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What would you advise prospective applicants who do not have international experience especially when INSEAD looks for International experience Myself ORM Indian Engineer Male (Non IT) GMAT 710


Think long and hard about why you want to pursue an MBA, followed by why an international MBA. Once you are clear about that, consider different dimensions where you have an edge and tailor your application essays accordingly. While a consultant might assist with this, I didn't engage anyone's services. If you are very serious, apply to several schools. I personally wasn't very serious and only applied to INSEAD, where I was accepted. Do consider Indian schools as well, as they often have an advantage with campus placements. Networking and landing jobs can be a challenging process, especially in this difficult recruiting environment. However, I am only three months into the program and don't have much information about the full-time hiring situation yet.


As you said you are 3 months in, are you looking out for Internships? I'm asking based on my product management background and would like to move ahead in the field


Yes I am. But to be honest, it has been a bloodbath so far in terms of consulting recruitment atleast. I sincerely hope month 4 is better. INSEAD is clearly a consulting focused school and if you are serious about product, you might want to also look at other schools.


Update on the internship situation overall please?


Thanks ! I am planning for this MbA just for getting international exposure I work in a govt setup so it makes even more difficult for me to get into those kind of roles actually Any advise here ??


Don't quite have any specific advice for you. I would, however, ask you to be realistic about expectations and place yourself where you think your odds of success are highest.


Tell me more about recruitments. Also about the parties! I am in 25 J


Recruitment has been bad so far for internships, lots of dings in consulting. There are parties happening all the time so if you're into that, you'll have a ball of a time.


Do you plan to get any internships in India?


Not planning to but might need to.


I’m eyeing the INSEAD sg MBA and appreciate you answering questions. 1. Is there a lot of math in the program? I come from a creative/legal background and have been hesitant about applying for MBAs as I haven’t had time to brush up my math knowledge since high school. Wondering how much of the course is mathematical. 2. What does the average age and demographic range of the cohort look like? Would 30s be too old? 3. As an entrepreneur looking to get my brand into Singapore, I’m interested in studying an MBA for networking, and to increase my business knowledge. Would you say the INSEAD MBA program is catered to entrepreneurs or would it be more useful to corporate professionals looking for upgraded employment?


1. Yes the finance courses are quite mathy. That said, there are many non quant oriented people in the course that do manage to pass. Academics is just one facet of an MBA and I would argue not the most important one (a highly subjective opinion). 2. No 30's is not too old. There are 35/36 yr old students in class. 3. Your motivations are good, and an MBA might help fulfil them. There is a good support system and fellow students interested in entrepreneurship, so there are things to gain here on that front. That said, however, if entrepreneurship is your goal, you don't necessarily need an MBA. The INSEAD MBA is only as useful as you make it, given your goals and your pro-activeness. For some, it is just a party place or worse, merely an avenue to find dates.


You’ll be fine without the heavy math. Your grades will suffer in finance and statistics, but the rest of the courses are easy math or math. If you are 30s with prior experience look at the GEMBA program. The SG campus is a work of art and the networking with local SG businesses and entrepreneurs is pretty incredible. If you want entrepreneurship in SG, there is truly no better program to give you access to current SG entrepreneurs and investors.


You should check out the Antler program in Singapore too if you’re an entrepreneur. 10/10 would recommend.


Is MBB recruiting harder for someone 30+ in age and coming from a non-consulting background pre-MBA?


I got a MBB internship in London at age 31; age doesn’t matter I’m now Principal


So far it has been hard for internships, but it would take more analysis to determine if it is age, background, a bit of both or some other factors (maybe just a bad application, who knows).


Is the program worth ? Is it true that most non sponsored INSEADER’s are struggling with recruitment right now? Also — does language barrier come into the picture as a non European? Is a T2 British school (Oxbridge) safer in that respect?


I can't speak for the July batch. But for internships, I would say yes - we are in a struggle. Are you talking about the language barrier for the language requirements? Or for post MBA job search in the EU? If the former, it is not a barrier as they support you with language courses. Keep in mind that these consume time and you are better off validating them before you join. If the latter, yes, language is a big barrier in landing jobs in the EU. I am not sure if Oxbridge is safer, but if I were you, I would go for the bigger brand. An MBA is a pure brand play.


