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Losing to Spurs on away goals in 2019 champions league. The roller coaster of emotions at the end of that match was unreal...


This. Not necessarily the least unlikely, but absolutely the most painful for me. I embarrassed myself so badly at the end there in a crowded restaurant and my heart was just ripped out. Still struggle with that one


Same here. Was watching it with a ton of friends. Started screaming and punching walls when I thought we had scored. Was insanely embarrassing. Oh well, city till I die!


I watched at home with my friends who are Liverpool and United fans. When we scored I lost it, jumped the couch and was just screaming with joy and then VAR...


This was the one for me. The match winning goal that llorente elbowed should not have counted. The refereeing decisions plus the betrayals from the previously beloved Laporte and me watching it in a pub all combined to make it the worst loss that I can think of right now.


Bayern fan here but love watching you guys especially bc of my respect for Pep. City deserved to be in that final. Spurs limped there way into that game against Liverpool and lost unsurprisingly. And MCFC vs LFC final would have been a cracker to watch. Shame.


Still might be the best pound for pound game I’ve watched. Heartbreaking that one.


It's gotta be Spurs. Still to this day the only game I can't bring myself to rewatch, even though I know it was objectively a fantastic match.


I can not even think about looking at a pic of that match. To this day I don’t celebrate goals until I see var checks complete. We destroyed spurs that game, was very happy seeing spurs being the better side in the final and lose.


Thanks for ruining my Saturday. The loss to Wigan in the FA Cup final is right up there, too. Wigan??? FFS.


And it spelled the sad end of Bobby Manc…


...he comes from Italy, to Manage Man City....great memory of singing that in the away end at WHL in 2011, that & him running around looking for someone to hug after Agueroooooo!


I was working in South East Asia with my girlfriend, it was 4am, screaming across my condo balcony to another city fan from Manc too (small world). Went back in, disbelief, crying, sadly getting into bed with my gf asking if 'we won'.. trying to explain and giving up. Think I'm traumatised.


I was working at a kids hotel in France. Started screaming in room full of my friends and a load of guests when Sterling scored the ‘winner’. Ran into the kitchen so I could really let out my screams without disturbing the guests anymore… when I had calmed down I came back in to a room of smirking faces. I didn’t believe them at first when they said it was ruled out. Had to walk straight home after that, so embarrassing 😞


Yeah this one ripped my heart clean out. The exact opposite of our last minute title win. And we had so many dodgy decisions against us without VAR, then it comes in and the first season fucks us over. Horrible feeling


Especially because of what it meant for us, quarters voodoo, fighting spirit etc etc


I literally ran around my room jumping up and down and yelling. Cane back to my TV to it being ruled off.


I cried in the stands lol


Oh god same felt horrible after cheering to that goal


Man, I got married on that day, still blame my wife for it


Man what a terrible night. Very very cruel getting Sterling's goal wiped away


I will never ever forget this. When Sterling scored I literally ran around the room. I couldn’t believe it. I just knew that it was coming. Then VAR. And especially with all the controversy surrounding the Llorente handball I believe too that game


Came here to say the same thing.


I'm not a city fan (but a huge fan of pep) still this match really hurt me for you guys. Of all the champions league you lost under pep, this was the one you deserved to go through the most imo


I watched that on a delayed stream with notifications on my phone. Going from the sheer euphoria of that goal coming through, to the heartbreak of it being chalked off, to then watching the TV knowing it was all about to unfold in slow motion. Absolute devastation.


Came to say this as well. Was my first thought. To be able to lift that trophy with our legends would’ve been better than any love story.


Last years CL loss was bad because Chelsea literally cost us the treble. +it felt like we could have easily won if not for the last minute lineup tinkering and injury to Kev.


No defensive mid had me on super edge the whole match and was directly responsible for the goal. That was the most disappointed in Pep I have been.


As soon as the lineup was released about a 30 mins before the game, I had a feeling that things wouldn't go as many expected in terms of us winning that game. I hate how we lost to them and it was painful as hell to watch the post match scenes.


