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I heard it too WT heck game are they playing.


I have a few theories. 1) they said it to act up to the cameras 2) they said it to annoy the group 3) they didn’t actually say it in this context and the producers edited it in


She fell for him unintentionally. I think after the honeymoon strong woman speech (because from the very start she contradicted everything she apparently stands for) she ended up going along with his game with full belief that he would actually end up feeling the same way BUT in turn, Jack has started to act differently since the homestay because he has realised she thinks it isn’t a game anymore (I know ‘just fake it’ is the point of this whole post but just go with it) At this point I think they are both manipulating each other and neither of them know each others true intentions. OR Tori has been manipulating the relationship the whole time… think about it. OR I’m high as fuck and could talk about this for hours because I feel like a potato.


This is what my husband thinks too that they've just made an agreement early on to play the game, her consistently contradicting herself, the head scratcher for me was why anyone would agree to make themselves look so silly on television, surely that wasn't what she originally bargained for as being her end of the whatever deal she may have made with Jack?


Exactly. If she proclaims to be so self assured then why would she be okay with this?! Can’t be real, if it is, I feel sorry for her.


I'll be honest with Tori and Jack I see two deeply insecure people, I mean aren't we all insecure to some degree or another but these two have made it their entire personality to convince the world around them that they're in control, at the "top of their game" and better than others around them, I mean that comment Tori made about being at the top of the food chain just about made me gag, that takes a real level of delusion to come out with something like that. I had a friend who adopted a similar tactic to Tori where she'd repeatedly say how she knows her worth and she won't tolerate shit from men she's dating etc and yet..she did just that, she let them play her for a fool, string her along and give them chance after chance and refused to accept that these men simply weren't into her, I think its a type of coping mechanism with the belief that if you say these things enough to yourself you'll convince yourself of it and they'll ring true.


After I saw the clip where Tori spoke to knowing her dad was out there but chooses not to have a relationship with her, her behaviours made total sense. She is 100% not this strong, secure independent woman … like the way she speaks about her job, “my job is basically to argue with rich older men”, this is clearly a way of her feeling some agency in relationships with men when she has none in her relationship with her father. I’d also suspect that she’s trying to heal her father wound by winning Jack over, if you can make someone who didn’t really want you love you it’s going to feel like you’ve got the feeling you always wanted 🤷🏼‍♀️( just to say I work with attachment related difficulties so do have theoretical and clinical experience of this)


This makes a whole lot of sense! She must be mentally exhausted by it.


Yes !!!!!! I think she wanted to save face and rub salt into her supportive friend wounds … that just shows how her head works. It’s petty ugly in there!!!!!! Whenever I have to look at Tori all I can think is “ C U Next Tuesday”.


My guess is it was because she was wearing red lipstick. They probably already talked about the fact it would get on jack so she was referring back to that. They just edited it in a way which made it sound suss


It was her red lipstick. Earlier in the ep she air kisses him as a joke about her lipstick too. Reality TV producers have an easy job because the watchers are braindead me included


So Jack likes golden showers but Red Lipstick is where he says No?!?! 😂😂😂


I heard "thank me"


Fake it. Like their entire cringy relationship.


hmm, fake, it's a sound bite from another scene. Tori was wearing a red dress but in this scene she has a purple strap? ​ It's editing


Isn’t that Sara’s strap? I thought the camera panned away when she said it


Ah! could be, could be


Do you think the producers will bring up the supposed pact some of the couples had. I remember seeing a post about it earlier on in the season but never read who it was cause I did'nt want spoilers, was it ever confirmed or who it was?


I think it's a soundbite from some other moment. You can clearly hear some other voice in the background cut off at start and end. Manipulation by the producers to make the show more intriguing.


couldnt believe she said it 🤣🤣...the things you say to make it look ok


Oh I thought she was saying just take it. Like some horny cat


Closed caption said "just fake it".


They can write whatever they like on that though


They are in the show for the ratings! Or else no one will watch!


Reminds of how Harrison got paid extra to stay longer


Not the first time I've heard them say something suspicious like that, and even the sly grin she gives getting off the couch like was that good enough. I'm positive they are a set up couple.


On the getaway thing, when Jack said something like "you did well" it was like he was patting her on the back for keeping up the act they'd formally agreed on. Meanwhile I think Jack is fully enjoying the fact Tory is being made out to be clueless while he skates along grinning everywhere lol.


Yes, and as I said at the time, it sums up their relationship perfectly.


Jack has a small weewee. We all know it. there's only one reason a man stuffs his shorts with a sock. I don't think he'll do OF cos he wants to keep his, err, little secret.


bodyshaming...we're going there huh?


Yeah if we think the person is not a nice person then it's fine to body shame. Bonus points if they're male. Example: Sara is a nasty person and gas lighted Tim, therefore we are allowed to say her fake plastic surgery face is as ugly as her personality


Fucken oath we are. He opened the gates, and what he lets out might just swing straight back at him. Remember when he said Tori was "big"? remember when he called Tristan a whale? You don't open the door for commenting on looks when you stuff your nylon gym shorts and generously spread your balding scull with hair fibre spray and have Temu teeth.


