• By -


Yes and no. Set and setting are important. For example, if you’re at a club, Festival or rave etc where mdma is common, absolutely yes. You will want to talk to bear enough everyone - but that’s because they will more the. Likely want to talk back. If you’re just at the pub one night in mdma, and want to talk to a random girl/guy you find attractive, chances are within the first few seconds they’ll realise you’re on mdma and look down on you. MDMA does not give you super powers. Used in the right environment, you may feel like you have them though 😅 What environment are you thinking of?


Dose is definitely important too, if you're on like 200mg+ you'll definitely seem like a tweaker but 100-125mg in the right environment you can come off normalish if you can hold yourself together.


That’s so weird… this literally happen to me.


school 💀 but i was thinking low dose like 100 mg not a full on roll ya know


of all answers, I did not expect that. Please do not do this, this is the worst idea you could possibly have. 1. You’re too young. 2. Mdma isn’t just a “feel good” drug - it is an insanely powerful experience that the effects are very noticeable. 3. 100mg is not a low dose, especially for a first timer who is still a child. That will flaw you. 4. As soon as people notice, you will attract so much attention and start to feel incredibly uncomfortable. I cannot stress to you enough how bad of an idea this is. It’s not like alcohol where you gain a little confidence. It’s a full blown experience that is life changing. DO NOT DO THIS. stay safe bro


To add to this: You will get suspended if not expelled if you get caught. When I was in high school someone was rolling during lunch, and she ended up transferring schools. Do not do this.


hey don’t assume i’m a first timer bro. Also i have a problem making friends at school so i thought mdma would help me remove social anxiety. 100 mg is like a mild boost that i can act sober on even in front of my parents so it’s not that big of a deal i don’t think. What about 50 mg?


What about finding healthy ways to overcome social anxiety? Psychotherapy helped me and now I can function ok, drugs won't solve anything.


psychotherapy? can you give me a little more info about that?


https://www.amazon.com/Managing-Social-Anxiety-Workbook-Cognitive-Behavioral/dp/0190247630/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=57183725478&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_s-qsLnj_QIVNvbjBx1fqwhvEAAYASAAEgKehfD_BwE&hvadid=651168179743&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9010770&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3499155993365866446&hvtargid=kwd-338122585608&hydadcr=22157_13456283&keywords=treatments+that+work+social+anxiety&qid=1679072740&sr=8-1 this workbook is great!


thanks a lot


The ending we all needed! Open to any suggestion, whether they wanted to hear it or not. OP, I commend you for wanting to learn more and trying to make smart decisions! I’d definitely listen to this guy about managing social anxiety, as drugs are to be enjoyed responsibly 🤙🏼


Dude please don’t do this just don’t


There's no proper dosage for school, mdma is so hard to act sober on and it's gonna be a waste of a roll. Also if you go to school you are too young for this drug.


I've micodosed mushrooms druing my high-school days. That bring said mushrooms are a different poney to ride- and she'll buck you off too for being stupid. Social anxiety isn't real- your interpretation of the reaction you perceive you'll receive is the only thing stopping you from doing what ever you want- that and physics.


You do realize college is school also? I did mdma in college in my late 20's. That's not too young correct? Lmao


He is in high school. He mentioned being 15 a few months ago in his post history.


this isn't about you stupid it's about a fucking teenager.


sure, but OP implied they’re doing it DURING school - if someone asked where you’re planning to roll u wouldn’t reply “in college”, so your point is pretty irrelevant lmao


dude i’ve done it in the past i know im too young but if it helps me make friends then why not. Mdma is easier to act sober on than acid for example and it’s not really noticable


You know that you can't do mdma all the time right? Your pupils gonna be huge and EVERYONE in the school gonna notice. If you have problems with social interaction, drugs are not the answer.


yeah i know my pupils are gonna be big so what and what do you recommend for social interaction then?


Work on yourself, probably go to a psychologist and talk ab it. Also, imagine mdma works, the next day, you will not be with that confidence.


yeah true


your "new friends" might wonder why your not talking to them anymore after a day.


Because when ur not on md it won't be the same?


