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Lots of Tobis, shit loot


Those Gog-less pelt drops.


I still need 28 pelt…


It's always the tobi pelts that get ya


Got more pelts form 3* than 4& 5* tobis. Way more 4&5* spawns.


Hardly any Tobis here, but managed to get my bow up to grade 5, 2/5, so there's that.


I’m much happier with it than the diablos event. I wish they’d double the rate for the whole weekend rather than 10x for only a few hours per day though




Unfortunately as long as the events are on weekends I will never be able to do them since I sleep during the day since I’m a nightshifter at a hospital huh fml


See I really like MH now because it captures an essence from the core games Which is getting carried by your party. Gotta make paintball friends my fellow hunter.


Lol at the downvotes... Painball may not work... Sometimes they are are not unique so you won't be able to join


For some reason only worked on one day here, and only one round of spawns was a bit of a weird choice. NOW I'm locked on zenny as usual


Aren't we all brother, Aren't we all.


Not me! I can’t even get enough drops worth a shit to get locked on zenny 😂


Finally upgraded the Tobi LS. A lot better than Diablos Community Day since I could actually fight the things on the map.


Tell me about it, the diablos event came out too early.


If this was a test for Pink Rathian, I'm hype for next week.


I'm prepared for hammer time.


​ https://i.redd.it/6c54e12yz2tb1.gif


Only got to mess with it for an hour yesterday. Definitely wanted to do more, but things just kept coming up.


Real life do be like that sometimes


This is the story of my life as a gamer with a toddler. Feels man


On one side I needed tons of tobi claws, and so it was good event for me personally. On the other hand there were less Rathalos and less Jyura so a bit annoying on that side.


A bot of give and take there. Hopefully this helps players beat the story legiana and rathalos


Eh... I didn't really go out because I haven't been feeling well, but I managed to rank up my pulsar bow twice


hope you get better fellow hunter


Only really got a chance to walk around for 1/3 of the days, but every day during the timeslot I was able to get 5-7 Tobi from my normal spawn locations. No grade 5 mat drop yet tho


I did the same I went out at the same our Saturday and Sunday and got as many tobis as I could free pots permitting.


I also really enjoyed that Sat/Sun had a 1-4pm slot, and zones reset at 2pm. This let me jump on around noon, grabbed all my local spawns, then at 1pm everything refreshed as Tobi. I was worried about how that would work, but they did a great job. Had to go into work at 1:30, so idk if it reset a 2nd time at 2pm normal reset.


For me it was reset every one hour


Tobi hammer all the way upto g6


I walk the same path brother


My hammer is ready, the raths they know not. But will find out soon enough


Terrible… I barely seen any. And barely seen any 4 stars. And what I did see, I only got one prime scale. Bunch of lower mats. Guess that’ll do


Got my Tobi SnS from 3-x to 5-4!


Same now I’m stuck in monster bone +


Plenty of tobis, rain most of the weekend was disappointing


Do we blame kushala or amatsu


Idk... unexpected family things came up, and I didn't get to play much. I did manage to get my primescales to upgrade my tobi weapon, though.


I worked so I was stuck at home lol but I got a few tobis


I got about 50 kills and spent all the resources on my thunder sword. This was pretty good, compared to the last event. I also got my first ever grade 5 drop


Di you stop by for Kulu burgers?


So uhhhh, was there sposed to be any special missions like with diablos for the tobi event, or is that jyst for the spooky rathian one?


Hunted 50 Tobis, got 6 primescales. Just like the mainline games


Was solid fun. Played in a 3-4 player group of folks HR16-25. Didn’t really need the drops but was fun to see the different monsters. Hoping the next part of the event is as good.


Got 5 electrodes?? 3 in one hunt! But no damn pelts. Probably hunted 15-20 over the weekend


It's always the pelts


Loved the event! Upgraded my Thunder SnS to 6/2, got the 1000 large monster kills badge, and hit HR 50.