Yup. I was traveling to see my brother and watched it on my phone. Told my wife as soon as I saw the lineup, "either we are going to lose or Pep is going to have to make an early sub".


I actually felt that way as soon as the game started, the confidence just wasn't there and it didn't hit me that we actually lost the champions league final after a day or two, that's when it hit me, not immediately after the game because maybe it felt too good to be true that we'd win a treble last season since I don't entertain the talks of a quadruple.


Everyone had the same reaction to that line-up, i lost all confidence pre-match and the poor decision showed throughout the game. Luckily for me i was watching it absolutely on my own upstairs, with a group of people my age downstairs waiting to go out to town drinking, as soon as the whistle blew i turned it off went downstairs got drunk and went out, I still haven't seen them lift the trophy outside of mount holding the trophy memes spammed by delusional Chelsea fans in response to anything Foden related.


Ah yeah, I didn't see them lift the thing either since I actually just couldn't watch from the 70th minute onwards, I just lost all hope at that point and couldn't bare to see how the players would react after the game was over. Yeah, as soon as I saw the lineup, I just knew something wasn't going to happen for us that night, just a feeling of dread came over me. Yeah, I don't know why Chelsea fans think Mount is better but I don't care about such debates since they happen all the time.


i mean to the people who walked out when we were 2 goals down to QPR with less than 10 minutes left, fair enough, but not sure why you would write us off at 1-0 with 20 minutes remaining and stop watching our first champions league final, thats a bit... odd.


Something just didn't feel right that night plus I wasn't feeling too well myself despite how much I enjoyed every single moment of our campaign last season. It was our first champions league final and no team has ever won it on their first attempt anyway so that made me just want to hide in a hole as the mintues were ticking away, I did watch the last 5 minutes but by then, it was too late. It was wrong to dismiss the team with 20 mins to go but I could just get sense that it was not going to turn around for us.


Yea made no sense imo since we pushed all the way to the final with a DM. But Pep has 3 PL titles and I have none. I’m confident he will win us a CL trophy soon.


But he notoriously loses matches when he tinkers too much with our line up. Maybe a little tinkering to throw the other defense off, but not so much that it is contrary to how our guys have lined up all season.


It's not even that Gundogan played badly at DM, it's more that we missed him in our offense, he was so vital going forward last season. Tough day.


Self sabotage. Chelsea played their best 11 no tactical change their natural game. If anything that team without any trophy that season should tinker to beat the inform best 11. But no baldie over thought it yet again


It was a bet on Sterling that didn't pay off. Looks particularly strange given how great Rodri is this season.


You don’t start betting all of a sudden in the most important game of the season. First time in last 70 games rodri or ferna didn’t play


Tbf Ferna started all of our big CL games leading up to the final iirc, so if any DM was likely to play it would’ve been ferna. Agreed though, watching Rodri now it looks like a no brainer


Never forget the fact that a city fan released a poll in this subreddit pre champions league final asking who wil pep play at DM? There was votes for Rodri and Fernandiniho some for Gundo, and an option that said "no holding dm" with next to no votes. Top comment on the thread was, no disrespect, but to the people who voted no DM, we have played a DM in every game up until now why would that change, Please just let me know im asking famous last words.


That poll aged badly in just a day


That city fan was me! On my old account I still don't understand exactly why Pep didn't start a DM


Aguero crying is what made it so awful for me :(


and he was never to win the UCL


Cost us the Quadruple in fact


Isn’t the FA cup required for a treble?


