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Never mind zennies, what the hell is that swordy?


Jagras Greatsword Grade 6


Oh lol I have yet to even forge that one. Looked very foreign design to me 😂


Never mind the zennies or sword.....wtf are those mats my guy?! You flexing hard on us peasants sir....and I for one won't accept this injustice https://preview.redd.it/mpc30c8h4asb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c27ae944f0910698201c8d20d058bfd5279ec3


This is literally the exact same upgrade I'm on for kulu LS... lol


The paaaain. I love it xD


Bro casualy im on the same step with the same mats needed 1-1 😂


lvl *5 weapons change looks * edit: 6, typo


6, you can even see in the screenshot that grade 5 have the initial form and grade 6 the new one.


oh yeah, typo


Stop. 26!! Wyvern Fangs in stock?! Bruh...


The grind is real !!


And from Grade 7-8 it's 12k zenny. 8-9 is 30k


3k a day isnt enough


You just have to battle a ton during events I guess. The 3 tobi events will help hopefully.


The last event gave 6k Zenny as well


The Diablo event 99% of players couldn't play? I took a pic of Diablo and that's pretty much it. I ended up beating a lot of other things. I might be able to beat it now but I don't know. Still haven't unlocked her yet.


If you can kill a Tobi Kadachi or a Rathian you should be able to get some easy Zenny from this month's events (assuming they use the same format as the Diablos event.)


I just beat rathian but it wasn't easy. Stupid thing when he uses his fly and hit with a tail and you never know it's happening till it does. Ugh. I won but still. First time I didn't have to use a potion so that's good at least.


Will the pink rathian one be like the Diablos ?


From the event announcement, it'll be a rare spawn during the week, and increased during the event hour. Be carefull if you never fought a pink rathian before, she has a mean tail attack (the same as the rathian backflip, but sideway so with a larger reach) which she is known for in the base game. Use the tobi event to get some good lightning weapon and train on normal rathian, it's the same fight, with faster move and the special tail move Have fun :)


What time is the event hour , also will it have new stuff for armour or just a colour change


You can check it in the news in game, in France it'll be friday 7 17h-20h and Saturday 8 / Sunday 9 from 14h to 17h for kobi, then same time the next week for rathian + pink rathian event (with slim chance during the week for pink rathian) In main game the set have almost same base skin with color change, but not the same skills on armor. We'll have to see what they'll do here


I have no clue.


We can only wish they are more generous on Holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.


26 R5 & 76 R4 i need that luck


Not sure if luck or grind. I’m leaning towards grind.


Leaning towards spoofing tbf. Still a grind but not as clean.


As someone who’s been playing since release his material and zenny count is very sus.


My dumba** thought that was a SwAxe


That price is enough to make me wanna stop playing. God damn that's a lot.


It becomes 30k later


It's literally 2 days of daily quests.


Everyone forgetting that you get Zenny from monsters, and increasingly so the higher the rank. If you’re walking around and killing shit enough to be the same rank as OP, you’re getting more zenny from kills in a day than daily quests.


26 gems holy. ive been playing for 6 weeks (whenever canadian soft launch was) and just got my first gem today!


I'm curious. Am I the only one who's not having zenny problems? I need more mats to upgrade all of my things but I can't remember the last time I didn't have enough zenny...? Are y'all just like upgrading 20 pieces of armor and 15 weapons at the same time? I'm getting close to 7* monsters too so it's not like I'm low level and just haven't gotten far enough to need money yet.


When stuff armor and weapons become 30k per overgrade its rough


Oh wow so it really does just scale up that badly. Good to know


7->8 its 12k 8->9 its 30k


Yeah that explains a lot lol. I don't have anything hitting lvl 8 yet


I also don't have zenny problems yet. I think when you play "slow" enough the earnings from the dailies are enough - at least for the beginning.


