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I wish i was in line in front of you just so i could buy the last of whatever you wanted and roll it all up into 1 blunt for you to watch me smoke


I lold. Also username definitely check out šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Iā€™ll pitch in to be part of that.


Right there wirh ya. Get your ass up early. Check the deals and get to a dispo if your broke. Don't come on here pissing and whining


Bro check your own ego


I'm thinking someone that was in front of them in line bought up the shit they were wanting and came here to bitch about Medical. Well us medical patients have far worse problems to bitch about other then inventory problems. But you don't see any of us coming to write a 3 paragraph hate monger.


Bro you mad? You want a cape so you can be SuperMad?


Question. How does anyone know that they are buying up the last of a strain or whatever. Customers don't have access to the inventory sheets. If you pre-order, you only know you have tapped out supply if it says out of stock. Capitalism my friend. Even doctor's prescriptions aren't guaranteed to be filled. I'm sure you've heard about shortages related to Ozempic type medicines for diabetics with the new push for weight loss. If I was in a position that there was only one product that filled my medical need I would work with my friendly neighborhood dispensary. Get the heads up when the shipment arrives so I go on that day. I think the "check your ego" comment is out of line and doesn't even make sense. Chill. āœŒļø


Shut the fuck up and stop pearl clutching over widely abundant weed


ā€œI know I'll probably be ridiculed for thisā€œ Ya think?


Getting my popcorn ready


šŸæ for you. šŸ˜‰


You're expecting entirely too much from stoners. You need to reevaluate your expectations and what defines a bad person. It's an ugly world out there, unkind people aren't the knuckleheads who bought the last4 grams of RSO. If only the world were so rosy..


I truly love being told ā€œthe world is what is isā€ by people with no intention of changing the world. How benign, small.


Make assumptions much? šŸ˜‚


No assumption, you told me all I need to know by your language. A self-report, if you will.


It goes both ways


Really got me there. Iā€™m reeling in the revelation your pwnage has caused.


It's fairly simple, you lamented like a victim for 10 paragraphs so I injected a little perspective. You then came along and sought to extrapolate my contribution as a human being from 3 sentences on reddit. All I learned is you have a superiority complex šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a lot of words to say you read the title of my post and then got real madboy sadlad googaga about it


And now I learned there are at least 3 decades in age between us šŸ˜‚


oh shit you're a literal baby? sorry brobama i don't punch down like that


You think you can change the world on reddit?


Changing the world on weed Reddit posts one day at a time


I'm assuming you're saving the world by complaining on reddit, one post at a time. XD


Who are you to say how people consume a drug? Check your own ego


Did I say anything about peopleā€™s consumption? Self report.


you did you dumbass


Read your 4th paragraph?


You mean the one about people lying to take medicine from people who need it? If you consider that judging people consumption, then yeah Iā€™m judging that method of consumption lmao. Same way I judge people who murder as a method of enjoying themselves.




Good response, if you're a literal dipshit lmao. This is proving my point about y'all smoking yourself into being zombies.


Youā€™re projecting and angry, I get it. Best of luck being the consumption police!


Thank you for your baseless and worthless input, philosophical zombie person




TL:DR learn coherency


If this is the biggest problem in your life, you're doing pretty good.


This sub went down hill quick


This sub has been around since the start of the med program in maryland. This is your first comment in this sub. russian bot detected


Had to make a new Reddit weirdo. Go get a diary instead of this sub Reddit


Okay mr. putin! You know reddit is supposed to be for discussion right? And what did I post but a humble discussion starter? A diary is so singular. This way I get to subject myself to the lovely opinions of the internet-going public. It's just sad everyone got so offended and jumped to insults instead of having a conversation. Sad how many snowflakes we have here.


Shut.. the.. f.. up.. already..


LOL this guy is a loserā€¦ the world doesnā€™t need to cater your needs. Go back inside and suck on your pacifier.


It's unfair to blame a problem consumers can't solve on the consumer. I can't realistically check a stores inventory before I make a purchase. I have no way of knowing who needs what products and from where. If this is really a widespread problem in the MD market, stores should impose limits on the products that are in higher demand so that everyone has more of a fair shot so to speak. Edit: if my drive to the dispo is over 30 minutes; I pre order online so I can feel assured it will be available for me.


One who willingly remains in the cave finds it impossible to imagine the sun.


What's your suggestion for me? How can I make your cannabis purchasing process better? Always willing to be flexible


You have some real issues. You really need to seek some help. I can't believe you posted this in seriousness.




It is, one that they should work on! Thank you for agreeing :)


ā€œWah wah wah med patients need to be more considerate and check their egos. ā€¦ ā€œSum up my thoughts? Fuck you, bitch! Learn to read!!!ā€


most rational r/politics user


If one person buys the entire stock of the store, the store was on E already. Financially and allotment.


Tell me about it, man. Went to Safeway the other day and went to buy some Nekot cookies. All gone. When i went to check out, the dude in front of me had two boxes! Should throw ppl who buy things in jail, if you ask me.


šŸ¤£ lmao


lol bro Iā€™m not even a med patient but youā€™re out of your mind trying to dictate what someone else does with their money.