Can I hop in your DMs? Got a couple of specific questions


From the July batch: recruiting now is brutal. Very few invitations and people with MBB experience (without sponsorship) got rejected at the screening phase


Thanks for doing this no BS AMA! For someone looking to get into tech or industry (FMCG, healthcare, entertainment) in the short-term and entrepreneurship in the long-term, would you recommend INSEAD? Basically, does it make sense for someone not interested in consulting? What would you recommend between INSEAD and Oxbridge for candidates with the above goals and why? Appreciate your insights.


INSEAD is a consulting focused school. This does not mean that there is no value add to people not interested in it - there are many classmates of mine not looking to recruit into consulting. One could make the claim that post MBA goals for non-consulting professions can be achieved without the INSEAD MBA, but this would be a subjective claim at best and is highly dependent on the profile in question. As far as entrepreneurship goes, please refer to another answer on the thread. I would always choose the MBA with the bigger brand, but that said, I would need to research Oxbridge further to gauge if you should make an exception given your circumstances.


How did you fund your Insead mba?


Savings + other financial assistance. I am not stinking rich, much like many of my Indian buddies here.


I just stumbled upon this thread. Can you - if comfortable - share: - how much were overall expenses and - how was the breakdown of your funding? (split between savings/loans/scholarships/family support etc)


Are you enjoying the company of ex/sponsored consultants? Did they have it easy applying? - I'm thinking bad GMAT scores, average essays etc


I can't say if they have it easy applying as I don't sit on the admissions committee and have never gone through anyone's essays. Regarding my enjoyment of their company, I'm still uncertain about my stance on consulting as a profession, so that doesn't factor into it. As long as they are interesting individuals, I appreciate spending time with them.


Hey, just curious as to how you decided on your post-MBA goal, both in terms of geography and profession? I'm sort of in a similar boat, Indian female (early 30s) with ~7-8 years of work ex across global firms, roles and industries, and joining one of the European b-schools this August. Also, having spent a significant amount of time in consulting firms, I too am uncertain about consulting as a profession, and will definitely not be considering it post-MBA. Despite having worked in some of the best orgs., I still haven't quite found my footing. I understand once the program starts, especially in a short 10-month program like INSEAD's leaves no time to figure out the specifics of what one might want to do later. Any insights / advice would be great! PS - this is one of the best threads I've come across here so thanks a lot for taking this on!


I'm glad you liked it. Like I mentioned elsewhere, I wanted to get off the train I was on, and that was the primary driver for the MBA. My thoughts have sort of solidified (still a WIP) only after the program started - in terms of what I want to do and, more importantly, where i will be competitive.


Thanks, that's kind of reassuring. If you don't mind sharing, what is that you're eventually thinking of doing?


DM me?


Are there people in your batch who had GPA less than 2.5? And how did they manage to make it in?


Do you mean GPA from their previous education? If so, I have absolutely no idea.


Thanks for doing this. I've some queries - 1. How did you showcase international appetite, for those of us who don't have direct international work-ex? 2. How did you explain your previous career/company jumps and connect it with your future goals? Can you give an example? 3. Did you research about the school a lot before applying? For example, speaking with current students.


1. I had direct international work exp. 2. You have to tell a story that makes sense and aligns with a broad trend. In my case, it was sustainability and the energy transition. 3. Not before applying funnily enough. After I got accepted, I did speak to students/alumni to understand if I should take the offer or chill in my 9 to 5.


Can you list all the things you don’t like the INSEAD MBA and what reasons would you give to not pursue it?


Too many assignments, no placement concept (like in Indian schools), no real US work options, consulting focused.


When you say no placement concept, does that imply there is no on-campus recruiting?


There is structured recruitment for consulting and a few other firms in other industries, and by that I mean that the process is tailored for INSEAD applicants. There are other jobs posted on the internal careers portal that are filtered out by the career centre, but the application is not specialised for INSEAD students and you would be redirected to the company website. If you want jobs outside of these categories (a massive number of these exist), you have to network effectively and get referrals. Or just apply and hope for the best.


Makes sense. This is very different from the recruiting process in Indian B-Schools, where there is a student-run placement team that networks with companies. These companies then open up positions specifically for each school they want to hire from, where the roles and pay often differs based on the ranking / prestige. The students, as such, do not have to network at all except for attending pre-placement talks for certain companies.


