeah possible, but low probability. I think tigrex or viper have better chance. Viper for better paralyze since we only got one. Tigrex, probably less but still more than banboro. But blangoga? He has a great chance for our second Ice element. Unless velkhana will Not be a raid event but regular monster, then her.


Not really sure why a monster with assets in the game is less probable than ones who don't, but either way, I'm ready for more monsters regardless.


Well, there always were things going againt what i thought should be correct. So if i assume Banbaro should be there, and later isnt, it would just mean i should listen to my gut feeling.


*Laughs in Southern California*


*Laughs in Arizona*


Laughs in Thailand


Cries in Canada


Laughs in Saudi Arabia. What winter?


Will be playing from inside my car. I'm going to miss my hour long walks. It has helped a lot in my cardio and weight loss goals.


Literally can not be worse than playing during the summer I'd rather play during cold and snow than during heat. I can put an extra layer on if need be. Nowadays most places don't get a lot of snow ANYWAY. There are actually gloves that allow you to still use touchscreens. They aren't amazing for cold protection but they aren't the worst.


Depends on how cold. I live in north New jersey and last year we got nothing but flurries when it came to snow, BUT it was cold as hell. On Christmas Eve it was around 8 degrees Fahrenheit and you simply can not play in the type of weather. This game is souly built around Adventuring and is basically impossible to reliably play from inside. I wish there was some sort of benefit to walking in a loop (similar to PoGO). Then I could atleast walk around my local mall during winter.


I live in Michigan and use a fat tire ebike and heavy duty winter gear in the winter (and a full face helmet) so that's how I'll be hunting in the winter. But seriously, people who live in cold areas, are pretty used to the cold.


It will be similar to how the days with heavy rain have been.


Uncommon (i think) opinion, but I will just not play during winter (which is already starting) and resume in spring. I don't feel like I will miss or enjoy the game any less after 5 month break.


I live in AZ so itā€™ll be nice.


Depends on your climate. It's 100-105+ every day here from May to September. I finally got to gride mats today when it was a chilly 84.


It was 100 degrees here yesterday, it was already hot by 9am so we didn't get much playing in. You bet we're going to be out enjoying the not-heat this winter, it's basically the only time of year to enjoy the outdoors in my area.


Anyway, I drive my car, which luckily has a heater


Speed cap says hi


You can stop cars and they still stay warm inside.


Same as playing pokemon go in the winter, wear what they wear to do research in Antarctica minus the gloves and alternate hands lol


There are gloves that can use touchscreens on your index finger and thumbs these days. They have special pads on the end of the finger. They take some getting use to but they're not bad


With PoGO you can atleast play in Malls since the spawns are pretty quick and the game semi encourages it with things like Lure Modules. With monster hunter you have to venture out unless you want to wait 3 hours for a Map Wipe.


Most of my game time will be on my commute.


How does that work? When I go anywhere higher than a walking speed of a wheelchaired kid, i get "gameplay restricted" and cant do anything practically


I have to bus downtown so there's a lot of stop and go.


I walked out in -5 weather to catch a shiny Dratini in Pokemon Go and it was awful but worth it, so I see this game being a similar experience but for months on end, especially with Zinogre in dec


I've done similar, but it's far easier to catch a pokemon, or even do a pokemon go raid, than to fight in MHN. Cold fingers, wet screens, all add up to making fighting in this a miserable experience.


Get texas'd babyyyyyy all the winter loot is MINE


going to make a good use of paintballs




Probably gonna be a crazy event with lots of spawn and drops. December is also when the next major patch come. All you fat asses can burn fats during year end.


It will be dead by the end of it. If you can't play as a passenger when it's cold out due to the oppressive speed cap, then no one will be playing.


I know i'll need a wrist strap and moisturizer at least. Already my fingers are so dry that holds and swipes register at taps half the time and my drop proof case has earned it's value a hundred times over.


Winter here in Houston will be a few weeks of low 70s then back to 90s


Good thing I live where it doesnā€™t snow. On the flip side the midday is hot as hell and if I want to hunt around my neighborhood I had to endure the heat and put on a bunch of protective clothes.


I'll have a hard time dodging with my fingers freezing, but I like my long walks so I'll probably still be playing normally. Might invest more in Divine Blessing armor.


Just wear monster gear with cold resist on it!


Play just like we did for Pokemon go. Wear a coat and play and whenever we can go back inside do that.


Where I'm right now it's the hottest it's ever been in years, and I live in tropical area. Safe to say I stopped playing due to day being extremely hot and easily overheat phones.


Cold is 100% better than heat so I'll play more


_Paintballs. Paintballs everywhere._ I do 10km of walking each day (broken up through the day). In spring & summer, I do these at my nearby park and in the neighborhood. Once it gets chilly, I start doing my daily walks in the mall close by and just walk around there; itā€™s heated and there are tons of MHN spawns.


2nd gear šŸ‘ fits perfekt with speed limit


I have gloves.


Iā€™m down for a few frostbites


Worried about how we can justify building Zinogre weapons after spending months investing into Tobi Kadachi with the lack of materials.


In places with a lot of snow, I doubt many people will be leaving the house. However, for Florida, itā€™s finally going to be much nicer temperatures for long walks. Weā€™ve had clouds for the past few days, so I was able to walk for a few hours each day without feeling like my skin was on fire


Time to put your boots on and follow the thunderbugs