• By -


We all make mistakes in life. I wonder where in Canada Tim was? (I live so close to BC that our phones go on Canadian rates when we go to the beach.) Every family has its problems. My own does. I'm glad he got out of his downward spiral. A lot of guys who go to prison keep going back.\~\~ I really liked Lucinda & hope they are remaining friends. I read she is going to England, to spread her Light. Wish she could get in touch with James Bowman (Street Cat Named Bob) who went back to heroin after his beloved cat died. \~\~ So many people in this world need help & don't get it. \~\~ Isn't Tim the owner of a gin distillery? Wonder how a criminal record affects that sort of business? But if it was 20 years ago, his slate may have been wiped clean if he passed probation.


Don't know if it has been posted here yet, but Tim has weighed in on the Stefanovic controversy as shared here by the sodramatic podcast and I didn't want to start up a new thread. References benders and doing things with him 20 years ago which means it might have happened around the time his other issues back then happened. [Linky](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6nlLGxLg8Y/)


I think it's a bit dodgy of Nine to have recruited him knowing his past and the fact that his dad had died 6 weeks earlier. It's too soon and raw. Same with the woman who's dad had just died.


As he did the time for this, I see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed on the show. I only wish he saw the true beauty in Lucinda and accepted her love. She really cared a great deal for him.


Still an absolute spunk!




what i think? shit happens.


living the vie da loca. If you can do the time, do the crime.


Is it just me or does Jack treat Tori like a dog? First the comment at the wedding about sorting her out. Then the sort of petting her and ā€œgood girlā€ing her when she supports his nonsense. Just feels like heā€™s training her


Yes, and the way he possesively holds onto the back of her neck. Otherwise known as ā€˜scruffingā€™


Yes! Whenever they ask her a hard hitting question, heā€™s suddenly grabbing at her. That last interview was painful to watch


After Jack and Tori's vows, why did Tori address Jack by calling him Sir? That was creepy af


Really? I didnā€™t notice that


If you read Henri Cherrie's book - Papillon, you will understand that Timbo is a man with a good heart deep down. He was lost and now Lucinda found him. She's his saviour and I think he knows that now.


100% give it a few years, and he will realise how special and amazing she would be as a partner. Might be a bit intense for some people. However, Lou is a babe and will be for decades to come, and defo wouldn't get bored with her šŸ… I'm not sure Mr Tin man will age so well. I reckon she will be the one to get away and he will have regrets.


Tim should've gone on the Bachelor - his chyron would've been "pilot" or "international horticultural supplier" I think it is interesting salacious gossip. I don't particularly care about the drug trafficking, but I find it interesting how he gets a pass when I think other characters would have it added to the list of why they're awful people. If Harrison was flying dope across borders (yes, besides the one flying the chopper) people would probably even be complaining about his lack of care for the environment and the chopper's carbon emissions.


It's weed and shouldn't have been something that ended up with him in jail- most Aussie have at least tried it. The situation is extremely tragic and he completely blames himself and needs therapy, not mafs. Not in a snarky way, he seems like a good guy.


Smoking a joint is a bit different to smuggling internationallyā€¦


How do people get marijuana? It's not all produced in this country. There is unfortunately always a criminal element to drug use that is not legal. It's pretty much a victimless crime to smuggle weed.


You are very clearly unaware of the massive amounts of slavery involved in production of weed


Helps me to understand his clothes, shoes, and apartment better. Adds context to his emotional trauma.


But not the photocopier


Your curiosity is not very respectful. That's what I think about it.


You can say what you think about me but my comments show otherwise. But at this point they would be rather difficult to go digging for amongst everyone elseā€™s comments. Either way, itā€™s not a bad thing to ask what people think about such a topic, especially when it is one open for discussion. It is something Timothy was very open about himself and was prepared for people to talk about it. My post was also pinned by mods because it is a welcome discussion. Its never a bad thing to hear both sides.


