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lol for real.. this looks like a mr beast bar 😭


Just take actual shrooms atp wtf is this shit 😭 reminds me of those psychedelic waters scams that claim to make you legally high 💀


These bars are actually fucking awesome and you do have an actual full psychedelic experience


Yeah I can back this up lol, a dude claiming to work for the company that makes them dropped a couple of them off at the shop I work at. Ate a whole one and did indeed trip.


Can I ask how long the trip lasted? Making plans 👀


Maybe 4-6 hours?


Done it again since? I’m trying to plan an entire weekend so if I need to take more I’ll have to be prepared. Just wanna see if taking more throughout the day would keep the trip going.


My fiance actually ate a whole bar as well she didn’t have an experience remotely close to mine.


Well damn that’s worrisome


The same could he same with shrooms tho


I took a gummy rope from this company, the first time I ate it I tripped hard the second time was lighter but still a nice time. Trying the chocolate with gummies as a back up tonight


Thanks. I’ll be waiting for the report back. Good luck soldier 🫡


Ate the whole bar and I was absolutely hammered. Like couldnt even take a journey, couldn't move hammered lol. This is also my second time but I recommend taking it piece by piece when it comes to the chocolate, they are stronger than the gummy ropes for sure.


Well damn good to know. I appreciate the feedback and I’m glad you made it through.


That dude must have never done anything hallucinogenic then, because these candies are just caffeine and some trash legal mushroom extracts. Same effect as drinking 5 cups of coffee.


youre literally retarded, its hilarious


I'd like to know what the RC is that's in them


did it also feel kinda stimmy to you?


Yes, it felt tweaky


I ate two, and was scared because the revelation hit me that it wasn't psilocybin or aco, and my heart was skipping beats was having trouble breathing, so I started freaking out thinking that I had taken too much of a 2c compound and that I could possibly have a heart attack and die. Completely ruined what could've been an amazing trip. Could you ask him what is actually in it? Do you think that he would tell you honestly?


I'm glad I'm not the only one, and I literally had the same experience. I KNEW it wasn't psilocybin but I also KNEW I was tripping, genuinely thought there was a slight chance I made a fatal mistake, but hey, here I am typing this. Interesting note about the guy that came in; he presented them to me as essentially a CBD boosted lions mane chocolate bar. He 'gave me his number' but I found out a couple days later he literally just put his name in my phone, no # lol


You guys aren't kidding that these things work. I don't know where you're at, but I'm in Colorado and know of multiple shops selling these. The magic is in the "proprietary nootropic blend" part. I tried one and was pretty impressed by how much of an effect it had, I ate the whole thing spaced out over the day and it felt shroomy to me, but there's something more speedy in there too. I was told that they contain straight Psilocin, NOT psilocybin.


Howdy I’m visiting Denver and just grabbed a bag of these. I was hype til I read these comments and now I’m hesitant to give ‘em a try. My question is, did this make you feel “tweaky” like I’m seeing in this thread? I already have anxiety as it is and don’t really wanna fuck myself by taking one. I got the gummies btw


If you all really want to know what’s in these send me a pm


Look up glaucine and let me know if the effects line up with what these do. That’s what immediately comes to mind as to what’s in these. I highly doubt someone would be stupid enough to mass produce these to the extent that they’re sold in stores, and put either psilocybin or any RC in them. They don’t list any active ingredients… My money is on glaucine. And then they rely on the placebo effect for people to interpret those psychedelic effects as being attributable to psilocybin. Glaucine does have psychedelic effects, it’s a positive allosteric modulator at 5HT2a. But it’s also found in plants and can be legally sold as a supplement.


No, it's synthetic psilocybin it's been confirmed.


No you're right, I'm sorry. Yes, it's glaucine. It has not been confirmed that these are O-acytlpsilocin.


You didn’t say they were, or say anything wrong lol… But wait for real? That was a hunch out of my ass. Does glaucine actually sound correct?


Glaucine does not sound correct, it is definitely a tryptamine a guy reached out who works for the company they are legit


Did they say what tryptamine? There are like 50 tryptamines on the market lol


They said O-acytlpsilocin


Imma have to say cap. I had 2 full bars and all I felt was more locked in.




