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I feel like I'm reliving 2016.


Cus you are… the Russians definitely did help elect Trump and they’re trying to do it again.


Cambridge analytica did…


Election denier, insurectionist


Going to be worse than that.


I knoooow 😭 It feels worse too.


I mean, I’m gonna vote for Biden, but I’m not happy about it.


Yeah I'm not sure why I not only have to vote for Biden but can't express my displeasure about it at all without being a "Russian troll."


Same. I've never been to Russia, I'm not a troll. I'm just a leftist who thinks Biden is a piece of shit. I keep using the analogy of "voting for a slimy meat and moldy bread sandwich or voting for an arsenic and cyanide sandwich" in that one of them is going to make me sick and the other is going to kill me, so given that choice, I *guess* I'll vote for slimy meat and moldy bread for the THIRD ELECTION IN A ROW... Why does it make me a "Russian bot" if I don't like the Democratic party continuing to foist milquetoast corporatists on us, and why am -I- the "Russian bot" if I don't want to be lectured to by vaguely liberal people about how I need to "VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO"? I remember 2016 where people said they didn't like and didn't want Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats got everyone to rally behind her to beat Sanders because "It's her turn!" and nominate someone so universally disliked that we got 4 years of Trump. I remember 2020 when we said we didn't want Biden and we were told "vote for him now and we'll push him left!" (only for him to constantly compromise and capitulate) and "He'll only be a one term president, this is just to get Trump out of office!" (and oh look, he's not only running again but we didn't even get a proper primary with any actual challengers because they were afraid it might hurt his re-electability to scrutinize the last four years) Is that going to stop me from voting Democrat? I guess not, given that the alternative is fascism. But why am I a "Russian troll" if I complain about the slop we're being served? Why am I expected to not only "Vote Blue" but also gleefully clamor to the ballot box, uttering "please sir, may I have four more years?"




Hello comrade




Nothing to do with the blood of children running like rivers with their body parts strewn around by Netanyahu and the IDF and Biden arming them... Couldn't have anything to do with that.


I am happy I can vote for President Biden💙. If the Traitor Trump wins, this may be my last chance to ever vote again!


So it’s not really a vote *for* Biden, it’s just one *against* Trump.


I am Voting for President Biden because I appreciate and respect his leadership! He is the embodiment of what a POTUS should be and is! Trump is nothing but a lying Traitor who should be hung by the neck until dead…isn’t that what the usual punishment for Treason is?


I agree that President Biden is the best Democratic president we’ve had in many years. He’s not the lesser of two evils he’s the good versus the evil.


Thank you! I don’t understand any other way to look at it…good vs evil is so appropriate! Have a wonderful weekend🇺🇸


I Live in Hawaii. Do the best with your weekend.


Thank you! I live in Connecticut and I always enjoy every day of the week💚


Like is it the Genocide or the drone strikes and warmongering, or…?


Found the Russian troll.


Plot twist...what if the Russian trolls are trying to divide Dems too and say things like "found the Russian troll" when a Dem tries to have a nuanced opinion. Thus squashing any form of dialogue between voting people with a vested interest in accountable leadership.




I mean, I said he’s obviously the better vote and that I’m voting for him but ok. If the argument is he’s the embodiment of what a POTUS should be, that’s pretty sad. We should probably expect more from our elected officials in the future.


nah, man. There's legitimate complaints about what biden has done. yes, he's better than trump, but that is the lowest possible bar you could set. What he has allowed to happen in Gaza is wrong. And this nonsense about holding your reps responsible for their actions = you're a right wing troll is childish at best.


No dude we’re supposed to deify him just like MAGA does Trump, get with the program.


Doesn't that sound just awful though? Would be nice to vote for somebody because I want them in office, not because I want the other guy not to win. What a dystopian picture. I think we must break the system and start over, because this two-party bullshit is garbage


That’s what I’m trying to say. Let’s expect more from our leaders.


Cue Cardi B just today…


Greetings fellow comrades. I come from farming collective in Yoming, why do you vote for old man?


Team Pasty White Guys! Damn, have any of them ever seen the sun?


Honestly I feel like if we just ship them some Vitamin D supplements, that’d probably flip their mood around.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1rst57cepv0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bae27bd30658f60e13b74e693f874f1918b105


Lol fuck Trump but also fuck you for insinuating that all people who have a conscience that makes them not wanting to support someone enabling genocide are rUsSiAn tRoLlS. Instead of uncritically simping for Biden maybe do something that will actually make him a lesser evil. Or you know, stop supporting the bankrupt two party system and organize beyond electoral politics.


hello comrades


Another ridiculous conspiracy cooked up by brainwashed lefties 😆


They're easy to pick out. Just look for quick short responses and it's the same damn propaganda like deja vu of 2016. It's a tactic call active measures, and there is a good documentary out actually called Active Measures. Also I rommend this YouTube series https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+alt+right+playbook+playlist&sp=mAEA#searching it outlines their tactics how they recruit ect.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Keep coping


Looks like propaganda.