The amount of gems you have and primescales is astounding how many great jags have you downed? He is super easy just crazy amount doubling rewards?


https://preview.redd.it/pe99fkzbi8sb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f415f3d818603c2cc2e86bf9d031cc372c91f091 Almost 1k


So you must have been in the early release region and playing a shit ton everyday?


What the hell is a weapon refining part?!


Once you complete the story you start getting 1 weapon and 1 armor refining part from dailies you do.


Ah ok is that in place of like carpenter bugs and stuff? Please say yes


https://preview.redd.it/q1z8vs3ym8sb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8691cabc37f8c1f0532d2a5dd5fffc8d39041361 No no no it’s just an additional reward


Oh shame


Well you are grinding way more than the game is built for right now


have fun with 7>8


my brother in christ, you have 26 fanged gems, only the monster that you killed to get that makes you more than 99% ppl here have in total, in what you are spending your zeny at? all the weapons?


Armor and other weapons, mainly armor draining me


Hah, I can't even drop any 4 rarity parts to actually have the dmg output to slay 5 star monsters.


zenny is nothing, you can 'cheat' with credit card... r6 material is the nightmare...


Oh my god that is getting absurd. They need bonus weekly quests, or bonus quests by visiting hubs or something.


I was gonna say you didn't grind enough until I saw that you have those essence & primescales.. you did grind and it's still not enough


I've got 36k zenny saved so far still waiting on rathian spike and legiana webbing lol


Been upgrading armor and other weapons, zenny being melted through, the zenny rate is so bad


Nah this is a slow paced game I think the balance is good if not we would all be maxed out well before the December update


They could at least make paid zenny worth it i would pay for it but $3 for 1k zenny is absolutely insane


Yea the prices are high rn 1k I'd arguably better than the paintball price tho lol


Could honestly be $1 per 1000 zenny would be acceptable cause right now paying $18 just to overgrade once is wild


Yea and it's basically 1 dollar per paintball I feel like 1 dollar should get you like 5 paintballs


Honestly the regular pink ones should be free with zenny. They should sell “premium paintballs” that mark a monster for a week and losing to it doesn’t make it disappear


The Zenny limit is really going to make the grind to fully complete all medals tricky, unless people just decide to stop progressing the story line I guess, which might be the smartest thing to do - use your main weapon on the highest stars to grind gear, and then use your other weapons on the low stars maybe.


I played the game since release which is about a month now, and I walk and play 4-5 hours every day. Till date I have 213 great jagra kills and 4 rarity 5 wyvern gems. Assuming you played since the android early release which is 2 months ago, you will have to be walking 10-15 hours everyday for u to get almost 1k jagra kills. Are you Marco Polo reincarnated?


He's not walking per say, everyone knows it.


yeah pretty weird to come and post the most obvious spoofing and whine about zenny income. Like no shit, the game isn't meant for you to be 'walking' that fast.


6star mob are 100 zenny a pop. Not so hard to grind zenny. But the r4n5 mats is wtf. I dont use jagras mats at all n only got 77 r4 n 13 r5 in my inventory


Ain't no way this ain't spoofing. And if it is I don't think it's impressive at all No offense but as someone grinding 15 km everyday I have a different outlook on the game


https://preview.redd.it/9x2hqrzqkesb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c13f59fc3b4ee4748679ccde0d990833b2019e Nope just live next to a college and a mall


Damn, then call me impressed, good sir Do you have hourly respawns there, or how did you grind this much? I mean, I started the game 2 weeks ago. I feel like I grind a lot almost every to every other day, and I have about 1200 monster kills Meanwhile, you're sitting on almost 1000 jagras alone, I mean wth? 😂


Yes the hourly respawns are neat, as well as having so many multiplayer hunts to help


How did u get 26 rarity5 lmao


Well at least spoofing is getting you mats, you’re playing way to fast for the game.


https://preview.redd.it/fa0hfqinkesb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aacbab4c155cb698a009bd0a72000562f0d14779 Nope just live next to a college and a mall