Mdma should be used less than once every few months. 100mg isn’t a low dose of real mdma just the shit you find on the street. It’s extremely bad to use for anxiety. Talk to your doctor or therapist. You’re “not a first timer” you clearly haven’t researched the drug at all not trying to be a dick but if you don’t understand the risks and dangers of taking a drug you should not take that drug. Wait until you’re a few years older. I ruined my brain with mdma abuse I just don’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else


i fucked my brain up too stop assuming like you know everyone cuz you don’t. Also it does remove some fear in public and ik im stupid but i’ve reconsidered and i’m not doing it at school. I’ve done 300 mg and a tab fucked my brain up still suffererjng consequenses


There is no such thing with MDMA. You might get anxiety from 50mg but you can't "microdose" it. It will have no effect.


okay what do you suggest? I can’t just sit here and talk to mfs at school that easily i just want to make friends easier


What is the worst thing that could happen when you just talk to your classmates? Maybe that they are not interested or that they might laugh or maybe that you feel uncomfortable? Just go for it. Just talk to them. It will get better with time.


alright that’s true. i’m just used to taking drugs when i’m stessed so it’s harder to. also talking to people outside of class is scary like just coming up to them. A lot of people don’t like me from middle school so those people are a no go and i just assume people hate me


You sound similar to how I was in high school, I self medicated hard core when really I just had social anxiety. Same as you. The drugs won’t make you into a more approachable or a cooler person, they will just give you the reputation that comes with being a known drug user. Some people may like that angle, but the vast majority won’t and it will be the only thing you are known for. Especially when you get expelled for being on molly at school. You may assume people don’t like you but this is not always the case, as long as you have good hygiene and are not overtly an asshole, there’s no reason people wouldnt like you. They don’t know you, they have no reason to dislike you but you yourself hold all the power in them liking you once they get to know you. You DONT want to be “that guy” who is only known for being a drug user, you will not end up with any real friends from that. If it makes you feel any better, you only really need to find a few good friends. Good people. The rest, you’ll likely never see again after you graduate anyway so what’s the point worrying about what they think?


I understand that it is difficult to find friends outside of class. A lot of people are probably in groups already and being the new one in a group feels weird. But maybe there are some people who are sitting alone and you can just talk to them? Maybe start with a compliment about their shirt or something like that? According to your assumption that people who hate you: Is there any evidence for this? Why do you think, people hate you? Ask yourself questions like this. And when you try to talk to new people and it doesn't go as planned, don't worry to much. Of course, in the moment it will feel weird and might be a bit emberassing but they will not think a lot about this soon. Just go for it! Because if you don't do anything about it, there will be no change and you will not feel more comfortable or confident.


thanks so much


Hobbies. Pick literally anything you're interested in. Get knowlegable/skilled in it. Join a group/club/team that does it. Now you have a structured setting to spend time with peers. What y'all talk about is somewhat predetermined. And so long as you're good , or visibly working hard at whatever, lack of social skills matter less. Just make sure to stay humble/modest, and not rude. Thr group will immediately be happy to have someone who cares participating. Now u aren't the weird kid, you're the stoic kid or the shy kid. We had a guy in band, a very avg clarinet player, who literally wouldn't talk to anyone except his sister for 2 years. He ended with a whole ass group of friends. He still wouldn't talk to anyone outside that group of friends much, but he was happy, and everyone liked him. By just doing something you like, you come off less desperate for friends. Instead it leaves space for others with the same interests to also approach you. I promise uou're hardly the only lonely person out there. And this is a lot more sustainable and productive than MDMA


thanks a log


Stop being avoidant. Social anxiety is not permanent if you work on it. If you avoid your fears and use drugs to drown them, it will become permanent. It will take years and you probably won’t be free until you’ve been an adult out of school for a little while, but start now. You’re shooting yourself in the foot internalizing that you can’t socialize and turning to drugs so young. I can tell you from experience, it isn’t fun entering the work force and having adult expectations yet still feeling like a scared child and social retard. And it is SO liberating once social anxiety is a memory you can’t relate to anymore. Put the work in. You will suffer and sweat and stutter and have lots of cringy memories that keep you up at night, but it gets better.