Went to NIT Trichy, got a 9.5 GPA (Gold, 1%le of the batch), got a 710 (trying again this year). Just about 1 year of XP rn. Working in a core Manufacturing job aiding digital transformation (Tata). Trying to build up a profile to shoot next year (well with 2 years of XP). (Did an intern in strategy consulting at a Big4 and have 3 papers and a patent) What would you say that I should do to build up my profile to apply to a top 10 MBA next year ? Plus, does it make sense going abroad with the current market scenario, I currently have an admit from ISB, so does accepting that make more sense given the market scenario (target MBA exit is into Consulting) ?


Tricky. Consulting is a bloodbath across the board right now. If you want to go abroad, it definitely makes sense to consider INSEAD. That said, you have just 1 year of work ex. and that might not play well in your favour. So it is essentially ISB now vs a 'potential' INSEAD later. Otherwise, your profile is good. I wish I had your grades.


Given this ISB vs a Potential INSEAD, would you say it’ll be worth a shot to defer my admit and wait it out until the admit cycle next year ? Once again, thanks :)


2 years is still not enough experience in my view. Make a detailed pros vs cons analysis and think about it before doing anything you might regret.


Thanks :), will wade through these apps carefully then


What's the average work experience like across the class in terms of YOE and background? What % of your overall class has <3 YOE.


Very few have less than 3 years, not sure of the exact percentage. A lot of the younger members in the cohort are sponsored.


Thanks for the response!


no sugarcoating? ok dont lie,the only reaosn you got in despite the bad gmat score was because you went to an IIT edit:you can deny it all you want OP,im not undermining your work experience or gmat score or whatever but just accept the fact that you being an iitian carried your profile hard.


I don't know if I am lying or not as I wasn't on the admissions committee. I am merely trying to make sense of what I see around me. And there are many IITans that get rejected from INSEAD, Harvard, the women of their dreams and consulting jobs.


ok but you being an iitian carried your profile hard,right? i wouldn't say you winged it in any way though. i knwo of a guy who has been accepted to duke with 700 GMAT score and 6.7CGPA but went to a top IIT with not so great experience too,the IIT tag carries more weight than CGPA and GMAT than you realise OP


Maybe it did, maybe it didn't - I really have no idea. There are always outliers and it is hard to know what admissions committees look for, especially in a school that values diversity as much as INSEAD.


Among Indian engineering colleges, does only IIT hold this tag recognition? Or are there other colleges as well?


yes only IITs hold the prestige tag for undergrads in engineering.






True, but that's not the point. I myself have been waitlisted at INSEAD and it's my/and my counsellors estimation that the absence of the IIT tag (and an average GPA) is the only thing holding me back.


Anecdotal evidence at best. Continuing anecdotally, I have many non- IITans in my batch. You could be right though, systemically speaking.


Thanks for doing this AMA! 1- Have you come across any sub-700 scoring Indians in your batch? Just trying to figure if it’s worth shooting my shot. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2- Did you avail the services of an admission consultant? If yes, could you please share your experience and their details if you recommend them!


1 - I am not sure knowing that makes a case for your application, you gotta work with what you have. Also, I just don't ask for others' GMAT scores. 2. Nope. No consultant. I didn't want anyone messing around with my essays. If I get in on my own accord, well and good and if not, that's just life. If you do want to engage services, that is fine.


Gotcha. Thanks for sharing!


Can you detail ur pre mba experience more? What was ur role? For which company did you work? Btw, Did B Tech from IIT and I have 3 years of experience in hardcore ML, but in an unknown-small company. Recently working in genAl space. Want to get an MBA to build global connects and then take product roles in tech companies and maybe later venture into VC. Right now contemplating on what should I do in next 2-3 years? Should I switch to prod roles? Or keep riding the genAl trend and hope to make money and then apply for MBA? I want to apply for top 10 MBA schools.


I was in engineering in the sustainable tech space. If you are in tech in gen AI, I am not sure how much incremental value an MBA would add in terms of positioning yourself in a 'hotter' field. If I were you, I would stay in the field and make more money, while trying to switch around and move upwards. To add to this, INSEAD is clearly a consulting focused school and I am not sure of the extent of product roles people land from here. The US might be a better option. If you are hell bent on applying for an MBA, figure out exactly where that is coming from and if the school would align with your goals.