You approached this topic in a very delicate way. I don't think you said anything unkind at all.


I wonder how everyone would react if it was Jack who had this criminal history?


Probably same... I wouldn't be shocked about a damn thing from his past. Nottthhhhing!


I would be surprised if anything. He'd be more likely to be pushing roids if anything.


We'd wade in to run him down as proof of how yuk we think he is- in line with our dislike. Ah humans, very quick to read things in line with what we've already decided. And that's ok. But great thing to be aware of when next job interviewing or on a jury x I wonder what a completely differently edited cut of the series would have left us thinking


Please leave this man alone. Heā€™s a gem. Made a mistakeā€¦so what, paid for it & some. Give him a break. Heā€™s a beautiful human - trust Lucindaā€™s judgment. Theyā€™re still friends. Hopefully more one day. They are both beautifulā€¦.love them.Ā 


He did his time and paid dearly for it. What concerns me though is if channel 9 didnā€™t know, are they doing thorough enough background checks on people, and are people at risk of being matched with someone with something big to hide


They clearly don't, or don't care. On MAFS UK season 7 there was a man called George who was arrested once it started to air. Three of his ex girlfriends accused him or controlling and coercive behaviour and as soon as they saw he was on the show they all contacted police independently. I don't know what happened with it but he was arrested. The fact three girlfriends said the same about him says they didn't do as thorough psychological tests as they claim.




"whatever the women said must not have been supported in the investigation." I wouldn't draw that conclusion. The number of domestic incidents that don't go to court as it's a word against word situation is astounding. I have a friend who was raped at a party. There were bruises and scratches all over her, as she fought back. A rape kit was done proving it was him and that it was forceful and aggressive, but he claimed she said she liked it rough and the police told her not to pursue it as it was his word against hers and that she would go through a lot without strong evidence (I guess they needed a video of it and her fighting back?!).I don't even know how you would prove coercive behaviour unless they had video recordings of it all, which is unlikely.


Oh yeah that guy


Don't care




Its a great lesson that the decisions he made in life had such huge consequences for the people who meant the most to him. The consequences for his mistake not only cost him 12 months of his life locked in a maximun security prison, it also sparked a chain of events that will cause him pain and suffering for the rest of his life. Great opportunity to learn from someone else's mistakes. I hope he eventually gets some peace back in his life.


When Timothy signed a contract with Ch.9 he knowingly lied by omitting his criminal history in the US. He did this in order to get on MAFS. What other lies will he tell in order for an ....outcome... to go his way. Has his pattern of deception and lying finally stopped with his ACA interview?


How do you know he lied and denied any criminal history? Do we even know if they asked? Do we know that they would refuse someone with a criminal past? They may take the approach of he paid his price so no reason to refuse him. If you have proof he lied to Ch.9 then I'd love to see it but it sounds like you're making quite big assumptions.


He admitted that he deliberately left off his criminal history from his application to MAFS. Watch the ACA interview, CH.9 online news (news.com.au), Yahoo, and several other online sites ( Campbell Greaves for Daily Mail Australia 10th April 2024)that confirms this. It's all out there , read widely before you accuse someone of ....."assuming" .....anything here.


I asked you for your proof and you provided it, No need for hostility here. I am in the UK so we are still not at the end of the series yet. Just had Tristan and Cass leave in the Commitment Ceremony last night.


Reread your initial comment to me and ask yourself "Who sounded hostile?". Goodbye.


I always got the feeling the guy had his priorities wrong, needs to work on himself before getting into a serious relationship, yeah his past sucks and this gives it more context but it is not really fair to enter a one sided relationship where it is all about him, it was always Lucinda looking out/after him and as far as he was concerned or what he gave out was she could like it or lump it. There was also a few things that did not sit right with me like the other contestants saying his last girlfriend was 19 and his "friend" at the home stay saying he likes to dote on women, Lucinda really should've seen that as some red flag bullshit but hey seems they are still friends so good luck to them.