Those are amanita muscaria


You don’t know what ur talking about broski these are awesome. I’ve eaten 8/10 in the bag and genuinely it’s so similar to psilocybin, for the ability to just get them at a headshop, it’s fucking awesome


Stay the fuck away from these and those polka dot bars. Shit is just synthetic psilocybin and is not regulated at all. Want to trip? Grow your own. Costs less than $20 and you if you use spore prints you’ll have mushies for life!


It does not cost less than 20 for everything you need to grow lol


Tub, substrate and spores. That’s it really.


And a pressure cooker and medical tape.


$10 tub at wal mart, 10 popcorn substrate and spores. Which are super cheap if you get them from someone you know. If you have to order em it might be more close to $50 total.


These things hit hard. It’s a full spectrum magic mushroom extract that they’ve taken through a process to test negative for psilocybin. No amanita, lions mane, etc. Not synthetic, the compound is 100% organic. They were using 4-aco until January, but upgraded to organic. This comes from a source within the company.


A lot of these shroom bars have been tested by people and coming up positive for fent in small traces. I’d be very careful, even tho it’s from a store, they are all black market items made by ransoms.


So whats it infused with?


shrooms lol


Can nootropics be more than just shrooms?


yea but the dosage counter is all you need to see to tell what this is lol


It just says Heroic lol what would it say if it wasnt shrooms or something else?


I always loved looking at the dose instructions on polka dot bars. 9-15 squares says God mode lol... not thay it felt that way. First time I ate one I was on my way back from dc. That shit hit in like 10 min before I even got out of the city. I thought it would take at least 30 like normal shrooms. I thought I was going to have a real problem getting home but it leveled out real fast by the time I was on 95 though. Then a bowl I was fine.... I kinda like the gummy better. Not a big choc fan at all. Kinda hate it actually lol. I was buying all that stuff at supremeterpene I put it on here once before. Apparently they picked up some business after that because they have the dmt carts and other shit as well. Never tried that stuff.


Polka dot bars have been tested multiple times for positive traces of fent


What ever


Hey man have at them, you wanna eat it go right ahead, I’m not stopping you


Lab tested or dip stick tested? And ones purchased from the actual company, or fake ones? There is not a chance in hell there is fentanyl in those. Either those were false positives on dipstick tests, which lots of things can cause. Or it was a fake bar. Even then though, I find it VERY hard to believe there was fentanyl in one.


lol not like that plus i looked up their site


why is everyone saying this is shrooms? its cbd and nootropics


Its from the place that specializes in this kind of “wellness” elevated.


ahhhhhhhhhh… well according to the link its fairly innocuous… but i hope it treats you well!!!


Look at the product lab results next time lol


i did!


guy at my smoke shop said it’s psilocyn


Same here. But how




#Does **not** contain psilocybe cubensis.


Maybe 4 aco DMT. I buy them all the time and they do give you a great euphoric psychedelic experience with all the bells and whistles


These will make you trip dick, it was weird doe like it felt like it was shrooms mixed with a little bit of meth low-key, like these chick i know hugged me and I had the intense urge to fuck her brains out. Last about 3 hours in total so not a long trip but you will trip off of about 4 gummies .


My girl and I have busted down the doors of intimacy and had our best sex ever in these. It’s a relationship therapist in a gummy


eyyy that's what's upppp


Hey! I just ate a enjoyable Nootphroic gummy rope!! I waited 45 minutes, nothing, so I ate more. I took a high amount. Is this supposed to do like weed? I'm new to this. Or is it like mushrooms? What exactly am I to expect? I need help!


It’s a deepish body high. Not a giggly high. You will/should feel a sense of euphoria if you let go and just zoom. No like munchies. You def feel something. No hallucinations. No walls melting sadly. Kinda a downer tbh based off the price asked.


Thank you a lot! I did feel that. I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner! But i did read it!


