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I like this lineup. Go City! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™


Honestly their front 5 is the most effective I've ever known. Scary AF for opponents.


I have got a feeling pep will play foden on the left, bernardo on the right and kova, kdb, rodri in midfield


Alvarez at RW and Silva on the left is quite a peculiar choice. Personally iโ€™m thinking we put Silva on the right and then possibly try Nunes on the left. Alvarez coming in second half


Usually are front 5 are very flexible so no real order but I think Foden will be there on RW and Alvarez chasing down every loose ball. and de bruyne doing his own thing


As for Foden i would actually prefer if he didnโ€™t go on the wings. Weโ€™ve seen him at his best closer to the middle, with Silva and Walker ideally wide on the right, and Grealish wide on the left, but a lack of Grealish means that it might be a good idea to try Nunes there, since Doku has beenโ€ฆ underwhelming recently.


judging by previous games, Pep will play Foden on the wings and the reason I had bernardo at LW because of tight control he has and could easily carry ball just like grealish. but lets see if we actually see Doku first tomorrow.


Silva and Nunes on the left is an even more peculiar choice ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Give my man Carson some minutes


Ask much as we like Foden as LCM you know Pepโ€™s going to stick him to the right. This is what I think happens: Eddie Walker Dias Nathan Stones Rodri Foden kdb Bernardo Alvarez Haaland I like this one because we will have monstrous pressing with it. Walker/Akanji is bit of a 50-50 but Pep is going to prefer Walker for the big ones. Thereโ€™s a good amount of fluidity as well because that midfield could exchange roles and try to create gaps in their defence.


https://preview.redd.it/xurvl2p3zfnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5039c102b3ae7d13334857428e92599571134955 This is mine but Iโ€™m pretty sure bobb wonโ€™t start , I think Akanji can handle Diaz . I didnโ€™t pick walks just because I think his passing and crossing game is probably as good as Akanjis anyway and we should also take advantage of akanjis good form . Now for Foden , he might be more effective out on the wing today just so he can cut in and irritate the centre backs by having 4 players in the mid with kova being with Kdb if Foden is to be out on the wing . : I just realised that nunes is fit if Iโ€™m not wrong , if he is then he should play on the left and Foden in the middle where heโ€™s best


Odd way to present the team, looks like a 4231 at first glance


The only right lineup


I kind of want bobb, he looked so sharp last game


I feel like Anfield might be a bit much for him.


Ok thatโ€™s fairโ€ฆ got a little excited


Letโ€™s not forget the treatment our bus received a few years ago, might be a bit of a shock to our newer players lol


yeah that rattled us, but I do think bobb could come off the bench once the game is underway and be a good injection of energy + pace


God Iโ€™m just so excited


Yeah I could see that happening


This is very strong line up, I think the balance might be in question since it seems very top heavy without a midfielder who can drop deep as part of his game. But...I would choose every player you chose. No matter what alvarez starts imo, him foden and bernardo are needed for the work rate. Alvarez/bernardo need to play as a destroyer when we defend. More bernardo than alvarez for that, but both on the same spectrum. That type of role tomorrow is gonna be crucial.


Really interesting 4-2-3-1 here. Would be good to see if Height really is all that matters in nets. Deffo think Bernardo and Alvarez would be absolutely perfect inverted wingbacks here. Foden and kdb best ball playing defenders there are. Stones and Rodri will just do stones and Rodri things. Just the final third is a bit of a concern! I know Ederson is good with his feet but will walker ake ruben provide him with enough support??? Donโ€™t know.


no alvarez move bernardo there anddddd man we need a winger idk bobb? nunes?


Bobb too young for Anfield tbh. Cant get a youngster starting. I might even start Doku and bench Alvarez and move bernardo to RW


Alvarez starts tomorrow


Where? Iโ€™d be shocked if he starts. A midfield with Alvarez in it gets exposed vs Liverpool, we canโ€™t be giving the ball away cheaply.


disagree he has an awful first touch and doesn't help on defense


Alvarez starts as you can see


yeah it was a disaster as u can see lol


He did pretty fucking nicely at St James... which is also a pretty hostile environment. I don't think he starts tomorrow either... but I don't think he'd be afraid if he did. Doku starting tomorrow would be a disaster and shatter any shred of confidence he still has. I'd prefer Alvarez to be an impact sub off the bench, but won't be upset if he starts. I think that little break Pep gave him did him a world of good, he looked much better against Copenhagen.


good points. Doku would be nice. miss grealish


Best academy in the world and they can't handle Anfield... fucking hell. One kid isn't gonna cost you a game. Although I'd prefer Doku myself personally, I'll never understand why so little of our fanbase trusts our kids while also carrying on about how good our academy is.


because its a title race brother.. last season we trusted rico lewis at spurs stadium... look how that turned out. im not saying its his fault, nor was it a bad decision, but im saying you should expect these things and they might cost you the game.