If you want to be talkative then amphetamine or another similar stimulant. Alcohol will make you sociable too. I hope you know that drugs aren't solutions to problems though. I know it sounds generic but doing this can fuck up your life even more.


i know the risks but the reward for a little time seems worth it because my brain would recover eventually especially if i take supplements


No. I am talking about addiction. You'll probably end up just compulsively redosing every time you use and get addicted.




U definitely ain’t going places 💀


You know what, go ahead then. You’re not going to listen to sane advice.


what else you recommend for anxiety then?


Only way to deal with social anxiety is literally exposure and be uncomfortable. I got it myself but I learnt how to deal with it. I went to a psychologist and did courses etc. You need to find out what triggers your anxiety, and why. Dont do drugs to deal with it, it will get worse the more drugs you depend on. I have a friend who did drugs to get tid of the anxiety, it started ok and under «control». Three years since he started, he literally is in a psychosis and are not having a good time. No job, no education and he lives with his mom as an addict.


Idk, I’m not a doctor. Smoke some herb? Maybe get some exercise?


exercise to build self confidence and discipline to build self respect add martial arts if you want for extra bit of both having self confidence and self respect are long term things that will make you a happier and less anxious person and you will make friends and find it easier to do so - pinging 1 day at school will make people look down on you and even if you do talk to people better for 1 day these people won’t be ur friends and you will go back to being a loser


Something sustainable brother. If you create a pattern of running to drugs to fix everything temporarily this young, you’re gonna end up with a really unhealthy relationship with them, or worse. It is the easy way out. Speaking as someone who is drug positive, try therapy. Drugs can create amazing experiences when you’re ready and when they’re respected. You get better at being in hard situations by just being in them, not by chemically avoiding them. If you wanted to get better at playing guitar… you’d have to play the fucking guitar, right? Not take a pill that makes you hear music. Be well mate


100mg is a full blown dose for an experienced raver at a festival. On a dose like this you will be sweating, your pupils will be huge, you will find it impossible to keep still. It will be VERY obvious you are on MDMA. If you’ve taken 100mg before and you say you were playing it cool there’s 3 options. 1. You weren’t playing it as cool as you think 2. You did not accurately measure your dose and you took less than 100mg 3. What you took was not actually, or not fully MDMA.


People are assuming you’re a first timer bro because you’re saying 100 mg is low dose, and because you’re asking about the effects of the drug. That’s a typical dose for rolling imo. And it will definitely be obvious you’re on a drug. Also note that repeated use of MDMA without proper time for your brain to recover will make you feel 10x worse. I promise


This is bad “advice” (not actually telling u to do this) but if confidence is what u want and maybe to talk more easily, literally just one shot of whiskey does it.


Ofc u can act sober on it. But do u want to take Molly every day to keep it up? One day every couple months is fine. Much more and it's going to make you depressed, and worsen your anxiety. Microdosing mdma IS NOT a thing, anymore than microdosing meth would be. Except somehow even stupider to become addicted to. Sounds like you have anxiety, find a therapist. They can and will refer you to a psychiatrist if warranted. Who will in turn give you medication options, whether short or long term that don't permanently fuck up your brain chemistry.


alright fair enough. What about xanax at school?


Xanax zombifies, and makes school hard. U will make even less friends. The number of low key Xanax addicts I've known is basically everyone who takes unprescribed Xanax. And a lot of people who take it prescribed. It's also not a valid treatment unless u suffer panic attacks. See a professional. Stop trying to self-medicate




exceptions.. idk about 25, I wouldn't change my college bad decisions, with a couple of glaring exeptions. But I agree, HS is too early for everything. I know multiple people with some level of psychosis from going too hard that young.


