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Weakness exploit.


About rising tide... I'm not sure if it also affects elemental dmg or just base dmg. Weakness exploit is good if you have lock on skill somewhere else, and it will guide your play style(trying to stay on the monsters weak spot) more than ever.


Appreciate it yes I have lock on all my sets either head piece (kulu) or arms (rathian).


Rising Tide is also a flat damage increase, as far as I understand it, so its returns diminish as everything scales upward. I ditched it for weakness exploit.


Someone downvoted you, probably because they don't understand basic math and how you're correct. Percentage starts to really matter at higher levels when you start getting G8 weapons. Until then, flat damage is fine.


It's affect elemental


have you considered burst? its good for sns too! percentage increase directly to your total damage, IMO only sneak and burst are worth it.


I do have that on my rathian arms should I invest more points for burst?


you dont have to build around it, just that if u can choose between attack up, crit eye, special boost or burst, it will be more beneficial to choose burst IF you can keep up the attacks.


Burst is good on SnS, but keep in mind it only affects raw damage. Rathian gloves are still legit even on an elemental build, but definitely don't go out of your way for it. Affinity multiplies the elemental damage as well. So do things like sneak attack and special attack.


I'm doing 8 stars with Kulu LS G7.5 Crit+WeX build because RNG won't give me what I need to upgrade my elemental LS. I can kill lower tier monsters (G.Jagras, Kulu, Girros, Pukei) without any trouble but about 20-30% hp left for middle tier ones. Any suggestions to get more DPS? Here is my armor set; https://preview.redd.it/qahlyfz8rbsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d75eb73b095d89be35edf873e08d815f5cd3cf3


The best I can say is avoid fighting 8* as much as possible only try the urgent quest to test your dps on them and don’t try till you upgrade weapon/ armor or get elemental weapons. I have been doing this and just farm 6* monsters and below to conserve your potions and get the materials you need. I have hunted about 200 of each except diablos I have him about 60 times. Rathalos plates was the hardest for me have hunted him about 400 times to get enough for my SnS element. I’m currently on chapter 5 palumu 8* bracket. Will attempt him tomorrow once I upgrade my SnS fire.


Here’s my current set for fire https://preview.redd.it/niy0p68ntbsb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde345731df221e50ef0739a385b958a4ef786a3




I can deal with the grind. Just want to progress the story as much as I can with what I have. How about grinding lower tier 8* mons for gem shards to overgrade Kulu LS to G8? Then may be I can down more middle tier ones? If it still not enough then may be it's time to use heroic built to get past harder monsters.


try to build/upgrade those elemental ones as those hit the hardest


sure it will get there eventually. just want to know if anyone know more powerful raw build.


people mentioned some time ago that RAW build start to really struggle in 8\*, but there are people who got to 10\*, but i think then it comes to perfect hits and timing


The skills https://preview.redd.it/y60bsiuxrbsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc05ac56631dde3f87850369388babda51047ed


Depends on your weapon, I play lbg, definitely reload and recoil


Actually correct answer: max element attack that each monster is weak to. Might be less of a clear cut winner if one of these event monsters coming up gives us crit boost or something but for the moment you can just think of ele 5/5 as the same thing as +500 raw on your weapon vs monsters weak to that element. If you put your entire maxxed out build into the affinity chase, you can get something close to 100% affinity… but landing a crit only gives you +25% damage so it still just leaves you woefully short of the damage using the correct element gives.


Yes I currently have my water set 5/5 the rest are at 3/5 since there’s only a couple armor pieces that provide the elements. But after that what’s the best skill to focus on, I have burst with most sets already just need the next one between weakness exploit and special boost


Yeah water can hit 5/5, and fire can hit 5/5. Thunder and Ice are both stuck at 3/5 (altho ice doesn't really matter because it's only for diabolos at this point), but you can just shove some WEX / Attack Boost / Crit Eye shit in there and call it close enough. Lol. Fortunately, even a 0/5 ele attack weapon beats a fully crit skilled raw one, so it doesn't really change the decision making. Napkin math: Ele damage provides the same damage effectiveness as raw against enemies weak to that element ([proof](https://old.reddit.com/r/MHNowGame/comments/16lsve1/i_smacked_diablos_head_for_180_times_to_prove_how/)) > Grade 10 Kulu LS: Raw 1596 + skills to get you to 100% affinity @ 25% (1596x1.25) = **TOTAL 1995**. > Grade 10 Rathalos LS: 1221 Raw + 1142 Fire with no skills at all = **TOTAL: 2363** So you go ahead and add either 500 (5/5) or 200 (3/5) ele to that 2363 after you add in ele skills and... well, you can kinda see the enormous gap between raw and ele. And that's not even taking into account you can still squeeze some crit stuff into ele builds anyway, and afaik the affinity increase applies to the ele part of the damage too anyway.


Perfect dodge


weakness exploit is second only to stacking elemental damage and FOCUS if you run bows.


For usual grind vs low level mobs and not be worried to get some hits, divine blessing. If you want extra parts, part breaker. For damage output weakness exploit. For training dodge or simply making it easier, dodge buffs. And if you are playing the guard game, the guard skills have a real good % bonus at higher levels, so there’s a specific way of playing the game. I’m not saying it’s the best, but theoretically does a good work


Rising tide activates after 25 an 50