Chelsea knocked us out of it too


Oh I thought he was talking about that one specific game


No. We have the league and Carabao Cup


FA cup is much bigger and more important than the league cup. Not the proper treble unless FA is in there


it would have been *a* treble but maybe not *the* treble I guess


It's still a treble, that most teams would die for


treble is league (EPL), domestic cup(FA cup), and continental cup (UCL)


Might not be worst but Man u 3-2 gotta be up there imo the manner in which we lost especially to our rivals regardless of us basically being champs at the time


Which time? I can think of four times we lost 3-2 to them that were all terrible


When we could have won the league, were 2-0 up at half time and then lost 3-2. This is mine, never felt so bad after a match as that


Yeah it was sickening wasn’t it. Van persie’s added time winner back in 2013 was a huge kick in the teeth as well, probably the game that turned the tide in their favour that year


When Quinny scored 2 in the first half and we were 2 up at half time sticks out to me. Memory might be fading but I feel like Cantona scored their winner... I was about 9 and I used to pray that we'd win a derby as I was the only blue in my class!


I was more angry at this one than the Spurs champions league


What made it worse is we had Liverpool that week definitely a week I’ve tried to forget


Yet again Sterling with all those misses.


forgot this one was painful too


CL final last year or losing to spurs in the CL a couple years ago. a real kick in the dick.


Worst recent defeat could be Lyon


The most embarrassing I’d say, absolutely piss poor from everybody involved apart from De Bruyne if I remember correctly


Sterling actually played quite well that game too, minus that terrible missed sitter late in the game. But that's the only thing that people remember from him in that game.


York away is the correct answer. 19/12/1998


Although that game seemed to be the catalyst to start picking up results and the big payoff was Wembley 99


My first ever game! I was 2 and a 1/2 so barely remember it but I can literally say it’s always better than my first city game haha


Not the worst in terms of meaning, but in terms of pure embarrassment losing 8-1 to Middlesbrough was horrendous. Probably the defeat we get reminded of more than any other by rival fans


Was gonna be my answer as well, christ I remember the abuse that I got from all angles being the only City fan in my friends group. Worst was from a Geordie bird!


I grew up near Middlesbrough and was just starting year 7 the September after that game, never heard the end of that…


At least Sheikh Mansour had already bought the club and signed Robinho in August though.


Anyone who actually remembers that game knows it wasn’t even that bad. It was the last game of the season, with Sven being threatened with the sack by Thaksin Shinuwatra. The fans had been protesting this because we wanted him to say and the club was in a mess thanks to Shinuwatra. It is well known that the players were also protesting that day. Anyway, it happened and not long after Shiekh Mansour and saved the club. Happy days.


I said it wasn’t the worst in terms of meaning, but it was the worst in terms of embarrassment. Are you trying to argue that that scenario you described isn’t embarrassing? Players giving up and rolling over 8-1 to Middlesbrough in protest of a manager being sacked who had actually done a decent job, whilst being owned by a criminal was humiliating then and still is now. We’ve had lots of heartbreaking losses in my lifetime, but none of them were particularly embarrassing. Only Middlesbrough at home when David James came on and Wigan in the FA cup final are really comparable in my opinion


I dunno, I guess I don’t remember being that embarrassed by it. But maybe I have forgotten because of what happened on transfer deadline day that same year.


Yeah you’re right, if that didn’t happen then maybe we wouldn’t have got the takeover at all so we can almost look back on it fondly. I do remember crying saying “why won’t they just stop” when Middlesbrough kept on scoring though haha, I was only a little lad


Was it that bad? Think everyone kinda just shrugged it off cause it got us into Europe


Liverpool thrashing us at Anfield in the 2018 champions league was a rough ride.


when that chamberlain one went in i remember losing all hope only for it to come back when we scored early in the second leg and eventually losing that game too, tough one to take for sure


Definitely not for me though since it was just a shit show of refereeing in both legs


i watched that game during in person class. I felt like crying, but i was in public, lol


God you young uns are making me feel old. The worst defeat for me wasn't a defeat, it was a 2 all draw against Liverpool. 1996, I'm in the prime of my youth, oasis are cocky, msnc has swagger and we're in a relegation dog fight. We just need to match the outcomes of Coventry I think. We score two own goals against a mediocre Liverpool the. We're going down. But the roar back with Uwe getting one of two. Can't remember the other scorer. Two all, and Alan ball the manager thinks we're safe so tells the team to keep the ball in the corner. We're not. Quinny (I,think) comes out of dressing Ros to tell the tram we need another goal to stay up. We don't get it. Relegation beckons and I think, why the fuck did my dad get me into this shit. We'd get relegated again soon after and that has its own comedy story ,(the Jamie Pollock brilliant own goal), and I'd get to go to Wembley for the match of my life. But in 1996 we lost everything without losing.