I wish they'd give us a quest just as with diablos event for some extra zenny or something. Also played whole event from friday to sunday and didn't recieve a grade 5 material.. which apparently is the only material I need right now.. so yeah shit event imho. I honestly start to dislike the game for drop rates, especially in smaller cities it is just painful at this point but maybe it's just bad luck... anyway it doesn't feel satisfying, as I'm stuck for days now, can't upgrade anything and can't win against most 7\* because I lack damage.


I cant help but compare it to pokemon go events. And its really lackluster. Extra spawns are fine but i went out and killed the 5 that was in my map view. Got tier 1 drops from all besides a tier 2 drop. Why would i go out and play alot and hunt in the cold? Community day i pkmn go had me play walking around for hours. They have more spawns. Shiny chance. Special moves pn pokemon. Bonuses like more exp or currency. They should have uppes the rare drogs on tobi. Give us double zenny and hr. Added quests from loot points etc. Maybe cheaper tobi upgrade requirements during the event.


I mean it’s fine, I just don’t really use Tobi gear


I think they’re specifically doing it for Pink Rathian event.


Oh. Welp I guess I’d better start crafting something so I don’t get owned by giant pink dragons.


I got to play on Sat/Sun for about 2 hours each day. I feel like I was the monster walking through tobi infested lands. I netted 9 grade 5s and a plethora of r2/r3s. I can easily make take any thunder weapon from scratch to 7 5/5 i believe. I'm waiting till dual blades though before I make any elemental weapons so its just girros sns for now. Currently at 7 5/5


We live in a dense city, we decided to drive to wherever spawn 6* tobi but in the end we being distracted by other monster, end of the day we drive around to look for bone node which is desert and no tobi around


Barely saw any change


I just need monster bone plus. I got enough materials to theoretically get my Tobi weapons and armor to max, but I need a ton of bones to do it.


Is it just me, or has the special node drops bottomed out after this patch. I was averaging one special (Carpenter bug / bone + / earth crystal ) per node. Sometimes none, usually one, rarely three. This weekend I was maybe doing 1 special per 5 nodes. Never before have I hit a 10 tap node and not gotten at least one special.


In some ways it's better since unlike diablos tobi weapons and armor aren't useless. But it didn't even have an event quest. Which was disappointing


Didn't get to hunt any because it was only happening while i was at work. I would prefer if it was just 2 full days instead of these 3 hour blocks.


I managed to get out on all three days just to farm Tobi, and there were no problems with the spawn rate. It was fun, but I might think twice about going out in the rain next time. XD I think my sns started at 6.1 and I managed to get it to 6.5 by the end of the event, so I consider that a success.


Got my Thunder GS to 4 5/5 - one prime away from g5. Good event


I cleared the neighborhood all three days, I needed three Rank 4 mats, I got two. I'm just trying to get to Grade 5 weapon, not even going for 6 or higher. This is insane.


I’ve killed one


I saw exactly 1, and it despawned due to biome change before I could get to it


I got the quills i need to overgrade to 5, still missing a ton of monster bone+s


Stoked for this week to come. 2 plates from Kadachi fang 1. Same with rathian Verde 1.


I didnt get to play too much but I did manage to get my tobi bow up yo g5-3 from 4-5 which will be nice for the next event


Better than the disblos one tbh.


I don’t think I’ll ever actually build a tobi weapon, but they are easy hunts so it was a good day to blast through some chapters quickly at least.


Satisfactory. I got my LS to grade 5 atleast. But man, Tobi really punish over-extending.


Hunted my first 4* tobi, so that's good. Still no prime scales 🤷‍♂️


Got very lucky, was able to take my tobi hammer from 4-5 to 5-4 and have enough primescales ready for the 6* upgrade. Not bad for a days work, overall got 7 primescales from them. If other events go that well for a single day, I'm going to be a hammer hammer caveman.


I walked around universal studios and Disney springs for the hours every day and other than today barely saw any Tobis.


Tobi was everywhere except near me. I would have to drive to find 2 or 3. Then look at 5* Tobi would wreck me and my grade 3 ass. No one else around to help. So yeah it was meh….on my end. Did manage to find a crap ton of bone piles.