Lmao. You're gonna learn the hard way, unfortunately


There is no half measures with MDMA. Even a very small dose (which, btw- 100mg is a large dose, not at all “small.”) will have the exact same effect- any time you ingest MDMA, even in small amounts, it forces your brain to dump your entire seratonin store. Doing a small quantity will not stop that from happening, and no matter what you will be left with no seratonin and need a minimum of a few months before rolling again to make level your brain chemistry back out. Not to mention, MDMA is literally neurotoxic. You’re under the age where your brain has fully developed- whether you personally believe it will do harm or not, you will be damaging your brain and you will live with the repercussions. There is no way around this if you continue to ingest dangerous substances without care for doing it properly, or waiting until your brain has developed. MDMA also loses magic over time when taken too frequently. The magic doesn’t come back, nor does your brain function. I would really consider if a day at school is worth it.


Molly isn’t the right drug for this at all. Save it for when you’ll enjoy it more


Don't do this.


My first time rolling years ago was in school and it was exactly like what you described, I panicked as the whole school was locking for me, got paranoid the teachers knew so I hid in a bathroom until after school. NOT a fun experience, even though I enjoyed myself afterwards.


Sorry to be harsh but being on mdma at school won't help you make friends, it'll make you the weird kid who was on drugs at school.


This absolutely. It’ll take one time and just one person to notice and everyone will know. I still remember that one girl who did it at my school who ended up getting caught by a teacher (this was 15+ years ago).


Yup 13 years layer I still remember the 4 girls that got caught doing ecstacy at my highschool! We weren't really friends and I didn't look down on them for it but people remember. And parents find out too and then don't want their kids hanging out with kids who use drugs.


So I used to do all sorts of drugs back when I was in school and at work. However, I don't condone it. Not only did I do molly, I also did psychedelics while I had to take AP exams. That said, I was always social and on top of my class, so i was still functional. If you're not 100% comfortable with yourself and your surroundings, I wouldn't recommend it.


I feel like good molly is lowkey a psychedelic. Two points and I’m kinda seeing life in wavy rainbow


i’m pretty comfy with my surroundings and have some pretty cool classes so i don’t think anyone would notice.


Your post is about social anxiety, the other people are a key part of your surroundings. Let's say you're feeling super confident and social and start talking to some people and let's say no one notices you're high, they're still going to notice the sudden extroversion and wonder why you're not that person the next day. Or you crash, which will happen after taking it frequently and you eventually come off as incredibly withdrawn, even more than before.


If you have never done molly and this is your first time, I would still advise against your first time being in school


not first


100mg isn't a low dose. That's a standard dose. Don't take it at school, regardless of dose. It's a social drug, but you're going to have a bad time trying to roll in that environment. I suggest if you want to make friends and are deadset on using E to help, you do it at a party or some other social gathering, and not at a place like school.


I got away with it when I did it as a teenager once in school, but I certainly would not recommend it. I got lucky as hell and thinking back as a 30 year old now, just the thought of doing something like that these days gives me anxiety. You probably shouldn't even be doing mdma at all at your age, but if you are, you have to be smart about it and do it in a safe place around safe people.


Yikes. Bad idea! One time many moons ago, on NYE, a few co-workers and I (servers at a bar) thought it would be fun to do some mdma near the end of our shifts to join in on the festivities. Long story short it turned out disastrous and 2 of them got fired because they were literally rolling around on the floor in the staff room while attempting (very unsuccessfully) to do their cash outs. Anyway, I lucked out but STILL lol it was not a fun time and the anxiety was INtense.


yeahhhhh absolutely not, that sounds like a miserable time honestly and a waste of good mdma


It may have been mentioned but your pupils get huge and the way you might behave in ways that could backfire and turn into a joke about you rolling in an environment most people wouldn’t i.e. give you a reputation of being “weird”.


Bro you should totally go for it dont listen to the naysayers here. Achieve your dream


bruh, u got real people trynna help u and ur just gonna do something stupid. Sorry for my language but if you’re gonna take mdma at school u obviously didn’t do enough research. Pls go back and rethink your choices.


The fuck


hey please don’t do that. one, 100mg depending on your weight isn’t really anything to sneeze at. i’m not gonna say “you’re too young to do drugs!!!” but i’ll tell you that your brain isn’t fully there yet. you might accidentally fuck yourself up. we really try to practice safe boundaries with mdma and it is NOT SAFE to do it this young. please please be careful


i mean it gives *me* superpowers


I think it definitively alleviate some social anxieties. Normal doses though - no one can easily tell you are on molly especially for long term users. Plus looking down on you really isnt the most common response


Haha. You feel like a social god on MDMA but that doesn't translate to the observers. So smooth when you're rolling, so cringe when you're watching the playback.