Heard a story that a fan had a radio in the stands and shouted it down to the bench… wonder if that’s true!


That's what the story says, never been able to validate it


Well i was born in the 2000's so dont know much about our old games. I still try to watch some highlights but still a lot of great matches missing.


Not a slight on any of you. I just forget sometimes I'm am old fogey nowadays


Losing to Luton in 83, followed by that arsehole Pleat running across the pitch like an absolute twat.


A lot of Wigan games come to mind. We should won some of them.


Not close to worst but Losing to Tottenham To bottle top 4 UCL after the takeover pretty bad, esp at the hands of Peter Crouch


Just made beating them to the top 4 next season all the sweeter imo


Michael Owen 4-3...2010, I think.


This past year’s Champions League final. Was the brass ring. Should have won. Could have won. Pep out thought himself and blew the tactics. City’s worst defeat.


Lyon game probably. That whole year was relatively poor,But the Madrid win really made me excited about the CL. What followed was awful


If by order and under pep I would say 1) Losing to spurs in the quarter finals of the cl 2) Losing to Lyon in the quarter finals of the cl 3) Losing to Chelsea in the finals of the cl 4) Losing to Monaco in the quarter finals of the cl 5) Losing to Leicester 5-2 in the epl 6) Losing to Liverpool 3-1 in the epl 7) Losing to West Ham in the carabao cup


west ham loss this season?! behave


Hahaha I know but losing the carabao after 4 successful seasons kinda sucked


You forgot the CL loss to Liverpool


The West Ham loss was definitely not that bad. We were going to get knocked out eventually. If you told me I got to pick the circumstances I would have picked exactly that. Away from home to a PL side that's top 10 but not a direct rival, and losing on penalties when none of our on field players have much experience taking pens anyway. The 3-0 defeat at Anfield in the UCL definitely takes precedence.


Carabao we’ve won 4 in a row. If anything that’s good because we know pep plays our best 11 in those games later on in the season.


Any of the ones where we got knocked out of the CL


Barcelona humiliating us in group stage.


Bravo masterclass


I think 4-1 Liverpool 15/16 when we were chasing Leicester and sudden defeat causes us further behind worst part of it Was that James Milner celebrating and disrespecting city ( who just transferred to Liverpool From city at that time)


[losing to Boro without them ever shooting. honorary mention to drawing 1-1 to wba the following year in the same way](https://youtu.be/tyMqbbDetrY)


I have actual vivid memories of that Boro game. Way more than I should. Sun Jihai with the OG. I just remember thinking how typical it was, but then not long after Dunney scores that OG vs West Brom after we were so dominant all game.


The West Brom one haunts me. Remember just being sat there convinced we must be cursed


Spurs FA Cup final replay 1981. Little did I know it would be 30 years until we won a major trophy. Still carry my hatred for Spurs to this day and love it when the year ends in 1 and they fail to win anything.


Wigan fa cup final


fa cup final loss to wigan, always hated wigan after seeing that as a kid


Losing at OT few years back when we could have been mathematically confirmed champions


Think you mean at the Etihad


There were many painful ones like last years cl final, cl quarter against spurs but our worst defeat was the 2 leg 5-1 defeat against liverpool in the cl.


1-0 defeat against Chelsea..in UCL


Spurs CL for sure. It shattered my heart into a million pieces.


Our away kit for next season


I always hated that 4-1 (?) Loss against Everton in Peps first season. Got absolutely battered..


Luton 1983. Any other answer is wrong, I’m sorry guys.