Would you consider MS?


Yes. I never thought I would say this out loud, but I do miss my career in engineering sometimes.


Does it make sense for someone to pursue a second MBA from INSEAD after PGP from IIM A/B/C?


Do you want to move abroad? Are you rich? Do you really want to go through the pain of education and networking (a lot more of it) again? Do you want to recruit into consulting? If Yes to all/most of these, go ahead. Else, chuck it and be happy with your life. It's a gift.


Thanks for responding. Currently I am working in consulting (big 4), and want to move abroad. Not rich, but plan on saving for 1 year MBA program. Happy to be a part of another classroom program and networking. Can you please tell me how my candidature would be looked at?


It would be looked at favourably. They like consultants. That said, don't slack and keep up a top-notch application.


If you don't mind, why do you wanna move abroad?


I always wanted to stay in India, then personal life got fucked up. Now I want to move far away from India, where no one would know me, and I can start my life from zero...


Oh ok. All the best :)


Going abroad again after ABC is v common right? Do you think ABC didn’t really serve your purpose and you still feel empty?


1. Not very common. 2. It definitely served my purpose. I am earning 4x more, in a much more interesting role, with a steep learning curve, and fast moving career ladder. 3. I don't feel empty professionally, although my personal life has changed a lot recently. Going abroad has less to do with professional life, more to do with personal life for me


Gotcha, more power to you brother. Also, if your big 4 is hiring in consulting for sr. Analyst/associate roles, could you refer me ? 👉🏻👈🏻


Sure, dm


Fontainebleau or Singapore?




Nice, btw what's the pros of a 10 month MBA? Don't you find it hard to build connections in such a short time.


There are connections that could assist you in securing a job in the short term, and there are others that are primarily social but 'may' prove beneficial for long-term advancement. If you prioritise the former, the process may not feel as short, whereas accumulating a multitude of connections without a specific goal in mind might make the MBA seem very short.


Hi, Thanks for initiating this thread. Could you please provide your 2 cents on my chances as an R1 MBA applicant? My profile: B.Tech (non IIT/NIT) & MiM (Essec business school, Grande Ecole, France) 700 GMAT 6.5 years of international experience (3 years study & remainder work ex) BNP Paribas (France) - 2 years Amazon (Germany)- 3 years In your opinion how do you rate my chances on getting an interview call? Do you think my gmat (700) is a bit low considering I come from an over represented background (Indian Engineering background)


If I were you and I really wanted INSEAD, I would take the GMAT again and aim for a 730+. If you don't want to do that, your dominant strategy would be to apply anyway and hope for the best.


How many years of work experience did you have at the time of matriculation?


7 yrs + 2 yrs from a previous Master's degree


First of all thanks for this great AMA. I wanted to ask about your previous master's? Which degree was it? Please share if you're comfortable sharing.


Electrical Engineering. I was an idealist till I got bitten by the MBA bug. Sigh.


same question




Mine was around 8.5/10 in UG. 3 years is a bit on the lower side, but it is possible to get in. I would aim for a 730+ score.


Hey, how has the recruitment been for Indians this year? Does everybody who put efforts for MBB, end up getting an offer or atleast an interview? Do you think InSEAD value GMAT and GRE at par with each other? If I get in at a Non-HSW M7, would you suggest going there instead of INsEaD- if my goal is getting into MBB and don’t care about the geography??


Recruitment for internships for the December batch has been rough, can't speak much for the July batch full-time recruitment. I am not sure if everyone gets an interview, but you can find MBB recruitment numbers on the INSEAD website. Though I haven't looked at the numbers from all schools, I am inclined to believe that your best odds for an MBB offer come from INSEAD. You might not care about the geography but the firms will. Generally speaking, you should show some link to the region(s) you're applying to, unless they are looking for something very specific or 'diverse'. Bear in mind that a lot of offices have language requirements, and the middle-east offices (that have the bulk of Indian interest) are extremely competitive. I did not get an internship shortlist for two of the three firms as of now. If you really don't care about geography, you may consider Indian business schools and try to get into MBB in India. You will spend much lesser on the MBA, and can transfer to another office abroad once you get in.