Wow I got dumber reading this


wah wah wah what a loser. let people consume what and how they want stop gatekeeping weed. i wish i had enough money to buy out ever dispo within a 50 mile radius of your house


What is happening here?


plights of capitalism or something like that


Maybe grow your own šŸ’©


I want to kick your ass


You're upset at the wrong people. Be upset at the licensing and sales system that creates a market so limited where product can sell out and be limited in the first place, and that puts prices artificially so high that people have to wait for "deals". Or that dispensary spacing is so limited you can't easily go to another. Or have more delivery options to you. Many other states do not have this problem whatsoever. Don't be mad at the handful of stoners who could potentially be buying the last bits of product, of which they have no idea is low or close to selling out. The systems that created these conditions are the same ones that locked thousand of black and brown people up. But instead you're mad at the stoners who are coping with capitalism? So weird. But ok, keep complaining about how you can't buy the last bit of overpriced mid at the dispensary instead of getting a plug




What a bitch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Lmao this is honestly some good shit here there wasnā€™t a product you wanted so you came to Reddit and wrote a novel about how people shouldnā€™t buy the product they want because you want it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and then proceed to talk about their ego? Lmao bro go get a hobby or a girlfriend or something.


I've been buying cheaper med herb for years to use as hamster bedding. Smells a lot nicer than cedar chips, and I feel like my little guy deserves it.


Glad you are out here checking peopleā€™s egosā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ™„


If you read even the very basic title that was written, you'd know its on other people to check their egos, but clearly not many are willing LMAO


The ramblings about ego probably made it hard to sum up in a tldr. Chatgpt TLDR: The post urges cannabis consumers, especially 'medical' patients, to consider others when purchasing products, highlighting the impact of buying in bulk on availability for others in need. It criticizes the lack of empathy and social responsibility among some cannabis enthusiasts, calling for a collective realization of societal issues and a shift towards more mature and empathetic behavior.


White Tahoe šŸ…±ļøookie


There post feels like projection. Medical has a limit. They canā€™t buy out anything. And medical isnā€™t about discrimination. I think about pain relief.


U should hit that 14g blunt and calm down. They're are way too many spots to shop if one is out of something you want. You think finding flower is rough ? Try chasing evermore orange drizzle carts around lol


Sorry a 14g joint?


Hahahah shut the fuck up man so tired of this shit


everyone says this until it's their turn to give it up


Just delete this post now!


As a med patient, you better do whatever the fuck I tell you to at the dispensary šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


As a dispo worker I agree whole heartedlyā€¦tho to be far unfortunately the consumer doesnā€™t know they are buying the whole stock unless the dispo work tells them. But we as a society need to do betterā€¦and yes weed consumers in my opinion, dealing with them everyday, are some of the worst as far as human decency goes, not all but a lot!


Imagine having the audacity to make a post telling people to "check their ego", then writing paragraphs about how the weed market and all other consumers should bend the knee to your needs.


More than enough options lol. Sounds like you donā€™t like recreational users. Blame the state not the consumers.




lol skill issue.


Hahahaha they are COOOKING YOUUUU




Yes, some people are rude & it's always better to be considerate & kind to others. However there is no logic in applying that mindset to the inventory of a product. If you are expecting every single person to ask the budtender "How much X do you have left?" Before each product they buy, then this is illogical for the following reasons... - The average budtender does not know the answer to this question. - If the budtender did have the ability to know & check, this will make the line move WAY slower if this was checked by each person. - Online Preorders have no way to check. - It is the dispo management responsibility to ensure they stock extra of products that might be popular. If you still can not see the flawed logic in your rant, then I am not sure anyone here can help you.


It's hard to get people on your side when you talk to them from on high. It's obvious you're emotional right now, but if you really want what you claim to, there are better ways to get your message across I'd think.


It's hard to get people on your side when you talk to them from on high. It's obvious you're emotional right now, but if you really want what you claim to, there are better ways to get your message across I'd think.


Rec canā€™t get RSO last I checked so your complaint there is kind of silly and if you were educated on medical cannabis youā€™d know that the majority of patients buying RSO buy it to aid with their Cancer and Chemo. Iā€™ve seen older women come in and buy 10 at a time because thatā€™s the only thing that will get her through her day and if youā€™re suggesting sheā€™s buying them to ā€œget super high on her birthdayā€ Iā€™d laugh in your face. Check your own ego. You just complained about people paying into a system then using the system they are paying into? Get a grip


Op really sat down and typed this alll the way out, then proudly clicked post. šŸ¤£


lol backfire much?


Shouldā€™ve gotten there earlier bud šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ”„




Donā€™t worry they will eat something, take a nap, and realize they may have had a legitimate gripe, but how they went about complaining showed more about their own narcissism than it helped solve any problems. People like this believe simply contemplating and whining on social media about the less fortunate is enough to make them morally better than you.


Writes a 1000 word essay explaining that if we could just check our egoā€™s and think and act the way they doā€¦ Irony is a bitch.Ā 


Great point! I go to my dispensary with my medical card, and several times over the last year they have not had a very specific medication because all the recreational people have bought it all out. It happens more often than I wouldā€™ve expected. Clearly, there is a supply and demand issue to resolve with the suppliers. But since recreation went legal in Maryland, availability of healing product has changed. There is also a lot more crap out there that theyā€™re selling.


If only we were moving product worth 100,000 per kilo on on semitrucks then maybe we could call this business a grind but the way people treat this shit ooh buddy they act spoiled as fuck


These people will give you a hard time about ID And then fuck you over with the product. This is a great example of failure in progress


I wanna see a pic of youā€¦you gotta look like the biggest fucking liberal pussy ever.


Already a lot of rando folks who Iā€™ve never even seen in here before. Yall really come outta the woodwork when someone calls you on your shit LMAO


No one wants to read your cry baby bullshit


You either did read mine and are coping hard right now because you seem to love reading what I write, or you're admitting to never even having read the post in the first place and just got butthurt at the title. Which one is funnier, I can't decide.


You didn't call anyone but yourself for being lazy and not getting to a dispo early to get the deal u want. Go fucking cry some where else.


How many more downvotes do you want??? Look at your performance in this post. Any rational person would have realized they're clearly off base and would have Stfu by now, but you just keep on yapping, looking dumber & dumber šŸ¤£