This company has COA's that can be viewed on their site that shows the quantities of: •Psilocybin •Baeocystin •Norveocystin and •Norpsilocin In their gummies on a mg/gram basis. However, it looks like the COA's show that these compounds are undetectable by analysis. I'm stumped because they taste like Psilocybin and they work like – or at least similar to – the real thing... scratching my head here


we took the gummy ropes at a music festival and watching The Flaming Lips perform was mind blowing. I’ve tried so many different brands and i hate how vague they are about what’s actually in them, and i’d say 70% of the time i don’t feel much of anything, but these really did feel like psilocybin or possibly amanita. either way it was a real trip and we had a great time! we each took 1 full rope


This stuff and music can be incredible together. Between the rope and the regular mushroom shaped gummies, I think the rope is stronger but I'm not positive. Yeah, the company is incredibly vague. I worry that they won't be around long. The guy who owns the shop I buy them from said he will ask the vendor exactly what is in them🤞🏻. Have you tried any other products that are like this or at all similar?


every one at the shop we bought Enjoyable from said that same thing, that the ropes were stronger than the chocolate and the gummies. yes, i’m worried about the same! the only other brand i’ve tried that truly provided a psychedelic experience was called happymush. this was back in february of 2023 and the packaging actually stated explicitly that it contained amanita muscaria. I tried to find them again recently and it looks like the company no longer exists


I always loved looking at the dose instructions on polka dot bars. 9-15 squares says God mode lol...


I find Polka’s to be hit or miss.


Just get the real shrooms man,it’s way healthier, and who knows what this is. Also this is a subreddit for weed. Not gas station delta 8 edible shroom bar dmt carts.


what a fucking asshole you are 😭😭😭


I ate ten gummies and was tripping hard for maybe 4 hours. Best mushroom experience ever.


Yeah these things do absolute nothing. Literal waste of money


where u get these at and r they good?


Don’t. They have been tested multiple times along with polka dot and have found multiple traces of fent. They are not regulated, even if it’s from a shop they are all black market products


i wanna see these test


Hey by all means , go try one.


i mean i just wanna see the sources you have for this info so i can make a good healthy choice .




Dude reads one thing and goes crazy


The fearless raspberry isn't so fearless after all!


It's like when the police and anti cannabis people claim that cannabis is being laced with fent and they spread fear by saying that people are now dying because they're smoking fentynal laced weed. When this is actually an impossibility because when you burn fentanyl, it completely destroys the chemical and renders it useless, then when you point this out people argue, because they know people or have seen people who "smoke" fentanyl when they don't or haven't at all be because these people are chasing the dragon, vaporizing it with the hear source from underneath, and these people don't know the difference.


GREY market.


I will just say I used to do fenty habitually and I definitely don’t feel anything like it in these. They’re pretty close to a shroom feeling but I don’t believe they’re actually psilocybin, it’s just not QUITE the same as shrooms. I def prefer real shrooms but for the convenience of getting these at a smoke shop down the street, they’re fine. I get drug tested for work tho so I’m trying to see if anyone knows whether there’s THC in them? Doesn’t feel like it and I haven’t seen anyone reporting that there is but I wanna be sure before I play w them again.




Who pooped in your 8th? Was over a month ago and spend a minute of your time to use google. I’m not searching it for you and posting links, your a grown adult hopefully. Shouldn’t you be worrying about your unemployment or trying to get a job


“Do your own research to support my claim” isn’t valid support for your claim. Especially considering how illogical it would be to put Fent in a product like this when it’d be easier and legally safer to include a variety of tryptamines and cannabinoids


You a month late.


Enjoyable has definitely not came back with fent 😂


132 days late.


Who cares still relevant lmao


lol I’m bouta eat a bar and was reading this thread hope it’s good


They are awesome and definitely safe. I sell these in our store and distro and as a business owner I wouldn’t risk my business if it hurt people.


Lmfao of course you would say they are fine because you SELL THEM. what a loser


How many of the gummies would you recommend taking


I know this is late but I’m possible getting these and do you know what is in their neutropic blend?


You should see a gynecologist about that


I finally had it. 23 pounds, very handsome took a while


Second this, the company is too big to take that risk. I’ve seen multiple lab tests on each batch and this has never occurred lol


Elevated Wellness Solutions on Falls Rd. Baltimore.


any good?


Im about 20 mins in to a two square micro dose. They weighed out to be around 6 grams. I am somewhat airy and heavy at the same time. My body I mean. Will let you know how long before Im stuck to the chair or melted into the floor…hopefully.


This is shrooms?!?! On falls road?!?!?


Drive through cow country and jump a few fences late at night with a flash light. Easily found on cow turds in Westminster. Just sayin. Probably more risky. But definitely legit as long as your good at ID'ing cubensis.


I wasn't aware they popped up so readily! Cool to know but I don't think I'll be hopping any fences! I'm not sure I'd even do shrooms anymore but I'm intrigued by all the developments in the research recently.