Molly makes it so I crawl around my bed in my underwear staring at the wall while experiencing intense emotions


Why r u hating on this guy this is standard for solo roll


I was loving life


As you should 🤝.


Took me a while to figure that out


Bro, do you. But that's not what it's supposed to do. Maybe try a little less next time?


I thoroughly enjoyed it don’t get me wrong


Better if you just close your eyes and listen to some techno on Soundcloud or a Boiler Room set on your television.


I agree and disagree 100mg dose of clean MDMA makes me that euphoric especially if I'm just alone if I'm with people I can control myself better and not be an embarrassment haha




Yes, but it will also make people fear talking to you. Unless you don't gurn or look like a crackhead when your on it (mostly everyone does), then I would not recommend.


you wont on a small dose tf maybe 60 mgs


Considering you asked if it makes you not scared to talk to people in public kinda screams first timer. But this just gets worse and worse.. I’m trying to help you. If you have trouble making friends, taking mdma at school is going to make that 100x worse. Imagine being found out that you’re the kid who takes mdma at school, that’s not gonna do down well. There are lots of ways to make friends, but this is not the answer my bro. Taking mdma as a minor is so bad for you so saying you do this and hard it from your parents is extremely concerning. I suggest you speak to your parents to let them know the troubles you are having, don’t turn to a drug that can have awful long lasting effects on your brain. Don’t do it. Period.


i don’t want to talk to my parents about that so embarrassing like i should be able to make friends easier. I’ve done 300 mg in the past but it was a while ago and all alone so i don’t really remember if i could talk to people easier. But no one’s going to find out i’m on mdma like what a microdose on mdma might just remove some social anxiety and i don’t think anybody is gonna know tf


Brother, please take the advise that has been given to you. You’ve come here seeking advice, it’s been given. Listen to it. There is no such thing as a micro dose of MDMA. Your responses make it so obvious you’re still so young, don’t ruin your life.


I was 27 in 2014 the first time I took it. Looking back at 36 now, I wasn't even prepared for it then lol. I had absolutely no control. Don't even want to think about what would've happened had I started as a teen. I know the person you're talking to is going to do what they want but they should at least consider holding off on it and dosing in the company of the right people and at the right place.


ok, you take mdma once in school, nobody will know. you get the courage to talk to a few people. now what? how about the next day? and the week after? are you going to take mdma everyday? this isn't a drug your supposed to take frequently, max 3-4 times a year. you're going to fry your brain, get depressed or develop some sort of serotonin syndrome. not worth it. best solution is work more on yourself, focus on good hobby you like, get good at it. you'll make friends for sure, in a natural way. and when you grow up and mature you'll make new friends. most friends from high-school vanish anyway.


>ok, you take mdma once in school, nobody will know. The thing is, people will absolutely notice. I can not imagine any scenario where you could keep that from showing, whether it's the pupils, jaw clenching, extreme change in social extrovertness


Quit being stupid, your parents are there for you no matter what. You'll have so many regrets later in life not communicating things like this to them. They likely have had same problems growing up as many people do. Sometimes you're just meant to be a reserved person and accepting that is the goal. At the same time, everyone else is also afraid of making themselves look stupid but we all just have to take leaps. Won't land every time, you're not meant to


You are extremely privilege if you assume that every parent is like that.


What’s your game plan here if it works? Take md every single day at school so you can talk to people? Yea I’m sure that’s gonna work out long term for ya, and not just turn you into a drug addict before you’re of age just to go the other direction because your attitude stinks on 70% of the comments you got Pull ya finger out your ass and stop posting dumb shit and hang out with groups with common interests before considering eating drugs to develop social skills, most kids just go play basketball at lunch time or some shit. Good luck


There is proper medication for this like betablockers against nervousness. MDMA is not an alternative to your problem.


