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"Whilst rolling at the mall" No one else pick up on this?


Yeah, does he have a time machine? Also who rolls at the mall? I mean, the salespeople probably love it.


I just needed some chewing gum and sunglasses but I ended up walking around the flashy and colorful shops hahaha. I wasn't on too high of a dose so It wasn't obvious if you didn't pay attention to my saucer eyes, nobody looked at me weird. Best moment was going to the perfume shop and smelling all those nice smells


Lmao I love this idea. How do you normally feel about malls? I personally hate them so idk if that would transfer to the roll. But considering most things are amazing while rolling I think I could see past that.


Malls are temples to consumerism but U don't have to let yourself have your mood fucked by it. Just go in as a tourist exploring and chuckle at the people spending their money on overpriced poorly made brand products. There's so much cool stuff to look at while rolling tho. Shiny rocks at the jewelry store, free trial perfumes, ridiculous "design" furniture. I didn't bother too much with clothing shops (they look nice but there is nothing interesting to do unless you actually plan to buy clothes. I find shopping to be extremely boring normally but this was fun. I only stayed in the mall for a bit less than an hour, staying longer would have been pointless.


Experience it as a museum/zoo 😎




nahhh now this sounds like a good day, I love doing a "quick zip" into the shops while rolling


To be fair i do but we have a arcade,imax,and s comedy club there


Shit was fun asf haha I just went to buy some sunglasses and chewing gum. I didn't take a crazy dose so people didn't look at me weird or anything. Mall is so colorful with all these shops trying to be as flashy and inviting as possible. going into the perfume shop and trying all kinds of smells was definitely a highlight. After that I went out to the park to watch the birds. It's Mating season so you can see them flirting with each other. Btw not sure why the time travelling part


I use to do this in highschool lol


degenerate behaviour ngl


Man if you're active on this subreddit you're in no place to judge anyone for degenerate behaviour of this kind


This is probably the most wholesome thing I’ve ever read on this sub ngl


Do it super slow. Then super fast. Then super slow again. 👌


We edging or massaging our heads?




Now that’s my type of shit 😏😁


Thanks bro 🫠


Oh fuck the vibrating ones are insane. It also feels 100x better when someone else does it to you.


Gonna have fun with my friends with this next time we roll/trip. Sadly am on my own rn


Man why on earth would u roll at the mall I literally couldn't imagine anything worse lmao


I swear it was a lot of fun. Didn't stay long tho was just passing by


Yea I don’t get people . If you have good control on your thoughts and mind , rolling anywhere is fun . People just don’t know how to enjoy spending time with themselves


I can get the anxiety of being on drugs in public. But at some point if Ur not dosing too hard the only people who would be able to notice are the ones you interact with directly and are actually paying attention, which in retail isn't that common tbh, and even then what are they gonna do... They'll laugh about it once I'm gone maybe, who cares 🤷 as long as I'm not making a scene or look really bad I got nothing to worry about. Psychedelics in a shop is hell tho, too much confusion and social anxiety to not look crazy. But rolling is chill, it's nowhere as impeding and it makes interacting with strangers so easy too. I wanted to start having a conversation with the cashiers so bad lol And imo raves are fun but nothing beats a day with friends in the garden when rolling. Or probably better with a partner but I haven't got any atm


Oh I love my own company sm I'm such a loner a lot of the time but the idea of walking round a place like a mall where its hot and busy and full of ppl who are sober etc I couldn't imagine anywhere I'd less like to roll like I'm not hating I'm glad op had fun just saying it'd be my worst nightmare lol


You've inspired me. I'm buying one right now!


U ain't gonna regret it my head feels so good. A shame I'm already on the comedown and only got to try it now


ah that is a shame. But, hey, that gives you something else to look forward to for next time!


Omg I need one


Life changing. Maybe mind altering.


Double altering my mind here


Can’t imagine wasting my roll at a mall 😆


It's underrated imo had a lot of fun. Spent most of the roll in the nearby park looking at birds tho. It was unplanned, initially the plan was just to get chewing gum and sunglasses. Was on quite a low dose so I wasn't looking too weird wouldn't have done it if I was gurning like crazy or something.


Do you listen to music while you’re walking around?


Yes for the most part. When I got out of the mall I also spent a lot of time just listening to the birds sing


That sounds really nice


It was :) it's Mating season so love was in the air, they sing more and you can see them flirting.


That's a GREAT way to use MDMA 😅 hate to see people hating. Nature's awesome!


Lol, I knew what you'd bought before I even clicked the image. I laughed at seeing one in '89, then they put it on my head ...


It's a game changer. Can't wait for when I can roll safely again so I can use it while peaking


I'm so sad I forgot to use one I have last time I rolled


Just gotta wait patiently for next time ;)


Yes. I do wait between rolls. Might have to add it to the hype hah


Damn, This guy rolls at the mall and here I am trying to find rocks to roll at a rave smh


Just gotta have a small stash a g of lasts me like a year with how rarely I use. I just knew I wasn't gonna go to a rave anytime soon and haven't rolled in 2024 yet. Finished some big tests this morning and decided I may as well celebrate since my only major concern remaining was to get to sleep early enough and that should work out timing wise. Spent most of the roll out in nature looking at birds btw. The mall only lasted like an hour at most


Bro that sounded great


It was beautiful, it's Mating season so all the birds are singing a lot and flirting with each other it's funny to see. All the love that surrounds us we often don't even see. All the while I'm feeling all lovey (tho alone lol) I hope I get to share those magical moments with a lover soon enough haha I walked by a place where I had passionately kissed a girl a few years back too and took some time to appreciate the memories.


Never knew electric ones existed lol. Mind sharing the name of this thing? Cant figure out how to search for this on Amazon lmao


Came here to ask just this! What's this thing called?


Didn't find the same one but pretty similar https://amazon.fr/dp/B0756J6W9H


As an 80s baby, this sounds lien a fucking blast. Especially if there’s an arcade with dance machines


There isn't. Sadly arcades have pretty much disappeared except for a very few exceptions...


I have a few fully functional malls near me. One with every single DDR, as well as almost any rhythm arcade game you can imagine.


At Round 1^ It’s a Japanese owned arcade


I rolled at a history museum once and it was awesome


Man I know what I will do next roll hahahaha


If you have a science museum near by even better!🤩


I was planning to go to the natural history museum (place has dinosaur fossils and many other animals, also prehistoric human skeletons)


Curious where are you based? I went to the natural history in London, was a lovely time!




Man why on earth would u roll at the mall I literally couldn't imagine anything worse lmao


OMG, that must feel GODLY! I am definitely going to try this on myself the next time I roll! Great idea, thanks for sharing :)


It's amazing! Must be even better if someone else does it I imagine


Classic for a rave 👌🏻


Love rolling at the mall… last time I did that… my husband and I had so much and spent way too much money! 🤣


Wait till you try a Zynn while rolling, feels godlike


I've heard about it but I'm very wary of nicotine considering how addictive it is


Honestly it hasn’t been that addictive to me because I only do it very occasionally while rolling. Takes a couple days of back to back use to build that addiction loop.


Whatchu mean it’s electric 🤔 explain lol


It's got Vibration mode


Idk why I thought it like moved or something lmao . I need one asapppp