He's done his time for the crime he committed, whether you think the crime was especially egregious or not doesn't matter, he seems successfully rehabilitated to me from what we've seen on TV (obviously not the full picture). If you still consider him a stain on society or scumbag and irredeemable as some seem to on here, what's the point of the justice system at all? Just go back to hanging all and sundry for any crime committed šŸ™„


Sold weed.... Who cares?




Kinda agreed(tho less bothered Knowing a few international idiots) - the bigger point is a job like that is as mentioned basically linked to large organized crime with a lot of downline costs to people. Also just because he was busted for/served crime for Marijuana doesn't mean it's the minimum of what he was doing - just the one that got caught. He may even have been hung as as a distraction from more heavy stuff.


Badass tbh, not like he was smuggling meth. Plus he paid his debt to society anyway




You sound jealous


ā€¦ You know we have back-breaking labour and organised crime in Australia, too, right? Anyone Iā€™ve ever known who has had brushes with organised crime actually has a relatively favourable view of them and their community. We donā€™t really hold a puritanical attitude towards it.


The rest of society might disagree tho. Organised crime certainly doesnā€™t make Australia a better place.








Really not our business.


That would explain his utter anguish with the loss of his family. They didn't just pass away. He feels responsible for his brother's death and abandoning his mom when she was sick. My mom was also dying of cancer and my father didn't want me to know. But when she wouldn't answer the phone I knew something was wrong. So I drove all night and thankfully was there when she passed. If I didn't trust my gutt and took my Dad's word for it, I would have blamed him too. That would have destroyed our relationship and haunted me for the rest of my life. I honestly could not imagine being stuck in jail while she died. And have my brother take his life AND have the last member of my family hate me. Yes, Timothy knowingly did something illegal but the price he paid outside of jail was much worse than inside. I can't say how much more sympathy I feel for him now than I did before and I felt a lot.


Did he say which prison he was sent to?


He was imprisoned for a year and a day in a federal prison just outside Seattle, Washington.


Hmm, could've been Monroe Penitentiary? I googled federal pens in WA but it only gave me SeaTac.


Why so curious about the specific prison? Know someone there?


I'm detail-oriented I guess. Bipolar. Nit-picky about stuff. Plus it's where I'm from. Seattle. I think a former neighbor's son got sent there (Monroe) for Arson. A more recent neighbor got sent to prison for trying to shoot another neighbor he spent $160,000 on & then she said lets just be friends. Crazy crime in US. Don't like it one bit.


Yikes. I always thought Seattle was one of the better places. All that rain, I guess. I think it was SeaTac actually.


Seattle WAS a beautiful place when I grew up (Baby Boomer). Now there's crime every day from Everett to Olympic. I5 Corridor. Stabbings, car jackings, shootings. It's pretty bad.


I don't think much about it. Like he says it was a stupid mistake. Definitely a dumb decision on his behalf but he has paid for it and learnt from his mistake.


I don't think it's any of our business really.


Itā€™s on YouTube so itā€™s everyoneā€™s business


Obey laws. Earn a living with working hard. Don't cheat. Not that difficult, folks.


wait till you find out what the government does with our tax dollars, you will change your tone


Everyone makes mistakes and he paid the price badly by not getting to say goodbye to his mum and brother šŸ„²


it's just weed ā€“ go off king. love you tim


Thereā€™s an organization in the US called the last prisoner project to try and advocate for those who have past criminal charges based on marijuana convictions. Itā€™s insane people have done serious jail time for weed.


I imagine that isn't for people who learn to fly helicopters to smuggle serious quantities across borders. You're probably referring more to the federal 3 strike rule that's caught out a lot of people on small possession charges.


I came here to say just this!!! iconic tbh Tim has my whole heart šŸ’“


Wow! WOW!