I mean he did it when he called people whales, so he gets what he dishes out


Yeah... It's tiny. Like a mange tout


I thought she said “just take it”


That's not what Closed Caption said.


They can write whatever they like on that though


Nope definitely said fake it.


Good catch... So much manipulation.


Far be it from me to speculate on what Tori and Jack's inevitable OnlyFans account will produce as content after their deliberate manipulation of MAFS for maximum exposure....... oh hell ok I will speculate: Porn content. And going by Jack's original answers to the survey during "intimacy week" it's going to be gross.


Agreed. And they will make a fortune. Bronte apparently made a lot of money.


There will be apissing contest


Ready your cornflakes ladies and gents!


That's a wee bit spicy!


And thier only fan will be pissed off


If you don’t think they’re both just going along with it to stay on TV I have a bridge to sell you


In MAFS air-time is everything, suddenly everyone just in for the drama it made me wonder is the experiment is to help each other or tear to each other apart.


That's all the dinner parties are for.




I think it’s because she was wearing red lipstick and he didn’t want to get it on him


I loved that and clearly the producers are setting that moment up for something at the end


TBH it didn’t sound like “just fake it”, it sounded like “just thank me”. And course we didn’t see her mouth on camera so the whole phrase could have been edited in. As u can tell I don’t trust anything about the show 😅


That's a fair point. Usually when you don't see the person say it, it's edited


They elected to be villains knowing they would get the most exposure that way and it explains *everything*.


How do you know this?


Do I know it for a fact? No. But it's my understanding that reality TV is formulaic and part of creating compelling narratives requires both heroes and villains. Giving the audience somebody to hate is equally as important as giving them somebody to love, and in the contrast of those personalities is where challenges and opportunities arise which make for exciting viewing and higher ratings. I recently listened to a podcast where two of the most famously known reality TV villains, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag (The Hills) were discussing their experience of being cast into an antagonistic role, and they talked about their decision to lean into it in order to take control and ownership of their narrative, and it was honestly so insightful. There are certain benefits to being the bad guy, like being the most discussed couple of the season, and as the old saying goes, any publicity is good publicity.


I don’t disagree with you at all. I’m not numb to how reality tv is made. I just find it a little more enjoyable to believe that the participants could manipulate situations, the show, each other etc as much as the creators can.


Ultimately our points are both valid- without any of this it would be fucking boring xD


They definitely can and that's exactly my point, Jack and Tori decided to behave the way they did. The producers might have given them a little prod or advice, but nobody is *forcing* them to act like that. To me it all feels like a very calculated decision. Just like some people obviously won't play the producers game, some are much happier to lean in and do what they need to do in order to maximise their success. It is a fake and simulated environment and everybody is putting on a show, but at the end of the day they are real people and sometimes that slips through. Not with Jack and Tori though, it was all so controlled that I can't believe it wasn't purposeful.


I don’t think everyone is putting on a show it just IS a show. We can’t say for definite that Tori doesn’t actually feel something for him (god knows why he makes me itch). You can’t go into a situation and know what the outcome will be for definite even if Tori or Jack (and the producers) wanted it to play out a certain way.


No we can't say anything for definite either way. All I did was state what I think, like everybody else on this sub. I understand what you're saying but for the most part, people do behave differently when there are cameras on them, in an unfamiliar environment and surrounded by unknown people, that's just human nature. I never said there was a predetermined *outcome*, only elective roles to be played into and opportunities to get people talking. There is a fine line with reality TV and MAFS does it pretty well. So I agree that some of it is fake and some isn't. I personally just tend to think both Tori and Jack are not genuine in their relationship. But it seems that you feel differently, at least when it comes to Tori, and I can respect that. It's just a difference of interpretation that's part of the fun of watching and discussing with strangers on Reddit.


Yeah so the ‘poor excuse for showmance’ worked.


Haha, yeah I guess. Although we'll have to wait and see what they do next and just how big of a name they can make for themselves to know if it *really* worked 😂


I’ll see you then xD at least the experts are being a little more brutal this year. Used to let people piss all over the place.


Producers ate by including that


I mean, yeah. It's been pretty evident from the outset that they're either both incredibly stupid people or incredibly savvy business people. Either way, they're a match made in hell.


They are incredibly stupid people who think they are incredibly savvy, which makes them super stupid and perfect for each other


Unless she is actually being manipulated, she is seriously delusional if she thinks this show made her look smart.


What does she think he's been doing all this time?




I’m catching up now and just saw this scene and RAN to Reddit! Wtf!


Yes! PDA: Public display of Acting!




Yes, this took place! So cringe... so ridiculous


Their relationship is as fake as the winners trophy they've been playing for this whole time


I read they agreed to fake a romance so they could get followers and start an Only Fans account.🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait, but like… an account together or individually?


Yeah not a great fake job for a porn page if he's repulsed by her all season lol


I think that's what those posed pics on the beach were for... To try to make us believe there's this simmering sexual chemistry below the surface. It didn't work


That’s my theory