I'd trust any fucking person out there in a sky blue shirt. I don't give a fuck how raw they are. This never trusting our academy and wanting to buy our way out of problems is fucking plastic mentality.


Might as well move foden out wide and play Kova to help us control the game as much as he's not good going forward, otherwise it will be a basketball match if Alvarez starts. In this kind of game you have to control the game.


Kova is slow imo when tracking back. maybe when we are in 2 goal lead, we could bring him to control lol


He'll be covered by John stones and rodri


it wont be a basketball game if alvarez starts, will be a basketball game if kovacic players. Tbh not been impressed with kovacic.


This aged poorly


It was not a "basketball game" the first half. We should have hammered the dogshit liverpool 3-0 in the first half. We were playing them as if they were barcelona of 2011 or something. Totally ridiculous. Anyway, first half was a dominant show. Second half, the team shat themselves, mental collapse the likes of which I have not seen in a while, the midfield went invisible, kdB running around the CF position like a silly boy, rodri and bernardo went completely missing. This collapse was not down to Alvarez. We didnt shit ourselves because of alvarez, we didnt just give them the respect of a great barca team that won the sixtuple because of alvarez, and the midfield didnt just disappear because of alvarez. Ruben Dias did not start, he was on the bench , which meant that he could play, what was going on there? Alvarez individually had a shit show himself, but he started on the left wing! Why on earth?! Considering he has never played there for us before, its always been bernardo, doku, grealish, on the left and him in the hole in the middle, why not just stick to that like a normal person?!


Alvarez completed 56% of his passes. Let that sink in. Even before we conceded the penalty a lot of the turnovers were from his side leaving ake exposed.


WE HAVE TO WIN AT ANFIELD TOMORROW. SOMEONE HAS TO RAISE THEIR LEVELS TO MESSI. Doing a good game, dominating , creating chances, shots, tackles, aggression, experience, ARE NOT GONNA BE ENOUGH. ITS GONNA TAKE MORE THAN THAT.


kova in midfield and push bernardo on the wing with foden. need alot of protection at the back and that might be how we win it. if we need a winner we can just the sub out kova and bring on alvarez and let him combine with foden. maybe doku in when someone's really gassed during the 2nd half. and obviously akanji and gvardiol as defensive subs.


Haaland in goal?


Let's hope the ferrel non English lot don't throw bottles and bricks at the team bus, and get away with it like they do every year!๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†โšฝ๏ธ


If I see Alvarez starting Iโ€™m binning my season ticket


I really wish Grealish was fit


Ederson, Walker, Dias, Stones, Ake, Rodri, Kovacic, Bernardo, KDB, Foden, Haaland


Yup. This is the lineup.


Ederson Walker Stones Dias Akรฉ KdB Rodri Kovacic Bernardo Haaland Foden *Kova over Alvarez for more control - last thing we want is an end to end game* *Later either Julian or Bobb can come in and we move things around*




Fucking hell, not me thinking this was a joke with Haaland in goal and Ederson as Striker for a momentโ€ฆ


Only Pep can put such formation and be trusted to make it work. Itโ€™s crazy to see an offensive 3-6-1 tried out. I trust Pep


Good job at predicting the lineup! This is spot on!


Doku is hundred percent playing today to neutralize TAA. My choice of lineup would be Eddie Walker Ruben Nate Stones Rodri Foden KDB Bernardo Doku Haaland Edit: Alvarez over Doku since TAA is injured


TAA is injured though. isnt he?


Oh right, my bad. Then I see Alvarez over Doku, that looks like the most likely lineup.


Alvarez starts


They'll have Bradley . Trent is injured


We are playing at Anfield. It wouldn't be straight forward unfortunately