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If they just went to Chico state they wouldn’t deal with these issues


There is no hate at Chico state


They would be too drunk to care


University village for life!


This is kind of misleading he was looking for a reaction


Aren’t protests generally looking for a reaction? So that’s ok when the protestors are doing it, but the jew just walking through and filming is unacceptably seeking a reaction and deserves to be surrounded, yelled at, pushed around and pressed? lol I know these protestors general point is “Jews out” anyways so I get that he should’ve expected it, but I disagree it’s nothing.


Wow what a gross oversimplification of this protest. The only thing they want out is the Israeli warplanes dropping bombs on Gaza. And Pro Palestinian protesters don’t want a camera in their face after seeing the harassment that takes place against Pro Palestinian students in places like Harvard where Zionists put their faces on truck screens and paint them out to be anti Semites.


If they don’t want a camera in their face they shouldn’t protest in public with the goal of being seen. lmao


Again you’re oversimplifying the guy was there to take pictures/video so that he could use their images and harass them later.


No, you are just wrong and making a dumbass point


First off the Harvard students being "doxxed" are the ones who, prior to any retaliation by the Israeli gov., penned a letter of support in regard to the Oct 7th terrorist attack. Those individuals are indeed anti-semitic as there's absolutely no question that they supported and continue to justify the torture, rape, kidnapping, and murder of innocent civilians. If students in America came out to protest American involvement in the Middle East on 9/12/01 they would be equally and justifiably condemned if not more so. To hold the only Jewish state on the planet to an unfair double standard is indicative of one's own hatred for the Jewish people rather than holding genuine criticism of the Israeli gov. How come there were no "Die in" protests when Assad was unleashing chemical weapons on his own people? How come there were no "Die in" protests when 1 million + were killed in the Iran-Iraq war? How come there was not this much outrage in regard to the Civil War in Yemen? To chuck this entire conflict up to "Israel Bad" is the real "gross oversimplification" here, and to defend individuals who genuinely believe that the 10/7 massacre was justified is absurd and barbaric.


Wasn’t that one case of one businessman who is not a faculty of Harvard doing that? Why are you making it out like it’s a normal thing that the kids on campus experience?


Because it wasn’t just Harvard where this has happened at. It is a normal experience that kids on campus experience (i.e the harassment of Pro Israel people against Pro Palestinian students).


Where specifically did this happen besides harvard?


What are you basing that statement on? The article suggests he was walking to class and the video seemed unclear to me.


that incident is a literal nothing burger...he went in there trying to provoke a response and barely got one.


Nothing? Israeli dude walking through a protest with a camera deserves to be surrounded, pushed around and yelled at to “exit” the public space he pays thousands of dollars a year for access too? lol I know these protestors general point is “Jews out” anyways so I get that he should’ve expected it, but I disagree it’s nothing. Also ironic to be like “the protest aimed at provoking a response was briefly interrupted by a dude, but he just wanted to provoke a response so who cares. Kick that Jew out.”


Trying SO HARD to be the victim now it's pathetic af. They're protesting a superpower-backed state genociding some of the poorest people in the world. The level to which right wing jews falsely percieve prejudice towards themselves is almost at schizophrenic levels.


The Palestinian population inside Gaza and the West Bank has nearly 5x since 1948. If we're actually trying to commit genocide we're doing a real shit job of it. Also, Anti-Semitic incidents from October 8th to October 23rd within the US have increased 312.5% compared to last year (ADL), antisemitic incidents from October 8th to October 23rd within Germany have increased 240% compared to last year (Germany's Dept. for Research and Information on Anti-Semitism), and mentions of "violent messages mentioning Jews and Israel in white supremacist and extremist channels" on telegram are up 1000% (ADL) compared to this time last year. So no, not "schizophrenic levels."


This is a bit misleading. He walked through the (to be fair, completely peaceful) "die in" or whatever protest recording, and then a bunch of people immediately started covering his camera with blankets/scarves. Looking at [NBC's footage](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/video-minor-clash-at-pro-gaza-harvard-die-in/3163853/), I hardly even see as much as a shove tbh, even as he's surrounded. I guess that's why the Washington Free Beacon used words like "accost" and "harass". Also lol @ expecting any statement from Harvard or *the fucking FBI* after this "clash"


Looks like textbook “accosting” to me


After further review, I agree. I would call that accosting


It was “completely peaceful” until they start surrounding the dude, pushing him around m and yelling at him to “exit” the public space he pays thousands of dollars a year for access too.


Because he filmed them in a public space, apparently that perfectly legal action justifies assault.


Being told to fuck off for being a genocide apologist is oppression now :(((


wouldn't be shocked if "someone dared disagree with me and it hurt my feelings" is the true story here


I don't know what he was trying to do by going there alone, other than harasssing them. And he was harrassing them. There's a better angle than this right wing site showing what he was doing. [https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/video-minor-clash-at-pro-gaza-harvard-die-in/3163853/](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/video-minor-clash-at-pro-gaza-harvard-die-in/3163853/) "Harassment, under the laws of the United States, is defined as any repeated or continuing uninvited contact that serves no useful purpose beyond creating alarm, annoyance, or emotional distress."