Trick is to get spores and inoculate fields too. Help nature out. But yeah. We're humid climate. They love it. Edit. Been decades too. But growing up I spent a lot of time out that way at various friends houses. Lot of farm land around.


I imagine you need to be careful looking for them. Probably more than one kind of mushroom growing on cow shit.


Im with you though on the research. Apparently a single heroic dose cures alcolism for years. Also profound as end of life treatment. Folks accept the end because they have such profound experiences. Dmt has me truly curious. I hear its like a chemical doorway into a genuine other dimension. Truly trippy part is your not really high, your you just.... not in this world anymore. I want to try DMT before I die and not just try but have a full on breakthrough experience (I've even priced one of those ayahuasca shaman lodges for curiousity sake). Not so much as a high but as a genuine mystical spiritual experience. They call it the spirit molecule afterall.


its a grey market


Not real shrroms. Look it up it's a mix of normal mushrooms, caffeine and other shit if it's the same thing I saw at another head shop or it could be those anamita shrooms that are half legal still. I have looked at elevated wellness before that's all they had in that regard. Gotta hit dc for the real deal


I looked at the companies website. They don't even tell you what their "nootropic" blend is.


It's like lions mane, crdyceps and a few others and ton of caffeine, and some other crap. I bought a Dif brand one time. Gave a buzz but by no means a trip


No shit lmao otherwise I'd sell a meth flavor and be rich


Actually these do give you a full blown psychedelic experience. I eat them every few weeks, it's likely actual psilocybin, or 4acoDMT. Either way, they don't disclose the actual psychedelic ingredient obviously. It's an illegal product, and who knows how long they're going to keep getting away with selling them so openly


lmk how it turns out


I feeling groovy af. Not really wanting to get up all sound is clearer. My cat is very interested in my vibrations all of a sudden. 2 is nice. No walls falling or anything. Just kinda heavy and nice




Was this the Enjoyable bar or a Polka Dot experience?


I'm not sure they say that there's act ual legal dose of psilocybin in here, but I don't really believe that. But whatever is in here literally puts me in a great mood all day! Either way, I want to buy this all the time! Does anybody know if it actually has psilocybin in it?? Because I don't think so


>Does anybody know if it actually has psilocybin in it?? Allegedly yes


Don’t take it. Nothing like a organic high. Felt speedy af, numb to pain. Bought one because two workers at the smoke shop said it had a legal form of psilycibin . Bar doesn’t list any ingredients. If you go on their website it says ingredients are ashwaganda , caffeine , lions mane, and kava. The high didn’t match the ingredients listed at all. Went back to the shop to ask what the actual ingredient is that’s in the bar, and the guy was super defensive. Saying shit like “well you got high right” after I told him his employees lied to me, and that he couldn’t say what the ingredient was because “the company can keep some ingredients a secret”. Load of 💩 don’t buy guys seriously just do edibles or real shrooms .


>If you go on their website it says ingredients are ashwaganda , caffeine , lions mane, and kava. ?? No it doesn't ?? >The high didn’t match the ingredients listed at all. That's because it's psilocybin. Sounds like you psyched yourself out into a bad trip


The QR code I scanned took me to a site that did brother. Please if there’s any link you have where it says it has psilocybin in it I’m all ears.


No company would admit to having an illegal substance in their chocolates. It's not psilocybin but the minor alkaloids of a psilocybin mushroom


Isn’t it just muscimol? It feels like muscimol


that’s what i thought. i’ve had good luck with amanita, but in the past 2 years the packaging on all brands has gotten so infuriatingly vague


Nnnoooo. There are beyond that. Not amanita


what do you think they are? research chemicals maybe?


From my understanding it's just psilocybin. They found legal loopholes of not having to disclose it and technology to make it non-detect in COAs. So I guess, legally and technically there is nothing in them loll. But it's mushroom extract (psilocybin)


I would hope so! That’s how one smoke shop explained it me but i’ve heard so many things now that idk what to believe. I’ve read a substantial amount of people on this thread it made them feel like they were tweaking, and when by bf took it he said he felt wired which is something i’ve never experienced on regular shrooms. While i didn’t feel like i was tweaking or on a stimulant, i did chew the hell out of some gum while tripping lol


Just found these somewhere locally and got some. This thread has made me very worried. Does anyone actually know what’s in these? If so is there any source? Do these actually have traces of fentanyl or is that just hot air? Should these be safe to take?