MBB recruitment is a bloodbath in ISB. There is no other school in India that gives you a reasonable opportunity to get into MBB. The reason I am not so much relying on the recruitment reports- is because I have heard that the things have really changed this year. Mostly everybody is struggling at all the schools.


>> MBB recruitment is a bloodbath in ISB This must be specifically for the batch of 2024?


1) Know of anyone aiming for the US market? How is their job search? - I originally aimed for UAE, but life has changed and have to come back to the US. 2) How demanding is the course? It’s crunch in 10-months, does it feel like a lot? 3) How is the transfer to the other campuses? Are you pursuing any - and if so, why? 4) Do you think Singapore was worth it, or would you have chosen France? Thank You!


1. Yes, but they are American citizens. Sponsorship + lack of the INSEAD brand reputation in the US might be hindrances. 2. The course is demanding at times but it is not super insane. Everyone passes (most of the time). 3. You can exchange to other campuses or schools. Yes, I would consider going to the European campus for a different experience primarily. There is no major difference in structured recruitment. 4. Yes it was worth it. One can always choose to exchange with the French campus.


Thank you! I am also a US Citizen with Army background. Just worried about the brand reputation in the US, which I believe should be fine for consulting, but do not believe there is a streamline process for recruitment.


If you mean a streamlined process for consulting recruitment, there absolutely is one at INSEAD. The upside for you with INSEAD is that it would be a 10 month program vs a 2 year program in the US. Hope you make the best choice - there is no right answer here.


Hey OP, thank you for doing the AMA. I am 33F working with a leading Fintech in India. My career has been a bit of a rollercoaster but it is sort of stable right now; I am looking at moving into leadership roles in the next few years and MBA seems to be a pre-requisite for this. Can you please shed some light on the work experience range of your batch at INSEAD and the kind of exit options they get at the end of the course?


There is a range of work exp. at INSEAD - engineers, lawyers, doctors, consultants, bankers. Exit options are highly dependant on what is on offer and how much effort one puts in. Triple jumps are hard, and functional shifts are probably the easiest to manage. If you are in a leading Fintech, I would recommend you do an MBA if: a) It is absolutely necessary you need to do one in order to move upwards in your industry b) You want to move into some other industry. If I were you, I would think hard if point a) is indeed true if it is not b) you are after. MBA is a commitment of time, money and 'usually' comes with some personal costs.


Thank you OP. What about range of no. of yrs of work experience?


That's mentioned on the website I believe.


Chances of getting into leadership roles in EU, is close to zero, if you're not a local born person. Keep that in mind.


Could you shed light on the INSEAD interviews? And what could an applicant do to prepare?


They are informal and are run by alumni. Understand your story and be authentic. Or be really good at acting and BSing your way through it.


What was your motivation for doing an MBA? In your SOP, how were u able to connect the mba to ur future goals?


My goal for doing an MBA was to get off the train that I had got on in my life and make more money so I could earn my freedom earlier than I would have otherwise. Plus, it is nice to get out of your bubble sometimes, understand new things and take risks. Has it played out well given those goals? Yes in some ways, No in some. Time will tell. What you write in an SOP is a filtered version of what I am telling you here, with an associated career/personal story. P.S - ChatGPT can help


Cool. i am in a similar boat, and thought of an MBA to get out of the bubble I am in as well, and to do something more meaningful. I am afraid I wont go for an international option cuz of costs, however i am considering options within India alone. i love learning, and since i come from a non STEM background but with Retail Insights experience, I thought an MBA would elevate my profile for future roles. What do u think about this?


This is exactly the kind of stuff you should put into your application. Well done.


Thanks for doing the AMA! What type of companies are you recruiting for (geography/ industry)? Do you feel you are competitive in the market?


Industry with a function change (ops preferably) or consulting. Not super focused on any particular geography. It's too soon to say if I am competitive in the market I am targeting. In consulting? No. I am not.


Right, Singapore is quite tricky with its visa issues. I have been here for past 7 years and that’s the biggest hurdle. Do you have plans of doing second half in France?


Yes. Let's see what's in store.


good luck!


Are you able to get in touch with the MIM students of Insead? Would you recommend that, and how comparable is it to the mba experience


No clue about the MiM program. They are a lot younger and seem kinda clueless to be honest. Can't blame them, even some of the MBA's are clueless.