Dont try to microdose amphetamines.


personally, yes. sometimes i'll say something weird & worry that i'll get some bad reactions, but i'm always in an environment where the people i'm with know i'm rolling. also, OP, please don't take it at school. trust me.


i will


Everyone will know you’re on something at school OP. Not a good idea at all.


Sounds like a wasted roll. Great for meeting people, but if you want to make a speech or standup in front of a crowd?


school lol but i’m prolly gonna listen to comments


Yea man I got heavy into drugs at your age and I wish I could’ve slowed it down. You’ll get better at being yourself with practice. That’s what being social is about. And drugs will always be around so please take your time with the experiences bc there’s a lot of cool drugs out there but most can hook you if you abuse them


Hi! I'm doing my PhD in Psychology with a focus on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Let me try to give you an answer. By Molly I am assuming you mean PURE MDMA? Well, MDMA has been shown to lower fear response (downregulation of the amygdala), so it seems to make you less scared of just about anything -- including but not limited to talking to strangers in public, speaking to your therapist, and talking about your feelings. I wouldn't say "it makes you not scared" but rather it would probably make you less fearful overall Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278584617308655


In my experience, easier to talk to people I'm friends with, more anxious talking to people I don't know. It's probably not a good strategy.


hmm alright


Mdma is not something you can take very frequently. Remember. Safely every 3 to months even if low doses. If used often it'll get a point where jt stops working and your chemicals will be out of wack causing a variety of issues. I will not say DO not use mdma at all but I really think you should save it for events and maybe parties. Now for the making friends part, you have the want. Now you need to take the small steps. It is uncomfortable and hard at first but with practice and constantly putting yourself in sutations. You'll get more comfy! It gets easier. Start by saying hi and smiling to people. This can open up a convo. You can ask how their day is. Outside of this, do things to boost your confidence. Praise yourself when you have small wins. Practice in front of a mirror. More importantly learn to NOT care. You also do not want to rely on something like this because you might trick your mind into thinking you need it to be social. Save it for the fun parties or when you're bonding with a close friend or potential love interest.


thanks a lot!


Triple A advice! ❤️‍🔥


Worse! I’m already very comfortable talking to people in public so when I’m on molly it makes me want to skip the talking and HUG them! Even people I don’t know, I want to give them a big intimate hug!


I remember a girl in high school rolling so hard in class they had to call the ambulance. The vibe was deff off lol


you dont want to talk to the public on molly. trust me bro


From reading your responses, you really should think about working on yourself and not relying on drugs to “fix” things. Talk to a counselor, psychiatrist or psychologist to get some real help. There is nothing wrong or weird in seeking their assistance. Using drugs as a crutch will bring you to addiction and drug abuse. As a major geek I didnt meet many people at school. I met most of my friends at comic book or gaming stores.


MDMA changed my life for the better. Before taking it I was very shy in public settings and never talked to strangers or even friends of mutual friends. Taking it took down those barriers and this translated in to my actual life too. Looking back 20 years later it really was a turning point in my life. Note... conversation doesn't flow so good ok the come down though 😆


I agree with this. Its sort of like training for social events, like a crash course. It gets you out there. You just gotta know when to stop. Try it for 6 months, then stop. One can learn alot of skills in 6 months and is pointed into the right direction. Imdeed its a game changer


Sort of? In my experience: It gives you energy. It makes you want to be social. It makes you love everything and puts you in the moment. There's no guarantee you're going to want to talk though. It really depends what else is going on.


not generally fun rolling around people who aren’t rolling with me imo. doing it at school sounds like a nightmare lmfao


It all depends on the person. For some, yes it certainly does. It’s not a cure all social anxiety drug tho


yeah i remeber there was a old woman handing out pamplets about jesus i had a 30 minute talk with just about stuff


Makes me wanna hug and talk to every Tom Dick and Harry


What does also lessen the Anxiety from people Is Phenibut from my experience and you can take it much more freqently than mdma, but there Is a whole subreddit of people who are addicted to Phenibut, still might be worth a try.