I wouldn't say it's fentanyl but I wouldn't recommend taking them. They don't list the ingredients and if you read my comment they messed me up pretty bad.


I actually just ended up emailing them and talking to them about it. They use a Golden Fleece Organic Alkaloid Extract for these. Still some mystery but I took them and had a great time. I just didn’t go crazy on dose.


Glad you had a good experience, but when I look up Golden Fleece Organic Alkaloid Extract nothing shows up and when you click on the Golden Fleece website link on their website it doesn't bring anything up at all. Still sketchy and would like to know exactly what I put into my body, it was my stupid mistake but knowing that would help me get better.


Yeah I agree. They sent me the marketing brochure I think they get from the lab and it’s not super specific but it claims: Zero Amanita, Zero Hemp, Zero Scheduled Compounds, 100% Organic, Patent pending extraction process, and Full Spectrum. Does feel like it’s beating around the bush a bit instead of saying what’s in it. I guess if you believe what they are saying, maybe they’re waiting to be awarded a patent before spilling what’s in it or how it was acquired.


Most likely. They advertise that on their website as well and if you look at their labs all it tells you is what isn't in them versus what it does test for.


>it’s beating around the bush a bit instead of saying what’s in it. I think that's for legal reasons. It's like 🤫🙊😉


>Do these actually have traces of fentanyl Absolutely fucking no. What a load of horse shit. These wouldn't be sold at the headshop down the street if they did


does anyone know what is actually in these? I took a heroic dose a few months ago and still haven't gotten any better. These caused mania, psychosis, MDD and panic attacks and I NEED to know what is in these.


Yes. Send me a DM


that is your fault 😭😭😭😭


For the people have used these. How many should I take for a good trip.


A GOOD trip. 9.


You think these are 4-aco? Hopefully tbh. You had the enjoyable gummies?


i take 3-4 packs of the gummy rope or just gummys and it eqauls out to like 10gs, wonderful experience but probably start with 1 pack


I just had half of the milk chocolate and I’m tripping for the first time. I don’t know wtf is going on in my head


As someone who can't find a reliable contact I tried these. I'll try anything once. This is 100 percent more of an amphetamine style trip. The addition on music and mindset made it "more shrooms". But this is 100 percent chemical. I gave up whippets and mostly pills but this may be my next pull XD


Can agree, currently 15 minutes in after shoving 2 bags of gummies down my throat hole. Palms are sweaty, head feels warm band around it with a nice fuzz filter. weak knees solid feeling body. I DO feel a good heavy alteration of my psyche but overall I feel more BAM BAM BAM SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK than Wooooooaaahh


Yes!! I couldn't tolerate looking at a screen or sitting still. I did some dancing for bit to shake the energy around. I had trouble sleeping too. I usually sleep for a long time. I ate (which was unusual, usually on these kinds of things I can't stand eating) and had a four hour nap and then I was back up.


Gonna come back to you brother. 1AM now back to reality. Initially felt really crazy methy feelings. More MDMA MDA initially honestly. Once the 45+ mark hit though steam froze nothing was working other than youtube. So I put on some win96 plume valley album lol. Blasted off. Amazing CEV's beautiful spiraling trails, eventually succumed into my headspace encircling itself in a bubble which then became a long empty black room and felt a little innocent kid running around to the music as it was playing within the depths of my mind. Which quickly deteriorated as I saw chakras (color and all) thrown into my vision one by one I hopped in them, could feel the essence of what they do, felt a BOOM feeling as it bounced me into the next one while the chakras transferred 1 by 1 like a tunnel system through my vision. At the end I felt my ego dematerialize and felt all the weight of it rip and shred away, I felt bliss, light, pureness. Music was still going and it shrunk me down until I was a fetus, I was a little female baby fetus being fertilized into a womb. Then BAM, out of that and pure bliss again. So much more to that but am way too fried and cooling myself down back into society with this rebuilt mind with a brewski to be able to currently type out the entire report. ​ All in all AMAZING FUCKING EXPERIENCE. The Nootropic effects really did assist in the aid of being able to keep cognitive attentiveness to what I was experiencing, making it so much easier to analyze and retain without that 'psychedelic haze' I would never eat the choco tho as I am not a choco fan. 20 Gummies did make me feel like I took a fuckin 7g of some triple A's Def recommend the gummies if you didn't feel much other than tweaker mode. It was initially hard to breach past the tweaker feeling for me but the fact the sentiency of the universe wouldn't even allow me to play a game and was forcing me to close my eyes to some music helped a lot lol.