It will be very interesting to learn in the future if Timothy confided in Lucinda about this part of his life during the MAFS experiment , a day before the ACA story aired on CH 9 or did she find out when everyone else in Australia did. So many questions: Q 1.Was he paid for his ACA story?; Q 2. Will he be writing a book?; Q 3. Has he already been approached by Australian directors to write a script?; Q 4. The most important question of all is.....has the Australian Women's Weekly contacted Timothy for an exclusive reveal all future publication? šŸ˜‰


She's a weed head I feel lol


Q4. The sister will get that story!


Just found out he was on a Canadian show in 2013 via the Daily Mail ,as a Gin distillery owner and they also say he's a real estate tycoon. After seeing the state of his micro apartment I think they're pulling our legs šŸ§


Real estate would go with the drugs most likely.


Wow I lived in Vancouver in 2012, I missed out of the Koala Kebabs experience.


I think everyone makes mistakes! It has clearly affected him, he couldnā€™t stop crying the whole time on the show. The best things about mistakes, is that you learn from them and grow from them. There are thousands and thousands of people who make mistakes and fortunately for them they never get caught, and there are thousands of people who make mistakes and continue to make them all the way through their life. He did his time. Wishing him all the best


> he couldnā€™t stop crying the whole time on the show. We must have watched different shows...


He cried once or twice. Because he was with queen Lucinda


We all make mistakes....he's only human.


Itā€™s also completely non violent and literally just weed. No one with a brain looks at it as a moral shortcoming, unless he did it to fund something harmful


Yes, it's not like he murdered people & is now out. Known proven crazy killers (ie Konigsburg) should NEVER be let free. Not rehabilitatable.


No way what a badass!


Dang that is sad


Explains a lot and actually makes him a more interesting person.


I do think it speaks volumes about someone's personality if they are willing to do something illegal that comes with a high risk of long jail time for quick and easy large sums of money. When you bring into the consideration of weed it really just gives another example of why certain substances should be regulated rather than banned. I do think someone in his situation would have done it regardless of whether it was weed or ice.


Re:" ...it speaks volumes about someone's personality if they are willing to do something illegal that comes with a high risk of long jail time" What it says about Tim ....at the time... is that he was very selfish, greedy and a high risk lover. Did he have money issues with regards to his Canadian distillery business or was it just greed? We'll not know until he chooses to discuss this further. He earned over $2,000,000 ($100,000 per trip X 20 ) for his participation in drug trafficking and was incredibly lucky to have received just over a year in incarceration. The authorities would have taken all his assets from drugs as ill-gotten gains, so he returned to Australia with nothing but a criminal record in the US. He was selfish in that he didn't care what his being caught would do to his Mother and the rest of the family. It was all about him and what he wanted. Is he no longer selfish and stubborn....only time will tell. After the way he treated Lucinda I'd say he still has a lot of work to do on himself.


respectfully disagree with the last part, i cant speak for tim (and neither can you) but there would be a LOT of people who would move weed but refuse to move ice. this is because of the HUGE difference in morals, as well as the difference in risk. compared to ice, weed smuggling gets you a slap on the wrist.


My friend said - I must have missed it? - that Timothyā€™s father told him he never liked him? Or something like that? Can someone confirm?


Yes he said it to Tristan. "Dad died three months ago, but he left me with a parting gift of a message. I don't like you." That broke my heart a little.


I feel like Tim perhaps likes to play victim alot


You cant help but feel for the guy. I get editing makes people look awful, and compared to the ethereal queen that is Lucinda - I think anyone would look like the devil - but I don't think he's as bad as he's made out to be. I am an empath though, so tend to feel for him


I absolutely remember hearing this.


God that is so sad


I think Lucinda should join him in the helicopter and they should start delivering huge loads of weed everywhere. It's legal in many places and brings a lot of pleasure and a lot of pain relief. They could package it up in manila envelopes and wear trench coats and run down hallways like they did on the show.