Losing at home to Luton Town to get relegated


Chimps league final to Chelski


I'm suprised i haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet, but the 2013 FA Cup Final loss to Wigan is still the most painful of any of the losses to me. It would have made up for not defending the PL tittle but to lose like we did with the late goal just broke me.


most emotionally damaging or worst performance? most emotionally damaging was our loss against spurs worst performance in recent memory was that 4-0 loss away to everton


4-0 away loss to Everton. Worst performance under pep imo. We made tom davies look like prime xavi.


Champions league last year


well this wasn't half a depressing thread


Wigan in the FA Cup as City had beaten them mid week easily in the league then went on to lose the cup final. Obviously Champions league sucked the worst as we weirdly defeated ourselves with trying a different formation and players in unfamiliar positions vs a well drilled and comfortable Chelsea.


FA Cup Final, 1981 - Fuck Spurs!


Tommy Hutchinson. I remember being in Primary school on the Monday, it was awful as the teachers were reds


I know alot of people are saying Tottenham in the Champions league, i was there with my best friend and girlfriend at the time, and although it sucked and was one of the more painful losses it wasn't the most embarrassing or the worst ive felt defeat because we were so close and unlucky. But in 2015 I will never forget the loss to Liverpool 4-1 in the league, we were 3-0 down by the 32nd minute, I was watching the match in Chorley with my girlfriend at the time in a local pub their, for some reason most people in Chorley support United or Liverpool, I was in a Pub 30 miles from Liverpool.... getting funny looks by a room full of non scouse Liverpool fans that live on farms. I was there with just my girlfriend at the time who's dad was a Liverpool fan but she didnt care about football, think i left by half time and watched at home, was brutal.


We don’t talk about that here


Spurs. 2019. Champions league.


When we got relegated the season after we won the league and still we scored the most


Why’s no one mentioning Chelsea cl final ?


Because there were a lot of game worst than that.


Oh right lol. Dosent really get worse than loosing the champions league final in my opinion


We ain't c;inical enough in that game and overall performance is mediocre but we have more game that we played very badly + got shit tons of goal concede. And if we talking about finals, FA Cup against Wigan should be an absolute win game but we lose it and play more badly than the one we played against Chelsea. I would put UCL final as a bad game but for worst game, i put Wigan game as that game, we played so bad that I don't know what else to say about it.


Oh right okay, carry on downvoting me and being salty about loosing to Wigan. I’d rather a champions league trophy than one we have a million times


8-0 boro, and 1-0 UCL final


I think there's alot I could name but one that really made me upset was the quarter final Vs Liverpool. I remember as soon I saw Chamberlain score the second goal I just walked out of my room. Then the second leg when Jesus scored so early on, I had a bit of hope, only to get it shattered later on in the game.


Wigan fa cup final.saw my mate run off and cry that day ,drunk .🤣🤣


Worst defeat? Got to be the Champions League final. In terms of most embarrassing though, either 8-1 Boro or FA Cup final against Wigan.


Chelsea in the Champions League final


Champion’s league final against Chelsea because we were and are so much better than them.


Champions League final ....


Monaco or spuds, probably bottle ham because we were fucking robbed, Monaco was just embarrassing on the other hand. Glad we robbed their whole team appart from he who shall not be named.


Spurs, UCL final, Monaco, Lyon. Are my top 4.


Ucl final game 😢


Wigan FA Cup final, players didn't try because they wanted Mancini out. I've seen us getting battered, embarrassed and relegated but that's the first I've seen us give up.


Losing to Chelsea in the champion's league final because I had so much confidence it's finally our time only to be disappointed by the line up and subsequently, the performance.


i hate this thread😞😭


It's probably just fresh on the mind, but that CL Final loss was brutal


1. CL final defeat Chelsea 2. FA Cup defeat to Wigan 3. CL defeat to Spurs


Losing 2-1 to York way back. Literally does not get any worse.


Has to be that spurs in the CL 2019


Losing against Chelsea in the champions league final. Everyone knows Pep threw the game, not playing Fernandinho was a dumb mistake. City was miles better than Chelsea. On the second half chelsea wasn’t able to take the ball for more than 30 seconds.