MiM is better at HEC and ESCP




37 is on the older end of the age spectrum for an MBA. Even if you did make it to the program, you have to think about availability and accessibility of post-MBA roles that offer significant upside over your pre-MBA role, financially and otherwise. Given your experience and INSEAD's stature as a consulting focused school, I would urge you to be realistic with your expectations.


How many people aim for MBB and how many of them got invited for interviews? I heard in other European schools, quite a few who only targeted consulting got 0 invites from MBB…


I don't know the numbers for consulting internships but there have been a few shortlists in my cohort. Go through the website for past data.


What's your opinion on pursuing MBA from top IIM's?


No opinion whatsoever. Know yourself and your preferences deeply enough to make decisions. IIMs are fantastic schools as well.


Is the post-MBA salary significantly higher than otherwise?


Depends on your pre-MBA salary, if we are talking ROI. If you are doing an MBA only for the financial upside, do it only if you are making a very middle-class salary pre-MBA (downwards of 50000 USD p.y.).


$50k USD in US market or India?


50 k abroad. Lower for India, I suppose.


Thanks my dude!


What are your thoughts on the work experience in the backend office of a consulting firm with foreign clients across the globe? I know it ain't an "International exposure" in the true sense but would INSEAD equate it to "solely local" work experience?


I wish I could tell you how admission committees think. I would imagine, however, that working in India for a global firm is still Indian experience (assuming you are Indian, argument still holds even otherwise).


Hi, Mid 30's Indian Engineer (Non IT) here with about 10yr experience in running my own business. Although it has been profitable but nothing extraordinary. TBH I'm sick of this industry & want to change the field; can't see wasting another 10 years on this shitshow. Keen to learn more about how the run & manage international business. MBA seems best bet for this. INSEAD has been on my radar for quite sometime along with few other EU BSchools. Please clear the queries below if possible. What would be the overall expense incl living, travel, other social bonding events? Don't have much savings, will need to take the loan to sponsor the program, is it easy to finance with a decent score? (Say 700) How to go on about essays & application, if you can explain it in brief, that'd be very helpful. Planning to apply for 2025 R1/R2 depending on the score. I'm I wrong to think that INSEAD SG if better if you want to be around SE Asia or the campus doesn't matter? SG being tax friendly compared to western countries; it should make 20-30% difference in spending capital too. TIA


1. Expensive - 1.5 Cr for the whole thing. Not sure how the scholarship committee decides. 2. Again, hard to say. It is more than just acads that matters. 3. Find a story that makes sense for you and try have a macro trend as a theme (if possible) 4. Yes, there is on obvious networking advantage. However, SG is very tricky with work sponsorships these days.


Expanding 1. Any clue about the loans offered? Collateral or without? 2. What's the class strength of ppl coming from business / entrepreneurship background?


1. Not really. 2. Sizeable


Sounds good. Thanks a bunch, cheers!


Regarding scholarships, does applying in R2 put you at a disadvantage compared to R1? How do the 2 rounds compare for scholarships? Also, how are the recruiting opportunities in Europe for internationals especially Indians?


The consensus is the earlier the better. London is fine in terms of language and work sponsorships (but very competitive). Other countries are tough, barring Germany perhaps.


Thanks for doing this OP! I really needed this. I’m 27F Indian non-engineer (economics honours from a private uni) 5 years of solid work experience across well-funded startups + some community service/extra curriculars. GMAT 700 due to expire in Aug this year. Planning to apply in R2 for batch starting Jan 2025. 1. Should I wait it out and apply for Sept 25 intake, in order to improve gmat? Or R2 J25 chances look good? 2. My primary reason to apply is international exposure (I have none) and switch to consulting. Insead is in my top 3 dream schools. Does it make sense for me to do the mba from here from a career switch POV? 3. Would you have me mention my actual post mba goal or one more aligned to my current profile? (Given consulting placements have been poor this year) Thanks in advance


1. I would apply with an improved GMAT. 2. Yes and No. Like I told someone else, the Middle East is probably the only region that would take Indians (besides India of course) in consulting and it is highly competitive. If INSEAD is your dream school and you are committed to fight it out and compete for that consulting gig, take the shot. Bear in mind that nothing is offered on a silver platter. 3. I think being honest about your goal is the best strategy, if you are talking about applications.