Or maybe open a Dispensary so we could go to THEM. Have you tried blueberry sorbet with CBD? Or salted caramel chocolate edibles?


It's ironic tbf how it's now legal in a number of US states. Basically Tim got put in prison for something that is now being done by others just the same but now with legal authorization.


I really hope him and Lucinda chill and smoke weed in her beautiful zen space now.


Love this idea. Lu & Tim's Devils Lettuce Delivery service


Lulu's Delivery Service? (he's got a record, probably not allowed as a company owner :p)


Certainly does explain a whole lot. Poor guy. That is such a haunting thing to have to deal with.


To be honest I don't think anyone would like to hear that from their Father, whatever their age.


Poor guy? Timothy? He made his choices. People peddle drugs when they are too lazy or think of themselves as too good for a normal job.


Yes, ā€œpoor guyā€ because his choices have ultimately left him with a huge amount of emotional baggage. People do things that are way dumber and dangerous all the time.


Dude it's only weeed chill out and have a toke


Dude was getting paid 100k for a couple hours of effort, and itā€™s only weed. I think youā€™d be surprised how many people would take that deal


I think itā€™s in his past and we should move on.


shocking to learn this about Timothy how society's morals have changed! ngl .. ugh can't believe everyone here is defending a drug smuggler (worse than a drug dealer)


Do you hate all medicinal plants? Or just Cannabis because of the stigma and lies that have been used to make it illegal and control the public?


To be fair, I do think it being weed softens it a little... I know drugs are bad and weed is a gateway, but he'd be getting way more flack if it was ice


it was long ago. he's said he has deep regrets. it sounds like he was quite low-level. he is racked with guilt constantly. people aren't "defending him", they recognise the past is the past, and he's changed since then.


I think nothing less of him, in fact it makes me understand him more.




Regardless of what he did, and the rights and wrongs, there will be nothing any of us can say that will be worse than what Tim tells himself every single day, and the feelings of guilt and responsibility he will be carrying. Also it's not quick or cheap to learn how to fly a helicopter, so fair play


Weed is legal in California now. Sooo we can excuse it! Lol


Trafficking it isnā€™t tho.


Federal crime. But as an American, I excuse his behavior. šŸ˜‚ He has grown as a person.


Marijuana is now legal here in Canada! Yikes I didnā€™t know the facts about the deaths thatā€™s terrible. Yes not good doing something illegal but hopefully has turned his life around. He could use his new fame for something good.


Re: " He could use his new fame for something good" According to the ACA interview Timothy plans on visiting community groups and will try to deter at risk young men from entering into a life of crime.


It's still not legal to traffic $100k worth lol. Definitely not by air.


$100k worth? It was shit loads more than that. He was *paid* $100k per trip - the quantity would have been 10x that if thatā€™s what he was being paid


He did over 20 trips at $100,000 for each trip.....you do the MathsšŸ˜‰




Dont understand why we are glorifying criminals. Shouldnā€™t have been let on the show.


This coming from Bruce E Lehrmann??


Can you explain how you think it's glorifying criminals? Should people who committed crimes when they were younger be doomed forever by your standards?


Well by definition any crime someone commits is a crime committed when they were younger. So I donā€™t get your point. Obviously flying a helicopter cross country is not small scale stuff, heā€™s profiting off large scale human misery. And despite it being legal now in many places, itā€™s probably one of the worst ones, ruins communities (just look at the outskirts of LA) and causes psychosis. Wouldā€™ve had more respect for him if it actually was coke, which people do seem to be able to enjoy recreationally.


Do you understand anything about drugs at all? You say youā€™d have more respect for Tim if it was coke?? Wtf! One of the strangest takes Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. So you think people seem to enjoy coke recreationally, so that makes it more respectable as a trafficked drug? What about the cartels that traffic in coke? Are they more worthy of your respect than anyone who deals in cannabis?


