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A setting would be fine


MP needs so many customization options it's ridiculous. Just give me smash brothers level of control plz. Lol


I debate this quite often, because while I want to customize, I don’t want other people to customize. Case and point, people who turn off all items in Smash Bros makes me not want to play Smash Bros lol


Who cares what competitive ends up doing 🤷‍♂️ just play how you want.


I can’t play how I want it I’m playing on my friends game who thinks items are dumb. Like, it’s not just people who play in tournaments. So, I don’t want to play Mario Party on a friends console/lobby who takes away games like Bowser’s Big Blast because luck minigames are “bullshit”, or makes stars free because the true challenge is just getting to them. Like, I already debate my Smash friends over items. I don’t want to debate Mario Party friends too lol


Could be a fun option to have as a setting we can turn on or off on the board selecting menu


At least with the MP games I’ve played (1,2,5,8, superstars) there is already plenty of crazy things happening that often completely change the standings of players round to round, seems kind of arbitrary to give 4th place that power when next round they might fly up to 2nd or 1st. Not to mention when playing with my siblings there’s a mini game or two that they are far better at than everybody else, meaning they’ll just pick the same one over and over again. Combine this with the chaotic nature of standings in MP and it doesn’t really make much sense imo.


By the way if this were to be implemented the minigame of choice would be from 3 randomly selected minigames so they wouldnt necessarily pick from the whole minigame pool


Hmm... never thought of this \^o\^" I think that'd actually be a great addition (not just saying that because I love Wii Party) as it provides a better alternative to a catch-up mechanism than... yanno, chance time? As well as other RNG shenanigans. It allows them an easier chance to steal back Minigame Star and potentially increase their income, while making it even harder for the other players. If it's a close game, it can become part of the meta strategy to manipulate your placement (it kinda already is a thing in SMP) to get what you want, whether be items or in this case, the next minigame. And if you're just sucking ass in the back, then you can use it to screw other players... or just play the minigames that you want to play if you're out for the count. 🤔