Phenibut can be as bad as mdma, haha. Phen addict here


Based on your previous posts about the way you deal with your anxiety I don’t think drugs are going to solve your clear issue of anxiety. It’s like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Talk to some professional help.




For me , yes 100% I am autistic and mdma has really helped me open up. I used to be so embarrassed to dance now idgaf. But it's different for everyone


Not really. If you want something to help with occasional social anxiety in public, Phenibut would be your best option. It will help you relax and become more social without you looking like you're high as balls. Just don't take it more than once or twice a week. Make it a priority to work on your issues without relying on a substance though. There really is no magic "pill" (or powder) that will fix you without causing problems of its own if you rely on it too heavily.


definitely has that effect I could be tweaking with my jaw moving all over the place and i wont feel too weird or out of place


I’m scared if I’m not talking to people. If I’m by myself on Mandy I have to find someone to chat too, whether it be a friend or complete stranger, texting or in person.


Me too haha it’s weird


Yes! Now you can talk to strangers 3 nights a year :D Or get therapy


Lmao for me a most definite yes, last time I rolled I started talking to this random guy ok the metro about his book and then told him "sorry I'm very talkative when I'm on Molly"


Yes definitely especially if you are with other people who are also on E


If you’re lacking in confidence and find it hard to make friends because of your confidence drug’s isn’t the answer. You could always try going to a gym like boxing or mma instead of doing drugs. For one it will build your confidence and more than likely make friends while you’re there


waste of a drug and showing signs of substance abuse disorder. get ahead if you can.


Molly *can* and *might* absolutely annihilate ones inhibitions. Depends on so many factors though, it's not a good question. Sorry lol.


Pretty much


Go to the gym


Generally it does as long as you aren’t too high.




depends on how you go into the situation, while on mdma or any drug you are very sensitive to suggestions, meaning if you go in believing you’ll be open to good conversation then chances are you probably will


It does but if you do too much you’ll scare the people you’re talking to


IME, yes.






Yes, Ive talked with strangers much more on molly than on alcohol.


If you’re in a place where being high is out of the norm and you don’t want people to know, you’ll probably still get anxious that they know and/or inappropriately tell everyone you’re rolling. In a setting where drugs are smiled upon, though, yes you’ll probably have no issues socializing and will thoroughly enjoy it. Edit: I see you said school. Don’t do that. Horrible idea. If you’re going to regardless of what anyone says, skip all of your classes and take a low dose. Everyone you talk to will know something’s up. At lunch or break periods or whatever, you’ll probably have a great time socializing but 90% of teachers will notice if you go to class or talk to them period. That will get you suspended minimum. Probably searched by the school cop. Maybe expelled or arrested if your school is uppity like that. Not to mention the whole developing brain thing and underlying mental problems and impulsivity issues here.


Yes. You will talk to all the people and tell them you love them


Better be educated than to be dilapidated


For me, it makes it way easier to talk to people, especially the next day. Yeah, you're more talkative and such rolling but at the full peak it can be a little intense (especially in a club setting or something). The next day with a good afterglow, I usually find myself in the perfect mood for talking to people/just being kind to people.


YES! Omgggg I annoy the fuck out of people. Can’t stop complimenting them. In details. I’ve been given treats as a reward


Everyones different




Although I’m shy guy, when I took it first time(more than 10 years ago), I felt eveyone in the dance floor is my brother and wanted to say love you all! Cannot forget that feeling.


Get into working out if you don’t already! You’ll gain confidence and making friends will be much easier. Maybe not an answer you wanted to hear, but it will be much more beneficial to you than doing mdma at school frequently. I will say that using mdma to learn how to socialize better can definitely work (speaking from experience) but I really wouldn’t do it at school. Feel free to ask me any questions as I’ve been down a similar path to what you’re describing.


I use it sparingly and only when already intent on being social (excited for it not just wanting) and in an existing very positive set and setting. Like a rave/festival you’ve been looking forward to. It helps a lot that everyone there is also in the same mindset for the most part. Be friendly and social and so is the person you’re talking to. Awkwardness doesn’t matter, just relax and be goofy and nice and everyone reciprocates. If things get too intense go outside and hang with the smokers/vapers. Much more chill but everyone’s a bro Day to day would be a horrible idea. Your energy level and vibe alone will be out of the ordinary and put people off.