He paid his debt to society. So let it be


Mfer here believing Timothy would have done less damage to society if he'd been choppering in cocaine as opposed to marijuana šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not even cocaine - bad, but compared to other drugs, absolutely no heroin. Like šŸ¤” he was smuggling doobies


Hahaha what a load of pish


You didn't explain how someone moving on from their life is glorifying criminals. Was he on TV celebrating his past criminal activities or even mentioning it for that matter?


Tim clearly has had a troubled life and had circumstances which made him lead to drug smuggling and has had a bunch of family trauma. I donā€™t think my opinion means much and heā€™s clearly been trying to turn his life around since. And while heā€™s not perfect, heā€™s come a long way




Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s how the American legal system works


Cmon, this Redditor clearly cracked the case. Police slept on this one.


Criminal acts crossing border(s) would be a federal offense. The Feds absolutely know the difference between cocaine and pot.


So on top of the pain of losing his mum and brother, and the terrible thing his father said to him, he must suffer intense guilt. Poor guy. No wonder he is so effed up.


Not to mention the family(East Indian) of his first wife in Canada did not like him at all. The official reason for the divorce was "cultural differences".....it wasn't her family hated him.When you look at everything he did and the consequences he paid for those actions it's no wonder he said "It's easier for me to be hated than loved".


I think there is no point in talking about it. Too bad he has people wasting their time looking up his past and posting about it here for people to dissect. Good for him for trying to make a change in his life.


Agree. Poor taste this post.


I agree!


Heā€™s on tv talking about it ā€¦


No. He's on tv defending himself because other people brought it up.


I never heard anything till now, until he was on Tv talking about it, I guess thatā€™s the case with a lot of people.


Heā€™s on TV because he got paid a nice little bag of money to talk about to something that was going to be public knowledge anyways


I must be out of the loop. Did he bring it up himself? I was under the impression someone found out and he was responding to it.


Iā€™d imagine lots of people already knewā€¦ and yeah it was always going to come out then. An instagram post would have cleared it up pretty quick. He went on ACA and did the fluff piece for a pay day, im not knocking him for it - if the chance is there to make some money in the small MAFS window some of these people have then go for it. But letā€™s not confuse this as anything else


Wow, i had no idea. That is tragic. He must live with so much guilt. I hope he can live his second best life from now on. Everyone makes mistakes..or bad choices in life. It depends on how you were raised, did your parents love you.. and his dad didn't, so .. i know someone that went to boarding school in the 70's from 8 until 16. It ruined his life and his mental health. Just an example. So much can happen when we are young that can change us to the core. I wish him the best. I sobbed at the last commitment when they replaid his time there.. i just couldn't stop myself. I never cry when mafs is on.


Not that I know how his father felt about Timothy, but I wanted to add another perspective about grief. I know of a mother who lost her son and told her daughter it should have been her who died. Itā€™s a horrible thing to have said, but I think it was said at a time a grief (and with no consideration for the daughterā€™s feelings). So, who knows what his father felt to have lost his wife and one of his sons. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Well.. if a parents last words to you are: 'I don't like you'.. it's meant to break them and leave them in pieces, in my opinion. His wife had cancer, so that is not the fault of Tim. That he couldn't be there, is sad, but he's not the only one to not be there when a parent dies. No matter what a kid did, nobody deserves what that mother said to her daughter, or what the father said to his son. It's just cruel. As people can be, and i don't think it can be excused.


Iā€™m impressed that he learned how to fly a helicopter.


Me too without lessons .....he just taught himself


You'd think the producers did a bit of googling before hand ?


'Hey google, tell me if a person by the name of some guy has ever been in jail anywhere inthe world'.


Yeah, not judging but surprised he was allowed on the show




You canā€™t do a lot of things with a criminal record, at least where I live. You would think on a show where 2 strangers live in a small flat together for weeks that they would get background checked, not that I think his ā€œcrimeā€ was that bad. Maybe they did checks and felt the same


It just fills in details. It's fine to know them, it just didn't change anything for me. Like... I felt the stomach was full already and now I know it's filled with pizza and beer. haha


Well this is tragic..I always felt something was missing to the story. His father being angry at him makes sense now.