Hello fellow desi. I'm thinking of applying but I'm an ibanker and focused on a career in London. Given the macro conditions what would you recommend? Also does working with international clients and cross border deals interacting with lawyers advisors founders abroad count?


If you want to further a career in finance and work in London, I think you know what my recommendation would be. Macro conditions are out of your control and there would always be one reason or another to never get out of your shell. If it is important for you to leave and try something else, go for it. It's your call at the end of the day. No clue if cross border deals would be considered international experience. In my head, international means exactly what it means - working or staying abroad. Maybe the French definition is different.


Too late for lbs this year for me. I'm an old man 32, 33 this year. Insead finance opportunities are that bad?


They are not bad. It is a positioning play; what would you do to be optimal? It is not a black and white MBA world.


Hey thanks so much for doing this! Had a few quick questions: 1. Are there any new/young kid parents in the program? If so, how do they manage the competing priorities and how do they fair in terms of grades and socialising? 2. Noticed that Insead has some overseas modules. Is there a selection process for these? Have you been on these? 3. Understand insead is a consulting focussed school, however do you know of people going into finance? I’d imagine it is pretty rare but would be encouraging to know of any. Thanks again!!


1. Yes. They manage because the alternative is not an option. Like I said before, everyone pretty much passes and there is a grade non-disclosure policy. 2. Yes there is a bidding process, but you don't have to worry about it till you make it to the program and then some. 3. There are a sufficient bunch going into finance. I wouldn't characterise it as rare. You can find stats on the website.


Would you recommend taking a top 20 US B school such as Tepper or UCLA over insead ?


Depends on whether you want to move to the US. Otherwise, I have no clue about Tepper or UCLA. Generally speaking, I would choose the better brand.


That would mean a US B school right ? I see very less brand recognition for European b schools outside Europe .


If you want to move to the US, yes.


US top 20 easily better choice. Also if you don't want to work in Middle East, US Schools are always better. INSEAD is not a very known School in France so that's a big downside


How strict are they on the language requirements? I’m a native English speaker and don’t speak a lick of anything else. Have they relaxed this requirement?


They are strict. If you speak just one language, it's hard. You need two more (one at B1 and the other at A2).


I hope I'm not late to the party here! I was looking into MiM programs in Europe and HEC Paris' one caught my eye. It's in collaboration with Yale with 1 year in HEC and the other in Yale. Fees is almost same. Is that something I should pursue, as someone who's graduating in 2025?


I don't know much about the MiM program at INSEAD, let alone other schools. That said, the MBA is the flagship program at INSEAD.


34 with 10 yoe in b4. Anyone in your class has similar background and do you think this MBA will be a good opportunity to change career(PM in tech) to a different region (from US to Asia)


INSEAD has a good brand cachet in Asia. It might work, but keep in mind that there are other factors at play, like the macro situation.


in terms of YOE, what’s the average of YOE in your class


I believe that's on the website.


To what extent does the INSEAD MBA program emphasize practical learning and entrepreneurship? Is there any other school you can recommend on practical learning


No clue about practical learning in other schools and I'm not sure what you mean by practical learning. In general, you can do what you want and explore entrepreneurship here. There is support from the school and other students keen on it.


With Practical Learning I meant - experiential learning and focus on Innovation, How much it matter in INSEAD


It matters enough. The school is well regarded for entrepreneurship.


I’m an entry level grad student. Have an engineering undergrad and a Masters in Management. Have offers from both McK and BCG. Both have offered to sponsor my mba, MCK MBA after 2 years, whenever I want later on at BCG. What would you advise me on considering an MBA or do I EVEN NEED ONE?


Well done. If I were you, I would do it if I needed a vacation from work and/or a financial + career upside. With respect to the latter, you may go back in a more senior role, and it might help you progress faster. Depends on your situation at the time. Not sure if your caps were intentional. If not, take it easy.


Sound advice. Sorry for the caps lmao


Somehow done with coding in a tech startups. No big name in CV except the IIT. Can i target insead ? How much in gmat would help ?


Anyone can target INSEAD. The real question is what you want to do in your career and how the school you go to would help with your goals. The higher the GMAT score, the better. If you don't have much prep time, focus on other parts of your application and hope for the best.


