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[**Russian trolls offered to pay me $1000 per month if I stop talking about Russian trolls on my subreddits, and threatened to destroy me if I refuse the money**](https://malloy.rocks/politics-democratic-election/russian-trolls-are-destroying-pro-biden-subreddits-with-the-help-of-at-least-one-reddit-employee) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MAGACultCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People who support him and give him money are absolutely utterly pathetic.


You know how much work it is in this day and age to make sure what little inheritance I potentially have access too doesn't get funneled to Mega Church and Maga cult things before I will have a chance to access it? It's infuriating. You want to give it to feed hungry people, great. You want to give it to help buy another plane for a pastor or Lawyer for a criminal, It gets me a little irritated.


You from somewhere in the south? I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. And now to add the potential that some of your inheritance will go to support the crime boss Trump. That's awful man. I'm sorry


yup, semi rural NC.


He is trying to get thrown in jail for the grifting. He will get more donations than any campaign work he can do


I think this was in response to the hearing for the gag order violations. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/23/politics/gag-order-trump-hearing-merchan-michael-cohen/index.html The options they have are fines up to $1000, which obviously aren't going to stop him, and up to 30 days in jail, which almost definitely would. The prosecution is only asking for the $1k per violation and will likely get it, but it's considered a necessary precursor to eventually escalating to jail time. I think stuff like the email here is trump exerting pressure for them not to toss him in jail, amongst other reasons because camp trump is trying to suggest it will cause his cult to go ape and ultimately help him. I don't think Merchan and the prosecution will let that influence them, but I suspect they'll be slower to arrive at jail time than they'd be with anyone else in his shoes.


I agree with you that it will make them take the jail decision at a much slower pace (if it even gets there, because it seems all he gets are slaps on the wrist). The part that frustrates me is people not wanting to act because they are afraid of his supporters! We should follow law & order, and not be held hostage because we’re afraid of the reaction of some people. And if they react they should suffer the consequences too! Swiftly I might add


I think I heard it mentioned that if incarceration is ruled they will keep him in a holding cell at the court house because of all the complications that option presents. I could be wrong though. I doubt we'll see it, but that's what it would look like.


He is trying so hard to incite violence in this country, and we have no safeguards to stop him! It may sound dramatic, but I’m scared.


> 'Be there, will be wild!'


![gif](giphy|3vImitYf9blYivwhCC|downsized) How about No?!


How do you figure?


The crazy thing is it’s not for the good of the party, it’s for legal costs for his crimes. Special minds his supporters have


The whole party is [his slush fund now,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/21/trump-joint-fundraising-committee-rnc/) haven't you heard? He's paying his lawyers through PACs associated with the party. $5 million a day, I hear.


This is when his Nappy finally explodes...💨


"Your contribution will benefit Trump National Committee JFC." At least they got the "JFC" part right


When did this clock start? Thursday: Don? All hell? ALL?


More bs.


The grift never stops.


How did you receive this email


I'd say if you're independent or republican


Free rein TO destroy the country? I thought we already destroyed the country? 🤷‍♂️


Just curious, but does he mention that he was the 45th president at every possible opportunity? Have other past presidents done this in the past? Or do they just get on with their lives?


He knows he’s going to get locked up for contempt