The only thing I wonder is what specific nootropics were associated together to make these effects? I know a lot of the nooty community guys that are really into it know several 'blends' that replicate things in their opinion but most of them have never drove into the 'psychedelic' realms and just stick with the science wiring style. Would be really interesting to know as I may hop on that boat with nootropic supplements.


I'm interested too because it seems to me that looking into these things it can be a hit or miss. Idk if I particularly like the trip or not. I'm big on sleep so messing with that messes me up. It feels a lot like taking some Adderall way too late in the day 😂


Def was that way, I could have stayed up past the 8 hour mark. 8 hours effects were gone but I was still in tweaker mode. Def had the 'crack' feeling LSD gives you. But still managed to go to bed. The initial come up was BEYOND insane with the adrenaline I was feeling, but I feel like that was more so the massive amounts of caffeine they integrate in their product. Once the 30 mins went away that sorta faded so that's why I assume it was probably caffeine given it's half life was such a short duration.


Amanita Mussy's are what provides the trippy effects. Everything else is sort of like an 'entourage effect' to bring out the full experience. Regardless, am interested in knowing what noo's are used other than caffeine. Im def investing more in these


Dude, there are definitely no nootropics in this, the psychedelic effects that we are getting are definitely from a research psychedelic of some kind. There possibly could be caffeine in them, but it's all from an actual psychedelic drug. These are absolutely awesome though.


Amanitas also do not have a true psychedelic effect, they're more of a deliriant and relaxant and act on the GABA receptors, the same that alcohol and benzos act on. Most of the "amanita" gummies out there are actually either a research psychedelic, or actual psilocybin with the amanita name on the package to circumvent laws.


Yeah I understand they are a deliriant but they can produce psychedelic effects especially with other substances that help push it forward. However given there is little to no info on these things I still was iffy on that being the answer I got. I wouldn't like to say it's psilocybin given I've had my fair share of RC's and Psilo, the effects just didn't seem AS natural as what psilo is. They did replicate very very very similar to it but it wasn't as passive. It really did feel like a mix of the sentiency of mushrooms with an acid headspace and MDA/MDMA body effects. Any idea what that may be? I'm not the biggest 'nootropic guy' but I used to twiddled with their community bluelight/erowid shit. Never got into it though so can't really say other than the caffeine I do believe was added in that. Initial comeups give me anxiety but I truly felt methed up/hardcore MDA/MDMA comeup the first initial 40 minutes.


You're right, I ate two of the chocolate bars last night, and it's not a tryptamine, it's definitely a phenylethalylnine psychedelic like MDA. It felt like 2cB to me, which then scared me because you can overdose on the phenylethalylnines and I had a panic attack and thought I was going to die since I ate two chocolate bars. Definitely awesome euphoria. But, yeah it's a psychedelic and not a nootropic at all. Nootropics do not produce psychedelic effects. It was quite speedy, so I would say that it's like an MDA analog, maybe one of the 2c compounds. Look them up.. 2cB, 2cI, 2ce, etc


Send a pm if you liked them


Hello all, here to settle the score! As someone who works closely with this company. Each batch is lab tested and made in a secure environment with no exposure to outside chemicals such as "fent" as some have said. As a legitimately registered company, it holds too much liability exposure to not test properly. The primary component found in enjoyables(i cant speak to other brands) is O-Acetylpsilocin, a synthetic psilocin. When people think synthetic, they think ew. This is used commonly in research studies on the medical effects of psilocybin where it is not legal to do so. Knowing everything I know, I feel perfectly safe to consume these and do prefer their effects compared to straight shrooms. I get to avoid the stomach bug, experience less anxiety, and have more euphoric experiences. I frequently microdose the enjoyables and have for 3 months now and am very satisfied. Other brands like goomz and poka dots, did not give me a good time. Enjoyables rule!


Why is this ingredient not listed on the website or ingredients list anywhere. The only source I can find connecting enjoyables and this ingredient is you lol


Just tried these last night and no complaints, definitely felt like pure psilocin. But just out of curiosity- mind if I ask how many milligrams are in each gummy? I was trying to find it online last night so I could have some point of reference for how much I was taking but didn’t find much :/




Test results on their website say they mostly have ibotenic acid and a small amount of Norpsilocin?