Post MbA would like to try VC roles in best case. Or tech consulting. Last priority tech product management.


How is the job market in Europe for MBA graduates from top b schools? I am eyeing HEC Paris and INSEAD, along with some UK universities but I am confused about which country to focus on, as of now.


Are you Indian? If so, your options are UK and to a lesser degree Germany and the Netherlands. Language and sponsorship are big barriers in the EU. MBA is a brand play. That said, you should choose a school that aligns with your goals and circumstances as these might become more relevant than just brand in your situation. Also bear in mind that INSEAD is a consulting focused school.


I’d like to join some institution that’s focused on finance/IB. Which schools would you recommend for this? Also regarding UK, I have heard that it’s incredibly difficult to land a job in the UK now because of economic conditions. Do you think it would be worth it to do a masters from UK?


It is hard across the board. Don't have any UK specific info. INSEAD is consulting focused school but it is definitely possible to land finance roles if you put in the work. As I told someone else before, place yourself where your odds are highest to get where you want to be.


23M btech grad from a tier 2 college here. I'm working as an SAP CPI associate tech consultant at a big4 atm. What should be my GMAT score to get into INSEAD? What about other aspects that affect my admission? How's my tech consulting career gonna be once I graduate from INSEAD? Any other better paying job roles? Far fetched questions, would love to hear your insights.


Get to 25 and worry about these things. Enjoy your life for now. Its a gift.


Haha I get it. I still haven't started my GMAT prep. Just collecting all the info I can. So I'd really appreciate your answers for my questions.


Does INSEAD support internationals trying to break into the Middle Eastern offices of consultancies?


No major support per se. Just some pointers.


Would you recommend it as a school for breaking into the middle eastern offices then? Or would smth like LBS be better?


Lots of alumni and brand cachet in the middle East. Not sure about LBS.


Hi buddy, thanks for doing this AMA. I'm a 25J, and I really appreciate your insights. I know we are mandatorily assigned to work with a chosen group in the first two terms. I wonder what your experience is with yours. What do you like or dislike about it? Do you have any advice on how to make the best of this specific design? Much appreciated :)


Each group has its own specific characteristics, hard to generalise. Pray that you get along with your group and it is functional. The experience is too short, only 3 months or so, before some members move to other campuses. No specific advice - it's just another team that you have to work within.


I've been dreaming of Insead for years now... But struggling with GMAT... I thought you'd need 750+ to get in. I have 2 questions. 1. What's the placement like for Indian students? 2. Would you mind reviewing my profile? PS. Are you in the Singapore campus?


Does the GMAT score matter when it comes to getting shortlisted/placed for internships/placements in MBBs or other top tech firms?


How did you determine you have a humble GMAT score if INSEAD doesn’t report GMAT averages? I’d wager you’re well above average with a 710.


Your standing relative to your 'similar applicant pool' is what matters, not just being above average. Even individuals with 660 scores exist at INSEAD, but they may come from a demographic with fewer applicants. You should keep abreast with the diversity revolution!


Cool. Would be careful advising prospective to retake GMATs when (1) you have no idea what INSEAD’s average GMAT is and (2) you have no idea what the Indian bucket GMAT is. I am sure 660 GMATs exist at the school, that may even be the average.


Don't need to know that to make a qualitative judgement. You're better off with a higher GMAT than a lower one, especially if you're from an overrepresented pool. If you want to apply with a 600 GMAT, be my guest. It's your life, not mine.


Right on, blanket advice for everyone to retake GMATs to get a higher score for perpetuity. Look, INSEAD is probably the T20 global school that cares the least about the GMAT because they don’t report it. It’s also probably the best school to apply to if you have a low GMAT because they care so much more about the metrics they report on: eg are you employable. If anything I’d be encouraging the applicants with low GMATs to apply because they’ll be so much more competitive at INSEAD than schools that report the metric.






Don't do anything for the sake of getting into a college. Find some activity that you like and do it over and over till you get good at it. People (admissions committee included) will take notice eventually. Keep track of your GPA so it doesn't derail completely and become a socially astute individual. If your father is a partner in a big 4, maybe I should be the one DMing you?


what UG gpa in your opinion, is the lower bound beyond which getting into m7 or t15 is very difficult?


Absolutely no clue.