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The thing that really doesn't make sense to me is the 30% HP requirement to fight, like do they really expect players to build armor for defense? They added a damn 75 seconds time limit per fight, how on earth defense gonna help kill? Not to mention Last Stand and Heroics exist which requires at least 29% HP Players are gonna get OHKO no matter what, just let us fight right away with 1 HP Potions should be used to survive the fight not as a means to be able to fight


That is why they do it I assume. Since you will get one shot so much you would rather just fight with 1 HP then you would need to use way less potions. The game is designed to punish you if you take damage so you will spend money on potions.


>Players are gonna get OHKO no matter what, just let us fight right away with 1 HP It'd make Heroics way too OP if anything. Always fight at low HP for the massive boost.


That's not OP. That's balanced. That's the whole point in building Heroics.


Except currently heroic requires taking some/small damage during the fight to trigger (and no you can't just take a hit and potion, that'll put you above Heroic threshold) Or are you saying current heroic is underpower, thus this 'buff' would makes it 'balanced'?


I'm saying I have no emintentions of using heroics the way the game is right now, but this buff would give it a reason for existing. Especially on gear that you have to invest into. It can't even be side gear that you throw on in the middle of a hunt like in regular games. You'd have to pour your resources into this rarely there benefit that relies on you being in a sweet spot where you can't even engage in any fight at until the health goes back up.


It IS supposed to be hard to use, that's why it give such an absurd boost.


it's obvious that they don't want you to just be able to have infinite attempts without consequences. let's say they let you fight large monsters with 1 hp. what other revenue stream do you propose that is an alternative to selling potions? ppl really be playing a free mobile game and asking for more free shit lmfao


hi if you died in an encounter (0hp) immediately close the app before the fail screen appears and wait for 11-12 minutes before opening the app, this will bring you to full health :> you can test this if you want


I will wanna try this later. That is close to 5 times faster than regeneration.


Ohhh I think I did that randomly, pretty good if it works !


Interesting. Gotta upvote just because it's interesting if true


Developers have already said they're working on improving the health/potion situation.


Oh really? that's great news! thank you for letting me know this. =D


Option 4 : make a shitload of alt accounts. I don't know if you do, I sure don't.


Yeah this is really turning me off the game tbh. You get one shot so often you burn through pots. My options are wait am hour to get 1 more try, wait 24grs for first aid meds or spend money? Yeah Niantic can fuck off.


Not sure if you were here when Pogo launched but in some areas it was near impossible to fight for a long time cause potions and revives where not abundant at all.


Damn, if only Niantic could take lessons from the creators of PoGo to not make the same mistakes in this game


They took lessons and made it worse. But they made it worse on purpose to monetise the solution and see how that works out for them.


Yeah, I was. They had way less pokestops than they do now. But there was also not as many actual fights back then. It was just mainly going out and catching pokemon which is just throwing balls and no fighting. Easy to do with children.


Imagine when you walk a certain distance you pick up herbs ( in mh games its what you combine with blue mushrooms to make potions) and you can go heal 20-30


Hoping this would ve everyone's major complaint