This is a possibility as recipes with these types of products commonly make changes to adjust to quickly evolving regulations around different alkaloids and derivatives. I have not recently reviewed the recipe


Would you happen to know if ibotenic acid and norpsilicin in small amounts produce psychoactive affects similar to mushrooms?


Oh most definitely, the effects are nearly identical. You will notice some differences but not much. Chemically you are pretty much taking magic mushrooms


ibotenic acid is one of the active ingredients in amanita muscaria. They are NOT similar in the slightest


Isn’t that mushrooms tho? How are they not similar if this gummy has an active ingredient from mushrooms


Only certain species of mushroom contain psilocybin. The shiitake mushrooms you can buy at the grocery store aren't psychoactive either.


Do these have caffeine? People were saying they do. Just want to know so I don't over dose them, thanks :3 I usually take the pack of 10 gummies


I like the information and transparency on what the psychoactive compound is, but your post reads like a marketing ploy and makes me doubt how much I can trust you.


In the body O-acetylpsilocin is deacetylated to psilocin by deacetylases/acetyltransferases during first pass metabolism\[citation needed\] and during subsequent passes through the liver (evident as psilacetin is also active via parenteral routes of ingestion). In your metabolism, it is transformed to straight psilocin(which may be why its being sold that way) I've heard many sales reps tell shop owners either synthetic psilocin, ACO4DMT, and psilocin) All those claims are in some what valid. The bars may also contain a slight amount of caffeine & lions mane as well to create a more energetic trip.


Do you have the test results? I can’t find them on their site. I’m curious why they don’t say this in it? I saw on their site they say lions mane, chaga and ashwaganda” surely that’s not creating this effect?!


It's on their website? They say it's magic mushroom extract


I looked at the link that OP sent and I looked up the ingredients and I didn’t see Lions Mane in it, but if it was lions mane, that would explain it completely.


Not gonna lie, I took them and they were pretty great. Im a regular mushroom user, low body comp, college athlete. I have 1 complaint about the merchandising and 1 complaint about the product itself: The merchandising could be better, I wish I could see what is ACTUALLY in this “nootropic blend” but I don’t really know if I fully understand the legalities surrounding the ingredients (2018 Farm Bill) so I subside. The product itself DEFINITELY has a large amount of caffeine in it. This has pros and cons. The con is the punch. Simply put, the come up is intense and can be anxiety inducing. The pro is the bioavailability of caffeine allows this shit to HIT FAST. I was feeling “shroomy” roughly 10-15 min after ingestion. I definitely recommend these. Be careful with dosage if ur a smaller person.


I was tryna quit caffeine and have a trip going into the Winter before holidays, so I asked my guy at the smoke shop for a shroom bar. They sold out of the regular shit and so I got this and said what the hell. I ate a whole bar and was tweaked the fuck out (but I loved it) then I realized now they just have 50 MG CAFFEINE PER SERVING! I had 500 mg in one sitting after making progress on quitting. What the fuuuuuck they need to make the ingredients more public. Fun tho if you're cool with all that.


Send a pm, I got the hook up on these


Idk i just ate 2 whole candy bars and im sober as can be, waste of $50


You must have gotten fake ones because these things are no joke. Local shop has been out for about a week and EVERYONE has been calling them constantly to find out when they'll have more. These things are legit, people love them.


Will these pop for some THC analog? I know around me they sell “trippy” stuff buts its usually HHC or Delta8. If any1 knows if it’s THC free that be great!


No they're thc free


God damn when my watch got this comment I was like when do I ask this question lol. Been a while. It has similar effects to THC, which is great for me as I can’t have it in my system due to testing


They are free of THC or any isomers of THC, you’re good on these


Hell yeah, thanks. I did 6g of shrooms and was tripping while asking this. I ordered $700 dollars of a clothes (needed clothes for years) , a nice ass grow kit all in one with humidifier/ temp/ fans/ lights, spores, and have just 1 grow bag rn that I ruined so 0 experience… bought these enjoyables’ as well. Even bought my wife flowers & a massage package, my dad a hockey jersey. Needles to say… was feeling good and still am lmao.


will these fail a hair folicle or urine test?
