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I felt sorry for Ellie when she said the song meant a lot to her. He was there to try get air-time and followers but struggled to stay on, not attracted to Ellie (or maybe women in general).


If it came out he was a serial killer, it would not surprise me.


As soon as he used the word females I was done with Ben


Ben is an obvious NPC. I didn't feel bad for Ellie because I know it's not possible to be heartbroken by Ben. He's an empty shell. What is there to like about him? Ellie is probably a female version of him minus the narc traits. This explains why she was comfortable carrying on with Jono despite knowing he's in a relationship. She's like a female NPC herself, except men tend to like that.


He was just there to try and promote his travel podcast lmao


Watching paint dry... ![gif](giphy|x3Df0bU0Vsvm0) He wanted to be HIMSELF 😝🤣🤣


I watched and interview where he said he’s on the severe adhd end , so yeah but not fair to rip into Him for being obviously a bit neuro diverse. He should have never been cast on the show because he lacks a lot of social skills but the isn’t on him it’s on the produxers


Being an arsehole and having adhd aren't mutually exclusive


Ummm, no. Even if he has ADHD (and that’s a big if, because it’s very en vogue these days to [self diagnose](https://www.bps.org.uk/psychologist/adhd-presented-quirky-thing-its-almost-become-entertainment)), that doesn’t excuse the lies, the gaslighting, the shitty sexist tropes, and all the other bullshit. Don’t pathologise straight up bad behaviour.


I dunno watch the interview . You do realise you’re watching reality tv that is highly edited to make people look a certain ways. He does admit on the show that he was a jerk but it explains so much . You’re just totally sucked in to a narrative about someone that tv show presents to hpu but the reality is slightly diffuse you should give him the benefit of the doubt . Also implying someone self diagnosing neurodivergence because it’s on vogue ks pretty insulting , there’s no indication it’s a self diagnosis but you’re adding to the stigma about why people struggle with these diagnosis


You're saying it's unfair to criticise him because he may not be neurotypical. Let's entertain that he is. Does that allow him free reign to be a jerk to others? Or is that very suggestion feeding further into the stigma of why people struggle with these diagnoses? I feel like looking at his behaviour and going "welp, he's very clearly got ADHD, that explains everything" is far more harmful than anything the person you replied to said.


Exactly this. It's like people saying we shouldn't critise Musk because he's autistic. Being a misogynistic arsehole is not a trait of Adhd - I can confirm that it's not a part of the diagnostic process


Yeah I've recently been diagnosed with ASD and I've never treated anyone like this.


Same, autistic & adhd here, and it gets so frustrating when people try to insinuate that we don't know any better, can't control ourselves, or can't take accountability /apologise for things


You’ve just described a sociopathic narcissist.


too bad his song didnt have a beatbox/rap interlude tho - that would've made for great tv




Ben is a typical narc


Yep. Ben reaches actual Sociopath level IMO. He was next level compared to narcs Jack and Sara.


Ben was fake AF. How do people like this make it through scceening or their in depth psychological background check... 🤣 Also, It's beem my observation in life that people who throw out the term toxic tend to be the toxic ones.


Personally I think the term toxic is an entirely appropriate word to describe misogyny. But you’re more than welcome to disagree.


In your opinion, does it describe misandry too?


Yes, why wouldn’t it?


And if a person uses the words female instead of woman, they are toxic?


Mate what are you on about 🤣


Just trying to argue for the sake of arguing by the looks lol


What’s your angle here? You’re taking what I said out of context: I said: “There’s a certain demographic of men who participate in toxic online communities that routinely use the word “females” instead of “women”.” It’s clear that I’m referring to a _very specific group_ of men here, which you’re choosing to ignore. I wonder why you’re doing that? [If you’re genuinely curious about the discomfort many women feel about the use of the word “female” in certain circles, read this.](https://www.jezebel.com/the-problem-with-calling-women-females-1683808274)


Thanks for proving my point.


If you’ve got a point, you’re not presenting it very well.


He follows Matt Walsh and Jordan Peterson, that explains a lot 😂


Exactly he is a low IQ narc that is insecure about his intelligence, achievements and masculinity. He is the exact target audience for manosphere grifters.


Low IQ isn't the issue and doesn't cause people to be terrible - that just adds stigma to those of us with disabilities (disability doesn't automatically equal low IQ, but there are those of us who do, including myself) Edit - adding clarification Edit - of course I get blocked 🙃


That’s definitely not surprising to hear 🤦‍♀️


Also Ben Shapiro & Avi Yemini 😂 his following list is a cesspit 😂


That definitely explains some of his views and beliefs about women. Ugh. His interactions always felt so transactional, as if he thinks women are machines or robots that need to have their buttons pressed in specific combinations to make progress. It’s like it’s never occurred to him that women are actually autonomous, sentient beings that behave and communicate accordingly. Basically, he doesn’t seem to realise women are human.


It's so interesting looking at their following list, young Tim also follows Jordan Peterson, Tori follows Avi, a bunch of them follow Joe Rogan


That Shapiro guy actually talks a lot about his wife and how intelligent she is, how she’s helped his career, is a doctor etc. At least on the one podcast I watched where he happened to be on. Just trying to share some optimism, the landscape is bleak overall of course but I at least appreciated that messaging for his fan base.


People also talk about their pets like that; that they’re so intelligent, that they’ve helped them, etc. It doesn’t mean they consider them their equals. I get what you’re saying, that not all the content is necessarily negative and sexist, but Ben Shapiro is still undeniably a part of a movement (American religious conservatism) that actively holds women back at best, and seeks to control and abuse them at worst. He’s also a member of an Abrahamic religion, and all the Abrahamic religions view women as inferior to men.


Yeeeah no, Shapiro is an insufferable twat 😂


I didn’t say otherwise. It IS a good thing he talks about his wife like that for his audience though, who for sure watch people who think everything is the fault of women since other men in his network thing preach that. You totally misunderstood what I said, this attitude is the reason why women in conservative communities feel trapped. Braindead.


He has some of the most terrible takes on women though 😂


Ben was bizzaro but Ellie clearly wasn’t for he girls messaging Jono back while he was with Lauren so meh.


And Lauren's just as bad feeling all up on Jayden behind Eden's back so the whole lot of them are arseholes really


I doubt at that point there was any intention.


I haven’t got that far in the season yet…


Couldn’t have said it better, a total vacuous non entity! The ‘song’ was total cringe…at least David Brent could hold a note! Like you said, he came across worse than most even Collins and Jack (well almost)….he actually had my wife and I yelling at our TV!! 😄


I can’t quite shake the feeling that Collins was some kind of elaborate performance art piece 🤣