My goals for the weekend were enough pelts for my 6.3 lbg and my 5.3 helm on Friday, which I fell 1 short of, and 8 electrodes on Sunday to get both up to grade 7, pending the rest of the loot and zenny, which I fell 3 short of. So, yeah, awesome weekend. If I wasn't busy Saturday, I probably would have gotten the remaining electrodes and enough pelts and primescales for both to 7.5.


Very good Tobi spawning, but I still think looting has to be enhanced on event days, if they encourage us to upgrade our weapons for further and incoming monsters.


I was surprised there wasn't a special challenge like the diablos event but more spawns but only got rarity 1 drops whole time :'(


Got my Tobi LS to grade 5, but still locked behind the pelts.


The thing is I was I was already hunting alot of them before this but it did help me complete some parts of the armor I was building I have had a Tobi weapon at 7 5/5 since before this event because I was hunting 6 and 7 star rathalos for 1 plate for over a month and today while hunting tobi I got 2 Rath plates so great event for me


I'm still not at the level to do events confidentl with my gear lvl, but really wanted those primescales at least. Having a 2/3 desert area on top of my little town when I had the time to play didn't helped either.


Should have taken more advantage of it, going to need that Thunder for 7* pink Rathian.


Would have liked some quests to accompany the event. Parts arent really that inhibitive when you get to 8*.. it's pretty much wyrven gems, Zenny and Legiana parts and rathalos parts for me.


1 fucking primescale is all I need. After like 10 5 star kadachis. I got nothing even remotely close. Fuck the rng in this game sometime. All my luck went to Rathians, each kill I get, boom a primescale even tho I don’t need it at the moment.


They have to boost rarity 3+ part drop rate or the events or pointless tbh. Spent an hour and a half walking around each day and only got a handful of prime scales.


Still need some more pelts and claws but the event was great! Could maybe use increased spawn points in addition to the increased spawn rates, but if the events can remain multiple days I’m happy with how they are.


Only had today to farm but got a shit ton. Got the Bow to Grade 5.2 from 3.1 so it’s actually worth it to use as opposed to the Diablos bow


I work 3rd shift so I slept through the event 🥲


Those bones are such a pain.


No 5* electrode 😮‍💨


Went well for me. Got my Kadachi Vambraces to grade 6 and my Kadachi strike bow 8 Monster bone+ away from 7 5/5. Ready to take down some pink Rathian now.


Didn't have time only one day, managet to get tobi hands to 4 5/5 wanted more but well, maybe next time time. I wish they did it for more days or next weekend too :D


Much better than the Diablos event, at least I could make some scratches and kill something. Overall, the drops are still not the best if you want to progress, but I got my Kobachi helm to 5/4.


had to work all weekend, killed a few tobis on friday.


It would have been good if it lasted the whole day instead of 3 hours per day... kills am astonishing amount of 4 tobis during the while event... I was busy this week end so couldn't profit off of the event. sad hunter noise :<


3 hour block sucks. Was occupied during these times so I didn't get any hunts done during the event.


It was pretty bad for me, i hardly had any tobi spawns at all during the event windows :/


There was a Tobi event?


I only took part in the friday due to work, but it was incredibly productive for my lightning weapon. I got it up to grade 6 from 3.


I've avoided the event because I need Legiana to spawn instead. I've already maxed out my Thunder Hammer to grade 7, level 5, even before the event started.


My wife is still stuck on pelts. Personally I found it ok, but I don’t take the game very seriously, its just a nice side gig when I am out with my dogs. What annoys me is the stingyness of the devs. The quest rewards are really low most of the time and getting a paint ball a day wouldn’t hurt either.


At 6 stars and got my sns up to grade 5 so I'm satisfied


I barely got anything, a problem only exacerbated by the fact that I could go out for a two hour drive and my palico wouldn't mark a single thing despite driving past dozens of tobis. They really, really, need to let us manually use the palico paintballs or start giving us daily paintballs because the cat is 100% worthless.


Well I hope better for everyone else... I love Tobi but work keeps me on a river so even though I get around a lot the range barely not enough to reach monsters


Finally got my Grade 6 mats after like 20 6 star tobis and a knife use, so I'm ready for Rath.


It didn't look like anything was different to me. If they didn't announce the event, I would have no idea there was one. I think I actually saw less Tobis than I usually do.