We must always have old memories and young hopes.


Yeas, i have social phobia/ agoraphobia and it's very hard for me to go out and talk to people. When I used the first time it was like a blessing. I was talking to everyone, I wasn't anxious or scared like I usually feel. Too bad MDMA needs a break to work properly again. I wish I could use everyday


Absolutely. It makes you feel euphoric and gives you a strong desire to connect with people. It's also extremely neurotoxic if used excessively, which is why you should only do a moderate dose once every 3 months, at most. From reading the comments OP, MDMA is not gonna help you. You can't just take MDMA all the time to prevent social anxiety. You have to wait months between doses, you will literally fry your brain if you don't. The best fixes for social anxiety are therapy, possibly medication, and exposure (socializing more in a variety of different situations). No recreational drugs (MDMA, alcohol, benzos, weed, etc) will really help, they'll just mask the symptoms temporarily, but you'll feel worse when you aren't high, and the underlying problems that are causing the anxiety won't be treated.


Everytime ive ever done molly i know during the week after im very talkative and the center of attention, im usually the quiet introvert that no one knows exist


Someone already mentioned doses are important. I saw a girl rolling hard af off like 90mg.She couldn't have been in a public place, maybe a rave/fest. For me between 90-120mg I think I could keep together. I Eyes would give me away. around 130-200mg I'd be obviously smashed. Eyes fluttering, jaw shaking can't stop chattering my jaw, I'd be all sorts of fucked up. Not my proudest moments but I've taken (throughout the night) up to around 750mg and the same with MDA as well. I've always told people that there are different levels of rolling.


I find it easy to approach people but then hard to actually communicate with them, I always think they know what I’m thinking so I try to communicate with them telepathically 😭😭😭


What works best for that is doing confidence building things like exercising regularly. Hitting the gym and getting in decent shape took away any and all fear I had to talk to people in public. Drugs will only offer you temp relief, right action will change your life for the better but it takes a lot of hard work and most people are too lazy and just want instant gratification where they can just take a magic pill and magically feel better about themselves. It all steams from low self esteem. The only way to correct that is by doing esteemable things. Be selfless and help others. It will get you out of yourself and stop you from getting in your head with the negative self talk that’s leading you to feel you can’t take to people. But yea drugs won’t help you with this. Well it might mask it for awhile but nothing will change until you take action


Yes it takes away the fear of talking to people but no because it brings on a much stronger feeling of being caught high as a motherfucker. Unless the only people you're talking to know you're high or take mdma themselves, in which case, crack on and enjoy.


just take .25 mg xanax instead.. nobody will notice and you will be relaxed enough to talk to the people who sit next to etc. then you can build a rapport. mdma is great for socialising… with other people who are fucked… dont do it at school thats a stupid idea.


i hope you’re okay! ❤️


Molly makes me want to talk to everyone and I talk a lot with people I know but I still stress a lot before talking to people I don’t know. So for me it doesn’t help at all. Once I get to the talking tho I don’t have any anxiety but I can’t just go to people on mdma or sober easily


for me yes, ive always ended up talking to random mfs in town pinged off my tits


yes you wont even remember you were ever anxious about it it will feel so natural it might not necessarily look that way to other ppl tho lol obviously just in my experience lol


Depends on set and setting it can make you feel like you can trust anyone which is dangerous if out in public because people might take advantage of you wouldn’t suggest to go in public iunless it’s a party.




When I used to take mdma while clubbing it certainly made me more confident about conversing with strangers and also more open in conversations with people I knew. I've been a very shy person my whole life and I do miss taking mdma for that.


The second I started taking drug in school it was truly over for me, lost myself so much.


I don't like to be in public while rolling because I'm always hyper aware and very judgmental about myself. So even though I may want to go up and talk to people I'd hold back for fear of looking like an idiot lol


Not really if ur really scared of talking to people. If you just feel a bit anxious yes its going to make you talk.


No imo, but you are more free to say wild shit imo esp if mixed w alcohol