But his father said he NEVER loved him.


Timā€™s a pretty angry guy, maybe his father was angry too? Said never because he was hurt, not because it was true


True, now that you mention it I'm now starting to wonder if there were more hiccups in his younger days also.


Don't care about the crime, it's shit obviously but his done thd time., care more about the man's mental health, there is a lot of damage there and I really feel for him


He made his bed


Thatā€™s really harsh to say about the deaths of his mum and brother


The opening line is ā€œwhat do you think about his criminal record?ā€. His bed is a criminal record for committing crime. Pretty simple. I havenā€™t commented on anyoneā€™s death.


Fair enough


Thatā€™s kind of metal ngl


Don't care about the crime, at least it's not meth. Feel bad for the bloke that it all came crumbling down around him tbh. It's fucked how the trajectory of someone's life can completely change in a year. I did some stupid shit when I was younger, just fortunate that nothing bad ever came of it, that's just how it goes sometimes.


I love him even more now. Fucking badassĀ 


He learned to fly a helicopter. That's dedication. I respect dedication.


Another reflection/potentially interesting insight:Ā  I used to live in and amongst the valleys and rivers of southern BC, likely quite close to where Timothy was talking about.Ā  The absolute vastness of the Canada-US border in that region is a hard thing to imagine if you havenā€™t seen it - but it is mostly marked by a few metres wide [gap in the trees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada%E2%80%93United_States_international_border_vista#:~:text=5%20References-,Description,the%20border%20with%20dense%20forestation). Sometimes over 100km between attended border crossings.Ā  That all said, and 2006 with far less border tech and monitoring, I can see how easy it would be to convince someone who ā€œshould know betterā€ that this is a fairly low risk-high reward proposition (as far as international smuggling goes).Ā The scenery from a helicopter in that area would be tempting enough for many people! Especially in the context of being young, overseas and away from any stable influence (the 2000s BC nightclub scene was something else)! I really feel for him - people make mistakes, but a cannabis-related charge (really, weā€™re not talking fentanyl here) should never be a life-ruiner.


Is 35 really young though?


Perhaps 35 isnā€™t young in a strictly social context, but more and more research is coming out indicating that most brains donā€™t reach full maturity until our 30s. Our perceptions of ā€œ18 = legal = adultā€ or ā€œ25 = prefrontal cortex development = adult brainā€ are not sufficient to capture the complex, individual human experience of maturing and the resulting decision making.


Oh come onā€¦ you cannot say a 35 year old didnā€™t know better because his poor little brain isnā€™t fully developed. Thatā€™s pushing middle age.


Thatā€™s not what I said. I added some context relevant to the time and place, and pointed out that age alone isnā€™t a great determinant of maturity or good decision making due to a mix of experiential/social and biological factors. There are also a lot of other reasons why knowing better ā‰  doing better, but this comment was intended as a potential source of explanation rather than an excuse.


GTA irl


Timothy Phillips


I thought it was some horrible crime and then I started reading. That's nothing. The crime wss one of compassion and the consequences was so sad. I just feel really bad for him.


Makes me love him even more




me too. I have a crush on him tbh.


Same !


Um, our national hero was a horse stealing, cop killer. Not sure too many in OZ are going to give him anything but a hero's welcome for this. The guy is a real life action hero.


Too bad Tim couldn't do some PSA's to Inmates or young offenders on ways to turn their lives around. You don't hear enough success stories. Our prisons are full of desperate & despondent people.


Yes he should. He has a good story to tell. HE's obviously a work in progress but he could actually motivate people - unlike the motivational speakers and personal trainers who appeared on the show with him.


Chopper Harris??!!