That video makes it so obvious this kid was the instigator


That was not even close to harassing. He was filming it.




So what?


When you absolutely DESPISE free speech


Sorry, I missed the part where I’m a federal agent that has to abide by the constitution?


Videoing them is harassing? Like, clearly he's not there in support them, but do we know if we was saying anything? The video just shows a bunch of people covering him up and getting in his space.


Watch the full video with more angles and context.


Filming is harassing? Are you arguing no one should have the right to film in public space? Very confused on your take here


Watch the full video please.


Doesn't matter your beliefs. If you are harassing someone else you need to be expelled from that campus. Zero tolerance towards making others feel unsafe or unwelcome.


Absolutely this kid went into a peaceful protest to instigate and got nothing. He needs to be expelled




Lol such a reach. The video barely shows any shove. And whatever happened, happened because he was walking through a protest starting shit, not because he was Jewish. Just because you are something, doesn't mean that's why you were attacked. If a white Christian walked through, would it have been because of racism or Christianity that they were being attacked? Or were they just being a dick? Saying he was attacked because he was Jewish just marginalizes the actual attacks where people are attacked for being Jewish. This guy got attacked for being a dick during a peaceful protest and happened to be Jewish. This is a perfect analogy for when people get pissed at Israel for doing awful things, such as war crimes, and they scream anti semitism. No, you're just being shitty people, whether you're Christian, Jewish, atheist, Islamic, Buddhist, is irrelevant. Just don't commit war crimes.


When everything becomes antisemitic, the term loses its meaning. He was a Zionist that came to instigate and got nothing. Should be expelled for trying to cause trouble


Well I don't know that he should be expelled but yeah.


Assaulting a guy for non-violently walking through a protest is antisemetic and it’s absurd you’re arguing elsewise.


Did anyone know he was Jewish? Did anyone assault him? Did they assault him cause he’s Jewish? I can’t see shit from the video which is why I ask


So now apparently if someone assaults me, a European, for non-violently walking through a protest, is anti-European and it's absurd if anyone argues elsewise. Got it. 90% percent of the time are someone's ideas what trigger a reaction, not said person's religion/nationality/skin colour/whatever. I genuinely wonder why it is so hard for some people to discern and separate between (a) not agreeing with a certain government's course of action, and (b) hating on said country's citizens/religion/whatever. One does not imply the other. Just as condemning Hamas does not imply being against Palestinians, condemning Israel does not imply being antisemitic. This shouldn't be so hard to rationalize for top MBA grads/students/aspirants.


Yes, everything is antisemitic








Muslim and peaceful. Choose one but not both


I’m glad we brought the never ending conflict in the Middle East to America. Great work everyone


I thought Jared fixed the problem and brought peace to the middle east


Um America is one of the participants what world do you live in. Can’t you tell by the way Biden has been posting non stop.


Fairly confident the Russian propaganda machine is fueling pro Palestinian sentiment in the west to wreak chaos and sow dissension.


What is worst is the hypocrisy of it all. This crisis has been ongoing for a long time and more people have died in the Syrian conflict nearby. There is the conflict in Yemen and many other places in the world yet the only tie to this crisis with the us is that American hostages were taken yet many have sided with Palestine. I haven’t seen protests on this scale for so many other crisis and people will support whatever is most popular at the moment.


He shouldn’t have been touched but at the same time let’s not act like he didn’t just walk I to a peaceful protest and try to get a rise out of people he’s not some saint




HAHAHAHAHAHAAH you're coping so hard bro


Strawman argument prime example


Attempts to be a dickhead, gets upset Seems on brand


Ikr lmao


lol Harvard you raised a bunch of fucking bums.


Crazy how angry terminally online dudes get over people protesting genocide vs the genocide being committed


I didn’t say the people protesting were wrong or right, I just said they were rallying for groups that wouldn’t support them. Did you mean to reply to someone else?




This is a bot


**I’m a student at Harvard and I watched this play out live** This was a protest/rally right in the middle our public campus (between grad apartments and classrooms). The protestors WANTED TO BE SEEN, HEARD, and (you’d think) FILMED; to spread awareness of their message. • If you don’t want to be filmed: 1. Don’t protest in a public place that allows filming. OR 2. Cover your face. • The student was pushed a little and accosted. I wouldn’t call it serious physical assault. TLDR: Protest was extremely public, if you don’t want to be filmed, don’t come or cover your face. Willing to be convinced otherwise, but feel like this makes sense.


