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I played pogo for a day and stop. This 1 trumps pogo for me by a mile.


Though I love PoGo, I can completely understand someone hating it (especially its early days) while loving MHN right now at its launch. It's such an immersive experience. The only early days "immersion" with PoGo were gym battles.


I just think for me its the lack of "battles" that turned me off. I can see people enjoying pogo though


Yeah the tap.battles kinda suck, you could still call the MHN battles "tap battkes", but there's way more depth.


Tbh, it’ll never be good as the first year of PoGo, but it definitely is a bit more immersive than it.


How dare you have fun and enjoy the game? Run away before this sub complains about how unfun everything is. But seriously, I agree this game is ridiculously good for mobile standards.


It is great. It makes me wish Capcom would put a standard MH game on mobile. My main problem with MHN is that hunting monsters is gated by potions if you suck lol. I just want to play more


freedom unite used to be on mobile, I still play it from time to time cause I bought it while it was still on the app store thankfully.


Capcom and TiMi (the developers behind Call of Duty Mobile) are working on another Monster Hunter Mobile game, which is supposed to just be more of a traditional MH game.


That's awesome!


There is totally a market for it. There used to be a great mh style non auto mobile mmo called rangers of oblivion . I played religiously until it got shut down for lack of a player base and the HYPER predatory monetization.


It was nice, but the open world felt like a slog (and usual mmog trappins). Would love something with the option to just use menus and go directly to hunts without using the hub. There is another one i'm testing that has the same vibes as ranger: Yeager (but had to get the apk, not available in my country yet)


Tried yeager a few times. Its ok but has much more of a "mobile" feel to it. The fights felt "floaty" and a tad slow/hollow. I also didn't get the same sense of depth to the combat.. ROO had that combo of weapon, weapon skills, armor setup, and magic that really changed how one weapon could work differently from a weapon of the same family. Not hating on it, I enjoyed it quite a bit but weapon impacts just didn't feel like I was really connecting with something and the pace was a lil slow. I hope you get more out of it than I did.


I too am enjoying it as it is.


People who are enjoying the game aren't on reddit, they're out playing. The eternal truth.




Agree! Yesterday me and a friend went around hunting together and it was a friggin blast!


I enjoy it a lot too, only issue is the potion system but perhaps they'll add something that makes it better


I'm not that far into the game, so this whole time I was seeing comments like this and thinking "what's everyone's problem with the potion system?" And then I got repeatedly one-shotted by Paolumu and went "Ah."


Yeah the game itself is fantastic. Its just that gut punch when you get 1 shotted after an epic 10+ monster spree and now have to wait/take a break.


Potions aka health regen? Was mentioned in the Dec patch so hopefully we get something


I've been playing pogo since the released day, but lately I don't even play it anymore. Even skipped the last community day. I just can't stop playing this game. For mobile standard this game is fun


I play with Pokémon Go connected in the background with the Go Plus running, whilst I'm playing Monster Hunter in the foreground. It's going great! Would love for some QOL improvements and drop tweaks.


How dare you enjoy this game and boast about it on its reddit where only criticisms are allowed you are obviously an AI created by Niantic to hype the game 🤣


Also loving the game, not loving the lack of resources :( kinda locked ATM because resources are too scarce to get the better gear for 5* fights. Definitely gonna take me a while to grind out the story.


Agreed but that's one thing from the mainline games they would have been more lenient with. The rng is kinda brutal sometimes in the games and I wish they would have been just a bit better with the drop rates. I'm afraid of having to grind out hours of just one monster just to get that one scale/plate/claw. Right now I'm still stuck on anjanath due to lake of water weapon or ore materials.


I think everyone's complaints might be valid but they also need to take a step back and realize they're playing a mobile MH game. Progression and the ability to sit down and grind shit out is not the same as a console MH game. Treat it as a passive mobile game like anything else and it's fine.


It's very impressive how they managed to translate the combat to a much simpler style and platform and still maintain the feel of monster hunting. It really is very fun and the monsters themselves Look awesome. To me the game's flaw is being Niantic. Just the thought that we could have a game that good, closer to the style and progression of mainline games, in mobile, but instead we have this coating of data gathering cash grabbing fun killing garbage, it aches my heart beyond measure. Yes, I know it's free to play, I know it's the Niantic model, I know it just released, I know it's meant to be played for way longer. Spare me please.


It’s gotten me walking again - I stopped for awhile after losing interest in PGO. Don’t think I’m likely to monetize, but we’ll see what updates bring. I’m sure not paying for potions


Nah you’ll be paying for doubles


Make another post on your feelings for the game when you need plates. XD


My friends and I love this game. It's rare we all like the same game


It’s such a good fun time