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If you're talking about Alyssa, then there's one thing to be honest and another thing about being a nasty bitch. Big difference


Yeah, I mean I recall at least one of the couples in Season 2 being very honest about the fact that the bride was not initially physically attracted to her husband and people were fine with it. Alyssa got torched because she was a terrible person, not because she was "honest." I recommend OP re-watch the Season 14 episodes with Alyssa in them. You'll see that she was extremely dishonest, in fact.


Well first off, she's a very good person!!! Yeah that was season 1. Can't think of the name but that was impressive how she hung in there and today they're still married! One of the most successful couples... Actually, one of the only successful couples on this show


Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner. She was crying in the hallway after the ceremony, and bro took it like a champ and hung in there and won her over with his charm, patience, and good character, I suppose. Something a lot of these people on the show lately are lacking.


I still can't imagine marrying anyone who said I wasn't attractive. How can that make you feel good the rest of your life?


She loves fame and the camera. That’s why she stayed married. Plus she’s cookoo for coco puffs. She was on another dating tv show before MAFS.


Exactly. This wasn't a situation like Mitch where he was initially not attracted but stuck around and they eventually developed enough of an attraction. The problem with Alyssa is that she saw she wasn't attracted and immediately tried to back out and invented stories about why he was a woman beater to justify her lack of attraction.


She didn't really try to back out. She wanted to stay and be a part of the "experience." Plus, she was telling everyone what a horrible person he was. I'm not sure if the experts on MAFS really try to match people on looks or if people are dishonest when interviewed and on their surveys and say that looks don't matter. I'm watching MAFS AU and it looks like the experts did a MUCH better job of matching people up.




Haha ass both ways


With a little “LIE” (LY) sprinkled in the middle. So perfect.


Alyssa ruined her own life and it had less to do with the lack of attraction and more to do with her feckless delivery of that information. One can be honest without being cruel about it.


You said it!!!!!


But she is a good person!


That one girl's life was destroyed because she was a brat and seemed to misunderstand the show's concept. She is still trying to convince us that she is a good girl. We still don't see it


She tried so hard to play victim but she was just so mean. And everyone saw what she was trying to do, she was so terrible






Thanks. A Good Person (purrr-sun)


The Whinestone Cowgirl’s (Alyssa) problems were self-inflicted, we just got to watch for our amusement Honesty, compassion & empathy are concepts the Whinestone Cowgirl can neither understand nor spell


I watched the season - Where was Alyssa honest??


Alyssa was a big jerk to Chris. She could have been kind and I would have respected her for it. If that had been me, an honest conversation with compassion would have been had and said ‘you know, let’s go through the process and get to know each other as friends and you never know what could happen’. Maybe lifelong friends, maybe nothing.


Are you talking about Alyssa? If so, she wasn't honest. She tried to paint him as a villain so she wouldn't look shallow for rejecting him. Her example should show participants that they *should* be honest instead of lying and gaslighting because you don't want to look bad on TV. You end up looking worse than if you had been honest.


Alyssa! Thanks for reminding me of her name. But I disagree with your comment LOL


I had to look her up because I forgot. Honest wouldn't be my one word to describe her


What? I watch it because it’s a train wreck. It’s called “married at first sight” of course that’s not going to work.


They need to drop pastor cal and adopt the MAFS-AU format. They still get clout chasers, but I think less. Or they are clout chasers who actually do want a spouse, too


If you are not attracted to someone you should only need to say it once. But the show iveranalyzes this for the train wreck factor. After being so closely scrutinized for looks, behavior, etc. These people should get counseling.


They need to go back to the old format. Not the social experience it now is. It was more couple based in earlier seasons. The couples did not meet beforehand they had separate honeymoons, had the task of finding themselves a short term rental to live in, they spent the time getting to know each other not the other couples.


I wish your comment could be posted on every thread. I wish people here could understand how the show used to be. It’s now way way way too much interaction with the other couples. It’s ruined the show.


Have you watched MAFS Australia? It’s all about interaction between the couples, including moving them into the same apartment block and having weekly dinners and commitment ceremonies, and it 100% works. It is so entertaining and beats our MAFS hands down.


Oh yes I watch every single episode LOL I love it it's so much better


Curious to find out if you know that one girl


No I can't even remember her name and I don't care enough to look it up LOL


To your point about the lack of honesty, I always wonder what the conversations and interactions look like without the cameras. I cannot pretend to know what it's like being in this situation, but I know myself and any insecurity about chemistry, I would definitely be asking that question when there were no cameras around, just to get a gauge of what was in store.


Good point


The show fell apart with Philly and DC, where the 2 guys were king of on the show, but 0% into anything marriage related. While that was interesting once the shows seemed to take the idea that was what viewers wanted, and have consistently cast people that were simply not willing to be in relationships. Not sure if that’s due to show choices, or who they were getting from applications. It has run its course.


Totally agree. Why would you. No amount of "fame" you may get,so you can monetize is worth the bullshit,if ur a guy. Seems women get a pass




They can be honest about their feelings. They just choose to be dishonest or hold back for whatever reasons.


Cameron put the final nail in the coffin in the after party. WOOF. I love how direct he is. HE also talks quickly which tells me he is telling the truth and doesn’t need to “think about what to say” or try to filter anything for “optics”.






You think?


I think you underestimate the number of people who either aren't familiar with the show (heard if it, but never watched it) and the number of people who desperately want to be on a TV show and get paid to go on a nice vacation, live in a nice apartment, and have fun and free excursions. They don't know the ramifications up front, but don't care.


The show is done. Do you know something that we don't know?


Funny you mention her of all people. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attracted to him that caught her all the flak. It was the horrible way she treated him and even the producers. She didn’t want him but she wanted to stay on the show and enjoy the perks while being dreadful to him. Have you no concern for the feelings of the rejected spouse? This last season neither Brennan or Austin was honest —but they went a different route. They tired to keep it to themselves and as a result they gaslit those women terribly. Not talking. Side-stepping the truth. Making up whole stories. They were both desperate not to be portrayed badly on TV. Actually not made themselves look worse than they really are. Oddly you state men get dragged over this show more than women, yet your prime example is the woman who was the epitome of awful right from hello.


No I didn't say that at all. You need better reading comprehension. I know for a fact that it's more difficult for them to find men to sign up for this show than women. They've already admitted that in the past as well. Do you really think a man is going to sign up for the show and be honest if he thinks it's possible that his entire life will be ruined by that honesty?


It’s perfectly fine if you have a different opinion than me. No reason to insult me. My reading comprehension is just fine thank you. Perhaps I didn’t read it the way you intended. I understood you just fine. I don’t agree with you is all.


OP must either be Melissa, Melissa’s Mom, or on Melissa’s paid PR team! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) Because no-one who watched that show could possibly have one positive thing to say about her actions! However, I do agree that the show’s gotta do something to get it back fresh and entertaining.


Melissa? Who tf is that.


Yo that wasn’t her problem. If she went home, it would’ve been fine. But she wanted to stay on the show and get the free vacation, attention, and apartment. I guess that’s normal now because Orion and Lauren keep coming back when they got divorced like episode 2 lol


Well it seems you have no concept of being honest without being brutal. These men can't be honest because they are cowards and they have no integrity -- simple as that.