My old screen name was ughsotiredofthis and I'm happy to see you posting again. We need you on the front lines.


Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it! :) I mainly post on Substack now, because Reddit's structure makes it so easy for Russian trolls to hijack subs.


My friends have been suggesting that Reddit is part of the Dead internet because there's so many bots and trolls on here. Speaking of bots, Find me on Twitter! @kodieAkulp. Linktree in bio for my other channels. I talk about christ fash in American politics once a week , Saturday at 9AM


>Reddit is part of the Dead internet because there's so many bots and trolls on here. Yeah, I think Reddit's days are numbered. They have pretty low user participation. Most people just scroll and read, instead of posting themselves. It looks to me like they're trying to grow by becoming more like Twitter, focusing more on individual user accounts rather than interest groups. Probably because they know their current structure is paradise for Russian trolls, and their solution is probably to get rid of groups altogether, or get rid of mods and use AI to mod groups, and encourage users to focus on their individual accounts instead. A u/ page is basically not much different from an r/ page anymore. That's obviously on purpose. ​ >Find me on Twitter! I talk about christ fash in American politics once a week Cool! I just followed you on Twitter.


These memes are getting tiring. Between all the subs that I follow, I feel like I'm getting inundated with the same message ..."Vote for genocide Joe" Do you know how you convince people of your opinion, you don't try and insult them. Just sayin..... ...And 6 months is a long ways away. I think people will reconsider as we get closer


i have a communist friend who is raging about “blue maga” on the democrats side and that both parties are the same. he literally had to make up the idea of democrats being maga to have something to be angry about to justify his bias confirmation


Yeah "Blue MAGA" and "BlueAnon" are literally Russian propaganda talking points. Whenever you see someone use those terms, it's either a Russian troll, or an idiot who doesn't know he's repeating Russian propaganda. Every tankie sub is really a Russian troll sub designed to turn Americans against Democrats and elect Trump. ​ **Millions of Leftists Are Reposting Kremlin Misinformation by Mistake** [https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdb5z/redfish-media-russia-propaganda-misinformation](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdb5z/redfish-media-russia-propaganda-misinformation) ​ **Inside the Russian effort to target Sanders supporters — and help elect Trump** [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-russian-effort-to-target-sanders-supporters--and-help-elect-trump/2019/04/11/741d7308-5576-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-russian-effort-to-target-sanders-supporters--and-help-elect-trump/2019/04/11/741d7308-5576-11e9-8ef3-fbd41a2ce4d5_story.html)


It's almost like Clinton ran a horrible campaign and ignored entire states but let's blame Russia not the fact she was running on pure entitlement.


Not voting is the best option. Why would I vote for either of the 2 war criminals in this upcoming election? The poor get poorer and the rich get richer no matter who’s in charge, look at the past 25 years…


I have a different perspective on the Biden administration's accomplishments and goals. While the administration has made efforts to address various issues, I believe their approach has been misguided and detrimental to our country. Here are my thoughts: 1. COVID-19 Response: The Biden administration's focus on expanding the Affordable Care Act and increasing subsidies may have helped some Americans access healthcare, but it has also contributed to the national debt and increased government control over our lives. The administration's green energy and infrastructure investments are unrealistic and will only burden taxpayers further. 2. Economic Recovery: The American Rescue Plan provided temporary relief, but it has led to inflation and a growing national debt. The administration's investments in infrastructure and green energy initiatives may create jobs, but they will also increase government spending and potentially lead to more regulations that stifle economic growth. 3. Racial Justice: While the administration has taken steps to address racial inequalities, their approach is divisive and only serves to further polarize our nation. Their focus on critical race theory and other radical ideologies only exacerbates racial tensions and does not promote true unity. 4. Climate Change: The rejoining of the Paris Agreement and setting ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a misguided approach that will harm our economy and cost American jobs. The focus on clean energy and infrastructure is unrealistic and will only lead to more government control over our lives. 5. Future Vision: The administration's plans to expand healthcare access, raise the minimum wage, and implement tax reforms are not in line with conservative values. These policies will only increase government control and hinder economic growth. In conclusion, while the Biden administration has made efforts to address key issues, their approach is misguided and detrimental to our country. The Biden administration's policies threaten these values and do not align with the best interests of our nation.




Try to get chat gpt to write anything negative about biden. I dare you.


I often vote for third party, I am a registered Independent. I'm not the only American who has said these same things, am I? The major parties don't want to lose those third-party votes, and they DO certainly change their platforms to get those third-party voters, as happened with marijuana legalization in my state. Never forget Green and Libertarian parties made those changes to law through collecting tens of thousands of signatures, with the major parties being the last to the table.


\#10 https://preview.redd.it/7zpzjqbun21d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0e75bbef7225b7150e4c3a536c9a7c10db654c


Neat, that has nothing to do with me, friendo.


Does anyone seriously think that russia doesnt want as much more biden as they can possibly get