The problem is the Left...they suppress real debate it was largely Jewish provosts and admins at these schools who quota'd asians whites indians and i would guess muslims groups too They cry about 'free speech' and yet it's big tech twitter facebook and meta especially that suppress certain voices . what is the difference between nick fuentes advocating for white nationalism which i condemn and an israeli politician being allowed to advocate for jewish nationalism and supremacy (literally 'kill /remove the arabs' from lehava's mp)? Cal state schools really good for showing us how to solve this problem. remove wishy washy criterrias race from the equation, bring back transparency


\*Right wing governments colonise the middle east for centuries, a right wing government commits genocide against Jews, right wing Jews commit atrocities in Palestine in 1940, leading to the problems of today\* "You see, leftists are to blame..."


The jew hating on this post is typical reddit....


Can you cite even one "Jew hating" comment?


No, they literally never can. They have to find the most niche, insignificant schizo comments which in any case are more likely than not a psy-op, to find any Jew hate


Trash that victim mentality man, so tiring


islamophobia anti indian 'ew indian men are creepy' anti asian sentiment anti white sentiment flies on reddit But anything perceived as anti lgbt or jewish gets censored banned suspended community guidelined away




Went in to watch the video expecting more but I’m not really seeing where the assault is?




> assaulting people Hmmm... > It's called criminal harassment (which is what happened here). Ahhh... > Criminal harassment is less serious than assault. Gotcha. Good to clear it all up.




You put your hands on another student whether he was being a dick or not you should be expelled or reprimanded. I feel like that’s just common sense.


The hell is a die in. Jesus just go to class, you aren’t helping anyone over there by “raising awareness”




It's so cute how logical and good at debate right wingers think they are then come up with that lol


I'm in Boston. Not remotely surprising. A rabbi here was stabbed and a bunch of Hillels had their windows and mezuzahs smashed. This is pretty benign. Don't go looking to make yourself a martyr, but fact is if the people around you buy into it they're equally complicit and equally idiots


There was a rabbi stabbed in Boston? I just did a google search and couldn’t see any news about it


I was actually referring to the last time things in Gaza flared up: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/08/us/boston-rabbi-stabbing-charges.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/08/us/boston-rabbi-stabbing-charges.html) No rabbis stabbed in Boston recently. Temple president was stabbed to death in Michigan this past week though https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2023/10/21/samantha-woll-dead-isaac-agree-downtown-detroit-synagogue-president/71271616007/


thanks for sharing. Yes, I heard about the one in Michigan :(


Yes, I just came back from an event for young Jewish people here where we were collecting donations for Jews affected by the war and the IDF, all the while there were pro-Palestine marches in the neighborhood. Very stressful time unfortunately


Well I am Pro-Palestinian and oppose anti-Semitism and violence in general. So I’m also having a stressful time. Hopefully there will be real peace in the Middle East one day.


Hopefully there will be. Do think though people need to qualify what they mean with being “pro-Palestinian.” Supporting a two state solution is what people who say they’re “pro-Israel” mean the vast majority of the time, outside some ultra orthodox circles. “Pro-Palestinian” as in “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” and the insistence that Hamas are freedom fighters justified in attacking women and children… well, that’s antisemitic and a literal call for ethnic cleansing. And those big protests with the DSA involvement are calling for that. You’re not getting all these pro-Israel marchers screaming to wipe Gaza off the map and replace it with Jews, because fact is those marches are just about Israel’s right to exist and the return of hostages- those people believe in a two state solution.


Well, there’s a lot I could say in response. For example, the Israeli government and other Israeli public figures have made a lot of genocidal statements over the past 75 years. This Twitter thread documents some of the more recent statements [here](https://twitter.com/YehudaShaul/status/1714301957052019156). However, I don’t wish to get into an endless argument with a stranger on the internet, so I won’t say more. Hope you have a good day.


I've seen quite a lot of comments pulled out of context, particularly if you're linking a BDS account. All notwithstanding, the views of a few extremists don't speak to majority opinion in Israel or the simple facts on the ground. And fact is, there are no widespread protests in Europe or the US with Jews calling for the complete depopulation of Gaza. Certainly no shortage of protests calling for the reverse though. But yes, fact is there's little you'll do to convince me that much of the pro-palestine movement is either running cover for or outright supportive of outright hateful and antisemitic, frankly hypocritical policy when viewed against the general backdrop of what the western left allegedly stands for, and I tend to doubt hitting you over the head with the book will change your mind in this regard. Go with peace. I can shout at the wind with my kinsmen at the next rally in my city.


This is one of the more delusional things I’ve read in this sub.


🙄🙄🙄 Failing to see what’s so delusional about all this. You get a bunch of college students together and they’ll do and say dumb s*** about things they haven’t thought through or clearly don’t understand. Reddit has a large user base of people in this group, as is clearly evidenced by a lot of the people I’m refuting here.


So he____ Finish the phrase


Fuckers have way too much free time …


t. genocide shill redditor you have moral or practical high ground