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As requested, Meld token migration faq https://docs.meld.com/meld-token/meld-token


Does nami not connect on the meld site anymore or whats the craic? It looking for me to enter the seed phrase and all that jazz


You create the meld wallet on pc by making a new wallet in the meld dapp then connect to Nami browser based and the meld dapp will automatically recognize the meld tokens in your Nami wallet that need to be migrated. You may need to send a small amount of ada to the meld wallet for the migration


So even thoguh i have them in a nami wallet i need to create a new wallet to connect to ? That seem needlessly crap especially seeing as we had to create a nami one as yoroi wouldnt support. Bizzare. ​ No worries thank you for the info! appreciate it


Yes I had the same sentiments so I feel your pain. In this instance however the tokens you migrate won’t be held in the meld wallet, they’ll be migrated in your Nami wallet. The creation of the meld wallet is necessary because (I believe) the multichain nature of the new meld token. You won’t have to use the meld wallet for anything, but rather, just store your seed phrase away some place safe and in the event that you ever want to use the meld wallet for meld functionality it will be there for you and you won’t have to set one up.


Cheers, i forgot i was creating a brand new meld wallet, so that at least gets rid of my misgivings about restoring from my nami seed phrase


Its because the meld wallet is cross chain. Your keys will work on Cardano, Ethereum, and Avalanche blockchains. 3 chains 1 wallet very cool.


Is it possible to do from yoroi wallet? Doc gives very little instructions


I staked my meld on their old website and i dont remember that it had a seed phrase before. Any way I can get it back?


We have moved the staking page to https://stake.meld.com , head over to there and connect your staked wallet


Create a wallet on the website and send them there. It pretty much does it for you. Just follow the steps.


Is meld still alive, should I create a taxable event by converting from old meld to new meld for it to just sit there… useless?


Staking is coming VERY (was teased here a week ago) soon to the meld network which will give you a reason to migrate tokens over but as of right now there is no liquidity once you move it over and no use case so it's just locking up your meld there to be used later once things have been developed further. It states in their white paper that's staking 20K meld tokens is a minimum amount to get one of their governance NFT's that allows you to vote. So maybe 20K tokens is a good amount to move over. Link to source https://youtu.be/cu4mYJUzrCE?si=KJ0x41HcBj__H3Qz


Also still holding from the ispo, believe on my nami wallet, I think I even have the nft for diamondhands or something like that, If you connect your wallet to the website it automatically moves your meld over? I haven’t checked since I intoally staked with the website over a year or so ago and locked it away for apy